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tv   Chasing News  FOX  March 29, 2016 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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>> "chasing news" and the atlantic city will die literally will run another 20 on april 8 if. >> key is the golden goose did i did not want to spend the money and travel to or they don't feel safe if. >> had to get those long luscious locks? here vitamins in the celebrities there is a lot to choose from. >> fifth that is the problem. everytime research you hit your stride he had a crowd of golf through rain and snow and winds nothing stop this guy. >> atlantic's city is dying.
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>> so they forgot to feed the golden goose they call the red april but somebody made the big eight there were littered the run-up of money on april 8 there is money a takeover in casino revenues have plummeted. the figure has the front row seat who is literally in the shadow of the casino. it is unlikely had many guest coming. >> i saw bill ferrigno last week he wanted to look at a different atlantic city think it is a politician and. >> are they doing a good job? >> like all the people before him it is the honey
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pot with all the people that they grew up with and they don't even have to be there. >> the atlantic city mayor looks out at the city from the seventh floor window that serves as his office in city hall. >> i think a romantic city was the jersey shore town and we should have been building this cycle will cities. >> said he thinks it happened even before gambling was legalized. >> if it killed atlantic city the time it took to get from your can their price to go to florida or the caribbean. so unfortunately imaging city put all their eggs into one basket in unfortunately that is what we did. >> a past the first bill that gambling could be legal
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the idea was with all the residue. the politicians are addicted to the revenue meanwhile the city is collapsing under fewer people going and they don't say. >> from vaguest of the antics a you can walk out and feel safe but atlantic citifield guarded people to want to travel where they don't feel safe. >> they're trying to make it into a destination for more than gambling. >> i have had this conversation before they said people are going but the problem is the dollar to stay for dinner or overnight or breakfasts and want to get in and get out. >> easter weekend margaret cho performed we had a
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chance to talk to her but then she went on a complete rent talking about race and white people she offended nearly everyone antaeus he has the video. >> you'll never get $0.1 of the money back. >> she said it was due to jet lag. >>. >> what about to honor some fabulous hard-working? >> it is put on by the greensboro past -- baptist church fire chief joe jackson in the police chief from the township. they're doing great things.
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>> what does the girl got to do to get long lashes locks. >> some turn to the hair vitamins $176 million business for year it has you concede there is a lot to choose from. ♪ ♪ ♪ i took my goodies to bob silberman said not all vitamins are created equal. >> of a definitely passed. >> be very careful
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especially considering the fda does not regulate there are four major retailers selling dangerous if not fraudulent substances. and so while i totally recommend in some air vitamins can do the trick and then i was introduced to the stylist secret weapon and is flying off the shelves so i spoke to the co-founder office said this is fact date of the dots with the others don't do. >> but in fact, it is collagen that is protein or
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for any other factor. >> he said yes. but to showcase the difficulty comes so could this be your magic pill? into prescribing this we have to say it is easier than making my morning shake ♪ >> click oread died a $5 billion plan to rebuild proposal would have thought a bus terminal in new york is an eyesore. there is so little bit of progress.
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and then to be at the port authority board meeting. it will be at manhattan. in it will be on the west side. and that is vitrine 40th to and 42nd street. there is a bus terminal and that shows the same type of design. >> and to say it has been approved. >> can i wanted to join in.
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i got up box of lego as. and then i created my own. ♪ but the foyer bathed looking into my design. to figure out what will happen from the port authority. >> it will take so long they haven't even said everyone to put this terminal? and then to generate opposition. >> with traffic and delays the bid will take that on in their neighborhood. >>.
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>> with the tip people on the rooftop what else do you need? >> when speaking to nicole one of the major cost to get them planned to build on. >>. >> march madness has all sorts of crazy finishes the the wells fargo center was actually chris christie who stole the spotlight with this maneuver. into captured this moment to say he poured and the bag of evidence and to a bigger bag
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it was reached treated nearly 5,000 times in the first hour it was posted. >> save our streets. >> they feel like they cannot go to school.
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meet the piadina the newest addition to olive garden's lunch duos menu paired with your choice of unlimited soup or salad starting at just $6.99 think of it as a quesadilla that speaks fluent italian olive garden
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>> ♪ looking at crown the heights brooklyn when shooting in crime and gangs are all too common. but things are changing and i got a glimpse. because he has a button. eight years old. >> do you wear your but in everyday? >> bell leader of the sos of save our streets. every day they are walking the streets. >> kid the scene means walking.
