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tv   Fox29 Weekend  FOX  May 3, 2015 8:00am-9:01am EDT

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♪ your news, your neighborhood, live and interactive, this is fox 29 weekend. >> good morning everyone. welcome once again to fox 29 weekend. what beautiful sunday may third, i'm bill anderson. good morning, karen. >> thank you. i'm karen hepp. it is an absolutely gorgeous morning in our city and so many things that are going on, of course, we have the broad street run on this may third. let's talk about some of the news that's in the headlines. we discovered something this morning in our neck of the woods. >> right down the street a case of anti police graffiti found in philadelphia's old city neighborhood right here this morning. officers are investigating and we'll bring you the information. >> but first how many of you are getting ready on this gorgeous day you want to know how to get dressed. how to get the kids dressed. what it will be like if you're out there on the ball fields or the festivals as we take a live look at old city. dave warren in this morning.
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good morning and every morning for that -- that matter on the weekend. >> good morning. if you're waiting for the warm weather you don't have to wait long. temperatures are really starting to climb out there. that live picture was nice. here it is across philadelphia old city it's sunshine out there and the temperature up to 54. it's jumped up about 5 degrees the last hour. very little wind out there. we can see this number easily climb into the 60s within the hour. 70s by noon. so a warm day today. mid to low 50s northwest. a little cool this morning. that's changing now. it will stay a little cool with that sea breeze again atlantic city and wildwood should not really warm up much above the mid to low 50s there. we're talking about clear weather. sunshine warm those numbers up. not expecting any rain. maybe just a few clouds this afternoon. they will not be produce shower. what's happening the temperatures in the 60s by 10:00 o'clock. look how quickly it goes into the 70s. by noon we're at 75. trying to get close to 80 degrees not quite there in philadelphia but this is just
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middle of the warming trend so easily seeing that number climb over the next few days. a lot of 70s out there even up to the pocono mountains with mid to low 70s in jim shore. there's the sea breeze it does not make it to philadelphia like it did yesterday. cooled our temperature down six or 7:00 o'clock right along the coast temperatures stuck into the 50s. the warmer weather coming around this area of high pressure ahead of that cold front that lend our warming trend this week but before that mid 80s i'll show you the numbers in the seven day forecast coming up. >> bill -- dave, thank you very much. it is 8:02. this new morning police are investigate a deadly stabbing in cobbs creek. officers responded to the call about 12:30 this morning. this is the 5800 block of christian street. we know that a man in his 30s was killed inside one of those homes. so far no arrests have been made. there's a teenager and adult who are now recovering after a fire in camden, new jersey. this happened at about 11:30 last night at walnut street and princess avenue. the victims are being treated for smoke inhalation and burns.
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no word yet on what caused that fire. and developing right now, police want to know who did that. can you read what that says? someone spray painted "cops lives don't matter". it has been enormous discussion in the wake of all of the problems we've had between many of our communities and police departments with people saying that there has been police have been acting in manners that have been very difficult. so someone wrote that cops lives don't matter on security gate at a building in old city. one of our viewers actually tipped us off to this. we have called police and they were the ones that first notified to come on out there right between market and chestnut streets on bank street which is between second and third streets. this is just a couple blocks away from our station. so bill is out there right now. took hisself fee stick. you were speaking with some of the people who walked by and saw this. >> reporter: i did. we got a tip from several different people actually who were walking by who saw it, who
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were concerned and said -- i don't know if you can see it behind me. they were hopeful that everything that took place -- taken place yesterday. a victory rally. they were hopeful that it would kind of turn the corner. they saw this. ultimately they were very upset. i do have to be fair. we were out here when the police came out. we were out here when residents came out. pretty much everybody agrees that this is ignore ran. it's not indicative of what we have to do to move forward as a community. so yet still somebody thought this was something they wanted to express. the police did say that because there is no profanity, because there is nothing that protected class, no racial discrimination or sexual discrimination this is just being treated as vandalism. that's all they can do. but clearly the message is more significant and we all need to come together and say, this is stupid. we've got healing to do. this doesn't represent us. >> all right. bill, thank you so much for talking with those people and
