tv Good Day Philadelphia 7a FOX July 14, 2015 7:00am-9:01am EDT
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controversial, straight up at 7:00. the the president is getting ready to get out and address the nation. that is how important this deal is. he will talk to the nation at 7:00 o'clock in the morning. kind of unheard of. later today he will get on a airplane and come up to philadelphia, for the big convention in center city. but then there is donovan. >> how much have you had to drink tonight. >> nothing. >> are you sure. >> yes. >> how come i can smell on you. >> mcnabb nabbed by police for dui but he insist he was not drinking. the excuse gave for smelling of alcohol. hear tonight his own word. >> you say mob nabbed. >> i hear what you did. >> hi, larry. i'll point right back at you. well, heavyweight champion of the world larry holmes, he know he knock out mohammed ali. larry holmes visiting good day philadelphia he will be in the studio in just a little bit because he is appearing in
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atlantic city. >> pack that umbrella, we're expecting rain and it could flood, sue serio has more on what you can expect in your forecast. >> also for the very first time in history, a spacecraft is going to go by pluto and it happens this hour and we will take to you nasa to watch that. >> i can't wait. >> we are getting ready. >> that live from nasa right now. >> yes, count down clock. >> forty-seven minutes, 43 seconds. >> i know you you get excited, anything nasa. >> well, this spacecraft, launched nine years ago. they have been working on this project for over 50 years and it is finally here. >> it is so cool. >> that is craft is traveling 8 miles per second. >> yes. >> that is like 30,000 miles per hour. >> wow. >> wow. >> they are not going that way on the schuylkill expressway today. not enclose. well, i have traffic in a moment. let's give you a number of the daze, it is just a five today,
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it is kind of glummy. bus stop buddy, he might not go swimming today, he is hanging out at home, probably go inside and play those video games. temperatures in the 60's and 07's. we have some rain around. it will in the rain every minute of the day to day but 73 degrees is our current temperature, where we will get to a high later on of 86 degrees, with showers and a possible thunderstorm. we will take a look at traffic. will we do it now. >> the president is speaking. >> more than 50 years since president kennedy stood before the american people and said let us never negotiate out of fear but let us never fear to negotiate. he was speaking then about the need for discussions between the you had and the soviet union which led to efforts to restrict are the spread of nuclear weapons. in those days the risk was a catastrophic nuclear war between two super powers. in our time the wrist are being that is nuclear weapons will spread to more and more
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countries, particularly in the middle east, the most volatile region in our world. today, because america negotiated from a position of strength and principal, we have stopped the spread of nuclear weapons in this region. because of this deal, the the international community will be able to verify, that the islamic republic of iran will not develop a nuclear weapon. this deal meets every single one of the bottom lines that we have established when we achieved a framework earlier this spring. every pathway to a nuclear weapon is cut off. inspection, trans parentcy necessary to verify that objective will be put in place. because of this deal iran will not produce highly enriched another rain yin and weapon grade plutonium that form the raw materials necessary for a nuclear bomb. because of this deal iran will
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remove 23rd of its installed center viewinges, machines necessary to produce highly enriched uranium for a bomb and store them under constant international supervision. iran will not use its advanced machinery to produce uranium for the next decade. iran will also get rid of 98 percent of it stockpile oven rich uranium. to put that in perspective iran has a stockpile that can produce up to ten nuclear weapons. because of this deal, that stockpile will be reduced to a fraction on of what would be required for a single weapon. this stockpile limittation will last for 15 years. because of this deal iran will modify the core of its reactor in iraq, so that it will not produce weapons grade plutonium and it has agreed to shift the spent fuel from the reactor out of the country for the lifetime of the reactor. for at least the next 15 years iran will not build any new
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heavy water reactors. because of this deal we will for the first time be in a position to verify all of these commitments, and that means there deal is not built on trust. it is built on verification. inspectors will have 24/7 access to iran's key nuclear facilities. iran will have access to iran's entire nookcally supply train, uranium mind and mills, conversion facility and its manufacturing and storage facilities. this ensures that iran will not be able to divert materials from known facilities to covert ones. some of these transparency measures will be in place for 25 years. because of this deal inspectors will be able to access any suspicious locations, put simply the organization responsible for the inspections, the iaea will have access where necessary, when necessary.
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that arrangement is permanent. and iaea has reached an agreement to get access that it need to complete its investigation in the possible military dimensions of iran's past nuclear research. finally iran is permanently prohibited from pursuing a nuclear weapon which provided the basis for the international community's efforts, to apply pressure on iran. as iran takes steps to implement this deal, it will receive relief from the sanction that is we put in place because of iran's nuclear program. both americans own sanctions and sanctions imposed by the united nations security council. this relief will be phased in. iran must complete key nuclear steps before it begins to receive new sanctions relief. and over the course of the next decade, iran must abide by the deal before additional sanctions are lifted, including five years for restrictions related to arms
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and eight years for restrictions related to ballistic missiles. all of this will be memorialized and endorsed in a new u.n. security council resolution. if iran violates the deal, all of these sanctions will snap back into place. is there a very clear incentive for iran to follow through and very real consequences for a violation. that is the deal. it has the fullbacking of the international community. congress will now have an opportunity to review the details and my administration stand ready to provide an extensive briefings on how this will move forward. as the american people and congress review the deal, it will be important to consider the alternative. consider what happens in a world without this deal. without this deal there is no scenario where the world joins us in sanctioning iran until it completely dismantles its
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nuclear program. nothing we know about the east regard an government suggest it would cap pit late under that kind of pressure and world witt not support an effort to sanction iran into submission. we put sanctionness place to get a diplomatic resolution. that is what we have done. without this deal, there would be no agreed upon limitations for the iranian nuclear program. iran could produce, operate and test more and more. the iran could fuel a reactor capable of producing plutonium for a bomb and we were not have any inspection toss allow to us detect a covert nuclear weapons program. in other word, no deal means, no lasting constraints on iran's nuclear program. such a scenario would make it more likely that other countries in the region would feel compelled to pursue their own nuclear programs. threatening a nuclear arms race in the most volatile region in the world. it will present the united states with fewer and lessee
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effective options, to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. i have been a president and commander in chief for six years now. time and again i have faced decision about whether or not to use military force. the most grave decision that any president ever has to make. many times, in multiple countries, i have decided to use force, now i will never hesitate to do so when it is in our national security interests, but i strongly believe that our national security interests now depend upon preventing iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, which means that without a diplomatic resolution, either i or a future u.s. president would face a decision about whether or not to allow iran to obtain a nuclear weapon or whether to use our military to stop it. put simply, no deal means a greater chance of more war, in the middle east.
