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tv   Chasing News  FOX  April 23, 2015 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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bill: now on "chasing". ♪ >> i am in norwood chasing an aggressive coyote wreaking havoc on its community. while i was chasing come came within feet of me. he had to spend through the canal. a clean water advocate. >> a larger amount of rain. this magnificent greenbelt. looking for -- bill: you are in norwood where the police have been looking for coyotes for days. you found one. >> i found a coyote.
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>> while i was chasing in this exact spot one came within feet of me. right there, there, came up to my car and then walk by. all i could think of was, zero, my god holy hell. the one that attacked the man walking his dog on sunday tested positive for rabies. when i was here that is when the chase began. >> jiminy christmas. it is right by me. okay. run into somebody's house. if you should call the police. >> to police vehicles came up, got out they chased the coyote away. >> i did not think you would get out of the cul-de-sac.
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they asked me to stay back a little bit a little bit because they had a shotgun and were trying to chase the coyote. right by a school. a playground right behind me were kindergartners go to school, not allowed to go outside yesterday or today. it is because the coyotes are running around. the police took the police took off i follow, and they chased the coyote away from the school. he jumped a 7-foot fence the police went after it and ran for at least 2 miles with shotguns trying to corner it, and it still got away. bill: the traps are working so well that the coyote came up to you on the street. >> what they are thinking right now is there is you much -- too much human scent
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around the den that the coyotes don't know what to do. they don't feel safe in their home because they can smell humans have been all over it. bill: flushed out so why did the cops not take aggressive action and put the coyote down right there? why give chase. >> absolutely trying, but there trying, but there shooting it with a shotgun in an area near school they were not firing any weapons around the school. and, i mean one of the situations that they came across today. there there was a man police were chasing the carried out the street. i said, hey, did you see the coyote run past? he said no. i said, there's a coyote and loose. he said i'm not afraid. >> trying to keep the schoolchildren a committee safe. bill: maybe it is time for it coyote hunt in addition to the bear hunt. >> what are they telling you to do. what is the proper action? >> it sounds exactly like
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how you should behave when you see a bear make yourself bigger, back away slowly, not turn and run because they take that is that you are a threat and run after you and bite you like they did with that guy on the dog. >> jiminy christmas, right by me. ♪ bill: "high speed chase" michael, start michael start us off. >> check out the surveillance video of a truck backing up. >> you said newark. >> the surveillance video of a truck backing up to the door. they pull out. [laughter] bill: the atm. >> yes. bill: with the money and it? >> yes. >> they backed the truck through the door go to work on the atm with power tools open the atm lifted out of
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the restaurant or put it into a truck and get away. >> so they have not caught the guy. >> no, not yet. [laughter] >> a, guys. i am at the home of the odell's. the house is literally falling into the river. >> up until about two years ago it was someone's home. we started to notice the cracks. you can see right here about 3 feet past this. they used to go out 40 more feet, 40. it has fallen into the delaware river. come out and take a look. >> take care of the fences. ♪ bill: you are standing at the canal one of the most polluted bodies of water in
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america standing next to a guy who went for a swim in it. >> a hero today in new york. he had this one through the canal. it can have up to ten to 20 feet. >> yes. that's the way to imagine it >> a clean water activist for a very long time. all 350 miles of it. >> a bunch of health and safety issues. we do the best that we could come up partial. i will work with the city to do the whole thing later on. the good news is no one has never found anything significant. >> don't drink the water.
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bill: chris, let chris, let me just ask you, you had to negotiate your way into the canal. >> we thought it through and had a plan. the private landowner change there mind. >> i asked him;>z what do you say to people who say why don't we change it over. let's use it for something else. what happens when you pay for a problem. bill: attacking about more than half a billion dollars to clean this up. the high end of the cost of paving roadways. 2 million bucks a mile3x. you could have parking retail, park maybe a bite park. >> we did have a jewel, diamond, glittering waterway
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pretending to a lot of we make something great clean this up so that it is a a jewel, diamond the mall of the world. is trying to get it back to place it is never been. a body of water. by the same token i applaud the men for taking a stand and driving us to have cleaner environments. if he doesn't who is going to? bill: the epa is doing it. this is totally late to the party, but it was an interesting story. thank you for the entertainment. i am unconvinced. i say pave the canal. ♪ bill: you are chasing the story as the guy known as the unofficial nypd beekeeper.