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bringing that first-hand look of that. it is 8:04 right now. let's talk about this other high profile case. streets around baltimore city hall filled with protesters calling for justice after the death of freddie gray. six police officers face charges ranging from second degree murder to assault and false imprisonment but some legal analysts say the prosecution they have a tough road ahead. >> why this was done after 19 days of only just getting the pathologists report and autopsy report which wasn't very clear specific. not going another expert to do redundancy and checks and balances, way too fast. >> protesters saying they plan to keep fighting until everyone who played a role in gray's death is convicted. i'm superintendent michael chitwood with the video that's bleep this week. viral video everyone is talking
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about. a mother smacks her son in baltimore. he was wearing a hood an mask. was throwing rocks at officers. so she let him have it. she grabs him out of the crowd and starts slapping him. when you look at this video you see the riots that occurred recently in baltimore. millions of dollars in property damaged, fires. then you see a video what turns out to be a mother grabbing 16-year-old son who is one of the rioters. taking him out of the crowd and then smacking him around. although i don't condone physical violence, in this particular case in this particular zest circumstances mom's action are commendable. more parents should become involved in these type of events. she stopped something tragic from happening to her son and certainly protected police
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officers. >> something happening right now. one of our greatest events in our city. we've got 40,000 people 10 miles, one race it is the broad street run. it's one of those events so philly and this morning there's runners are pounding the pavement from north philadelphia down to our navy yard. we've got our sabina kuriakose live along the route this morning. good morning, sabina. >> reporter: good morning, karen. well that horn just went off, and the runners started just behind me. now right now this morning in philly there is no other place to be in the city except right here at the starting line. so again broad street run just kick off. 40,000 runners strong karen as you mentioned. we got two of them. joanne and wendy. you guys you don't live in the city any more but you come back just for this run. >> yes, we do. we love it it's our favorite. >> what about you. ? you came from harrisburg. >> i will every year. >> we talk about so many of these runners train so hard to be for this day. you guys you're already runners. >> that's right.
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>> how many years have you been running? >> i've been running broad street for seven years. my seventh year. >> seven years. i asked you were off camera what is it about broad street -- about the broad street run that brings you back here every time? >> the crowds. the cheering crowd. everybody cheering from mile one to mile 10. >> it's that atmosphere? >> it is it's the people. >> we've got cheerleaders, drill teams, mothers holding babies for the runners, the kids down the line, right. >> yes. >> we love running in philly. >> why is that? hometown. >> best city to run. >> that's what i'm hearing. that you know broad street run when you hear it. you said your friends laugh you when you tell them you're running. >> yeah. i mean, because i go out of my way. it's a 2.5 hour drive to come down to run. >> it's totally worth it? >> it is. >> thanks so much. we just heard that horn again. they go by corals. you hit about 8:30. we'll be watching. look at that crowd just a sea of runners running out all for a good cause. prices and donations go to the american cancer society.
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so many people cause close to their heart. we've got our fox 29 team out there running. shout out to those guys. i'll be waiting for you at the finish line. back to you. >> sabinsabina, who is running. >> chris o'connell. brad sattin, so many people from our department running out there and hey i was wondering where is the he at? thank goodness he's up in the control room producing our show. maybe next year give him the day off. >> aaron, next year. >> sabina, thank you very much. wonderful event in our city. ♪ still to come, marking mishap, major brewery coming under fire for what many people are calling an incentive and irresponsible campaign. plus babies, broncos and boxers, oh, my? >> big story trending this sunday morning.