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more over we give nothing up by testing whether or not this problem can be solved peacefully. if and worst case scenario ivan violates the deal the same option as veilable to me today would be available to any u.s. president in the future. i have no doubt that ten or 15 years from now the person who holds this office will be in a far stronger position, with iran further away from a weapon, and with the inspections and transparency that allow us to monitor the iranian program. for this reason, i believe it would be irresponsible to walk a away from this deal. but, on such a tough issue, it is important that the american people and their representatives in congress get a full opportunity to review the deal. after all the details matter. we have had some of the finest nuclear scientists in the world working through those
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details. and we're dealing with a country, iran that has been a sworn adversary of the you had for over 35 years. so i welcome a robust debate in coming on this issue and i welcome scrutiny of the details of this agreement but i will remind congress, that you don't make deals like this with your friends. we negotiated arms control agreements with the soviet union when that nation was committed to our destruction. those agreements ultimately made us safer. i am confident that this deal will meet the national security interests of the united states, and of our allies. so i will veto any legislation that prevents this successful implementation of this deal. we do not have to accept an inevitable spiral into conflict. we certainly shouldn't seek it. precisely because the steaks are so high, this is not the time for politics or
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posturing. tough talk from washington does not solve problems. hard nose diplomacy, leadership that has united the world's of major powers offers a more effective way to verify that iran is not pursuing a nuclear weapon. now, that doesn't mean that this deal will resolve all of our differences with iran. we share the concerns expressed by many of the friend in the middle east, including israel and gulf states about iran's support for terrorism and its use of proxies to destabilize the region. that is precisely why we are taking this step. because an iran armed with a nuclear weapon would be far more destabilizing and far more dangerous to our friend and to the world. meanwhile, we will maintain our own sanctions related to iran's support for terrorism, its ballistic missle program and human rights violations. we will continue our unprecedented efforts to strengthen israel's security
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and efforts that go beyond what any american administration has done before. we will continue to work we began at camp dave toyed elevate our partnership with the golf states to strengthen their capability for count are threats against iran or terror groups like isis. however, i believe we must continue to test whether or not this region, which is known so much suffering, so much bloodshed, can move in a different direction. time and again i made clear to the iranian people that we will always be opened to engagement on the basis of muse you'll interests and mutual respect. our differences are real. the difficult history between our nations cannotting ignored. but it is possible to change. the past of violence, and ridged idealology, foreign policy based on threats to attack your neighbors or eradicate israelis a deaden.
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a different path, one of tolerance, and peaceful resolution of conflict, lead to more integration into the global economy, more engagement with the international community, and the ability of the iranian people to prosper and thrive. this deal offers an opportunity to move in a new direction. we should take it. we have come along way to reach this point. decade of an iranian nuclear program, many years of sanctions and many months have of intense negotiation. today i want to thank members of the congress from both part hoist helped us put into place the sanction that is have proven so effective and other countries that have join news that effort. i want to thank our negotiators partners, the united kingdom, france, germany, russia, china as well as european union for our unity in this effort which showed that the world can do remarkable things when we
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share a vision of peacefully addressing conflicts. we showed what we can do when we do not split apart. finally i want to thank the american negotiating team, we had a team of experts working for several weeks straight on this, including our secretary of energy, esche i moknees and i want to particularly thank john kerry, our secretary of state, who began his service to this country more than four decade ago when he put on our uniform and went off to war. he isnow making this country safer through strong printed american diplomacy. history shows that america must lead not just with our might, but with our principals. it shows we are stronger not when we are alone but when we bring the world together. to daze's announcement marks one more chapter in this pursuit of the safer, and more hopeful world.
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thank you. god bless you and god bless the the united states of america. >> the president of the united states, that is something you don't see very often a president speaking for about 15 minutes. this early in the morning addressing the nation. that is how big this story is. >> that is right. >> after 20 months of talks, we have a deal and he says there that every a path way has been cut off to iran coming to get a nuclear weapon. >> but people will debate, the debate will begin all day, can you trust iran. he even channeled, ronald reagan, trust but verify, then he talks about many, many safe guard because you know, israel and how many safe guard today they will not be happy with this, neither will saudi a a rain use. let the debate begin. now he leaves the white house, a little while, will get on a airplane and come right down the street from frustrates. it will be a big topic of his speech, sue serio. >> yes, indeed. >> meanwhile we will have traffic issues, of course then when the president, visits the
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the naacp convention but we have got traffic issues right now and most of them are on septa regional rail. in case you hadn't heard, we are dealing with the lansdale doylestown line. it is suspended between the doylestown and pen lynn stations because there are reports that a person was struck by a train near the north wales station. so that investigation ongoing, that portion of the lansdale doylestown line will be suspended for a while, meanwhile, the manayunk norristown line, there is a 15 minute delay due to signal problems. so that is the mass transit issue. we will go to i-95 near route 322, in delaware county and it is slow go as you head southbound there. finally we will take a look at the roosevelt boulevard also slow go as you head southbound toward the schuylkill expressway, as it is, guys, are morning at this time you got it. 7:18. last couple weeks we have been doing this fun thing called which neighborhood in our area
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do you like most. >> that is right part of the ultimate philly neighborhood back wet billy penn. right now we're in round two. you have made your picks on our web site at my fox and narrowed it down to the top 16 and here they are. >> we are working with billy that web site is getting a lot of attention now. first philadelphia match up northern liberties is taking on graduate hospital, east passyunk verse roxborough. second city match up we have chestnut hill verse fairmount. manayunk verse university city. >> moving to the pennsylvania suburbs, it is west chester verse conshohocken and doylestown verse media. >> lets get over to new jersey, cherry hill verse moorestown. haddonfield, verse mount laurel. >> so make sure to get your votes in. vote for your ultimate neighborhood. go to my fox, keeps going down to the center of the home page and find it there, click on the button and they will tell you how to do it. >> a lot of people have been voting. >> everybody has that bad selfie. i take one every day you are not supposed to take one and several and pick the best one.
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>> like kim card dash an told me in her book, selfless. so is it really send it out you can hit delete, take it down. it may be stored in the cloud somewhere, the app that is keeping your pictures, even after you have trashed them. >> oh, no that is not good. >> there is somebody storing them. and here's a look at your winning lottery numbers. >> ninety-nine.
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voted letchworth the #1 state park in america. watkins glen, #3. new york state parks are a gift. plan your vacation at there's something for everyone. here's something fun we will have another event, you've got to try this, thursday, october 8th, at the the thursday night, it is independent visitors center. proceeds benefit second chance foundation. i wanted to put this up real quickly so you can do one of those save the dates this was really successful. when you all come out and meet the good day crew, then we eat for from about 35 different restaurant. >> we get to eat some of the things you have been eating all year. >> that is exactly the point of the segment. >> we get to try it too. a lot of fun. you had a great turnout. save the date. get those tickets early.
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>> we added ten more restaurants, we will be bigger and we expanded to the independent visitors center. good people there. 7:24. >> in the knocks business news warning to android users selfe obsessed. >> pictures are being stored long after you hit delete. lauren, i'm a droid person. oh, no. >> well, do you have that google photo app. >> i do. >> i'm looking right at it. >> well, so you use the app, basically enables to you take picture or video, stores tonight a cloud and when you log on your desk stop you you can see picture you took on your phone, correct. >> yes. >> okay. >> guess what you uninstall that app, out right delete that app, log on you will still see pictures, all of those selfies even though you don't have a app they are still loading on the the cloud and on your computer. >> this is not good. >> no, it is not good. >> it makes me feel like google is snooping on us and
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things that we think we delete are never deleted at all. here's the problem, is there a backup system part of the app that you have to go in manually to delete as well, google is working on a fix but no one knew when you delete the app you almost have to uninstall the backup system. >> guess what happened over the weekend, lauren what. >> what, what did you do. >> i have periscope on android. >> i was doing it last night. >> what were you doing. >> i was on a radio show so i periscope, you can take question, tv, radio show combined. >> we have been waiting for this because it is only on iphone. but now it is on android. >> pollution follow me, lauren, it is quite a show good that means turf sign up for something else as well. >> instagram and twitter, facebook, and snap chat. >> our social media schedules are just so full. >> i have a hard time with my
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regular schedule, don't agree? isn't it just too much. >> oh, lauren. >> you look minty fresh in that dress. >> thank you. >> we will see you tomorrow. >> dentist will see you now. we will put up a picture that is startling. but the whole country has been looking at this young man, a five-year old boy struggling with a skin condition, since he was a baby, it is so bad, he told his mother, he doesn't want to live anymore. how his parent hope to get him some help. >> we will show you a picture close-up of his face coming up. and jen freddie's getting you ready for your wedding day, we need insurance for that. >> sure. >> reporter: well, what if i can tell you this salon says they have wedding insurance, it is not what you think, it is all about your hair and basically they have a new way to guarantee you the best hair day ever. we will talk bit later this morning.