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>> yes. behind me you can see five beehives. they want to anthony blanket >> in another world. >> he was in nypd detective and the unofficial beekeeper for the nypd. well-known because he was a beekeeper but always called in the situation where bees were involved. >> as i am driving down there i would call up the beekeeper and in the area. possible i might have a swarm come are you interested? not a problem. >> but in august he retired forced out because of jealousy. bill: he is claiming his fellow officers were jealous be as he would get to drop
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everything, go to the be situation, solve situation solve it and then drive up to a farm in connecticut to release the bees. >> we can only guess exactly why they were jealous but it when it comes to the nypd and someone getting notoriety, we can only guess >> hell broke loose because the jealousy started kicking in, and it was ridiculous. they were trying to because they thought they were lieutenants all of a sudden they were beekeeper's. trying to tell me how to do my job that i've been working out for 39 years. that crosses the line. >> here we are in the rabbit hole of all rabbit holes. someone accusing him of selling the honey from the bees. what strange as alan in wonderland corner of the nypd did this come from? i do not even understand what this is coming from.
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murder, rape, crime. bill: bees. >> that's the point, i don't get it. teesix i want to know how many times he guessed on. >> how many? >> in my life? >> in my life? >> in your life. >> maybe a hundred. >> maybe a hundred. bill: now that he is gone i understand the nypd is looking for an official position to fill to deal with these situations during the season is that right? >> exactly. it seems like there is scrambling to find someone, have opened up an official position, but it is also tacked on whoever gets the job will have to do the regular job and be the beekeeper. nypd has interviewed three people but no one has been hired at. >> and i can't. dale earnhardt junior, another day day at work. a 3rd annual celebrity softball game. >> check out my talent, i don't have a whole lot. ♪ >> zero, my god.
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holy hell. there it was. right there. >> i am on a coyote chase. >> someone left their glass out. >> intense. interject that.
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recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus.
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♪ >> governor governor christie will be making another appearance on the tonight show. hoping for something good. a lot of fun. we will see what kind of material he gives us. >> almost a month since the east village fire explosion that took out the building across the street no heat, no water, no gas. they shut off everything. they might not have gas for another six to 12 months. bill: what is the delay? >> just a lot of fights right now. ♪ >> a good crowd to see nascar racing. almost too good.
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all these people. your hands are going to get numb. >> came out to catch a glimpse, quite possibly the biggest are in the world motor racing. >> a fan of his. >> as soon as he appears it begins. it really is like a cult of personality. [inaudible conversations] >> come back this way. >> the crowd, crowd, a moment with an icon. for junior and other day at work. now, he was in town for the 3rd annual dover versus poconos game. we will be visiting with
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junior. also bubble wallace. he told me he was hoping for the best. one shot to win. >> players on our team. i don't have a whole lot. >> swing back and coach, man professional race drivers do promotional work on a constant basis. junior is one of the busiest spare time joey lugano the skipper the pocono team. >> embrace it. outside of that i don't know bunch. >> in the end he beat the team of dale junior 12 to six. they won two to one over new hampshire. a moment of silence was held for longtime announcer steve burns.
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the the nascar sprint cup series will be in action saturday night in richmond. you can see it where else, right here on fox. hit me up on twitter @chasinghank or here @chasingnews. [applause] ♪ >> an employee reportedly braiding and threatening to kill a former employee. >> being drag outside of our office to to gang situations in the street. ♪ ♪ hello, i'm here to talk to you on behalf of windex. recently we've noticed a series of advertisements created by these two birds, inviting you to stay away from the streak free shine of windex. their advertisements are false. sfx: squeaking from window cleaning clean glass is better than dirty glass. and to prove it, here's a real demo: here i can clearly see my hand and here i cannot.