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>> welcome back. 8:12. in the news right now new york city police officer is recovering after being shot in the head. officer brian moore was sitting in unmark police car in queens when he and his partner saw someone adjusting something in their waistband according to police. moore pulled up behind the man who allegedly pulled a gun from that waistband and fired his weapon. police have arrested the suspected shooter. there's nine-year-old from our area flown to the hospital aft being shot with a beebee gun in bucks county. emergency crews responded to home on bellevue avenue in
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hulmeville after 3:00 o'clock on saturday afternoon. officials say the little girl was taken to saint mary's hospital first but then flown down to chop with a chest wound. there is no word on her condition and police are still investigating. guys, let's face it a lot of people enjoy the taste of a nice cold beer but a one big brewery is really leaving a sour taste in many people's mouths. so much so that the brewery was forced to apologize. we're talking about anheuser-busch and specifically bud light. they're well known for commercials and marketing campaigns but many people are saying, this one just went too far. it's all because of this label appearing on some bottles saying bud light is the perfect beer for removing no from your vocabulary for the night. not surprisingly social media blue up. jeff wrote, bud light the perfect beer for markets about to lose their job. hash tag no means no. and christopher wrote, sometimes an entire marketing team can
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miss the obvious. bud light didn't realize that remove no from your vocab was an issue? yikes! >> anheuser-busch released this statement, it's clear that this particular message missed the mark and we apologize. we would never condone disrespect or irresponsible behavior. in means no. as a result, we have immediately ceased production of this message on all bottles. but is that enough, did bud light miss the mark or is it a good thing so many people are talking about the brand? marketing expert peter madden from agile cat joins us this morning. good morning, sir. >> pleasure to be with you. >> our pleasure to have you. you got million dollar company. room full of people. oops, my bad we missed the mark. is that -- >> not nearly enough speaking of no the biggest no 2015. a huge huge fail on bud light's part this brand you know has to do focus groups about these messages. terrible terrible move and they'll feel it for while. it will be painful. >> you were saying especially with alcohol.
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the no means no should resonate. you got a room full of full of people. this isn't one person who made a decision who can fall on the sword. a lot of people did this. >> exactly right. this happens in many many, a lot of marketers at a major brand who made a terrible decision and they are really going feel this for awhile. recovery the oops my bad simply not enough. they'll needed to a lot more than that to really get back on track it with the brand. >> part of marketing as an expert you know this you talk about me that's a good thing. is there any way -- it is beer. so if you're talking about creative even crossing the line cam opinion, any positives in this? >> i think especially with social media things go viral so quickly. people talking at other level what fail this was for the bra brand. again, terrible move on their part they need to make a lot of recover here to get back on track. >> now when you're doing this and you're coming up with campaigns, you're running the meeting, somebody does this, it manages to get through. it gets on to one of your clients. somebody lose their job for th
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this. >> absolutely. no, they're gone. agile cat we're so specifically careful in detail in terms of how we're creating campaigns, what they look like, what they're saying, what we're doing on social and digital media. we do i was all lot of that and testing it and work wig intellectual property turn to gets things legally sound and done. bud light, surprise me. it was really really bad. >> finally, the kind of rape culture surrounding beer college campuses a lot of is in product right now. with that taking mace right now, do you expect more backlash from the groups, from the anti race groups, from the different coalitions? is this going to die down or they going to see more. >> it's going to be a trifecta. it's a tidal wave of bad branding and bad advertising. they'll feel this for while. these groups get on board as they should get in bud light's face. you know what, this doesn't work for you. >> they should hire you. >> i agree. >> thanks. tell us what you think guys. you can leave your comments on our fox 29 facebook page. you can tweet us at fox 29
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philly. did they completely miss the mark? will there be more consequences? some people are saying they made a mistake. move on. tell us what you think. just make sure you use the hash tag fox 29 weekend. >> i'm at fat jack's barbecue and this is your fox food bite. ♪ >> today we'll make a dish we used to make at squat jack's in the early '90's called bourbon street hot. >> it's a pasta dish, it has shrimp and vegetables. it's absolutely outstanding. first ingredient half a cup of cold garlic in oil. take as minute or so to heat up. brown it up. about a cup and a half of green peppers. notice the peppers are an inch or so in diameter. about the same amount cup and a half or so of onion.