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landscaping in your yard, perhaps. bus stop buddy, he won't be going swimming today at least not while it is raining. you have to keep your eye on the sky later on for that lightening, if we get a few thunderstorms. temperatures in the 60's and 07's walking out the door. we have five out of ten in your weather by numbers and flood advisory until 9:15 for cumberland and salem county new jersey where they have had heavy rain. seventy-three with a 7-mile an hour breeze and looking at ultimate doppler shows pockets of heavy rain, one in lancaster county, burlington county, camden county, getting some heavier rain this morning. and, maybe a couple of thunderstorms up in the the lehigh valley. so here's your fox cast for today, high of 86 degrees with on and off rain. not on all the time. there will be dry times when it is mostly cloudy. seventy-four with lingering showers tonight. we will take a look at that seven day forecast in just a few moments but time to check
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traffic. we are still dealing with the situation, lansdale, doylestown line, septa regional rail suspended between the doylestown and the pen lynn stations, because of police activity, near the north wales station and that is because police are investigating reports of the person being struck by a train, so that investigation will go on for a while, you might want to find an alternate if that is the the route you usually take. now services are expected to resume between 8:30 and 9:00 this morning. meanwhile make alternate plans if you have to leave before then. manayunk are in is town line has 15 minute delay because of signals problems. lets look the a the blue route at mid county tolls, and really looking good, there is some roads that just don't have a lot of traffic. i'm thinking folks are on vacation this week. on the atlantic city expressway, westbound after route 73 we have an accident there. that has the right lane, blocked. alex? >> thanks, sue. coming up at 7:32.
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five-year old boy who suffers from extremely severe people ace desperately searching for a solution. >> little guy's name is morgan bishop. his skin condition is so bad he can barely walk because of irritated skin on the souls of his feet. this is all over his body. morgan told his mom he would the rather die then suffer through this anymore, look at his feet. the family has tried almost every treatment available from the uk's national health services, even a form of chemotherapy, i don't know that i have ever seen eczema that bad on a child, doctor mike. >> i have a number of patients and although i take care of adults, severe, can be very demoralizing and very problematic but good news is, that we have treatments available, and many of these kid, outgrow the eczema. so even though this young man is suffering, i wish i could go, to england, and tell him
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hey, it will be okay. it will be okay. there are photo therapies now, there are immuno therapist, lots of people are doing research an this. as i a aid in the last couple weeks i'm so excited and i hope we can all live for another five years or so because i think that there will be a revolution, in treatment of cancer and things like eczema. >> i think people think when we think of eczema or other skin conditions we don't think they can this be bad. his mom was saying he doesn't think skin conditions are debilitating. >> your skin, you have no idea how much you can such if you have a skin problem. i have patient was eczema that are it is so bad that they just can't stand it. there are treatments available. the skinnies such an amazingly important organ in the body and we ignore. we abuse witt sun and
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everything. >> what is eczema. >> and, right down in the skin, making it very dry, very itchy, very irritating, with these red blotches. in adults, sometimes, this get misdiagnosed for a cutaneous t cell lymphoma. so when someone comes in with this kind of a rash, this kind of skin condition one as a intern i want to make sure that the diagnosis correct and it doesn't respond to simple things then i send them to a dermatologist. >> with the treatment internal or is it topical. >> well, maybe both. >> photo therapy, immune medications that decrease immune response, and thought to have an immune auto immune component to it. so, this young man and his parents, there is hope, you just need to get the right treatments. >> poor little guy. >> yes. >> he just doesn't want to
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live. >> doctor mike, thank you for that. >> 7:35 now. >> we are calling this wedding insurance, so many people getting married this umer and fall. it is a wedding make over too. >> that is true. such a big day, jen, your wedding day you want to be sure it is done perfectly. >> here's the thing, lot of people they don't want to grow out their hair or color their hair but they want that pretty bride hair and they want that hair to look good. come on back we will show you how to you make that happen, no dyes, no growing your hair out something you don't want it to be.
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i haven't had a response like in in a long time i'm being schooled by star wars fan because i only saw this one in 1977. the return of the jedi, in 1983. there is a scene where there is a big rescue scene and princess le a is being held captive. >> she has a chain around her neck. she needs to be rescued.
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he has chained her up. i get it now. >> now we're talking about this because is there a dad in new jersey who saw a doll, and he was upset, so we will talk about this more, and we will discuss and get your thoughts on it. >> thank you for your tweets. you have brought me up to speed on the star wars movie. >> let's talk about bride a lot of bride when it comes to the wedding day they grow out their hair. they want it full, long. beautiful styles. >> yes. >> can anybody do that. if your hair is thin can you make it thicker. >> i think you can. jen is showing us how. >> okay. >> you can, and that is what is cool, good morning, ladies. how are you. >> good, how are you. >> you guys just won, best, bridal party make over. >> correct. >> what does that mean. >> so basically means that any bride, can really have any style and we will make you over to get you a wedding day hair and make up. >> we will see these guys, depending on the colors we will do a beauty lounge, right. >> yes, picture perfect wedding.
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>> so we will come over here. she has gorgeous hair but i know, the fight thaw fight. you have thin hair just like me. so what can you do for her. >> so for someone like joslin on her wedding day she want to have soft, romantic waves and wear her hair down and we can make that happen, with hot heads extension. we will add this to her. it is buying hair insurance for her wedding day. we will know it will stay all day for her. >> your hair is real. >> right. >> jerk. >> that is the type of thing that she wants but with straight, thin hair, forgive me but we're in the same boat. >> yes. >> the extra hair, will be like a curly base and other stuff is on hold. >> it holds the the curl better and in the weighed down by your natural oils throughout the night. >> it is insurance. >> yes, exactly. >> so this is if you have thin hair or whatever. a lot of people. >> good morning. >> have shorter hair. >> shorter hair. >> with the dark hair on their day, when you want like
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dimensions, your soft curls, witt all up, and we will add blonde extensions. you can see dimension and you can see soft waves, for that day and also too for pictures with darker hair you cannot really see the up dues so. >> she just wants to keep her hair like this because this is her natural style so she does not to have grow it out into something she does not want to do. >> we can add more extension was her color. >> cool. >> we can make it longer, fuller because her hair is finer. >> other thing you said when it comes to the dark haired people and we have 30 seconds left they don't want to color their hair but they want to see what it looks like in the pictures. >> exactly. >> we will add the pictures. and, and all right, it is aid bridal. >> and, guess what else they are doing.
