tv Chasing News FOX February 24, 2015 12:30am-1:01am EST
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sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. and look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender in the sleep aisle. >> now on "chasing new jersey." >> the tanker truck spilling 9000 gallons of gasoline flipped over after hitting a coup or grill onto route 90 on an on ramp going onto 130. as you can see the tanker flipped over igniting in flames spilling over 9000 gallons of gasoline. to put that into perspective that's about as much as a swimming pool in a home. traffic was diverted in every direction. police and fire officials were
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on the scene cleaning up the mess and investigating. i visited the neighborhood directly under this on ramp and i spoke to one of the residents. >> i came home three hours ago. it was blocked off up there. said that the police officer i have dogs of the house. can i get the dog's lexus and as i pulled up the firemen take it out of here. >> the port authorities investigating this accident. they have no further details other than the name of the driver. he works for tk transport. we are not sure how this will affect the water in the area that the investigation will continue and all have more on this story for you in a future episode. if you are affected by this explosion please tweet us at the show @chasing the news for tweet me on twitter @chasing rohan. >> you are chasing a story in
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new jersey assemblywoman linda ascender she and her husband had habitat for humanity involved with the demolition of their home after sandy. habitat has gone after them for some money and stayed stated j-term a general is looking into the matter. >> legal options were compared on both sides. we want to take effect august of last year. there was a meeting held at habitat for humanity when they rejected the three-level beach home. linda showed up to the meeting uninvited at one point became irate and yelled and screamed at the people at the meeting. you are not letting me build my dream home. in addition to that linda was upset enough to say if they needed to do something to make this progress more quickly she could make a phonecall to manasquan. this is as habitat is going on the offensive saying they want
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$11,000 to pay for the demo cost of the house. the $11,000 it took to demolish the home were supposed to be repaid by grants they came from pima but apparently they are paying up. we tried to talk linda and richard sandra last week. i wonder if you had a few minutes to talk. >> i really don't actually. >> they are not talking the according to linda ascender's running mate and chair of the democratic party -- partner linda is laying the blame for all of us on her husband. >> his house, his decision, his plan. >> i had nothing to do with. >> richard stender claimed his home was a primary residence and qualified him for help from
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habitat in the first place. we have records he voted in scott plaintiff november 2012. >> habitat is there for people who lost their primary home number one of people who are at a certain income level. i understand the last time he presented the story that their combined income is higher than what would qualify for habitat to do any of the work. >> absolutely in the point is richard was the one who made the application. an interesting thing we can point out as well the architect has a different view of this. >> the bottom line is the story has gone now from uncovering the fact that habitat was involved in the demolition of their home for an income that would not have otherwise qualified to someone lying about where they lived, to habitat wanting their money back and now the state attorney general looking into it. there's a lot more to come to the story on chasing.
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>> a high-speed chase. michael. [laughter] it was put on the internet. we just came across it now. therefore it is ms. . i applaud you for making the world a better place. >> over the weekend before a warmed up but still 30 degrees outside and went to seaside heights for the polar bear plunge. i didn't brave the cold of my girlfriends went in one dog and a shark costume. what right into the ocean. i have to say the ocean was about 33 degrees. the outside temperature was 30 degrees.
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about 6000 people jumped into the water. that's a record breaker for the special olympics of new jersey. >> you are chasing wolves in new jersey. what have you got? >> a very nice neighborhood in trenton as the shadows are lurking. >> lookout for your kids. look out for your pets. >> checked the sign. >> running down the street 15 or 20 miles an hour as a coyote. i couldn't believe my eyes. at first i thought it was a shepherd by looking at the hair the color and it was something else. >> and unoccupied home and do what comes into the yard.
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a wild canines has been seen going in and out of the window. animal control does not deal with wildlife. that's the state's job but they tried to stated no dice. >> i called the state of i call the wildlife and they said they are underfunded. they would love to help me but they can't do anything. >> councilman doesn't need any convincing. >> personally two weeks ago going to a council meeting on hudson and broad silver fox came right out in front of my truck and i was totally confused. i have seen that so i can stand that forward. >> the question is how big of a deal is it? there are people being attacked that we know. is it weird to to see what's if indeed that is what they are running down the street? >> these are areas. it's not unusual to see a fox. so wildlife in areas where we have trees.