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heat that stuff up. let that cook down three or four minutes. vegetables are going to be translucent. they'll be almost clear and soft. you don't want to burn the garlic. that would ruin the and tire dish. start with a cup of and a half of andouille sausage. stir it up. three quarters of a cup of diced ham. put it in there. shake it up. pound of shrimp peeled and did he vain. put that in there. >> when the shrimp becomes a little bit orange. stir it around. basic whole your slim is that almost white you're ready for seasoning. >> don't be afraid if the shrimp is translucent because you still have to cook the sauce. now we're ready.
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then we have five cups of diced todicedtomatoes in puree. add that to our veggie and meat. saute it up a little bit. don't be afraid to do this. stir everything up. incorporate everything and get ready for our pasta. add about half a cup or so. a little more spice add more. mix it up really really good. a quarter pound of butter. this butter smooths out the sauce a little bit and add about 2-ounces of chicken base. there you go. we'll incorporate all of that. mix it up really really good. get that butter blended in there really well. let that cook down another minute or two. add our spices and our pasta and we're done. >> now it's time to add our slices. let's start with salt.
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half a tablespoon of salt. 2 tablespoons, mccormick saigon seasoning. add the rest of our spices in a second. half tablespoon of white pepper. tablespoon of black pepper. half tablespoon of cayenne pepper. tablespoon of grant lated garl garlic. spoon and a half of parsley flakes. mix it in. cook it down a few more minutes. by the way this dish i kind of put it together fast. i couldn't create a spacy dish back in 1993 and i did it. we sold a ton of them. this is a pound, remember when you're cooking your pasta a little bit of oil, a little bit of salt you want it al dente. put it right into the sauce. mix everything together. you want get it as evenly as you possibly can. turn your range off.
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everybody asks me how is it a pitt master does pasta? now it's time to taste. sausage and shrimp in there. it smells really spicy. hmm. spicy, full of flavor blend together, i can taste the shrimp pasta elden thai. this is your fox bite. >> 8:20 in the morning that looks good. >> go with it. >> everyone is talking about three things this morning. >> okay, what? >> first one is the big fight last night. >> how much money did it make last. mayweather made almost $200 million and they still haven't tallied all the papers. i'll take a $200 million. sign me up much that's one of the things we're talking about.
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another is the kentucky derby of course and then there's -- >> big baby story. the one i was following on twitter and instagram. the royal baby trending right now. we'll take a look at all of those big stories. look how cute she is. >> adorable. >> a little princess. on hearing that music, know why we're playing it, though, broad street run. baby you're born to run. 40,000 people born to run. maybe the princess. maybe she's born to run as well when she turns 40. we'll be right back. >> we also want to look at the weather here. we're running with the heat. the temperatures continue to climb today but that's not the end of it. we have 80 plus degree days, how long, how many in the seven day forecast. i'll have that later. ♪
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welcome back. 8:25. let's take a look what's trending right now this morning. people can't stop talking about her the little princess. britain's newest princess. bill is shaking his head. duchess scatter rin brought the baby outside the hospital hours after giving birth. i thought that was impress says seive. they sent and e-mail to journalists a minute before posting the big news on twitter. the official announcement was then placed on ease sell as you see outside buckingham palace.
