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tv   Chasing News  FOX  May 8, 2015 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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>> now on chasing news. >> in chelsea. people look at this second video, it shows a different starting point in the altercation. >> if i punch you you punch me back, and say you are the dummy. >> the doctor wears inline skates all lay at his office he travels room to room on his skates. >> hello. >> our convoy making it peacefully up the road oh, okay, a lot happening streaming. >> >> you remember that from boot camp, i don't. >> we're joined by dennis
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malloy from new jersey 101.5, one half of the dennis and judy show, you brought your producer raquel we want you to weigh in on a story tars after chasing, a bar fight in a video in lower manhattan that has been viral. >> the story gets deeper and deeper i presented the story last night look at this first video that came out wednesday morning. it shows an altercation at a dallas barbecue restaurant in chelsea. two men were assaulted by a man, after yelling a slur about their sexual orient tration. and the second video just release yesterday different starting point. gives it more context. the couple, was instigating
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against the other side of the altercation it does not start where the first video started at the chair show, there was pushing on the other side, some kicking at the other table. >> it seems we're missing some context from the video i would ask what happened before these two were confronting each other at the bar. but what do you think? >> the context of the original video was this guy hates gays, and he smashed a chair over their heads. 4 we see there was an altercation before, they may have called him a racial slur. we don't know this was a bar fight, he should be charged with a violent assault maybe they should be too. >> at when point are you responsible for what you are saying even if there was a verbal -- >> you are always responsible for what you say. >> they were face-to-face, in each 94's face, and -- in
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each other's face, it looked to me that the the black guy who hit him with the chair was alone. >> you see him stomping on -- it looks like someone on the growns, he does no need defending. >> if someone punches you first, just because you are a big guy does not mean you have to sit there and take a punch. >> if i punch and you say you are a dumb [ bleep ] you punch me back, and you say you are the dumb [ bleep ] have bee we committed hate crimes? or assault. >> people get involved, everyone just pulled out their cell phone and recording and egging it on. the fact that so many people tried to stop it, is encouraging. >> sometimes the media wants too drive a certain agenda whether for race or gender or equality of some kind, show the whole story as you are doing. >> sometimes a fight is just
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a fight. >> an old coffin with bones in it was found on the side of the road in bushwick, it is not enough bones to complete a skeleton, they don't know if they are human. >> they were in the streets? >> right now just found on the side of the street. >> jax from new jersey could be the next "american idol" she made it to top 3. >> we met up with her in east brunswick to talk go idol -- with idol finale, she will sing with steven tyler, a video she sent of them bonding over janice joplin. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> a great job covering, that i saw you on the show last night. >> jax then you. >> awesome.
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>> every breath we have, every ounce take back our community. our children deserve to have the quality of life as everybody else. >> i am on a bench in front of new shelter that just opened in the bronx some say this is creating big problems for the neighborhood. like public drinking, loitering and nudity, and they say there is more on the ground, i came up to chat with the manager. >> there is nothing determining the background of individuals that come to the facility am whether they may be pedophiles or otherwise i don't know. >> this is a prime location, a historic building, an old ymca .
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he said this is used for development. right now this district is over saturated with homeless as it is. they are taking in more than most areas in the bronx they serve 2700 people, they don't have the want it to comment to help any more, i walked with robin one of the biggest opponents to this new shelter. and she said she thinks this makes neighborhooder in dangerous. >> this is where they do their drugs. a lot of people, they are afraid. they are trying to solicit to young girls. >> i went to a local soup kitchen to see what it like is helping the homeless in this area. i spoke have volunteer valentina ruiz, she has been homeless herself. if she didn't have that help from the shelter when she was going through it, she
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would not became to get off welfare. >> if you feel there are too many shelters, then do something about it for the people that have nowhere on live. >> i think it is say real shame that you live in rat in the bronx and have you deal with homeless people like everyone else. >> the homeless are part of us. >> was this sarcastic? >> it was. you can help or turn your back, but they will be there is my point. >> there are children trying to play in the park they could stick themselves with something. if they are not posing a danger. >> you go to other neighborhood in city you see that all over the place if is not just homeless. >> is it going to stay or go? >> right now district manager said it is up in the air, they are owog what permits they are working on what permits they have. they don't have a concrete lease in place,ing in they are straightened out there
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is no resolution. >> a big day in downtown new york city with the unveiling of the world trade center -- station, it is part of a 3.9 billion dollar transit hub a glimpse of what the project will hold, you will see marble flooring, mini televisions on the platform, and premier turntables. this is the cleanest building in new york that i have seen. >> for now. >> it just smells great still to knows of construct going on. not only another exit, en ran area will open but the opulance will open, the center piece of the project it will be unveiled they are expectationing in june. commuters -- for more than a decade they used a subway station with one stair way up and down.
