tv Chasing News FOX July 1, 2016 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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i want to tell you something, this was a week that started with governor christie and the speaker of the new jersey assembly and bracing and high-fiving after they scribbled out a gas tax enacted on the middle of the night. i have have to tell you i'm humbled to have played a small part in working with you to stop it. i've been asking you for weeks to call, write, email, tweet, e-mail, tweet, # no gas tax. today the state senate didn't even vote on it because they didn't have enough support. it was a crazy ride all day to no gas tax. it started with me going toe to toe with governor on new jersey 11.5 this morning. wait'll you see see how the rest of the day folder. notice, you head into the holiday weekend with no gas tax. >> we are continuing our team
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chaser coverage of the looming gas tax. the tax that was passed by the new jersey assembly in the middle of the night early. >> earlier this week the vampires were coming out to suck money out of our wall. now it moves to the state senate and as they wrangle over it, hank has one angle, we have a special guest here, you have been cheese it chasing governor christie. >> you have been speaking to drivers about how this gas tax hike would affect them. i've been chasing at the pump and speaking to residents about how many would not be able to afford the gas tax hike. i've chased governor christie ever since the hike was passed in the assembly tuesday after midnight. >> there's a pack of vampires who want to attack our wallets, are you you one of them question no, cutting back. also chased governor christie on wednesday and asked why not hold public hearings about this.
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governor christie got yelled at. >> i understand what you want for your video. >> i don't want anything, i'm just in a lot of people are affected by the guest tech. >> excuse me i'm answer the question. >> so is your turn there's a morning with governor christie called you to express his displeasure with the fact that we are buckling down and saying that this is a gas tax hike despite him saying it is a tax cut. >> at this a sales tax cut a 1% will save the average family new jersey over $450. >> only in a very academic world does that make any sense to anyone in new jersey. it is academic governor, people are driving every day. >> part of the exchange was that governor christie was trying to convince us that although there is a gas tax hike, the sales tax cut would make us even. >> i'm no mathematician or economist, but let me understand that. >> i know you're not. >> so the 1.5 billion comes out
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of the budget and then we guarantee 1.5 billion on the pension and benefit payment and then you get a 1.3 billion increase in the tax revenue from gas to spend 2 billion on the road. the math doesn't add up in anybody's book. i think think in a fourth grade math book you'd find a problem like this and there be no way to solve it because 1,300,000,000 does not equal three and half billion. >> your math is wrong, my math is right. and i understand that it disturbs what you're trying to do on your show the last couple years. your performer. i'm a guy who has to make decisions. >> governor, am not a legislators are not looking for a deal. >> you tried a number of times. >> okay there you go. fair shot. >> my take on this is that the governor has completely double down on the fact that this is the largest tax cut certainly in his administration and he's trying to sell this is the biggest thing that's happened across the country. the reality is it takes 18 months to implement.
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there are people in new jersey making between 40 and 60000 for the average income is around 70,000 dollars. i don't know many people earning 70,000 dollars $70000 that are going to spend $45000 to save 400 bucks. so it's a complete sham. it is just untrue. >> for those out listening when it goes into effect you'll pay no income tax. >> it sounds like a great soundbite. >> if this is a monologue i'm so get off the phone and often listen. >> this government is not management. the cuts that need to be make not be made because you're asking a legislator tactic against its own welfare. asking people who benefit the most from the system status quo to change the system. it will not happen. >> let's bring in sale. it's good good to see on chasing news. you are the head of an organization that represents gas stations across new jersey. you gone for a number of -- but you have a been an opponent of
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the gas tax for decades. over the past year or so you have changed your tune a little bit saying maybe it is time for a gas tax and it looks like this one is in danger of falling apart. produced in now and what is your take on the governor's position on the spill. >> the where you stand question actually has to be asked every day. today myself, my organization we are adamantly opposed to what was passed out of the assembly on monday night, in the middle of the night. prior to that we were agreeable to a gas tax if in fact it was implemented properly and with certain tax benefits. the tax benefits are talking about now we do not see as a benefit and i'm finding it very surprising that the governor would agree to it. it blows a hole in in the budget. with a hole that big in the budget it creates problems for
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us but i'm going to have to deal with for my members in the future. and not the real distant future. >> so is your take on the governor attacking me this morning on this issue of seniors and their pensions? >> the one thing i was screaming at the radio this morning is that particular part of the conversation took place was this. that aspect of the bill that was passed the other night was part of the senate version prior to monday night. that was already there. this is this is not a new thing. they kind of put that in there or left that in there because of the benefit that it would provide to sr. >> what about christie's math. he accused me of not understanding math and the fourth grade math. >> he was the math to me very simple. you talk about a hole in the budget. 1,500,000,000 dollars would come out of the treasury if you load by 1% on the sales tax. they're going to on the sales tax. they're going to try to put back 1.3 with gas tax and you're going to have $2 billion of spending on the road you have
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1,500,000,000 on the spent pension. and i said 1.3 does not equal three-point five. >> you and i both know because we have been involved in this process. there is no way they're going to cut 1,500,000,000 dollars out of other things to then put into the transportation fund. >> let me ask you the point on the map, that 1.3 billion is a sham too. that's not a real number. the gas tax revenue over ten years have dropped every year. so even with more drivers and more people in the state is still dropping. >> their borrowing money from one side and came back on the other. which. which you'll see what happens come budget talk next year when there one or 2,000,000,000 short where they need to be because the tax cut. >> that's my fear. what this creates is the problem he just described because of the remedies they'll have to do them. that will be painful. >> hank another angle. airline. >> i don't think think the fellows who voted for it have no idea on what the impact is going to be on new jersey rail.