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we build the relationship into give this out. >> date encourage change. >> everybody can now. we had a lock down. with no one no children feeling like they cannot come now. >> the members are all for very gang members boarded raised in crown heights. >> we make sure they are shown but we go through is doing what. intended is crazy. >> and then investing 30 million saying there is
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so long uptick of the gang of activity shooting specifically in brooklyn. >>. >> ed is is because we heard how can we go out without a shooting? >> and a guest to a new way of life. >> when rudy guiliani was a very deep-rooted the resources to back up the cops it with from a couple thousand down to hundreds. >> indentures stopping by. and they will not call the police. cemetery some positive role mail -- real role models. ended is an outlet for some
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of the kids. >> wide open spaces here in new jersey but not where i live. ♪ that is when i met philippe. redefining what it means to be the queen of leads. with the '90s square-foot apartment that she calls home. >> i live there for five years. just to have that manhattan budget out of my system. >> living small made my life larger. after the first night in her bi crew apartment. >> after that i have not had another panic attack.
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>> it draws a big reaction and then they decided to buckle their own and not only survive but thrive in in how to survive the all too common situation. so he gave me some tips on how to make it work. but i will have to look get up. >> and york it is possible i have been an organizer go vertical. >> what that lesson and many more could be found from 90 square feet or more.
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>> the five years and the tiny space taught me it is more about the experiences. >> those parting words to be of living larger in my small space but i will go with my roommate. >> paying a round of golf 300 consecutive months raid or snow or with nothing stopped him. ♪
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to you, they're more than just a pet. so protect them... ...with k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes, it repels them, too. so do more to defend your four legged friend... ...with k9 advantix ii. for the love of dog. has been providing expert eye care. today, we make caring for your eyes even easier. right now, buy one pair of glasses, and get another pair free. this is genuine eye care in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision.
12:21 am
>> coming up next for sale cruz trustees to shorts. how much? >> a bidding war for people how much? >> a bidding war for people were bidding on the shorts.
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i've been in the hospitaleck. twenty three times since. i had nothing to give. we had nothing in the refrigerator. i would be dead and not sitting here right now if it wasn't for pond lehocky. >> you cannot edit? >> so chris christie's gym shorts she puts them on ebay and a rights after the piece aired there was a bidding
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war 72 people watching and four people were betting on the shorts, a two people were duking it out in 1 million in arizona bought the shorts $380. >> we have this eight -- the state thomas gospel choir that used to be my home church and also for the tv show empire. and i play the role of mary wearing all white coming down the aisle and easter is not one day but it is 50 days up to pentecost. five. >> my favorite sport of nothing like it is in the world. just nature and frustration that is all part of the game. you have to constantly practice to get good and stayed good. but the problem is the weather every time you hit
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your stride this season is over the jihadist are all over again that is true for all of us except for one of us. meet my cudas and have the problem he plays one round of golf 300 consecutive months of the state of new jersey. that is a 25 year streak raid or sleep or wins nothing stops him. it was cold and very reedy outside bitter verbal day for him. when did he know there was a streak? >> once you get to two years than it was an obsession of five years than ted years and my wife plays she is part of the streak but she is normally the spring and summer months. [laughter] >> what time playing my a --
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their right hand with a softball. >> he is no professional but it is for the love of the game. >> is their record? >> 11 months ahead of him. >> i guarantee there is done in arizona to play every single day over 25 years. >> good for him. i find it incredibly boring but the best part is taking out in the golf cart. >> nice. it makes you think that you need that every single day.
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>> i cannot live like this anymore. ♪ >> this is a fox 29 news update. >> i'm fox 29 chief meteorologist scott williams. it's going to be a windy overnight monday into tuesday. in fact for tomorrow, winds of change and we're looking at cooler temperatures. highs only managing the 50s. so as we look at that day planner, temperatures in the morning will be in the low 40s. 50 by noon. 56 degrees by the afternoon.
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why do they hate israel so much? the syrians are even talking about it right now. why? god loves the jew. and no matter what the adolf hitler's
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of the world, and the joph stan's and espeally the palestinians. god says "i will give israel an everlasting name". isaiah 56:5. watch jack van impe presents. (futurama theme plays) ♪ two... two, three... ♪ ooh. wiggle in. get comfortable. (marge yells)
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hey, a couch is a couch. (grunts) ooh, yeah. (sexy lounge music playing) (chuckling) (moaning) yes, there, you see? oh, yeah! (giggles) (laughing) oh-ho-ho-ho! that's so... homer: whoo-hoo! skinner: uh, students, each one of you has been assigned the mandatory honor of contributing to the springfield time capsule, where your arcana will lie dormant until the 31st century. and... (grunts) by the time you finish talking, we're gonna be opening this damn capsule. right. time capsule. nelson, give me something. i brought a picture of my dad. he's still at large... (voice breaks): in my heart! i brought my lucky rabbit's foot. i can have good luck without it. (gasps) ow! wish we could put this moment in the time capsule.


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