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also trending this morning, super fight that wasn't really much of a fight at all. floyd mayweather, jr. systematically out boxed manny pacquiao on his way to easy decision with the win he moves to 48-01 fight away from setting a record. will he go for it? >> 141st running of the kentucky derby. always fun to watch the fashion. the horses out there and the favorite american farrow was the champion riding to victory in front of a crowd of more than 170,000 people. american farrow was one of the move buzzed about horses on the derby trail. up next the preakness stakes on saturday, may 16th. wow. >> i'm sitting there thinking about -- when we were kids we didn't have cell phones. >> i didn't have none of that. we didn't have cell phones. i pads any of that new technology. >> i did not get one until
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college it was the break out everybody was old school. if you weren't at home you didn't get them. >> the one you through over your shoulder and carried in a bag. >> kids obviously have them. we need more control. this is really interesting. i'm fascinated to learn about this. new app that's going to make some of the kids squirm because it gives the parents a lot of control. >> plus a local organization helps a north dakota team find a date to the prom. comincoming you how teen lentile the prom dream comes true. >> she's lovely. headed to the prom. ♪ >> we'll be right back. ♪
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>> it's exactly 8:30 on fox 29 weekend. good morning to all of you. we're taking a look at the headlines in the news now. stolen truck that had counter terrorism officials concerned has been found. but they're still looking for one more. police found the 68-foot penske truck on the 1100 block of rising sun avenue saturday morning. it was about 5 miles from where it was stolen in south philadelphia. but investigators are still looking for a u-haul cargo van that was rented under false pretenses last sunday. police don't think there's any connection between the two thefts or that either has any link to terrorism.
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all right. this next story warm your heart on sunday morning. eighths great one. meet lentil. he was born with a severe cleft palate and cleft lip. he's a dog. good friend of good day. his owner lindsay took him at two days old after his breeder gave him up. a little baby. she had to feet him every two hours to keep him alive and she started this facebook page to celebrate his progress and the grew and grew. his story made a huge impact and now both dedicated to making a difference in the lives of children. who look a little bit. team lentil connected two families connected by that same crane know facial difference. let's take look at hannah and danny. they both have a rare condition. hannah lives in north dakota. team lentil found out she need add prom date and decided to fly in a boy from our area danny who lives here in philadelphia so they can go to the prom together a dashing couple. joining us right now on skype
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from north dakota danny and his mom grace. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> danny, how was the prom? >> it was very good. >> we have some pictures of the prom. did you guys get to dance? >> yeah, we did get to dance. >> what was it like getting to meet hannah? >> um, meeting someone that kind of has the same thing that i have -- >> i made have made a mistake. is that hannah sitting next to danny? >> yes. >> how -- >> it is me. >> how was the prom? >> i had a great time. >> what was your favorite part? introducing danny to all my friends. >> how neat. what was that like? >> it was very impressive. they thought he was pretty cool that he came all the way from philly to come to the prom with
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me. >> oh, i love it. danny you actually gotten to meet that little dog lentil that we had an our show many times what was it like meet lentil and all of the people who helped to support you? >> um --,. >> what was it like with lentil he's a funny little guy. >> yeah, he is a funny little guy. >> i'm looking at video. the two of you look like you had a lot of fun together playing. >> yeah. >> i met lentil, too. >> what was that like, hannah? >> pretty good. two years ago. >> how neat. look at that one little dog helping some other kids as well. hannah and danny, i it looks lie you had a wonderful time at the prom. thank you for joining us on this sunday morning. >> you're welcome. >> take and enjoy the rest of
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your sunday. >> in philadelphia it is also a beautiful sunday, bill. >> it is karen a lost different things going on out there. there's of course the big broad street run. people are getting out enjoying the day. let's find out exactly how great it's going to be to get out and have some fun. dave, how does it look. >> depends what you're doing. if you're running it's great now. perfect running weather. temperatures just in the mid to low 50's maybe a degree or two too warm but certainly nice ideal race conditions now. temperature of 54 in philadelphia. above the 50s now. warming up quickly in the north and western suburb started the mid to low 40s to the south, though, mid 50s. that's about as warm as we'll get in atlantic city and wildwood. that sea breeze will pick up again today. keep the temperatures down. it will not make it to philadelphia like it did yesterday. still little cooler right along the coast. 10-mile run along broad street. the first finish -- race racers there probably about mile seven by now. really coming down broad street towards the finish line things are clear, no rain just sunshine and it will stay that way today.