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>> the gas tax were talking about being debated in legislator had a lot of aspects and attentive arguments as we just discussed. i took a ride over to princeton airport wednesday to see with the aviation crowd thinks about it. >> i stand $5.30 a gallon for fuel. you fill to 30-gallon tanks up, it's not cheap. >> now the gas tax bill passed the assembly a monday night it is not as hard on flyers as it is on drivers. was originally a 7%% tax increase on aviation fuel was reduced to 4% on the vote or whatever the rate princeton airport operations manager was straight up sarcastic about it. >> you don't understand how happy i am because the planes that use the roads and planes that use the bridges, there's a pretty good correlation with that. you can only only imagine how happy we are to contribute to that.
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>> here's the thing. as whether he in the aviation community will have to contribute at least in the long run according to aircraft owners and pilots association any tax levied on aviation gas and jet fuel has to be used on aviation facilities, runways, airports and such. their spokesman said new jersey transportation trust fund does not qualify. >> the federal register is very clear on on and off airport uses for tax money and tax revenue on aviation fuel. their basic sentiment is if you're going to tax the fuel needs to go back into the state aviation system. >> that doesn't seem to phase
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lawmakers. you have business helicopters and a lot of small planes. it's great place to get flying lessons and talk to the instructor jeff was on the issue. if trenton passes the tax while with aviation fuel attached, he says it could kick off a nasty legal mess. >> the when the faa gets involved it between the cities over problem. it's it's just a long drawn out battle. in the end it cost the people more money because they have to pay legal fees. >> governor christie is spoken up against the aviation fuel stipulation for this very reason. and the legal problems it could present. but they're saying it can work and it is in play and other states. george is one that he listed. time will tell what happened. assuming the senate passes it in the governor signs it. >> look steve sweeney has a great legal minds on shore in great hands. other than that the governor this morning attacked me on that point to. >> on aviation fuel? >> yes he made a point to say that no that's gone, we took it out. >> by the way there's no
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opposition in the airline industry anymore because i eliminated the jet fuel tax and my compromise which was both ill-advised illegal. have you told your listening that got a lemonade from the bill as well? >> it's in the paperwork. of the bill that passed the assembly. what is the is the senate going to vote on other than that bill? you can't vote on a different bill because what is that got new? two different versions of the same thing? it is a pain in the way for people that have to make a living, commute go to work. the math doesn't add up, it's a bad deal for all of us. they're coming for your wallet. >> the mammoth county prosecutors office showed this man going into his ex-wife's car firing multiple shots. only a chasing news
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multiple shots. the couple's seven-year-old 7-year-old daughter was running for her life. >> they're taking the child behind his police vehicle. >> prosecutors took us through the play-by-play that day3 >> they're taking the child behind his police vehicle. >> prosecutors took us through the play-by-play that day near asbury park. only a chasing news to we have this exclusive video of him holding a gun up to his head after killing his wife to merit. [inaudible] >> he played guilty in march to aggravated manslaughter. what prosecutors determine in the investigation as there is a lack among police officers on the scene and also to there was poor leadership wall that even was unfolding. they say even with those things, that would not have preventing him from going to the extreme.
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now the big question is, should police officer have use deadly force against him at the time and prosecutors say no because of two reasons. one because he was holding a gun up to his head threatening suicide and because of laws you cannot take deadly force against someone who is trying to take their own life. two they said there were a lot of people around at the time. there is a greater risk they could have an innocent bystander. >> the law-enforcement had its laws in some regard. none of them cause the death of tamir. philip did. with hindsight being 2020, the unfortunate reality is that alternative or additional police action that could have preventing him from killing to america on that day. it was a crime of passion that cannot have been anticipated. >> the biggest action was that the monmouth county prosecutors have now put in place an early warning system policy because in this case there is a long history of domestic violence between the couple and at times he had to seek treatment because he was seen on fit for duty. many times to merit did not go
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and take action against him because she did not want her ex-husband to lose his job. >> the new policy will provide both the prosecutor's office and police agency the opportunity to intervene before and officer places others or themselves in harm's way. >> he is set for sentencing in september. prosecutors are looking at 30 years in prison. >> 's i just got done paying my rent and i open the book and i see an article about this that i drive by every day. i knew there something going on here. there's. there's no way i could've ime. here to box my apartment. i walk year here and he is paid no rent. here is new yorker who is living in the west village rent-free fito he does so by pledging the game that i'm very familiar with and that is called the street cleaning car hustle.