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>> what. >> a dude. there will be a dude. he we he can november the scruff i, mulet, we cannot have scruff i groomsmen. this is cool. the whole bridal party will get made over including the beauty lounge. >> groomsmen. >> they have to lah good too. >> so larry holmes, boxing legend, larry holmes, who is apparently a little bit late. he is fighting his way through traffic. when he gets here we will punch him up. >> it will be a income out segment. >> right there. >> okay.
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i bet we're playing that song on the account of the pluto thing, happening today. >> it is happening in a matter of minutes. >> coming up soon. but lets look at our atmosphere here on earth, first before we get to outer space. you just saw it is drippy in jim thorpe near pocono mountains. we have shore cast for today which isn't perfect. they have not had much rain yet at the shore, they will, or you will if you are watching there we will have maryland rate lightening threat for today. the southerly win at five, temps in the 80's on the
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beach. ocean water temperature 72 to 75. flash flood warnings in effect for this morning, and throughout the area of south jersey and baltimore suburbs there too. places where they have had heavy rain and now there are some lightening and probably thunder out in berks county, and to the north of that, around pottsville some heavy downpours. rain has right end up in new jersey but still steady rain around tabernacle and buckingham in bucks county, in pennsylvania, so some light rain as well. we're going to stay unsettled throughout the day. we have slight risk of severe thunderstorms, most of them will be happening later in the day. warm front through the area we will see impulses moving along the front as it stalls just to the south of philadelphia. and, they will keep us kind of cloudy, unsettled, throughout the rest of the day. it will be umbrella time again before the the day is through. we will see in the future cast as we go through the day there may be sunshine occasionally peeking through those clouds but on and off showers not
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only today but tomorrow as well. here we are at noon time on wednesday with scattered showers around, a few pop up thunderstorms before it is all out of here by midnight wednesday night and we have a good forecast in the thursday forecast. as we look the at the next seven days we have a warming trend toward weekend after mid 80's today and tomorrow, unsettled weather, we have a gorgeous day for thursday, high of 83. not as humid. friday a's high 86, also decent day and then warming trend starts and we are back in the 90's sunday with a chance of showers and thunderstorms. that is your seven day forecast, here's is what going on the roads. we are drying out these roads, now that the heavy rain has moved through. we will look at i-95 at girard avenue. folks moving kind of crowd budd not too bad. ben franklin bridge into philadelphia from new jersey, very stacked and pack coming in, in bellmawr, we have i-76
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eastbound at 295, a disabled vehicle there has the left lane blocked. that will slow you down around bellmawr, new jersey area and we are still dealing with that situation for septa regional rail, lansdale doylestown line is still suspended between the doylestown and pen lynn station because of the reports we have had and police investigation of someone hit by a train near north wales station. services are expected to resume between 8:30 and 9:00 this morning and we have a 15 minute delay on the manayunk norristown line, there are signal problems there, mike. >> all right. after nine and a half years and 3 billion miles, we are about to see something no other human has seen. nasa's new horizon spacecraft will fly by pluto. this mission has taken so long, pluto is not even a planet anymore. it is called a dwarf planet,
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launched back in 2006, this spacecraft, that guy is even waiting at nasa headquarters there. it will fly by pluto. >> there is only a minute left, mina way. >> now, how long will this picture take to come back. you would think a long time, right? >> yeah, they are saying like 16 months. >> excuse me. >> for it to come back, for new horizons to come back to earth. >> no i'm talking about a image. >> there better be a camera on this sucker. >> but to check the spacecraft. >> it is no way it is coming back, wouldn't it just go out into space and be gone forever. are you reading it is come back. >> it will collect so much information it will take six months for to it come back to earth. >> really. >> i have never heard of one of these things coming back. we better get derek pits. >> we should have him.
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>> eleven seconds. >> let's listen. >> six, five, four, three, two, one... >> pluto approach just passed. >> there is not a feed that show something, it is just this. >> it takes a while for images to come back now. >> based on my research the spacecraft is 4.5 light hours from earth so coverage will take 4.5 hours to reach us. >> well, we have got five hours to wait for our first image. >> great thing is new horizons, this is 700 million-dollar mission, okay. >> it is speeding past pluto
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and five moons. we will have first close-up views of it and they will verify whether it a actually snows on pluto. >> snow on pluto. >> doesn't have it a pinkish hugh to it. >> yes. >> it is not very big at all. >> no it is size of our moon. >> two thirds the size of our moon. >> man you, you good. >> it is small. >> it will take 13 hours for our first picture, 13 hours. we will sit right here and wait. >> let's just do that. 8:53 p.m. >> 8:00 o'clock tonight we will get to see pluto. >> still a big day because it coincides of the 50th anniversary of the first ever fly by of mars. so look at that. >> um-hmm. >> so we only have eight planets now. >> some people are now saying pluto may not even be a official planet anymore. >> they call it a dwarf. >> well, that was exciting. >> what were you expecting,
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mike, i was building it up, that you would see something, i have seen a roomful of people before. >> that is true. >> they have been working on this for nine years. >> actually over 50 years. there have been people there that have died, people at nasa who only work on this their whole lives. >> i meant mission just to pluto. >> yes. >> but this marks the end of, our space agency's mission to hit all of the planets in the solar system. >> we have hit them all. >> started with convenient news 1962. >> that is a little tiny one. >> we're third from the son. >> let's move on. >> is larry holmes here yet. >> we need derek pits. >> fighting traffic. >> yes. >> we have to come up with something. >> derek tweeted me today. maybe he will give us more information. >> derek pits astronomer as extraordinare who lives in philadelphia. >> i was surprise by this. i thought 50cent was rich. >> i give money, i give money,
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you know that song in well, shorty, i'm a little shorty on money. chapter 11 bankruptcy. does that mean he is broke or just moving some money around? we have a financial guy because we need an expert to weigh in on this, dan, our money guy, explains is 50 broke. >> fifty,. >> i love it. >> i don't think i'm supposed to. >> i think it is 50. >> to tell you truth. >> more proper now. >> says the white guy.
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i was at my shop tied up with a customer when i realized the time. i had to get to the bank before it closed, so i made a break for it. when i got out it was almost closing time. traffic was bad. i knew i was cutting it close. but it was ok. i use td bank. it's got the longest hours and stays open an extra ten minutes every day. i'm sid. and i bank human at td bank.
