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tv   Chasing News  FOX  December 18, 2015 12:00am-12:31am EST

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from grace that he landed in the north pole. >> santa can i sit on your lap? oh my god. wait. >> you show up in a strip club dressed as santa claus. had they called them divisive and racist and bigots but front-runner donald trump appears to be uniting a range of voters. >> what's happening to what's happening to black or african-american entity is that we have seen and are seeing a man that is speaking a truth. >> it will be warmed for a while according to state climatologist. people come here and they want the fruit and in you can't say oh yeah gets too warm. >> oh my god. wait. you are not santa. you look like a famous baseball player. former nlb baseball player lenny
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may have fallen from grace but he landed the north pole. i took this bad santa two gentlemen's club in midtown lack manhattan where he was surrounded by naughty and nice elves. ♪ dijkstra has lived a long way from his glory days playing for the mets and the phillies. in fact he suited up to be santa after being released from jail. i asked him if he was on santa's naughty or nice list. >> definitely nice. >> why is that? >> i help my kids become better kids and i was present as a father. >> before dijkstra was put behind bars yet a legendary career in baseball and his wealth was estimated to be about $68 million.
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he then started a financial advice magazine. so it's christmastime. i had to ask him what should i buy? >> we all know the famous jetty bot. >> is he charging for arbigrast? how is he making money? >> he was there to have fun with the elves. i did ask him though i said is this what is next for you and he said now he's writing a book. >> ever since since then in the five boroughs if it doesn't matter if you go to jail for fraud, doesn't matter whose house you bought and sold how many times you've been bankrupt you show up in a strip club dressed as santa claus as a member the 86 mets u.n. in new york and you will forever. >> he's one of the reasons they won. >> i'm going to buy the book and read it. so many young people get famous and then they blow it. >> it turns out -- i don't
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understand it. >> you guys have defended strippers. why mock the guy? the guy went from a multi-million dollar annual contract and he completely collapse. at least not looking for a handout. happy holidays. >> high-speed chase jessica. >> on tuesday morning in queens and exchange student from china was on her way to school when she was slashed across her throat. you can see the attacker approached her from behind in the surveillance video. the suspect was wearing a surgical mask, gloves and a striped shirt. call them ipd timeservers if you will know anything. two men believed to be involved in a robbery and shooting last tuesday in the meatpacking district rate according to police they demanded the victim's handover property and then shot him in the hip and
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leg. one of the suspects is described as wearing a light hood is in the white sweater with a half. anyone with information is asked to call crime stoppers. >> they call them devices, they called them racist and a bigot. say what you want about donald trump but the gop front-runner strangely appears to be uniting a range of voters from former members of the ku klux klan to evangelicals. dr. david duke is a former congressman also known for his former ties to the ku klux klan. he's not a racist he tells me that he does cite the values of european americans alive and well the u.s.. >> donald trump by simply defending the rights of all people in defending the idea that the traditional european value systems in this country and the people of this country that they ever write to preserve america and the values of the
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vast majority. >> david duke hasn't quite endorsed tomcat that he applauds the gop front-runner for his tough talk on immigration and terrorism. it's a the type of support causing mainstream media to link trump to a spike in white supremacy across the nation. as controversial as it may seem black voters don't seem to be deterred. here to comment we have a -- who is extreme in his own views as donald trump. pastor what are your thoughts when you hear something like this supporting trumpery does that make you want to steer where can a candidate or make you stick to your guns? >> i think what's happening in the black or african-american is we are seeing a man that is speaking the truth that is resonating. i've got to tell you there is a
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groundswell here in harlem and across america and the black community for donald trump. >> what is it about him? >> talk is about his message resident nadine -- resonating is it the black community has been hurt the most in disproportionate way with illegal immigration? is it failed government programs that left their cities decimated? >> he is speaking truth to power. black people feel that for too long politicians have prostituted them and promised them the world that they see in trump somebody who is speaking truth to power. they really don't care about the immigration process that much. >> do you get a lot of grief in your community and the people tell you how could you possibly support this guy because he's a big? >> i've got to tell you absolutely not. no one is calling him a bigot.