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don't stand for dirty. sfx: glove removed from hand use windex. sc johnson, a family company.
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♪ >> we love using go pros. we have a lot of fun, especially putting them in water. one guy is a surfer and used
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his go pro to enter into the go pro of the world contest. he now has a one in ten chance of winning at $20,000 reward. >> a large amount of rain yesterday for rainbows stretched across the sky. able to capture them in a photo. >> 6:30 a.m. i have not have my coffee. i see this magnificent rainbow above me. bill: how many people have seen the picture? >> probably half a million or so. >> quadrupling to have quadruple rainbow. >> i did play the lottery but i did not win. bill: there people on the internet who say this photoshop. they brought in scientists from all over the world. it is a real photo and it did happen. >> and employee arrested.
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allegations raising more concern. new york city mission society program is one of 14 sites to receive funding from new york state and new york city. altogether they received $13 million meant to hire former gang members to mentor troubled youth. >> corruption. i do not believe every organization is this way. >> last week we introduced you to show one who told us that these are former gang members employed at harlem snug but current gang members. >> we would see fights brawls outside of the office due to gang situations in the street. at the end of it we have a coworker getting shot. >> and outreach coordinator was arrested last week
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reportedly braiding and threatening to kill a former employee. >> dropped the ball. >> the reverend is an anti- violence activist in harlem who says these reports are not shocking. >> i think that it is shameful. if they would have dealt with this early on especially when i made a call they could have avoided this. because they did not damage control mode it just makes it look like they are less concerned about the community. >> i just received an e-mail telling me that they are actively investigating and working closely with law enforcement. >> do you think it will impact the funding? >> i hope it does not. we need the funding. it is my hope that the
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powers that be they control the funding recognize that this is a good program, just not some good people in charge. >> they were also told the supervisor will be fired for pulling a knife out on a community member. stay with "chasing news" for more. tell me, do you think funding for harlem snug is money well spent? >> the nerve of this guy. bill: this crook stole the side mirrors right off of our chasers car. >> we need your help. bill: one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. the coast guard rescuers. >> and those guys are pretty cute. >> next "chasing news". ♪
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>> hopefully we can say the things that you are thinking i feel an i feel an obligation to be a voice not shared or heard often enough there has been criticism of the cost associated with the report. you sometimes have to say the thing that might not be polite. i cannot believe your willing to say something like that. i have to say that i disagree or be willing to go >> ♪ >> this is a fox 29 news update. >> hi, everyone, i'm fox 29's chief meteorologist, scott williams. no threat of severe weather. in fact, clearing skies overnight. it stays breezy and also those temperatures they continue to tumble. watch future temperatures. you can see by 2:00 a.m. it's going to be freezing in the pocono mountains and then, yeah take a look at temperatures by 7:00 a.m. we're looking at upper 30's philadelphia, lower mid 30's nort
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they call these sandwiches? this is a sandwich. introducing the new subway turkey italiano melt. tender oven-roasted turkey breast.
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robust genoa salami. smoky, spicy pepperoni. when these big 3 meet under a blanket of melty provolone with that tangy new subway vinaigrette... something delicious happens. only one place to get a fresh toasted sandwich this great on freshly baked bread. the new turkey italiano melt. only at subway. music: etta james "at last" (plays throughout) ♪ sometimes, at last doesn't happen at first. ♪ ♪ your dad just kissed my mom. ♪ turning two worlds into one takes love. ♪ helping protect that world takes state farm.
1:00 am
coming up on today's telecast: >> i want to tell you that i move in my new home november the second. and my sisters have their new home as well. >> and i am not in pain today. the doctor says that's impossible but jesus did it! >> i got a $39,927! ----- >> i use your miracle! i read your letters! it's right here! right here! i got the best job! oh hallelujah! >> we give god the glory for that! god has used reverend peter popoff throughout his entire life and ministry to bring miraculous deliverance to hundreds of thousands of people around the world.


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