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things are seeing a few clouds by this afternoon. there it is about 4:00 o'clock. these clouds pop up. not as widespread as yesterday still bright sunshine all day. a few clouds this afternoon. then they'll clear out overnight tonight. it's the temperatures big story, though. they're climbing into the close to 80 degrees today and that light wind that will keep the pollen down just a bit but it's back up to high and very high again monday and tuesday. there it is nice sunny weather there. temperature of 54 degrees. winds calm that's why that pollen lower today but really increases tomorrow. and tuesday as it brings in the warm air. high temperatures above 80 degrees tomorrow. another warm day on tuesday. as it goes into the mid 80s. up to 83. could even ab little warmer. but there's the cooler air come in from the north that's the end of the warming trend as a front coming down and it does come with some rain. a few showers, maybe even a thunderstorm in the forecast by 4:00 o'clock on tuesday and then that front stops. so we'll keep the rain in the
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forecast mainly to the south there on wednesday. seven day forecast you'll see 84 to 86 then the showers linger wednesday back down into the 70s. trying to get back up to 80 by the end of the week. >> thanks so much, dave. karen we were there yesterday the story that dawn first reported a local mom who feared her son's birthday dream would become a 98 mayor. yesterday all the different strangers stepped in to make sure that didn't happen. >> she was worried because he had autism didn't have any friends and people wouldn't come. you went there, man, loot a that. i can't wait to see some more pictures. antenna gate. bend gate now cat date. more problems for apple this time it is affecting the watch. how the company is responding. >> there's no music playing.
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♪ welcome back. 8:39. rick is here to help me out. thank goodness for you. when i was a kid we had seven channels and i was the remote. that was my life, thank you rick. we had land line phone that was shared by other families. we didn't have that. we had regular one. angela says, the beer ad from bud light was this ad supposed to be funny? what were they thinking? then a little joy on your sunday morning. some dogs happy birth die two of my favorite fellas ringo is one today. danny boy three. love em. thank you carol for sharing that with us.
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bill, you were out at a re really neat event birthday party yesterday, and the back story on this this is a little boy and the mom was afraid that nobody was going to come to her son's birthday. he does have autism. >> he does. josh kramer is a really cool kid. i got the coons meet him yesterday. he's 12. he's autistic he's trying to come out of the his shell and make some friends and all he really wanted for his birthday was to play. to play football, to have friends around and his mom planned it, sent out invitations reserved the park and nobody was coming. nobody was going to come. they told this group justice animal rescue. they got on it, posted it on their facebook page and look at this. hundreds of people showed up. the fire companies from all oy round that area. >> wow. >> gave josh gifts set up a whole parade of about 50 fire trucks and police and we were out there all day. it was just a great day. both of you are parents. you know how much that means to
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a kid to just have people. >> i want a fire department to come to my birthday party. >> they came out in large numbers. it was great. you could see he was touched. >> thank you for going and sharing that story. absolutely. >> i know dawn timmeney mentioned that earlier. speaking of, you know, different technologists with our kids and rick backing me up on this one, a lot of people today tattooed very common. it's all the hipsters out there. >> i'm not a hipster. >> bill anderson has a tattoo. >> dave war len do you have a tattoo. >> i'm a too clean cut for that. sorry. >> no surprise there. >> here's the issue. if you have a tattoo on your wrist we've got toot gate trending on twitter. what's behind that hash tag and how apple is responding to the criticism of its new watch. something about having a tattoo and that watch. it's making teenagers squirm but some parents love it. it's the app that will let you
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control every aspect of your kids phone. >> love it. that's a lot. yeah, you would. >> all right. we'll be right back.
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listen up... i'm reworking the menu. veggies you're cool... mayo, corn dogs... you are so out of here! ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein... and 26 vitamins and minerals. and now with... ...twice as much vitamin d ...which up to 90% of people don't get enough of. ohhhhhhh. the sunshine vitamin! ensure now has 2x more vitamin d to support strong bones.
