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tv   Chasing News  FOX  April 15, 2015 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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right in front of the islamic mosque. police had to escort us and make sure that everyone was safe as we walked across route one. >> it is all coming from place of peace and love.
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i march because my son someday will look like a little boys on tv. it is not right. i have the utmost respect. it's i do think that there are issues that we need to address his country. they would like to in end the militarization. >> we are not at war in our cities. you are creating the type of tension. >> the other issue is racial profiling. bill: what did you get out of it? screaming and yelling? was there a a little more thought? >> you read your agenda and everything. i swear to god. bill: agenda? it's a legitimate question it's.
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>> .-dot they no there is no such thing as racial profiling. bill: we could have a whole show on discussing how defective simply taxes are. they anti- cop pro- neighborhood, what was it? >> the organizer of this group spent years advocating they definitely no what there talking about. bill: feel good. put it down. >> nothing feel their them are racial profiling. they are trying to address that. the small group does not reflect the massive outpouring. check out mike's to justice and you will see how big of an online community this. ♪ bill: start us off cookie monster.
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arrested. allegedly. >> in time square. times square. not the 1st time and probably not the last time. >> costs -- cops are on the hunt for this guy. he grabbed the woman by the throat it's a forced her into a woman's bathroom and raped her. if you recognize him or have any info, please contact crimestoppers. ♪ bill: chasing the story of a chimney sweep down shot and later died. >> standing in front of an active homicide investigation. police are standing outside. they are investigating a homicide happened on sunday. details are not clear.
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police found richard barela on the floor with six gunshots. the chicken to a hospital and he passed away on monday there are things about this investigation that are not clear. the open side was still turnover. the family have reported him missing and was concerned. they came here to find him on the floor. not saying not saying if there was money stolen car but they are saying that he may have been prior to this. >> trying to talk to the business owners. did not want to go on camera. over there. i spoke with meyer who told me there are a lot of bizarre things about this. >> why wouldn't somebody know that he was there?
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>> on a sunday. >> a sunday they you are not normally open. >> he said that route 46 please come by all the time. bill: any word as to why he was there? number two, how long had he been missing before the family car police? >> that is what i have been trying to get to the bottom of. they have not caught with a statement. missing for several days. they can't police and the other co-owner. they found them on sunday. he passed away on monday. bill: beaten up in the same instance or have been been beaten up before? >> a little more mystery. they they say he was beaten up. they don't know if it was days before. bill: they are not speculating on anything. >> the prosecutor's office was in there looking around.
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i asked them for any update. they said nothing right now. bill: keep us posted. >> check out the video that has gone viral. skateboarding down the pedestrian ramp. promoting $1 tacos. everyone involved is okay except for maybe the skateboard. they feast on $1 tacos five days a week. i spoke to the guy behind the idea. >> trying to. >> trying to think of a creative way to let people know about it. >> i have to get this idea moving. he naturally thought. >> actually a professional skateboarder for a while.
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>> on 20 years. >> the wrong thing happened, but it happened in the right way. no one was hurt. >> it would not be called chasing a story. i'm just like a taco. here is the ramp. how do you feel? hit us up on our facebook page or let me know on twitter. >> have you ever seen a taco and heels before? >> a mansion previously owned by olympic skater. to have bathrooms.
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hi, i'm jared the subway guy and this is my story. young guy eats too much junk food and gains a lot of weight. guy changes his life by eating at subway twice a day and walking a lot. guy loses over 200 pounds and keeps weight off for 17 years. guy now has two kids- and even more reason to pass on better eating habits to young people everywhere. this is my story. ready to write yours? subway. eat fresh.
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bill: continuing to chase the murder suicide. you talked to one of the four sons on a conference call. >> offered $250,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction they are so convinced they are putting their money where there mouth is. >> in charge of this investigation.
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>> new details. it was possible given the layout of the house for someone to come up the stairs to the dressing room behind the bedroom and come in through the bedroom. a lot more to discuss including the fact that painkillers have not been accounted for. >> making the move to daytime television. a talkshow kind of like their all reality show. it starts august 3. ♪ bill: jillian, when ten fireplaces aren't enough.
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>> yeah. i'm chasing the label of the rich and famous. famous. i went to go check them out. 11,000 square foot home on 80 oaks drive. >> life is really good. >> this is the hartshorn mentioned previously owned by olympic skater carol hard choice. it was also built by legendary architect. so so this was built in 1929 a lot of similar characteristics original detail work. it has eight bedrooms, ten bathrooms, to have bathrooms >> i don't think you we will. >> huge. >> the best part of the whole thing they live on the
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river. >> we use only judged? [laughter] because i kind of judged. >> no. no. she brought me into the great room. i felt like i felt like i was supposed to be coming into a medieval wedding. >> weddings or something. >> like that. bill: they cover up the wall, but on the other side. up the corner. a huge party downstairs. right there.
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>> we have a pool house. >> the sauna. bill: every week you we will bring us another house. was this the one with the phone with? >> this was. >> i apologize. there is a hidden door. sorry. we were walking back through. it's. bill: it's a a foyer. >> it used to be the old booth. they call the confessional. there is obviously no phone. ten full baths, two half baths a tennis court to four twofold pools, a gazebo for this is the house for you.