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we have a lot of media types that are raising that issue but i'm going to tell you when i walk out on the streets of harlem, and i live here, people say to me donald is the man and thank you for supporting him. >> we'll see how how this plays out and we will definitely have you back three of thank you pastor. >> is warm at and it's been warm all the concrete will be a while according to state climatologist. it made for good day to go for a walk with gary dinner and grower in chief at the arches and lawrence. these people come here and they want the fruit. you can't say oh yeah you know it was too warm in the fall. you have to do what you can. i was trying to get what he needs for garden state growers. >> we have had warm december's
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before, maybe not as pharmacist but we have also had cold december's where right after thanksgiving you went to 60 degrees and snowing. that's the beauty of living in new jersey. >> there are adjustments that growers can make me be proven more of the apple tree and less on the peachtree especially a guy who knows his business. >> the weather is not all bad. it's good for born a concrete foundation for new barn where some of their winemaking operations for taking advantage of it. make a right on carter road. he told me yes absolutely he keeps up there will be consequences. >> if this keeps up the own christmas then we are really looking at some problems certain plant material where like rhododendrons and azaleas and some of those nice looming early
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blooming plants. >> i know you are a big green thumb. essentially have to keep them from drying out and hopefully the warm weather continues. >> definitely. ♪ >> it is will prove that most people know that. two make the tree not lose moisture. >> he didn't care if i ate some of the watermelon and kale growing in the greenhouse. getting into the spirit of things. i don't want to hurt it. talking about the garden. >> it's actually pretty good. he thinks i'm completely out of
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my mind. >> kale is delicious. >> it's very healthy. >> it's very good for you. all growers -- he is not sweating it. gary says he's just playing the cards of the weather deal him and like this you get the occasional wild card which is hot weather certainly. >> as a chief meteorologist when does the cold weather come back? >> that's a good question sibile. i spoke with state climatologist david robinson. he doesn't predict outside three or four weeks. >> for the next three or four weeks it is not like there will be any cold air in this area of the nation. >> he said the warm weather will last at least that long and beyond that he doesn't want to venture a guess. we are looking at three weeks at
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least. >> i think it's one of the seven signs of the apocalypse is coming. >> i told you i didn't do it. quintin tarantino may not be out of trouble yet. his accountants to -- pleaded guilty to one count of fraud in united states government. in other words his accountant did not pay taxes on something like $9 million. the situation still has to answer to some charges. >> for the last two months we have been bringing the story than 3000 people on the state housing assistance program. the chrystie administration cancer program in july. valerie tuttle is a democrat and she's been trying to
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>> what's up? say hi everybody. a report that came up from city realty says the median price of real estate in manhattan has crossed the 1 million-dollar mark. the first time ever. >> sibile chasing another story about high heels. this time it's a subway grate.
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>> the old -- old subway grates are a problem for women shoes. your heels faltered and you can trip, fall and not only that it rips up your heels. >> those silver grades were in my shoes. >> i went to east 53rd street and park and erin mta spokesperson aaron donovan. aaron told me what is it about these grades that make it so high heels friendly? >> there are more smoother people's wheelchairs are going cost the great. at the same time it has a lot of of -- for women in high heeled shoes. >> the sidewalk grates are part of a 50 million-dollar ventilation system for a brand-new long island railroad east side access project basically linking the long island railroad to grand central station. >> long island railway is under
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construction now due to open in 2022. this is part of the ventilation system underneath park avenue. >> as a woman as she was walking in the sidewalk which he thought about it and would she wear her heels? >> his saves time, it definitely would risk it. who wants to fall downtown? >> a lot of women wear high heels. i know it's not the first priority. >> what you wear sensible shoes? >> you don't wear heels. you don't know what it's like to you don't know what it's like to be hashtag a lady. >> a woman can do anything in high heels. my take is long island railroad will be going to grand central station. it opens ask seth -- access to these other people want to get north of the city so take metro north.
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>> it costs money to do infrastructure changes. >> it cost money to do anything. >> i started crying and going crazy. i called the state. >> you are chasing a story that impacts several thousand new jerseyans who are disabled and they were like on temporary housing. they will potentially lose all that very soon. >> for the last two months we have been bringing the story to 3000 people on the state housing assistance program. it's a pilot program a temporary program and to help people who are disabled and unable to work pay their rent and stay near home. the christie administration canceled the program with two weeks notice in july and since some people have been scrambling trying to find alternate housing. when the people looking at what can be done is valor title of the new jersey human services committee and she's trying to find a solution to this problem. i spoke with her at the statehouse today.