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>> i would always avoided this station because i would go to the 33rd street station. >> last week i came it was all wood, and horrible. and you know. >> you can't walk through here? >> no. it of -- this is somewhere it was the train stopped somewhere else. >> more than just a big day for commute ires and new york and maybe america. the world trade center towers were, with each finished project we're getting closer to walking the length of the world trade center site since the first time since 9/11. really exciting. to give us an idea of what under taking, i spoke with a port authority spokesperson. >> this is the beginning of a larger station. >> tell me about the oculas. >> it is something that that is a memorial.
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>> that 3.9 billion included the whole complex. >> yes. >> did you talk to anyone that was a 9/11 survivor. >> i did not speak to anyone who was on one of those trains on 9/11, for me this is a big day my dad worked in the world trade center, that day i was told my dad died. i was spending the whole day thinking my dad was dead, but only because my grandmother died that day he did not go to work. >> a story of a path train operator kevin herring to know on 9/11, pulled into the station and then backed his train out saving hundreds of people. we want to track him down with a follow-up story on him, that is the next chase. hopefully tomorrow. >> i was a kid going to the doctor was a nightmare it was not the shots but my doctor he would not talk to me he would poke and prod. now i am going to be a
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father, i don't want my child to go through the same stuff. doctor mark mccall is who i was looking for. >> dr. mccall, hello. >> a pediatrician out of laurel pediatrix in washington township, new jersey. his way of practicing medicine has parents in the area looking up his phone number. high he loves to skate he wears inline skates all day in his was. he carries toys in his pockets and always bubbles are blowing in the air. he has been rolling around for 15 years. >> this offers is bigger than our else old office, they asked why are you building a bigger office are you going to skate it up all day, and i took him up on it.
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>> 15 month old michael came in for check ups bubbles and the doctor, joined us too. >> michael jr. says two words. dr. mark was an expert, bubbles are very distracting. i was awe-struck, i said it was a shame his office was so far from me, he said i have another office as well, directly in my hometown. he is my new doc for my baby. >> the baby is coming soon. >> my dentist had an arcade in there before we would go i got really comfortable and going to dentist now is not a problem for me, this could be good for kids who
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are nervous about going. >> i love it i think these techniques should be applied to adult doctors as well. because, here is why because imagine the confidence you have to have to alston of the distractions and still perform your job i love it i would go to him. >> you have not seen anything yet. >> can be as vicious as possible keep the campaign clean. >> wiley camp said, it was -- for years. >> get down, people are shooting at you. >> a unique still set wednesday those skills were at
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>> if you had $100,000 cartier watch gold, and crusted in diamonds would you wear it? >> i might. >> another question, would you accidentally leave it at a security checkpoint in an airport. >> you don't have to take your watch off. >> a japanese developer did he left it behind, it will be send to him. >> hank your cartier watch? >> it is only one i have, if you have 40 that is no big deal.