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ensure. take life in. >> 8:44. taking a look at headlines right now. very moving tribute this week toned one of america's past commanders in chief. >> hundreds of people gathered
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in springfield, illinois, saturday to kick off the reenactment of abraham lincoln's funeral procession. the day began at the city's amtrak station with a reconstruction of the funeral train car paul bearers and honor guard. events leading up to this weekend began on april 15th the same day 150 years ago when lincoln was assassinated. those who attended said it's like being at the real thing. >> very moving for me. even though i know it's pretend it was a very moving experience. >> get to engage to learn your history and see why -- how our country shaped. >> the event has drawn huge crowds to the city. another reenactment will take place today. brand new app apparently making kids squirm and giving parents a sense of relief. it is called parent watch and it gives mom or dad or any guardian the full power to lock their children's cell phones wherever they want. the app allows parents to shut
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down a phone down any time they want including for scheduled hours of school which makes sense texting and doing that during school hours or doing homework time or during bedtime. at the same time it gives them complete control over who is allowed to call and what time. it also allows parents the ability to monitor the use of any and all of the phones apps. >> parents can go ahead and control every detail of their child's cell phone and they can do it from an i phone fresh a tablet, from a pc. >> i love this. you pay the bill, you get the control. some child advocates say the app could do more harm than good because children will be able to learn from their mistake. i say make some other darn mistakes. bill? apple confirms tattoo gate is real. tester -- tattoos are causing problems with the new watch. several tattooed apple watch owners say some of the features on the watch inn clueing the heart rate monitor are not working properly. apple says the ink may block
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light from getting to the sensors on the watch. that makes it difficult for the watch to get accurate readings. apple is not releasing any word on the fix to the problem as of yet. those of us with tattoos, no apple watch right now. >> oh, that's the reason all right. 8:47. hash tag seattle police make a surprising discovery. a shirt less man, yup, there he is, stuck in the the bass bet ball hoop. man who was carrying a hammer managed to climb up the hoop. eventually two firefighters were able to climb up and cut down the net and freed the man in the process. seattle police are still deciding whether to charge that man for any wrongdoing aside from being a complete knuckle head. you need water to be able to practice surfing. this is neat. a lot of fun. despite living in a very much land state of utah this future surfing super star making sure she's getting a head start on
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competition. exercising, balance, control and flare. certainly is fun to watch. ♪ here we go. one of our favorite segments every time we bring junior reporters in people love the segments go out and have fun. the best and brightest from around the area. and melissa from temple university. >> good morning to you. >> how are you. >> i'm fantastic. >> good. >> temple has some challenges they're dealing with and set out a world record. >> for sure. temple university student lancaster county with his friends to break a world record for a good cause. >> we're now the only people in the world who have done. >> they call themselves the night racers and on sunday they raced the bar for the longest distance traveled on a slip and slide. >> it was great. we did it. >> i'm sore right now. i rubbed my pants real good.
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>> 66 people, 33 miles, on 150-foot tarp. blew out the previous record in just one hour and for the group it's more than just their name in a book. we want to break a world record every year and do it for a charity that has an impact on one of our members lives. it's kind of grown into a charity than the actual world itself. >> all the money going tour the living legacy foundation it affects baker after he received a liver transplant and is currently battling cancer. >> i had a liver transplant three years ago. really tough time. >> we almost lost ben that day, and -- yeah. so it's been remarkable to see him bounce back that from experience. >> ben's family wants to give back to the community. >> what more could you ask to. >> we have young people giving back to the people.