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flew past, it got as close as 7800 miles, away from pluto. >> yes. >> new horizons is traveling at 31,000 miles an hour, fastest spacecraft ever launch. >> that would be 8 miles per second, chris murphy, that is faster then you you can drive that mercedes. >> that is right, spacecraft is compiling information. we won't know full extent of the close contact until nasa team that you just saw live gets confirmation from way of the signal. they will call this a phone home signal, channeling et, right. that will be about 8:53 to 9:10 our time. so sometime around 9:00 p.m. here's what we do know, pluto was discovered by an american, astronomer clyde in 1930 at the lowell observatory. it came from a british school girl who suggested it take the myth logical god of the under world,. >> the guy that discovered his
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ashes are on that spacecraft. >> exactly. >> isn't that crazy. we are going back to way back in 1930's what is this picture is that what we think it looks like. >> they were surprised to find out that it also has a huge crater, and that might be what we see there, almost the size of the grand canyon and that it has a reddish hugh thaw you you are seeing on the screen. they thought it was a gray planet. pluto has five moons, part of the new horizon is to hunt for additional moons. they don't necessity how many it has at this point. so it is furthest from the sun. so how far, between two-point eight and 4.6 billion miles. to put that in perspective it will take you 248 years for pluto to orbit the sun. really cold temperatures can dip to minus 400 degrees. just seven months after new horizons took off to view planet, experts announced it wasn't a planet after all, as mike said, only 1,473 miles in diameter, that is bigger than
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scientists first thought w pluto out of the mix mercury is the smallest planet so far. as small as it is, it is biggest object in the kyp er belt which is referred to as twilight zone you heard the theme song there belt is filled with comets and other icy construction. scientists hope finances will be approved to help new horizons to further study that. >> i believe the kyper belt was discovered curing this spacecraft's flight. >> interesting to go think about that. it lawn inched january 2006 and it has been going ever since. it gist flew by at 30,000 miles per hour, or whatever it was what were you doing in january of 2006 you think back in your life. it has been going that whole time. >> i remember it took off because we cover it up in new york on our show. i was working in san francisco at the time, it is mind boggling the calculations that they have to do to get this just right. by the way, it has to avoid astros fields and everything
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else. >> it shut down, rested for most of the trip and then they turn it back on. >> now in 2015 they have just tweeted has a new horizons were 8,000 miles from pluto and scanning the pictures and they cannot wait to see what they find. >> they have to wait until 9:00 o'clock. >> so in real time again, it passed five or six or seven minutes ago, if they were some send back immediate image is it will take four and a half hours to receive those images. the it is so busy taking pictures it doesn't want to turn around and zoom back that is why we have to wait 13 hours. so 9:00 p.m. our time to see these first photos. >> okay, thanks, chris. >> chris pits . good day, it is tuesday, july 14th, 2015. >> reporter: president obama coming to philadelphia for naacp convention, details on
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his keynote dress, alex. >> 50cent files for bankruptcy, this is just months after forbes named him one of the wealthiest people in hip-hop. money mistakes that cost him that title or is he going to be smart here. >> hi, jen. >> reporter: we are doing bridal party make overs. it doesn't matter if you have short hair, brown hair, blonde hair, curly hair, we are making it happen. we are showing you thousand transition your look from the ceremony to the reception. >> larry holmes will be hair -- here, but he is fighting his way through traffic. >> how many times can i do that. >> you will keep trying. >> he can punch me in the face. >> why would larry holmes be here, boxing legend. >> you will never guess. >> who knew he could sing. he will do a one man show. i will tell you where he will do it. >> that is up credible. can't wait to meet him. >> probably a knock out. >> here he goes.
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>> tko. >> five out of ten your weather by the numbers today. bus stop buddy fighting throughs rain drops. he wants that time in the swimming pool and he will, at times, today, just to have listen to get out of the pool if there is a storm around. our flood advisory has been lifted, 75 degrees right now and there are still some showers around but not as many as we have seen earlier in the day, but still flash flood warning in effect for parts of the cumberland county, here's the deal, every now and then the sun will peak through the clouds. we should get to 82 degrees but thunderstorms firing up later on in the day, again, keep an eye on the sky. 86 degrees the the high. let's check traffic with a look at 422, at trooper, and it is not too bad this morning. slow go, we have seen it worse, route 42 freeway in new jersey, traffic moving just fine on that roadway.
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that is unusual. towamencin we have a check of sumanytown pike at franklin street we have a report of the accident there and lansdale doylestown line, septa regional rail, it is suspended still between the doylestown and pen lynn stations because of police activity, but they are expect to open it up between 8:30 and 9c this morning. still a 15 minute delay in the manayunk norristown line because of signal problems, mike? it is a lot of debate all day long, probably for the next six months, after 20 months of talks, president barack obama announced only one hour ago that landmark nuclear deal with iran was settled, overnight. president says that the agreement is not built on trust, but it is built on verification just like ronald reagan a used to say, trust but verify. all of the iran's pathways to the nuclear weapon are cut off. >> if we can address them.
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>> in exchange iran will see sanction relief. they will start getting billions from you had and other countries once again as outlined in the deal, the president threatened to veto any congressional legislation that would seek to block this agreement. then would they have enough votes to override his veto. he says no deal means a greater chance of more war in the middle east. let the debate begin. >> the president of the united states will be heading here to philadelphia. >> yep he is gearing up for a second speech of the day at naacp national convention. >> you know he will bring up this iran deal, no question bit. so, he will be here just afternoon time today. speech is scheduled to begin around 3:00. is a bean ace a all over the story at the convention center, hi there, sabina. >> reporter: policy practices have been at the information front of the convention this past week and president obama's speech will focus on
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the issues that the the white house considers to be most important. now we're told he will be calling for a plan to reform the criminal justice system for those convicted of non-violence crimes. he has used his executive power to commute sentences of dozens of drug offenders that he says were too harshly sentenced. he will announce efforts to go beyond the limits of the powers and those efforts, he will try to make them fight partisan. he want law make tours reduce what he says are too tough sentences and disparity of how justice is dulled out. anyone, in a taxpayer cause of housing prisoners. >> there is a lot more to do to restore sense of fairness at the heart of the justice system and to make sure tax dollars are well spent even as we are keeping our streets safe. that is something i will discuss in philadelphia, where i will layout ideas for criminal justice reform many of which are getting bipartisan support. together we can make our communities safe, we can spend
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our taxpayer dollars more wisely and make sure more citizens, even those who made mistakes, have a chance to be productive members of the so side and contribute to the country that we love. >> reporter: as you might imagine as with anywhere the the president goes, the the security will be tight. we are told thousands will be in attendance for his speech. it will be at 3:00 o'clock this afternoon. >> the the speech will be right there at the convention center, right. >> reporter: yes, that is right, right behind us. we have news crews lining up here on the street just waiting to get in. >> for sure. >> just yesterday we were over there. thank you, is a bean a there was a lot of people there we made sure to register, pursuing liberty in the face of injustice that is the theme for this years 106th annual naacp. >> it has been quite the successful convention. great to have everybody in town too. 8:06. >> donovan mcnabb was cooperative as he was
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questioned about his accident. >> he is cooperative, no question about it. >> talk ago lot. >> i bet he is very embarrassed this morning. police officers that stopped him smelled alcohol on his breath, put him in the back of the squad car. i have learn that he ran into the back of the car, driven by the wife of the powe lease officer. >> hi steve. >> it wasn't a hit and run, we had every day, decent enough to stick around and wait for police to show up. and, and, and, let's give donovan mcnabb credit, for sticking around, and, and, this past year and police departments are getting. we have video evidence and audio evidence of mcnabb's arrest. this is his second, dui arrest just in the last year and a half, in the same area