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>> didn't you chase these wolves or fox i think in jersey city last year? >> jersey city a lot more urban than trenton especially the neighborhood of trenton and there was a confirmed dog pack running around in jersey city. is that what is happening? >> people are seeing things. i am not a zoologist and they didn't turn over any video photographs. the point is i don't know the difference between a coyote and a walk. >> as it were someone there there is a fullman? [laughter] >> the man accused of listing his apartment on air bnb for triple the amount he paid in rent is fighting back. take a look at this luxury hi rise in hells kitchen. henry casey listed his apartment for $649 a night. that's a pretty big price tag
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for a $6670 monthly pace in rent. he benefits from a rent stabilization until last week when a judge ordered him to move out. it's been described as the first court case to effect a rent stabilized tenant. >> the decision is a bad decision because essentially the landlord could not prove there was any profiteering. they had three witnesses and they couldn't show how much my client was profiting how often he had guess how long his days were. >> if he loses the appeal he will be forced to move out by the end of the month and experts say more air bnb users could be next. stay with chasing for the latest. >> princeton university has a confirmed case of the measles. a student is recovering and no longer infectious but confirmed
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by school officials with lab results from the cdc. i'm on campus talking about students about how that has affected their daily lights. >> the dining hall and some of the cafés got shut down but other than that it has affected me much. >> i know the dining halls were closed. a lot of my friends were frustrated about that. >> i'm not sure about it but it shouldn't be too much of a problem here. >> over 99% of students have been vaccinated. if you are not vaccinated you should definitely get a blood test. if you have more questions tweak the show @chasing the news. >> check out this video. it almost touches the dnr canal. it's -- it's the bridge were to collapse no one could say be at
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plus it's that time of year when the governor gives his annual budget. where's the money going and more compromise? middle ground? does it really look like we're holding anything back? longhorn's dinner for two for $29.99. choose two of 7 entrees. like the grilled portabella sirloin or the parmesan crusted chicken. plus two sides, two salads & a shared appetizer or a dessert. it's a deal without a single concession. longhorn steakhouse you cant fake steak. and for lunch try our new tavern steak sandwich or get any of our steakhouse lunch combos starting at $7.
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video. >> sibile you are chasing the continuing saga of the jersey bridges and you have got new video that's a little surprising and maybe a little shocking especially be won over the bridge this morning. >> for drivers it looks like their luck is running out passing the 2-dollar a gallon mark. the threat of the gas tax is looming overhead because the transportation trust fund is supposed to be broke by july 1. check out this video. it shows you why money is needed for the trust fund. it was done by the new jersey lines for action. the location is the bridge on county route 514 between france and township in the borough pills don't. because of this they close the bridge in january for urgency repairs. i went to the site by the bridge and it almost touches the dnr
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canal. so if the bridge were to have collapsed you are straight in the water. no one can save you at that point. the new jersey lines for action said it needs to be completely replaced. right now there's some money in the trust fund to do that. i also spoke to fill beach and the president of the ng alliance for action. >> you have to understand is the historic area but the important things there are firetrucks and ambulances that serve both sides of the river. they need to cross that bridge safely. we can't allow it to be close for long but we can't allow to be safe. >> this gives you an idea of how desperate the infrastructure is. >> is easy to get people scared and nervous because that's a real bridge that people are driving over but who are then what's their agenda? >> the new jersey lines for action is a nonprofit. have a 1.6 lane dollar budget and what they do with their members are contractors and people who build bridges. what they are doing is raising awareness for the public
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realizing when a bridge is closed this is why it's close. >> first. >> first of all that bridge is fixed now. >> it's not fixed. it is not repaired and it needs to be replaced. because of that emergency firetrucks and police have to take the longer route and it takes longer for emergency responders. >> i think that video -- contribute that to the trust fund. >> nothing more hydrating than nice gritty charcoal. it's a trend in your city. i went to choose generation. they have these drinks that look appetizing. as you can see the charcoal floating around in there. >> very nice. >> you can see the great though. >> you can.
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the reason is becoming so popular is because it's supposed to draw toxins and impurities out of the body and it has other benefits like making the poor is healthy, healthy skin and good beer breath and teeth but the thing is i down one of the bottles and i felt great. it was amazing. juice generation has these for sale and they are $9. pony up for those babies. >> nine bucks for this? >> you could scrape up the bottom of your barbecue crit -- pay for free. >> the concern is other than the fact that it's dirty and will turn your tongue black could find to medications beneficial vitamins and minerals while depleting your body the electrolytes. >> drink it down, absolutely. i did it and i felt great.