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>> it's keeping him going. >> these people came out -- haven't experienced this but having a that's right to come behind everyone who has. >> junior reporters get all the best stories. that was fun. >> it was a lot of fun. it really was. and they are already in the works for next year and if you want to donate to their cause you can go on our facebook page there's a link on there search at night raise source. >> i noticed you weren't on there. >> it was a little too muddy for me. >> next year we'll both do it. >> for sure. >> if you've got idea for the junior reporters make sure you send them to us. they go out and cover really great stories. if there's something going on in your neighborhood leave a message on our fox 29 facebook page. you can tweet us at fox 29 philly. just make sure you use the hash tag fox 29 weekend. karen? >> all right. thank you, bill. i'm getting a tweet. i had two -- taking a live look at the broad street run area where a lot of people will be
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certainly coming in looking at early runners crossing the finish line maybe some of the very fastest people already have and certainly some of the masses will come in the coming minutes. dave warren it is a gorgeous day did. are we saying 80s? >> we want to be close to 80. close almost win 1 degree. so hey a little bit more sunshine we're there. it's cool this morning but warms up quickly. perfect weather for that race probably done the top finish schers all right. temperatures warming up now. they're in the mid 50's but close to 80. 79 degrees. warming trend continues but we have rain and thunderstorms coming into the area this week and that will impact maybe just one or two days by the middle of the week. 52 now in pottstown. 2 degrees warmer in philadelphia. pretty mild. in fact across the north and western suburbs. 50s along the coast that will be about as warm as it gets today. that sea breeze kicking in again not making it up to philadelphia but still keeping the temperatures down right along the coast there. 10 miles right along broad
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street. thing are clear on the ultimate doppler radar it's sunny now maybe a few clouds coming in later. not expecting much in the way of rain just a very warm temperatures by 10:00 o'clock 65. there's 75 at noon. and then here's the number. 79 close not quite up to 80 degrees but we're close. we're there monday and tuesday but that rain comes in by the mill of the week. ♪ this week's look sill lee yesterday things during are studying. do you listen to someone do this. zzzz. >> would you rather listen to someone do this. (music playing). >> it sounds pretty silly. researchers think playing the saxophone could help you silence your snoring. >> that's according to a new study from the medical college and hospital in india. scientists took a look at about
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130 people. of one lung function tests were about the same. but those who played a wind instrument were less likely to get sleep apnea a condition where you stop breathing while you sleep. snoring a frequent symptom. researchers believe maybe some day you could take up an instrument and cure your snori snoring. >> we asked dr. mike for a second opinion. >> what this study shows is that if people use a wind instrument, it may actually lead to increa increased strength of the upper airways. we can learn from this and maybe come up with new ways of treating sleep apnea. ♪ >> so some day you can be making beautiful music instead of sawing logs. ♪ >> right now..., zzz. >> that's just adrenal. ♪ silly science sponsored by the
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philadelphia science festival april 24th through may second.
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♪ this week on fox news sunday, six baltimore police officers now face criminal charges in the death of a young black man. we'll have a live report on the latest and we'll discuss the case with local officials including maryland congressman donna edwards ohio governor john say sick joins us as he joins the crowded republican field or president. my special trip to west point to discuss the history and future of the united states military academy. all this week on fox news sund
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sunday. thank you everyone for the comments they keep coming in. tj says you guys are awesome. happy sunday. go grab your gets and get a tan hash tag bring it monday. thank you so much for that. this was no mistake by bud light talking about their ad campaign this was an intentional epic fail and somebody definitely should be fired. for me -- remains to be seen somebody will probably feel the heat for this. karen talked about it. you said dave needed to do it. and -- >> bob kelly said where is the doughnuts? >> there you go. finally. >> there you go. >> finally. >> now you're part of the fami family. >> it was a long rid in. >> that's awesome. the official welcome. first weekend with dave and doughnuts. >> we've got an assortment. i didn't know if he was going to get just one. >> they smell so good. official numbers. thank you. >> nascar coming up today at
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12:30. geico something or the other. that will be great. thank you for watching. have a good day.
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i'm chris wall lass. six baltimore police officers now face charges in the death of a black man. >> the findings of our comprehensive, thorough and independent investigation has led us to believe we have probable cause to file criminal charges. >> we believe these officers will be vindicated as they have done nothing wrong. >> we'll have a live report from baltimore and we'll discuss the case with maryland congresswoman donna edwards and family attorney billy murphy. >> from new york city to baltimore. >> we as a country have to do some soul-searching. this is not new. >> our sunday group joins the debate over race


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