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where he lives now, phoenix, arizona still on probation, in the first case where he got a ten day jail sentence in nine of those days suspended but now with a second dui conviction in that area, if he gets convicted, a minimum 90 days in jail and as much as six months, here's a little bit of that evidence. >> what i would like for to you do, it is donovan, right. >> yes. >> stand on the sidewalk. keep your feet to go. keep your arms down at your side. >> yep. >> okay. any recent head injuries. >> i played football. >> i know how are. >> and it has been a little will while since you played, right. >> three years but still. >> what i want to you to is just hold it right here so i can see your eyes well enough. i will shine it right in your eyes. do you understand that. >> yes. >> you want me to look at this light right here. >> no problem. >> don't move your head,
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follow with your eyes. >> yes. >> reporter: it was just ten years ago donovan mcnabb made positive headlines with his old friend terrell owens. well, to, who has never been arrested, everybody criticizes him but never done anything illegal. i give him credit for that. he had to chime in object his old friend mcnabb's arrest. dui is very serious thing. number of lives from it has been staggering. it is a blessing nobody was hurt when donovan rear ended that woman. he we may not still be playing but we still serve as role models, terrell owens said. you have to be more responsible. next time, donovan, call uber. you have to love to still making headlines long after both players are done. he put a positive head line on a negative head line for mcnabb. >> we were wondering chlorofill, apparently one of the viewer troy, who is a producer for wurd. he said he was taking chlorofill and cough medicine. so, parentally it had great
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effects if you take chlorofill pills. it is an internal deodorant. >> yes. >> it controls body odor. >> yes. >> why was he taking chlorofill. >> thanks, troy. >> it encourages healing. there is that. >> yes. >> mike, next time you have a running nose take some chlorofill. >> i sit next to him at the breath, talk about the bad breath. >> i'm surprised to didn't bring up vomiting. >> all right. >> 8:10. $600 for a -- you know that woman on teen mom. >> farrah a abraham. >> her daughter cashes in after losing her first tooth. all of the extra gifts that she got, for losing a tooth. >> here we go. >> and then this... >> ♪ >> not these days, 50cent
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life's morning multitasking. it's multiple ideas for growing families, and drawers with many layers, to show exactly what you need. life's the food that brings us together. and kitchens where every meal is the most important of the day. and kitchens where every meal that's a fact. but this whole "blondes have more fun" thing... ♪ standing by for fun. ♪
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look at the size of this thing. that happened yesterday afternoon. a tornado, this is in central kansas, do we know what town this was close by? incredible. look at this shot, gigantic shows these tornado forming. they have a a lot of severe storms throughout the midwest, funnel cloud produced storm wind and damaging hail. you know what these storms do tornado was confirmed on the ground as well, although forecasters say it quickly dissipated. that is a tornado. >> look at that. >> eating autopsy lot of farm ground. that is a tornado on the ground. >> yes, i said earlier it looks like one from wizard of the oz. >> it does. >> and people have never seen a tornado, look, blue sky and sun all around it. >> it is amazing. the phenomenon. >> nothing like that weather drama but we had a few thunderstorms. they dissipated headed toward
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the pocono mountains. everything else has eased up with the rain but only for now. we have another chance of showers, thunderstorms later on in the day. in mostly cloudy skies in between. 86 degrees today and tomorrow. heating up in the weekend back in the 90's for sunday. is there your weather authority seven day forecast and quick look at traffic, because we had an incident on i-95, northbound at girard avenue, unfortunately, we see flashing lights, northbound i-95, at girard, heading out the door and that is your route, you might want to find another way this morning. that will slow you down. >> ♪
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>> because that sounds like enough footage on your morning television from riri's new song it is pretty explicit. but it is about her accountant cheating her out of millions. >> she got back at that accountant. >> as we see they are no strange tours money troubles. just yesterday people can't believe this 50cent filed for bankruptcy. >> a according to court documents filed in connecticut he reported his estimated assets to be somewhere, and this could be a problem, look at this wide range of assets, it is either ten million-dollar or 50 million-dollar, which is about the same amount of money he owes other people. this happened just before he was scheduled to testify in five million-dollar sex tape trial earlier this year, forbes magazine name him one of the wealthiest people in the music industry. >> forbes said he was worth one-- 155 million-dollar. would be of our friend said she thought it was a a joke.
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>> not a joke, 50 cents is down to his last penny. >> yes. >> he would be in good company. >> last year 1 million americans, alex, declared bankruptcy. we're talking about these common problems that effects celebrities with a lot more zeros on the end but affect you and i. >> this will be a fun game. >> if we name a celebrity can you tell us the trouble they are in. >> we will start with 50. >> bankruptcy. >> so he really broke the bank. >> what happens is you have a cash flow crunch. these celebrities have high incomes. they don't realize they are paying management fees, taxes, all this expense comes out. at the end of the day they are left with little spending money. common problem for regular folks too and therefore they have a cash crunch. >> yes good he is not technically broke, he does have assets. his music catalogue, et cetera but he doesn't have money to pay his bills good some say this might be smart business move. >> yes, bankruptcy can be a smart business move, alex if
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you have this sort of short term cash crunch that allows to you go to court, rearrange your debts and get a fresh start. >> it effects woman who happens to be after his assets. >> protecting his assets from creditors. >> he wouldn't to have pay her because he posted that sex tape she's now owed five million-dollar. so she may not see that. >> she may not see money anyone post a sex tape with me, go ahead, five million-dollar, show them whatever they want. >> yes. >> you go. >> let's go back to the tape, rihanna. >> that ace good one. rihanna, in the only was she abused by chris brown but she was a abused by her advisor to the tune of 10 million. she won monday back from her team of financial advisors and accountants and what not because they made bad investment, choices but rehand ace guilty here too. here's a lesson for all of us, guys, don't trust anyone completely, even family members, with all of your
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money. so good relationships are built on trust, great relates ships are built on proof. check your own monthly statements every month and check references, background checks, all that stuff, before you trust someone with your money. >> my parents say you need to necessity where all your money is going. >> good lesson for all of us. >> next celebrity, how about madonna. >> madonna had to write a check for 80 million-dollar, to get rid of the love of her life guy richie. that was ten million-dollar a year. i would marry her for 10 million a year. but she would be boss i, i think. in the the less here's a lesson for all of us no prenup agreement. she went in with lots of cash, lots of assets. guess what? it didn't work out. she is stroke a check for 80 million-dollar. lesson for us. if you go in the marriage, protect your marriage when you have kid from a previous relationship or own a business or you have a good bank than the, get prenup. >> ring up the prenup.
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>> i just thaw of it, she was in the news last week, tiger wood broke up with lindsey vonn, she has money problems. >> 1.7 million she owes the irs. thises a common one, guys. do you remember willie nelson. 6 million he had to pay irs, plus high penalties. get it, high penalties. the idea was for us it means this. if your income change. lets say you got a raise, second job or independent contractor, you have got to make sure you are responsible to make sure you are withholding enough taxes from your paycheck or making quarterly payments. irs doesn't want to hear sorry, i will make mistake. you willow back taxes and you may also owe penalties. >> it is downhill for her. >> all downhill for her. >> you know what they say more money, more problems. >> that is true. >> he is all about the money. >> yes. >> thanks, dan. >> you got it. >> thank you. >> 8:20. here we go, i got to tell you this. too racey for young kids.
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>> that is what a guy over in deptford a guy who lives in deptford, new jersey said after seeing this doll, in a toy store. the toll's name is sparking controversy but i'm learning a lot about star wars, return of the jedi. >> thanks to our great viewers on twitter. >> but first ariana a grande out of the wood she won't be charged in that doughnut licking dilemma, but not everyone is off the hook here we will tell you who is getting in trouble and instead.
