tv Chasing News FOX March 11, 2015 12:30am-1:01am EDT
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now on chasing knews are, you're chasing a story. it is a tragic story and a mystery. somehow two children in the public school system died within the same week. so i traced it to oliver street elementary school where i wanted to find out how did a first grader die. >> my teacher told me. what did the teacher tell you. >> that a girl died. > i feel so bad. so bad for the family and for the friends and for my gals, too because they studied at the sample school. i don't know exactly what happened. they released a statement today saying that it was possible bacterial meningitis at this time in time they're taking any
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precaution possible. > the school and the mayor have been pushing to tell everybody the school is safe. there's still a million unanswered questions. how did the kid get this disease. at what point? did anybody else get it? >> she was very sick and she died. > the second debt was a child who attended a middle school just a couple miles away from that elementary school. >> was the child murdered? > i can't say at this point in time. i can't give you any details other than there is an open investigation with the newark police department. >> and it was not an illness, then what was it? > they the parents, they don't know what was going on. >> they bring their child to school to learn and by the way, we are shocked to hear this kind of thing. the two deaths as far as we are unreallot rude. i think i'm more concerned with the first grader because of this talk of bacterial meningitis. it's one thing to say it's safe,
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it's another thing to say that and then say we don't know exactly what happened. >> how do you know it's save. >> they cleaned the school and they're trying to comfort everybody in that sense. they've also had grief counselors at the school. > two students in one week is absolutely unthinkable. our hearts are with the families who are going through the unthinkable. >> i can't imagine the pain of losing a child and then to have it clouded in mystery makes it even worse. either way what can we do to help the families? >> the school is being so protective and trying to than could role it that they haven't released the names. even if you do want to help, you don't know what family to help. >> police are searching for a expect that stole $100,000 worth of smartphones from the a and t store in hunterdon county. they released photos of a suspect and he's wearing a ski
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mask he's about 6 feet tall and the police could use any help that would help with the investigation. > take a look at this video, this woman got agitated to say the least when somebody asked her to move her crocheting. >> move that out of my face. > sit down and move away from me. >> she claimed she paid for two seats. either way, there is no reason for her to get agitated about crocheting on the subway. it's hard enough to get things done as an assemblyman in new jersey, but what do you do when your office is gutted by a huge fire exactly after you get it. that happened to joseph daniel son. this past wednesday they had a grand opening party for just moving in behind me. two days later the assemblyman got a phone call saying this
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build wags on fire. >> on the way homie received a phone call from one of the fire chiefs that there was a call in my building. so i stopped here. once i arrived i saw heavy smoke coming out of the building. i stayed here through the night. the assemblyman is taking this as an opportunity to service constituents in a different which. all the numbers are being forwarded to mobile numbers. they're using social media to let them know where the assemblyman can be reached. we first went to the franklin township library. we are being accommodated in the butterfly room. >> we had a fire two days after we moved, two days. so what we're doing now is we don't have an office. we're going to mobile operations. secondly we want to go visit the town manager of franklin who also gave him some office space in their buildings for a more
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private meetings. lastly we stopped over at the senior center. this is a place that assemblyman daniel son is going to a couple of times a week. he seemed a bit nervous right when i met him because he didn't know what to expect just like i didn't. but by then of our little trip this morning he seemed pretty confident. i did not anticipate the reaction from the township administration from the library the staff in the senior center. what really grabbed my heart was the warm welcome i got from the seniors. they're very excited for us to come in there, set up shop and be among them and part of them. he's working out of his car. what's interesting is he may end up being the only member of the assembly that people in the district know his name. >> i think this might be a blessing disguise. i love him being camped out at
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the library. if he wants to know what the citizens say at the senior center he will get no bettereful than there. > meet up with cynthia rude den who created a computer algorithim working with connecticut edison which analyzed all the data they have on beneath us in new york city to see any weaknesses and find possibly what could be an explosion of a manhole. it takes which map holes are going to have events in the future. you probably seaman hole explosion video on social media. this happens when it snows and we put salt on the ground. when that melts deep in the manhole it correspond roads the wires and bam. we have exclusive video of a manhole fire that we received the first time that i chased and
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you can see it almost torched a car. as you can imagine these are hard to dick as well as to prevent. some of of the manhole from the 1980ss, 1950sss what they did they analyzed what manholes they thought would have a problem and they said they were 44 percent accurate. >> considering what they're doing, yes. considering what they're doing, what they've done is pretty remarkable considering the vast amount of information that they are deciphering. >> i did reach out to conedison and a spokesperson told me that this year there was 754 incidents in january. they don't have the numbers for february. buts a you can see in the news media and social media these lids popping off they have injured people and just recently
