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tv   Chasing News  FOX  November 5, 2015 12:00am-12:31am EST

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bill: now on "chasing news". >> and after police allegedly beat him savagely because of connection he had to the man who executed to cops. >> i know i'm hurting. physically, mentally. bill: not making sense to me. >> mother of two grown boys and then all around maternal ways to has channeled all of her mom this into a new business venture. >> the idea that there was something out there, need to talk to someone obviously older. bill: if people would pay 40 bucks for a hug, yes. >> a pro makeup artist nice enough to drop by the studio. >> ii needed help. >> works with the utes brush and mouth style.
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>> it's really pleasant. ♪ >> when i 1st saw the pictures i noticed. is this mark from where the police -- >> yes. >> take a look at these pictures. karen baker after police allegedly beat him savagely because of a connection that he had to ishmael, the man who executed to cops and their police car. today i met mr. baker here on the steps of the superior court because he is speaking out. >> my family, it is not just me. >> just file a lawsuit against the nypd.
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they are alleging they have a surveillance video where there speaking to him after delivering packages for fedex and said that the cop killer stopped and asked them for directions. >> the fedex man, gave him directions, that was it. just some random guy asking for directions. >> switched from fedex, now working for ups and has not been able to work because of the injuries and all of the criminal charges that have come against him. bill: when did he get beaten? when did this alleged assault happened? what was the timeline? >> he said he was pursued for nine months, pulled over
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20 times and harassed. never given an actual ticket. the actual beating came in october. >> a specific incident, again, no criminal record, that is not exactly accurate. he read your marijuana, refused to show his id, and resisted arrest. flailing his. flailing his arms in the air and wrestling with officers. bill: one of the cop saying? are they just ticking by they guy was resisting arrest. >> right now that is what we know, but we will keep investigating. as it goes further we will give more of the cops perspective. doing court in december, and it will continue and may drag out. >> i don't even no where to begin.
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jessica release is a professional makeup artist nice enough to drop by the studio on monday because i needed help. makeup, tv. yet. >> i was never super confident and every time i tried to do it i came out looking strange. maybe you can be my savior. >> for a daily rate, three or 400 bucks. >> $75 per hour. >> fair enough. cheap and enough. cheap at twice the price. jessica works with a unique brush and mouth style, the only one that she can use. use. general birth defects have left her with very little use of her arms. >> you are actually a mixture. >> a similar complexion. >> no. >> i am a little bit darker.
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>> got into doing makeup when she was just a kid. >> okay. so pretty without it. so let me put on a little bit of eyeliner and mascara. >> i'm glad i shared today. >> one thing led to another. >> well. is that you? and the whole perception of who i was changed. >> and jessica is working doing local fashion shows, the occasional independent clients. we could gowe could go into
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all the she has overcome. it is more than you can imagine. >> is beautiful. dedicated herself to me. >> so there you have it. contact jessica via her management on twitter at embassy ent or jessica on twitter@dreamy eyes. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you for the education. >> the 1st time i looked at it. that is good. >> if you ever have one of those days where you are just town adopts, not feeling so hot, hunghot, hung over perhaps. just one of those days where
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you could really use a mom. mother of two grown boys and then all around maternal ways thethis channeled all of her mom this into a new business venture called need a mom. you need to talk to someone older. someone on my part who has gone through a lot of what they have gone through. new yorkers can call in our services. lending and nonjudgmental here in the accompanying you to a doctors appointment they can be pretty lonesome sometimes. bill: 32. >> at 30. some motherly advice. >> saidsay that i am
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struggling in the kitchen anita mom. can i give you a call? >> i think probably not 24 hours a day. >> encourages young men and women to make things from scratch like a famous chicken noodle soup. >> it is a little time-consuming, especially if you make a good chicken soup. you start with the chicken. which brought me to listen number two. he should always grocery shopping look for fresh produce. bill: did you talk to her, vent to her? >> i did. she has a big background. >> i cannot always promise that i will be there in the moment unless we set it up in advance. but if it is something that i can help you with how will
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take your call. >> as a mom i do not think that i would employ the service but there are moments when you feel like i am responsible for everything. i get needing hand. it is a tough job. bill: like hiring an assistant. >> like hiring an older best friend. that pushes the boundaries. >> your best friend ironed her shirt. >> my best friend is my mother. >> $40 an$40 an hour. >> of people paid 40 bucks for a hug, yes. >> people just sound like they need therapists. god their mom and be thankful. >> my god. >> my god. bill: my god. >> and thisin this week's reason to never have kids check out this viral video. >> banana chips. get out of here.
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>> a profanity race rant about catch of them banana chips and the undying love of hygiene dozen starbucks like a good kid. bill: banana chips with ketchup? come on. ♪ >> the housing assistance program of new jersey operates. people are not going down without a fight. >> this is america, not, not a third world country. >> beggars can be chooses. >> another day in the life of being a chaser. >> we report the news. >> when it comes down to it it is not just about the >> when it comes down to it it is not just about the story.
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dear fellow citizen, i get that it's hard to say no when your kids want toys, because you're saving for shoes. and shoes. and shoes. but i can help you figure out how to save a little with one deposit checking. so ask me, i can help you avoid fees. sincerely, elizabeth trackler. fellow working mom and fellow citizen. ♪ this holiday season, my good friend gave to me ♪
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♪ 7 powerball tickets ♪ 6 match 6 chances ♪ 5 cash 5s ♪ 4 cash4lifes ♪ 3 pick 3s ♪ 2 mega millions (joe) happy holidays, rita. (rita) thanks, joe! (man) what a great gift! (announcer) pennsylvania lottery tickets make great gifts, like the new holiday millionaire. (joe) happy holidays! ♪ and best wishes from the lottery ♪ ♪ bill: you are chasing aa story of 3,000 new jersey residents not only in jeopardy of losing housing but more than that. people that are really struggling. >> the housing assistance program to give assistance to people on disability and trying to pay the rent is gone, but the people are not
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going down without a fight. they are trying to make their voices heard. people were able to appeal the decision to cut off new jersey housing assistance program. you remember that the governor extended benefits for four months to give people a chance toa chance to find another place to live, but there is a catch. if they receive assistance they got to pay the state back. that means hundreds and potentially thousands of dollars owed for people whose only income is social security check of about 700 some dollars a month and food stamps. i was here for these hearings. a lot of frustration. >> this is america,america, not a third world country. >> these are going on all over the state, but there is little the judges can the program is being cut in the state double down.