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>> that is disgusting. that is truly disgusting. >> you know what i love about both of you? this is probably has the last ingredients would be charcoal. there is very little if any charcoal. >> it's gray. it looks like the bottom of my barbecue. so you were telling me earlier before we decided to do this that you brush your teeth for charcoal? >> i do brush my teeth with charcoal. i put it on my toothbrush with toothpaste and then i brush my teeth. i do that three times a week and i think i have very white teeth. i never have bad breath. i never use whitening strips and is the most natural thing that has been used for centuries. say what you want but it works.
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>> that is a perfect commercial. >> that was a great commercial. thank you tara. that taste terrible. i am done with the charcoal. >> hank you pitched a story about a little dog missing for two and a half years reunited. he went to texas and left his dog annie with relatives. >> she gained four pounds in the wild? compromise? middle ground? does it really look like we're holding anything back? longhorn's dinner for two for $29.99. choose two of 7 entrees. like the grilled portabella sirloin or the parmesan crusted chicken. plus two sides, two salads & a shared appetizer or a dessert. it's a deal without a single concession. longhorn steakhouse you cant fake steak. and for lunch try our new tavern steak sandwich or get any of our steakhouse lunch combos starting at $7.
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my tin man has a big toe the size of a house. the lion is small like a toy poodle. and has webbed, duck feet. my scarecrow has wooden teeth... and his clothes have tubes on them. and that's dorothy. she looks like me. everyone has a favorite movie. now people with visual disabilities... can find theirs. introducing the first talking guide. from xfinity.
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>> there was a shooting in morristown in south jersey. it was at geo-business solutions at 7:30 a.m. when the police got there. they saw the gunman in the parking lot with a self-inflicted gun once. the person is at large file accounts. that's all we know right now. the security company no putting the building was armed other than the gunman. >> hank you pitched a story about a little dog actually like gg missing for two and a half years reunited. >> a lot like gg. two-year statute necklace went
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to texas for thanksgiving and left her dog annie with relatives for a couple of days. that is when the adventure began. >> my nephew opened the door for whatever reason and annie bolted. she has been gone for two years and three months. >> they made posters and called everyone she knew that over time it was getting hard to keep the faith. >> my daughter said what i did get another dog in the back of my mind i held out hope. >> days ago more than two years after annie bolted she got a call from local animal control. >> if he could just above that i have your dog for you. i thought there were some mistake. >> no mistake. june said once her eyes locked she knows her annie a little worse for the wear and tear. >> she was mangled and tangled and matted and she had weeds in her code and she looked awful. >> had she lost weight?
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>> she gained four pounds. >> she gained four pounds in the wild? a couple of trips to the rumor and the buddies are back to square one. there goes annie on her heels in her lap. a word to the wise at chip or caller i.d.s when you get lost in the woods for two plus years. the microchip is what brought any home. >> how about that? >> how did the dog survive outside purdue and appier's? >> gigi would never go flying out the front door because she would not survive. >> she knows where her bread and butter is. >> why did it take two years? >> microchip means you can i.d. the dog but you can't zero in on the dog's location with the computer. >> the yorkie tracker. ♪
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>> highschooler are taking over brooklyn wrestling and take -- kicking literally. plus it's a tiny theater when the governor gets his annual budget. where's the money going and mm >> ♪ >> this is a fox 29 news update. >> hi, everyone, i'm fox 29 chief meteorologist scott williams. that arctic air continues to blast toward the area so when you wake up, we're looking at temperatures in the single digits. what about a low of five in philadelphia, two below in the suburbs north and west and on the fox 29 morning news after 4:00 a.m. sue serio will be monitoring these temperatures for potential records. keep it to the fox 29 news at
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on the stage? yes she said, "go ahead!" she's going to take off! whoo! glory to god! there it goes! let your divine strength! i don't need this thing any longer! i'm going to throw it! come on! run back! there he goes whoo! god has used reverend peter popoff throughout his entire life and ministry to bring miraculous deliverance to hundreds of thousands of people around the world. stay tuned as reverend popoff
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