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you tell us what you want to pay and we help find options to fit your budget. nah, nah, insurance, nah, nah, nah, discount. my name's flo, you want to go out with me? no. uh-huh-huh! look the at this picture that we saw yesterday. >> touching tribute on the second anniversary of his december, lea michelle posted this pick of her late boyfriend corry monteith. the glee star said last thing is smiling today so we think of you and remember laughter and joy we shared together. i hold you in my heart always and love and miss you show. monteith died in 2013 from an overdose. >> 8:24. it seems like, a couple people on twitter are saying, you
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know, we have to finish off this story. i promise. >> i find it fascinating though. >> ariana grande was licking doughnuts with her boyfriend. she won't be criminally charged. she didn't even buy them, of course, that is trouble. she bought them. she can lick them all she wants. oner of this doughnut shop, wolfy doughnuts in california, l.a., still might be in trouble. the the incident triggered a visit from the health department and doughnut shop was downgraded from an a rating to a b rating. they rate their restaurants in all of california on a letter system. >> if i were there them would i ban her from our restaurants. she has caused them nothing but trouble. >> if they get find, and they will, she has to pay that fine. >> have those fees, yes. >> and not supposed to have trays under there, they are supposed to have a cover over them. >> and did you see this tracie morgan, and, and, and, over the weekend, he was spotted
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behind the wheel, not just any wheel but a nice car in new york city. >> one of our friends who works for our sister station in new york, on the news there at fox five in new york, his name is steve lazy. he likes to take pictures and put them on instagram. he saw tracie minister again driving by in a lamborghini. >> that is not just any lamborghini. >> that is a a good looking car. >> tracie almost lost his life after that horrible accident last june when his limo was hit from behind by a wal-mart truck a year ago june. his friend died in the crash. tracie suffered a major brain injury, and still not fully recovered, of course, but well enough to drive around the streets of manhattan. >> that is really cool. >> guess who is behind the camera? is that you. >> yes. >> hi. welcome to philadelphia. >> thank you. >> boxing legend larry holmes is in our studio stopping by to not talk about boxing so much, but his one man show.
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8:30. next guest is a boxing legend, regarded as one of the best heavyweight fighters of all time. >> larry holmes, easton assassin is back in the ring for a fight for a one man show. >> larry is in the studio with us now. good to see you. >> always a player. >> still in easton. >> i love easton but, you have a lot of money, it is in the like people go tout vegas to live. >> easton has 26,000 people and i don't to have compete with none of them. so, you know, save your money, you have to move to a town that you can be quiet and comfortable in. i'm comfortable in easton. >> alex said you are not in town to talk about boxing, so much, but tell me about this
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show that you will have. >> well, it is a one man show, i do in my nightclub, i do it anywhere i go, that people wants to see you do something. it is just more than a meet and greet. i put a song out called new day. every day is a new day. every day when i go home, i go on from there. i make up stuff as i go. >> you wrote this song, new day. you have been writing songs. >> i have been, in the music business for about 20 years. i always wanted to say, and hang out, i used to be opening act for cool and the gang, temptations. >> what. >> how did i miss this. >> i used to open the show, and even as far as the philippines, their show. >> can i see this anywhere on line, can i listen to your music. >> yes. >> if we use your mike even if do you know anything right now
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>> ♪ i work the whole easton every day. take it from me, there is in better way. life is short so i play it straight. i enjoy what i see before it ties late you will sing and tell store business your career. >> yes. >> it is about the career, and boxing. when i became a professional boxer my image said this guy ain't going no where. he is too soft, skinny, because i worked with mohammed ali. i tried to imitate, a lot of his fighting. so they said, i will not become anything. >> do you tell story about when you decided to fight ken norton, you got hurt, of course, you you remember. >> you got sick right before the fight. >> yes. >> it looks like it was even all the way to the end. >> well, when i got ready to
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fight kenney, i was sick for a month. i said i cannot blow this opportunity because if i blow this opportunity i will not get it again. i worked, prayed, and, i said i'm going in the ring, and i will fight this guy and give it my all. when i got in the ring my arms started to feel good and i went to work. >> you worked on adrenaline. >> yes, mr. kenney norton was strong, tough. god bless his heart. >> was that the toughest fight. >> what was the toughest fight. >> it was mike tie son. >> the reason why it was toughest fight because i had retired for two years and i went back to fight mike tyson and i didn't want to fight mike tyson. i was retired. don king incomes on the door, bang, i said this is at 10:00 o'clock at night. opened door the is don king. i said don, you must be crazy. i have been retired for two
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years. i cannot fight mike tyson. >> he said, pretty much what you wanted. >> i said i can't fight mike tyson. >> i will give you three million-dollar. >> i'll fight mike tyson. >> yes, let's do it. >> how long after that did you fight him. >> don king moved it up, like two months earlier. i was in the ready to fight mike tyson. >> when you get that kind of money, you say what the heck. so i went in there. >> i will fight you right now for a hundred dollars. >> that would be a one man show for sure. >> it would be, because would i knock him out real quick. >> not the for a hundred dollars. >> yes. >> give me may weather money, 180 million-dollar. >> did you watch that fight, what did you think. >> it wasn't a good fight. >> who is better fight pacquiao or floyd. >> may weather is better fighter. i grew up with his father, and
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we were boxing and stuff like that, but i watched may weather fight for a long time. he makes a lot of mistakes though. >> money may weather. >> lets talk about the show. >> your show will be on friday, at harrah's in chester. you will be singing. >> i will do whatever that comes to me. i like to adlib. >> gentlemen. >> we have been thinking about some songs you could do, maybe some teddy pendergrass. >> see, i don't like to do that because i'm a boxer. i do like stand by me. >> ain't no stopping us now. >> well, i got, that song from fighting when it first came out. every time i come out, i would come out to that. >> yes. >> he is a lover, not a fighter. >> good to see you you, larry. >> my wife ain't going to go for that.
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>> so nice to meet you you. >> thank you very much. >> five kids all grown now. >> have a good time friday. >> thanks, i will, i hope you can make it over. >> sue, what is up. >> hi, quincy. >> hey guys, look south philadelphia at 25th and snyder, south philadelphia urban youth groups they have all girls camp, they need our help, we will talk to them coming up.
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out. >> you can cook, paint, learn how to horse back ride, play basketball. >> playing basketball that is what the kid in the recreational center in south philadelphia are doing. of course, quincy is there, he got game. >> well, last year i played with these young ladies. solve these young ladies are very fierce. i will try to redeem myself. how are you doing. >> great today. >> yes. >> coach, how are you doing. >> we're blessed man, we blessed. >> last year, this is the third year of the program, fox urban group. >> yes, third year. >> you guys, you train girls out here, it started last week, tell us the hours and the ages of the groups of the kid. >> well, it is eight to 18. we have a few girls going to college that are college bound and our main thing toys develop the girls into from middle school, actually elementary school, middle school, and high school and push them into college. >> we end august 13th. august 19th we will have a classic which his life was
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taken, unfortunately which was kevin slaughter's nephew and we just trying to company something monumental, something that has never been done before. >> i know you have a go fund me page. >> yes. >> no one has donated money for go fund me page for this organization. >> not yet, it is coming. i believe in my god, it is coming. everything will work out. i have been doing this. and and, he has been supporting me. we have some people, lately that have been helping out, with different things as far as the shirts, we have a few different communities, and people that helped us out. it is coming. we have a couple stores that give, everything counts, man. >> yes, success stories. i know mo'ne davis played this. >> she was one of my first campers and girls, we started off with 12. mo'ne was within of the 12. we have a young lady name rook
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row tucker who they had counted out she tore her acl, one of the best ninth graders around and out of basketball for two years. i will not get into her personal life but things weren't going so well for her. but coach wesley and counselors helped her get into our high school and next thing you know, now she's going a away to college. her grades are great. everything is working fine. we have kids now, that are giving back to us. we have kid coming and helping us out. >> next hour i will play against some of the kid. we need to you donate to the go fund me page. we will give you more information on. that jen freddie know you are out there, what is going on. >> here's what we are doing we are making over some brides, bridal parties. boys are involved. bride is involved. we will show what you we are doing. it is cool stuff, as we share.