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>> senator ray wishing a very happy birthday, considering how focused he is on exxonmobil deal, i thought that the best way to celebrate his birthday to give him a gift. i got you $25 gift card for your next fill up the exxonmobil. >> tomorrow, every friday, will be foody friday, i will will bringing delicious crazy dishes from local restaurants, what better way to start off than with chicken and doughnuts. >> to sample or lunch? >> we'll see. i getting ahead of myself. >> vicious here, like an election. >> i am not afraid of anything that is true. i let them be as vicious as possible, keep the campaign cheap. and we will -- clean and we will win. >> the mayor of west new
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york we stat in his favorite spot. he was elected in 2011, this year he is running for reelection you thought things were bad yesterday have you not seep anything yet. i was here last month looking into a -- that went against his opponent. wyllie, a commissioner here, once a ally, now enemy. >> we got into office there was no goals accomplished. all he had on his mind was power, control and greed. >> a respect said he used school district as political patron i think and wyllie has a few choice words. >> he felt need to lay the hammer on everyone, control and intimidate. that is how he leads here, leads with fear. >> the people say wyllie and his ticket are no white knight they point to this
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video. >> this happened -- how long ago? >> 4 days ago. >> right? >> happened on wednesday this second incident thursday. there are new signs. >> wyllie's dad seen here in this mug shot, he was arrested and put away for corruption, but most damaging allegations have been voter fraud and residency issues. wyllie camp said that rokay was doing illegal voting for years. >> it should be a clean campaign. >> i am a west new yorker, they can look me up, and i am -- end of the story. >> rokay seems confidence he will win and spend 4 more years being mayor in a town he came to as a 11-year-old boy from cuba. >> i used to live there and
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throw paper rockets and land on the porch the old italian people would come out and complaint. it was fun. this is fun. >> he is here to stay. >> we're going to win. >> joint base mag quire your convoy making its way peacefully up the road. >> all right, a lot happened streaming. >> get it you were control. get him out. >> get down bill, people are shooting at you deal with that. >> get on the ground. >> and bill, you don't know if that on the only one you better find out this is a matter of life and death master sergeant is tough on his guys for their own good and that of the unit. >> they were hustling, showing a sense of urgency they had a good order of priorities. >> this a first time they
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get to do something like this. >> sure. >> there is a learning curve, but the more we do this the more we come together as a team. >> you are asking a lot. they have a hurt guy a fend off whoever is ambushing them there are a couple things going. >> the air force is 87 civil engineer -- a very unique still set hard earned lessons from iraq and afghanistan, wednesday they were at work on the road, and in the woods. >> removing explosives is a dangerous job and better use a robot. if you have that option. first class graham from georgia is using a xbox control targetter done -- get 'er done, he is winning it. >> i was try toothpick up pressure plate that you saw. and you squeeze it down enough contact metal and take its off. i am trying to grab it from the side, get it to where i
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can trace the wire. >> you picked it up, yellow wire sticking out. >> now i'm going to -- that is the plan. >> how about that. >> sonnia, ordnance disposal dog was out for training as well. another ordnance disposal tool. they do pitch in on civilian calls in tri-state. they took care of an old 500 pound bomb that was found in a dig in edison a couple of weeks ago they blew it up at the fort, they are busy, we're lucky to have them. >> do you remember that from boot camp, i don't. >> craziest training i had was crowd surplus preg gas. -- suppression gas. >> oh, the gas mask, i remember that the worst part was taking the gas mask
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from the guy who just went through it. >> nasty. >> nasty. >> helping kids with special needs. >> in a way you would never expect. >> w w
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sfx: toilet flush man: (yells) what are you doing in here? i'm grooming. is that my toothbrush? yes. how about a little privacy? don't live with roaches. get raid ant & roach spray. raid??
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sfx: (poof as bug explodes) and take back your home. raid kills bugs dead. sc johnson, a family company. at subway, a great meal starts with a great sandwich on the new "simple 6 menu." with six of our best six-inch subs, like the tender turkey breast plus any bag of chips and a 21-ounce drink for just $6 every day.
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>> helping kids with special needs. >> in a way you would never expect. >> he is going to do it with trash? >> he w.h.o. w.h.o. >> ♪ >> this is a fox 29 news update. >> hi, everyone, i'm fox 29's chief meteorologist, scott williams. for your friday most of new jersey under a code orange air quality alert. limit your outdoor exposure if you have upper respiratory disorders as well as asthma. in the meantime we're looking at some dense fog developing across the delaware bay area especially through early friday morningly sue serio will have the latest on this fog as well as what to expect as we
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yeah, i'm married. does it matter? you'd do that for me? really? yeah, i'd like that. who are you talking to? uh, it's jake from state farm. sounds like a really good deal. jake from state farm at three in the morning. who is this? it's jake from state farm. what are you wearing jake from state farm? [ jake ] uh... khakis. she sounds hideous. well she's a guy, so... [ male announcer ] another reason more people stay with state farm. get to a better state. ♪ ♪
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12:59 am
sfx: toilet flush man: (yells) what are you doing in here? i'm grooming. is that my toothbrush? yes. how about a little privacy? don't live with roaches. get raid ant & roach spray. raid?? sfx: (poof as bug explodes) and take back your home. raid kills bugs dead. sc johnson, a family company.
1:00 am
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