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bill: you can buy it. >> yes. yes. for a walking $3.9 million. bill: the sponsor. >> one more. make this a make this a
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♪ for years the makers of windex have been trying to convince you that making glass spotless and clear is good. but no! this is not true. sfx: birds flapping their wings in fact, it is not a good thing to have so many hard to see windows in the air. they make us stop suddenly when we think we are just flying to land on a nice tree branch. leave dirty stuff on your windows and do not use windex on them. sfx: harmless cat meow cat! ahh... sfx: paint cans and other shed objects knocked over
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♪ 's. bill: i knew atlantic i knew atlantic city was struggling, but i did not realize how bad. john and kate plus eight. getting paid $20,000. if you want to see him go. very interesting. >> new jersey zone. new fans. patterson native. going crazy. ♪
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many are tweeting about his visibly injured i. he has glaucoma in both of his eyes. it's. ♪ bill: you are chasing governor christie. we want we want to check in with the christie tracker 6,000. >> governor christie lost his tell it like it is to her in new hampshire today. he lost a proposal to start a conversation about entitlement reform. he wants to raise the retirement age.
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it eliminates the payroll tax. also introduced means testing for social security benefits. this will affect less than 2 percent of social security recipients. we have jeannette hoffman in studio to get insight on how this might impact potential run for president. bill: i hear this and it sounds like a college lecture. a little more substantive. >> this is exactly the kind of speech governor christie needs to give. talking about bold ideas, putting things out there, entitlement social security reform. he made security reform. he made his name in new jersey running for governor as somebody who tells the truth and takes pole positions. social security is a delicate issue. bill: almost a little disingenuous. the minute someone asked him if he's running for
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president we can talk about that. >> everyone knows he is strongly considering running for president's. there is a very big bench a potential republican presidential candidates. it is going to be impossible for any of these candidates to completely differentiate themselves. >> is not just about that. hillary clinton is the big nemesis. governor christie he is actually coming out. meanwhile, hillary clinton is just giving us feel good. bill: what is she waiting for? obviously it's a calculated strategy. anything to do with the indictment it's before he goes in? >> sure. he was to get that behind him. that should probably come to some closure. also raising
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closure. also raising money. a lot of different issues out there. >> beer, baseball, and the waterfront, all key ingredients to a hugely successful summer right here in trenton. unfortunately if you take a walk right outside of this ballpark, the trenton ballpark, the trenton thunder, you have nothing but government bureaucracy. no. no restaurants, no hotels no shopping. between here and the other anchor for my great little restaurant in the bar packed at happy hour, everything in between, government. some people want to change that. it's we discussed with the legislature can do to make this place a tourist attraction. >> what i would like to do see the department of education go into the capitol district which we will revitalize downtown and then make this a a tourist destination's. one more commercial place that we would break.
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in the long run people will get a better tenant for the owner and a tourist destination will help revitalize the capitol city. bill: you wrote this article about the waterfront and the fact that there are state leased apartment spaces. former mercer county objective of executive's. tourism in trenton. >> waterfront that is not being utilized. mildly successful. a 2nd owner's. in between there is bureaucracy. new jersey state office building. it could be anything. instead it is office space. space. bill: is it really about the office space? for all intents and purposes what you might call a war zone's.
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>> the fact of the matter is trenton should be. it's the state capital. it has tremendous history 2nd to almost none. third, it has a waterfront. take take those three qualities, it should be. why hasn't it been? the state needs to have a stake in the city of trenton. they take up a lot of property, tax resources him and trenton does not give back what ought to be giving. >> but just focusing on the waterfront won't necessarily make it a tourist destination. you see a bunch of dilapidated houses. it's. >> it's. >> you have to have an economic development plan. laying a foundation. it does not happen overnight. the waterfront, the state capital region. focus on them you can begin to create a destination. >> a picture is worth a thousand words.
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the most beautiful picture of the trenton waterfront. to me, that says it all. ♪ >> it's a hurricane sandy love story. bill: homeless after the storm took everything. now they like us changed. >> they hit the lottery
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♪ hello, i'm here to talk to you on behalf of windex. recently we've noticed a series of advertisements created by these two birds, inviting you to stay away from the streak free shine of windex. their advertisements are false. sfx: squeaking from window cleaning clean glass is better than dirty glass. and to prove it, here's a real demo: here i can clearly see my hand and here i cannot. don't stand for dirty. sfx: glove removed from hand use windex. sc johnson, a family company. ♪ i am never getting married. never. psssssh. guaranteed. you picked a beautiful ring. thank you.
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we're never having kids. mmm-mmm. breathe. i love it here. we are never moving to the suburbs. we are never getting one of those (minivan). we are never having another kid. i'm pregnant. i am never letting go. for all the nevers in life state farm is there. you wish your dog could fight off fleas and ticks. but since he can't... you rely on frontline plus. because frontline plus unleashes a deadly killing force to kill fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, preventing a new infestation. its protection lasts a full 30 days. no wonder frontline plus is the #1 choice of vets for their pets and yours. after all, your dog is a lover not a fighter. frontline plus. the vet's #1 choice.
1:00 am
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