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it. thunderstorms are nearby and five out of ten. it is 76 in philadelphia mostly cloudy skies, and planner for today has high of 86 degrees with the scattered storms throughout the the afternoon, mostly cloudy skies with a peak of sunshine here and there that takes care of your tuesday from the weather authority. now a quick look at traffic, i should say, moments from now, mike anal a ex- >> moments. >> moments. >> 8:46. >> back to the wedding thing. >> yes, a lot of people look perfect and long full hair and update to go see where they are right now. >> yes. >> what about the guys. >> guys have to look good too. >> jen. >> there is a whole wedding party. >> we will get to the guys. whole wedding party will get a make over. they want to see, and we have a certain ceremony and, they wanting to crazy. >> they want to let their hair
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down. >> this is our pretend bride. you have done an amazing job. >> this is tesa and that looks like something you would wear to a ceremony, and typically bride would wear a veil and want to remove it for reception. >> so do you tell them, you will start taking them down. you go to the bridal sweet, bathroom or whatever and this is what they do. is it east i for bright themselves to take their hair out. >> we usually show made of honor or one of the girls in the wedding, we can color proof the bobby pin, if it need to be removed, it is like a puts will but in the bathroom it takes five minutes, take it out and then they can go dance, party the night away. >> would you do like the color of the bobby pins and another one had stays in another color. >> you will know, we work together all day so we show what it looks like half up and then we show it all up. it is something that has been
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done before and just a way so the bride can feel like a celebrity and it is one less decision they have to make. we have it all. >> now that we have seen her hair down it is not crazy down but still a glamorous look. >> still talk off her face and she can look herself and just a better version. >> that is really cool, waste to go, ladies. we need to talk about my friend here, hi buddy. you air adorable, gorgeous. but he is not exactly wedding ready. >> no, we have a request from the bride can we just have you groom him a little will bit. well, we will just make them feel like themselves but a better version of themselves. >> what is the bride's typical number one complaint, i'm here to predict it, it is facial hair. >> yes. >> that is where we step in and do a little bit of grooming. >> you do make up as well. you don't want anyone to look
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overdone. >> yes, i put make up on grooms, they feel it is a little shiny, you have photographs or anything it shows up differently on film. >> so, you are here not only because you are adorable but your sister works here. we needed someone to show how this works. you are ready for your make over. >> yes. >> are you prepared for make up. >> yeah, sure. >> he already has some on. >> you have some make up on right now. >> did you ask or did you just get make up. >> i asked do you want make up and he said yeah, why not. >> do you have a girl friend. >> we will get you one, look in the mirror, okay. he will be totally new. we cannot show you our bride because she has all kind of amazing stuff. come on back, it is g i can't wait to make you over for your wedding. >> because he set a date, did you know this. >> i didn't set a date, i set a season. >> what season.
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>> spring. >> some year. >> no, you said next year. >> probably so. >> so there is a date. >> plenty of time to get a lot of make up ready. >> make sure jen is ready for you. >> a vat of make up. >> did you say i love you to anyone. >> i don't think i have but i do love you. >> i love to you, alex. >> i say it too much. >> you say it when you want something. >> i love you. >> it is a big moment in the relationship but chances are you have said it before, the exact number of people we utter those three special word to coming up here, three people in our lives we should be saying i love you to. >> okay.
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looks like this may be as many as four cars, that were involved in an accident. everybody is moved over to the shoulder of the road though so it is not slowing you down that much and we have got truck with the arrow on there making sure you stay where you are supposed to. lets check ben franklin bridge coming in the city traffic isn't nearly as bad as it was, and it looks like all, four lanes are getting in. and one more look at the lansdale doylestown line of septa regional rail still suspended at this time due to police activity. they have expecting to open that up, anytime now but investigations continuing and a person being struck by a train earlier today. also, the manayunk norris down line is still, experiencing, 15 minute delays because of signal problems. couple big problems this morning guys on septa regional rail. >> i got something for air yan grande she can move to spain
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and doughnuts would be delivered by a drone and nobody would know about this licking stuff. >> she can lick them in private. >> it is a a pretty small bakery but it is in spain but they are delivering by drone. it is called cus and company. >> and, they use drones to deliver bread to customers. they claim to be first in the world to do so. >> what in the heck was that. >> here you can see bread being delivered by a drone, there is the the view, there. >> that is beautiful. >> if you need a bagget while surfing they will send it to you right on the beach. >> yes. >> what a way to impress the girl lets have a picnic on the beach and have the meal thrown in. >> look at that. >> i love spain, beautiful, one of my favorite countries. >> i like drones too but they are just so dangerous we cannot use them much in this country. >> other day i was over university city. >> yeah. >> i saw a a drone floating in the air, i tried to get my
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phone to take a picture but it was gone by the time i pulled it up, but there was a drone, yeah, lovely. >> can you fly them legally around towny don't know that is why i wanted to take a picture because i had a feeling you wouldn't we me have. >> get on twitter and tell me if it is legal to fly a drone around the city of philadelphia. >> $600 for a tooth? you know that woman on mtv, farrah abraham, well, her daughter lost her first tooth, in fact, two front teeth. but that is not all she got. the extra gifts for losing a tooth. what? for life...
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(husband) hon! it's grover cleveland! (female announcer) ...when you play the new cash4life, from the pennsylvania lottery. (husband) let me get this. (female announcer) that means you too could experience the joy of winning. (wife) look who went shopping! (female announcer) every day... (grover) your chariot awaits! (announcer) ... for the rest of your life. (wife) jump on! (grover) nothing like a new mower. (wife) what? (grover) see you tomorrow! (female announcer) cash4life from the pennsylvania lottery. play for fun. cash for life.
9:00 am
look at this, booker t, yes. >> are you all right. >> i will be okay. >> you are so excited for this 9:00 o'clock hour. >> no question, tuesday, july 14th my daughter jessica's birthday. >> are you doing anything special for her. >> i got the to come up with something. >> look at this. >> well, let's find her, where is she. >> i think, these are all of the lovely ladies in mike's life. >> if you go to the middle square here in the hollywood squares she's one to my right. >> to my right, so to my left on the screen. >> okay. >> that is jessica jerrick. >> lets get into this, too racey for youngsters a local daddies angry after spotting the star wars doll but her outfit is not the worst part. why the doll's name is sparking backlash. plus, did you just say i love you, it is a huge moment in the relationship but chances are you have said it before. exact number
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