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while they will be giving a four-month of assistance to help people out they say that regulations require that if they lose the appeal they have to pay back the money. >> also showing up for her money was a 47 -year-old woman who suffers from fibromyalgia intense chronic pain. in pieces. doesn't know where she will go after that. her belongings are scattered. i decided to take some of the stuff there to keep it.
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she has no choice. >> on depending upon the goodwill of the people.
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>> i'm at the.where i don't have control. >> at this moment? >> yes. it takes a lot of thought. >> closing my eyes because if i do nothing, think about the words i can put them together. >> a lot of sharp pain. >> i tried to keep working. i tried to find a way to not be on disability. i like to get out and be a part of it. i am very independent. when i was younger move my whole apartment almost entirely by myself. >> is it difficult for you?
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>> now, the judge closed these hearings to the public. i waited anxiously for about an hour inside having a case heard. they finally came out, and i asked how it went. >> social services. i have plenty of options. >> and here is another interesting subset. melissa said that during the hearing the border social services and the judge told her she had the option of
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moving into an assisted living facility maybe outside of huntington county, but whocounty, but who would be paying for that? that would be medicaid. bill: essentially you are saying the state is punting and pushing the softer the feds? >> in at least this one case it has come up before. she also -- that is the option that has been presented by her. >> no question that the people need help, but beggars can't be chooses. the state has other issues that it needs to balance. cousin -- cutting this program save the state $15 million. that is fiscal policy from the state perspective. >> making the decisions to get these kinds of programs while politicians earning six figures from the part-time job in the legislature, 50,000 or more,
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maybe if he wants to be the governor earning several hundred thousand dollars he will still collect his pension when he leaves the state senate. for politicians while people with serious debilitating diseases could be on the street. it is disgusting. everyone should be offended by this. >> it did surprise us a bit. three incumbent republicans lost her seat. >> much more about a local punishing of somee//]
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>> pumpkin spice bagels. one in five voters turned out. >> it did surprise us a bit. three incumbent lost their seats and another might be on the way.
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central jersey 16th16th district was too close to call with only 29 votes separating the two candidates. republicans, she announced the winner by the associated press, butpress, but that was soon retracted because the margin was determined to be too small. thethe upset for the republicans and what this means for the future of new jersey, matt bernie is in studio via skype from the save jersey blog. do you think this was a reflection of the state feels about governor christie right now? >> the assembly persons who lost had a close relationship with the governor, but the biggest failure, building a truly statewide republican party. bill: six to sevensix to seven and ten new jersey and's across party lines opposing the gas tax coming at e
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republican incumbents and challengers could not give a definitive answer? is this more about a local punishing of some of these local guys? >> ronald reagan said it a long time ago. you need to give voters a contrast. to type of cookies are exactly the same. the needs to be something about the packaging. >> you can believe the republicans look at the governor. plenty of teachers unions at but millions of dollars now republicans move and governor christie has not helped anyone. bill: he did raise a lot of money for candidates. >> half a dozen fundraisers for aarp, assembly republican victory funds. bill: he did not go spend time with candidates who were kind of loose anyway. the governor was smart in mature.
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>> the time that the governor should have put an was years ago. >> only so many hours in the day and he is touting the fact that he is the candidate who has spent the most time in new hampshire. if you know his favorability is low you should rely on yourself. ♪ bill: "chasing news" exclusive. his name is killing his career. >> whycareer. >> by his reputation is going up in flames because of a felon. >> and on the loose in the ♪ >> this is a fox 29 news update. good morning, i'm fox 29 meteorologist kathy orr. what a day on wednesday with a high of 80 degrees. we could make it to record warmth again on friday but then temperatures fall. not just the 60s but back into the 50s. here's a look at your seven day forecast. expect a spotty shower or two for your thursday. warm again for friday. and saturday and sunday cooling down big time even monday back and saturday and sunday cooling down big time even monday back to 60 for
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star light star bright, the first star i see tonight i wish i may, i wish i might, have the wish i wish tonight wishes do come true. the lincoln wish list event is on. right now get exceptional offers on the entire lincoln family. for a limited time your choice of mkc, mkz gas or hybrid for $369 a month with zero due at signing.
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(grunts) d'oh! (grunts) (all scream) oh, my god, morty, what did you do? you killed the simpsons, morty! oh, my god, no! no, i-i-i-i didn't mean to! oh, no, no! this is horrible! i killed the simpsons! god, look at the baby one! oh, my god, morty! you killed the entire simpsons, morty! they're a beloved (belches) family, morty! they're-they're-they're-they're a national treasure. and you killed them. i-i-i-i'm just a kid! i'm just a kid! i don't want to go to jail! relax, morty, calm down. we'll take care of it. okay, i want you to take that vial of simpsons' goo and this picture to this address. they'll make us new simpsons-- you understand me, morty? me?! w-w-what are you gonna do? morty, i got to clean this place up before somebody comes snooping around. you know how many characters there are in the simpsons, morty? there's, like, a billion (belches): chara... characters. they did an episode where george bush was their neighbor.


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