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>> we are committed to resolving it. we were told by the commissioner that it was a pilot program in the past there have been pilot programs. what we are looking for is once the pilot program is terminated how to help these 3000 people that are being terminated and affected into housing. >> is a small piece of positive move. the state's development community affairs is going to make available 1000 section 8 vouchers for public assistance and that's by the palm from the beginning. there's not enough public housing vouchers to go around the state and disabled people are all on waiting lists to try to get in the house and that's where this temporary state program is necessary in the first place. unfortunately it's a drop in the bucket. >> is still not enough and is still not a cure for the over 3000 residents today.
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>> it affects everyone. her solution, she wants to see a permanent fix for this problem page he believes people are disabled can't work and are going to be relying on assistance to survive anyway and should have permanent housing so they can survive on their own without worrying about decisions made by the state administration. >> to have a plan that does expire where these people going to go? you need to find permanent sustainable living. >> the bird is supposed to be in counties and principalities in effect everybody pounds and the whole headline was the state could have the budget. >> i'm going to keep chasing because i want to find out. it's up to us to find out why the decision was made we will check in with some of our friends left on the cold to see how they are doing now. >> the planning board continuing denying building plans. >> i love this community and the
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people of the society. >> it's unrelated to the fact that it's a mosque.
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>> you chased a story to bernard township. the planning board continuing to deny building plans for the islamic society building a mosque. 37 planning board meetings with many appeals. the islamic society had a meeting with the planning board late last week in the town determine their future. a port -- packed meeting a day after donald trump's statements cutting off muslims from her
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border denied the building of the moscow for nonreligious reasons. in an unusual movement had to test her mettle detector. the problem is they are too ambitious. the president of the islamic society his name is dr. mohamed ali chaudhary. he was voted mayor and had four first pakistani born mayor in the entire country. he's currently appointed by governor christie is the commissioner of the new jersey commission on national -- admitted that the current site at 124 church three. >> i love this community and working with everybody and people of the society. anyone who wants to work there. >> you showed me the plans for the new mosque. the property is humongous. when you think about 4200 square feet is like a large capital but there are many
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changes considering the buffer zones in the property that surrounds it. >> it sounds to me like it's completely unrelated to the fact that it's a mosque. if you go back years in this town they deny these millions of baptist church. this drags out for years and even so i don't think they built the church in the exact spot that they were to want to. i'm sure part of it has to do with school. >> the only reason at all is because it's a mosque. planning and boarding takes forever to get a -- they been covering so many meetings. so worse. the only reason people care is because -- the zoning board has the ability to slow that growth investor community doesn't get completely disrupted. >> the guy leading the effort is doubt. he is a former mayor. how much more cloudy want to have? >> they will try to appeal.
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>> sleeping in a coffin. >> sort of. >> why people are flocking to hyperbaric chambers. >> and major-league arm wrestling? >> incorporated ugoda takes? >> next "chasing news." >> ♪ >> this is a fox 29 news update. >> good morning. i'm fox 29 meteorologist kathy orr. we have some fog out there but during thelily morning hours that fog will dissipate. skies will be mostly cloudy skies and temperature in the 40's. 45 degrees in center city, that's the normal high for this time of year. in the suburbs lows getting down to 40 degrees. cooler for your friday. blustery saturday. sunday the coolest morning yet and look at this,
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♪ this holiday season, my good friend gave to me ♪ ♪ 7 powerball tickets ♪ 6 match 6 chances ♪ 5 cash 5s ♪ 4 cash4lifes ♪ 3 pick 3s
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♪ 2 mega millions (joe) happy holidays, rita. (rita) thanks, joe! (man) what a great gift! (announcer) pennsylvania lottery tickets make great gifts, like the new holiday millionaire. (joe) happy holidays! ♪ and best wishes from the lottery ♪
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♪ tea for the tillerman ♪ ♪ steak for the son ♪ ♪ wine for the woman who made the rain come ♪ ♪ seagulls sing your hearts away ♪ ♪ 'cause while the sinners sin ♪ ♪ the children play ♪ ♪ oh, lord, how they play and play ♪ ♪ for that happy day ♪ ♪ for that happy day ♪ ♪ happy day ♪ d'oh! (humming a tune) you're never bored paintin' the lord. daddy, could you help us with our school project? we're huntin' vampire appliances!


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