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three firemen were hurt. you would have to replace all the underground wires in new york. the fact that they're even making progress i think is great. i had one of these explosions on my street two weeks ago in the westville age and it was terrifying. >> i would imagine somebody in an executive making decision is saying where we have 100 year old wiring we should probably be revesting some of our revenue in replacing the infrastructure. >> one of the things that they're investing in is you in lids that actually have ventilation in them. > the pop off. >> if there's holes in the lids water will get in and the wires will corrode. they're looking at these things into in order to save lives. what would you do if you woke up in las vegas with a wedding ring on your finger. >> i'd take it off. cry. you love family freud, well, i
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got an inside look of how you can get into the so. >> we went up to the best western hotel where i met hundreds of people who showed up for a chance to see how they could get on the show and see how they could meet steve harvey. >> there was a lot of loud and crazy families. why do you guys want to be on the show. >> we're from brooklyn. bye. and the casting director told me it's not all about knowing the right answers. you just have to have lots of energy and enthusiasm. >> energy and enthusiasm many s, smiling, clapping jumping around high fiving, we love that. celebrating everything. thinks a game show and we're entertaining america. if you missed the auditions last weekend i'll put the link on our facebook. they won't be back in jersey for
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a while. >> was it fun. >> oh my god. these were weird weird and crazy. we are the most animated family ever. my lifelong dream family freud. > what about the very good looking family. they were super confident. something about the best looking family. we're the best looking family. > i have to agree with them 100 percent they were definitely the best looking family there. >> did people show up matching outfits. >> really, is what they do. >> it used to be something -- your family was on the family freud. >> they were in the 90s. and it turns out that they did awesome in the practice round and then they tanked. they tanked so bad. so that's what the casting director said, you don't have to know all the answers to the
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survey questions, just come up with something. but we're going to put you on the show if you have a lot of energy. they want to make sure when steve harvey is in your face you have all the enthusiasm and you are ready to go. >> you know, i miss the old school days of richard dawson. >> me too. > whatever happened to making out with all the contestants. >> old school. hey everyone veronica clear i. he am chasing governor christie. his town hall finished in summer hill. he called the exxon settlement a good deal. he pointed out the fact that the $225 million sex, that's a price tag in addition to what
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exxonmobil has to play to clean up any environmental damage. if you read the new york times you would never know this. we'd never know this you know why because it's actually a really good settlement and then the times actually say something nice about me. they don't have that in their computer to write a nice adjective about me. for all of my updates chasing down the governor you can follow me on chasing veronica. >> torture chamber for those who dare to. >> you may think you have perfect vision, 20/20 but something may be lurking. fox 29 news tonight at 10.
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(coughing) coughing disrupts everyone's life. that's why there's delsym. delsym's advanced time release formula helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours. all night... or all day. janet? cough if you can hear me. don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? (cough!) it works on his cough too. mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours. let's end this.
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the return of the loop daniel son loop the water slide that was never opened. a torture chamber for those who cared to ride it once upon a time. it's coming back the chamber that orgeat inside it eliminates all of the things that may be wrong. expect it in 2016. stay behind these doors jurors heard developer on van due remember that big weird colored complex off of the turnpike that never quite got off the ground. well, he said in his testimony today that he worked with many politicians in order to get the process going. one of them was bob me in an december who he called a weapon of mass destruction for his
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dedication to the job and his skill at convincing the army corpse corps of engineers who do what the developer wanted. he was thrilled when they finally got their permits in 2005. what did they get shortly afterward called from me in an december' office calls for $50,000 asking for campaign donations. i was wondering if you felt when his staff asked for a campaign contribution it was a pre-requisite. you did not feel that. >> nope. > the jury is going to get to decide whether this was business as usual. >> all i know that if jersey tonight jeff smith is crying bitter tears. > guys, united states senator bob me in an december as you know is going to be facing criminal corruption charges coming down from the department of justice very soon and we've
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been talking about it because these have been charges that have been developing over several years. we wanted to bring someone in that could weigh in on this. he a few years ago break the story of a first hint of a corruption-laced scandal involving bob me in an december. when the news leaked that the department of justice was going to be investigating and pursuing federal corruption charges against bob me in an december some said the timing was suspect. >> here's one thing that is abundantly clear about the fourth coming criminal charges. he's been under investigation by the fbi since mid-2012, well before actually i broke the first story back when i worked for daily caller a couple of years ago. the fbi agents in miami and then
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also in the newark field office have been investigating senator ma mendez for a very long time. >> a grand jury has been conducting an investigation for a very long time. career federal prosecutors in this department of justice have been planning to move forward with criminal charges against the senator for at least two years and they are now getting ready to move forward with it. the timing really then isn't that suspect. what do you expect happens now to hairy read. >> political reported yesterday and the new york times followed up on it last night that senator read was actually interviewed by the fbi in their investigation into senator ma in an december. i don't think hairy read is going to come under criminal investigation here. it doesn't appear that senator read has done anything to the level that senator me in an december has. that being said this is going to be become a big political issue for senator read. i think what you will see is political consequences.