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he moves campers aside every other day when the sweeper comes by. now the the rest of the day he lives in his car because -- so he gee swimming pool to hear? lots of sure. >> i qter t my jnot w and then y wife walked out on me. >> his most price position. he's a neighborhood watch of sort making sure that nobody breaks into any cars on the block where the owners are gone. he is been written about quite a bit but he would like to clear a few things up. >> my assistant. >> i give the money. >> you do? every chance he gets said when parking is not otherwise restricted he will park any vehicle in any area including a residential area in es toess of
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seven consecutive days. it gets more expensive and more crowded. but aveso you like? [inaudible] now his friends has cancer and he could use your help. to find out how or to help you can tweet me. >> snyder city is money for gas kadesh social security, but you talk about neighbors, does he just move his car around the bl ck, hb dee >> he doesn't even drive it around the bloks. it's actually something that happens in the west village and i do it every other day. you move your car to the side literally without going into forward motion so the street cleaner can go by then he moved back toward was. >> is he paying for parking? >> nee village can afford the crotches so there's a lot of free parking
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on the streets which is different from some of the other neighborhoods in nnt h york cit. so me and him think alike in that way. >> people say that jimmy is a fool but he's proshebly the most smart man in new york city because he's not paying about $2000 a a month to land i closet. >> on the other side he lives in a vaoki by par ab on the street, not quite by the river. thanks. >> new york will be airing a special tcausersday evening cald line lyman reason. i'll talk about lyme's disease, the segment will include testing controversy as well as personal struggles. alle? who is the dalkhter of tom n hilfiger is in the special as well and talks about her es of misdiagnosis. if he missed a thursday that we noncore presentation presentation on saturday, monday, and sunday july 17. >> the history of harlem's be be lost but a nnt h history is in e works.
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>> high-speed chase, start3 nos off. >> this guy broke into a sacramento area restaurant, not long go you see and steal a couple of items out of the kitchen, walk up up to the food prep line and douse himself with sugar. wh me we don't know. he was arrested. it's hard to tell why. >> there's a tid on you to that called himself the diy laser guy. his latest creation creation was 2 k what laser bazooka. he built it from scrap metal and atcokenhe d- a direct hit is 33,0 k,0 k times more intense than staring into the sun. it ihteites gunponseer.
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>> this is the way that roxie the shepherd in hawaii normally acts, and this is the way that ro- e from hawaii ask when she is drugged out of her mind. you can tell by the video that ro- e's trip not and it turns out she eight some wild fruit. the bner. the bner says that she seems really calm, -- [inaudible] >> after taking the video the bner atcought it to the vet and the vet actually said that she saw someone came in with the same case in their looking for the wild fruit so they can trip out e. >> right across the street from the city office in harlem we got a taste of what many are calling the changing face of harlem. >> before i delve into our fun
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time at oso mexican restahe'ant we took a trip down memory lane in a neighborhood called hamilton heights oand iten tnown as sugar hill. the heart of what by nisei was the paris for is hrican-americans. i bt if you land i nop here you tnew you made it. the home of founding father alexander hamilton still sits tall son of a beautiful million-dollar brownstones landi by successallean when sergio and i went further up town and walked into the shellroom where malcoof h x was assassinated, it really hit us that the makeup of harlem is changing. the will word everyone is3 nosing his gentrification. the history of harlem is being lost. a new history is in the wori w which brings us up back. the mexican restaurant cohen by matthebuttrebek, the very hy ofe son of jeffrey host, alec trebek. talk about a melting ta by about a melting pot and t is fabulous. the 20 restaurant has been open
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for a month. we just had to ask: bner matthew trebek what his father said. >> he worst sing id don't mess t up. >> what sparked our curiosity is why matthew picked harlem out of all places to open3 nop restaurant. >> will my friends had moved to this neighborhood in i would come3 nop to visit them we would eventually heading back downtown to go out for the nighter out to dinner. so just seemed like this neighborhood might be nice to have somnt hhere to go close by. >> matt and old are are both bartender so i got to see what it takes to make a really mean margarita. >> had chef showed us the kichashen where they make everything fresh from scratch. including tamales and they went to mexico to do research. the food, worst fooeal just take a look at sergio space. he has told me it is the best chicken he ever had in life.
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>> in life? >> in life. unpsaid that's preryoy big. hase had chicken before? >> were not supposed to talk about food must to bring some. so alec trebek's son have a great restaurant in harlem and. >> he has a f buthuous restahe't he welcomes everyone there. he's. he's so down to earth, hy ofble and the food is great. >> i
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this is horrible! i killed the simpsons! god, look at the baby one! oh, my god, morty! you killed the entire simpsons, morty! they're a beloved (belches) family, morty! they're-they're-they're-they're a national treasure. and you killed them. i-i-i-i'm just a kid! i'm just a kid! i don't want to go to jail! relax, morty, calm down. we'll take care of it. okay, i want you to take that vial of simpsons' goo and this picture to this address. they'll make us new simpsons-- you understand me, morty? me?! w-w-what are you gonna do? morty, i got to clean this place up before somebody comes snooping around. you know how many characters there are in the simpsons, morty? there's, like, a billion (belches): chara... characters. they did an episode where george bush was their neighbor. all right, can't argue with that. (spits) (speaking in native tongue)
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