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>> matthew boil thanks for joining us on chasing knews. we'll be talking soon as this unfolds. >> it's time to make way for jake way. i am off and running. get people on board who have access to the wall street types. is he a likeable person and enthusiasm. >> yes. > just be yourself. h! (both) pleaaaase? new pet? get scrubbing bubbles. kill 99.9% of germs, and destroy dirt and grime. you only need scrubbing bubbles disinfecting cleaners for 100% problem solved. we work hard so you don't have to. sc johnson - a family company.
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if you love baseball, look no further than the folks at suit bis they're actually auctioning off the letters at yankee stadiums. yankee regie jackson in 2008 when the jackie moved from the old stadium to the you in stadium. if you got an extra 200 to 300 grand. the auction starts april 1. guys it is time to make way for
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jake way. how is the campaign going. >> that is absolutely correct. i am off and running and one of my first steps was to get3the smartest people i possibly could around me starting with you guys obviously and then my next step was to consult with dr. randy sam brain from ramapo college, a senior consultant. one of the first things i said what do i need, what should i have. >> he said i need to be like anal, check, articulate, check, a people person. the biggest thing though that you need obviously are campaign funds. >> the democrats he has a problem with the hillary that is taking place right now. she is considered the front runner that will inevitably getting the nomination. you'll be running against someone that has a huge network and who will raise a lot of money. >> i asked him where do i start racing funds. >> you have to sit down were you roll adecks, with your e-mail
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accounts and contact everyone by telephone and let them know why you're running for president. here's why you would be a good president for the country and ask them for their support and ask them to set up fundraisers in the area. >> i also said what is the key to any campaign. >> get people on board who have access to the wall street types the cfos, the small business owners so they can give you that pool of money to get your name known and to get your message out to the general public. >> he also said keeping up appearances is important. i asked him what do i have to do as far as looks wise goes. >> you don't need an image consultant. just be yourself. i think people like the candidates to be genuine. >> i also said to him i'm not independently wealthy, though. there are some other candidates in the rink such as hillary clinton who are just as loaded. where do i even start with that. >> if you were to put together a budget for my campaign, how much would you say i'm going to need and which avenue can i use to
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get to that amount of money. >> initially you're probably talking about tens of millions of dollars to get your name on tv in the big primary states. >> tara let me ask you this, murray is a good man, a nice man too as far as i can remember he's never been elected to anything. bob menendez is our up standing us senator, bm school. that's not on the list. not on murray's list. willing to work for the highest bidder for money. what connections have you made and with promises have you made? can you find multimillionaires and tell them i don't really care what the voter says i'm willing to do what you need me to. that's how new jersey politics works. >> that's an important question. am i willing to do whatever it takes to get that money and the answer is no. i need to draw the line to see what i'm willing to do and not willing to do. this is step number one guys,
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i'm really excited. it's time to make way for jake way. help this guy get a job. he stands outside a train station holding a sign looking for work. how far would you go to get a job. plus a cons sage on the subway. really what brain acc thought of that. this is a fox 29 news update.e, hi everyone i'm fox 29 chiefcott meteorologist scott williams we still have rain out there, but also a ear concern we are looking at dense fog until0 a. 6:00 a.m. so watch out on the roads. careful overnight for slick pots ponding. we're looking at that advisory for the dense fog until 6:00 a.m. and then gradual clearing and then temperatures soaring into the 60s. sue will update this forecast at
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(rock music) ♪ (male narrator) now a paid presentation for meaningful beauty advanced by cindy crawford. (female narrator) with special appearances by debra messing. (male narrator) valerie bertinelli. (female narrator) christa miller. (male narrator) and stars from tv's "royal pains" and "the mentalist." and now, for 2015, our best offer ever, including $95 in free gifts. brought to you by guthy-renker. hi, everyone, i'm beauty and style journalist katrina szish on location in beverly hills. in just a few minutes we'll meet one of the most beautiful women in the world supermodel cindy crawford. at age 45, cindy still looks impossibly young and gorgeous. (christa felts) oh, my god, she's just stunning. her skin is just amazing and so i feel like now i have a chance. what's cindy's beauty secret? we're about to find out. (musical flourish) (string music)
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