tv Chasing News FOX July 16, 2016 12:00am-12:30am EDT
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>> now, on chasing new. >> were learning more about these two. >> if you don't have a key to your going to have diarrhea, you'll be vomiting. what you can see in the video is a man approached them he is k2. >> i saw guys stumbling. >> we don't want our kids around that. >> there's nothing worse than the old station she's been working here for 33 years, retiring on saturday. three and and half decades. can you imagine? >> this is a gym, were going going to miss him. >> it's no longer just for kata pillars, it's for humans to. >> look, been cocooning for years. >> de kooning.
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>> your chasing the story and see that the story bridge gate is never-ending. one of the key people at the port authority, a big ally of dave chris christie, david sampson took a plea and got in trouble. >> are you ready to go to jail for governor christie? >> i was in federal court and david samson pleaded guilty to bribery and admitted to pressuring airline officials into reinstating the direct flight from newark to columbia so that he could save time on getting home. this is an an e-mail i obtained that david samson sent. i hope they danced my tune, let me know if there's a way to keep pressure on this issue, it would would save me a lot of heartache. it wasn't easy and you help governor christie's former transportation chief, jamie fox. here's an e-mail exchange. he saying that they turned
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samson's plight down, that is to be. united airlines had business with the port authority which had to do with the hanger agreement at newark international airport. the e-mail exchange david is saying he will take the agreement off the port authority agenda until they deal with that flight that he needs. samson samson says quote in an e-mail it's already off this month's agenda, i hate myself. >> write this down, we have jimmy queenie was the host of new jersey now. jim, what happens to jamie foxx westmark what does it do to the credibility of the entire administration? you have brioni and wildenstein, to david samson, to jamie fox, just think, is it something everybody injures he expects that they're all craft. >> i know you go to yogi berra who says it's not over till it's over. samson has caught the plea without cooperating with the government. he has a sentencing in october where a judge has total
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authority to put the terms of jail on him or put a release on him. there are other e-mails that have been out that are the conspirators in the bridge gate trial. they're looking for messages that the governor may have sent, not not that he can't find the phone, it's not on there, it's a mess. except remember, whoever got the e-mails from him still have those e-mails from him. a lot of things have come up and open testimony and this is before october when samson has to make a plea. please don't send me to jail this was an isolated incident. i don't think so. this was the former state department of transportation, jamie foxx per this is governor christie's mentor. david samson, these are the ones you know about. how many lives, how much is happening you never find out about it? you wonder why businesses don't want to open in in new jersey, because rich people have their hands out.
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>> you're right about that. your outrage is appropriate. >> this ad thing is it doesn't matter if they failed go to jail, the port authority still exists, that patronage machine is still in full gear when nothing changes until you start throwing these bums out. >> are you a knucklehead or a metalhead? >> let me start out by saying that i hate deer because they freak me out. so get this video and you can see there's a deer who is stuck in the fence but unfortunately for myself the baby deer was released by a police officer. this is what makes you angry? that's what gets him angry. >> they'll be honoring that officer for blue friday. exactly. >> in the. >> in the aftermath since tuesday were 33 people overdosed on k2, were learning more about synthetic marijuana. were trying to do what we can is a city city
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to keep her street say. more police 80 out today. the first one is surveillance video taken by broadway in myrtle. it's a family, father and three daughters visiting from out of town. you see a man approached them, he is on k2 at the time. he gets a bit aggressive with the father and understandably so the family was startled. after the video came out james joan came out and apologize. he was the k2 user who had a bad reaction to the batch on tuesday. he he said he was sorry and horrified from what he had seen along with the rest of the city. another video came out after that on facebook, brian author had reported the event of tuesday using his smart phone. he put it on facebook, over 65000 views of that video. i came out to bedside to meet with him. i asked what made you think to take out your video start recording? >> identity as a joke.
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as you saw people stumbling all over, i got out my camera i did not see the other stuff going on. so when i saw the other stuff i said oh,. >> since he put the video up on my the police presence has increased in bedside. he brought along his son today and learn from his father and he hoped young people watch what is happening in the city streets and they don't go down the same path. we went around the block where he took the video and a man leaning against a fire hydrant holding himself out. other meta-k2 walking into the street. nypd is guiding them back. he brought me to a spot where says no k2 on a sign. there's children playing. it's a real shame that happens in the neighborhood. >> my life is all about giving back in trying to help the communities. now everybody has kids and we don't want kids around that. >> at the end of the day that i knew everything i needed to know about k2 until i walked around
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the corner and found into a gentleman who asked me why is filming, he got a little aggressive in i said i would not film if he didn't want to and i said i wanted to know the truth. tell me the straight k2 i want to short. and so with his permission, smiley, k2 user tell me about the dark path this drug is taken them down. it's a scary story. >> you get off a can go back to weed you will not get high anymore. you not to feel the same way. if you don't have any k2 your can have diarrhea, you're going to be vomiting, you're going to have the cold sweats, you have a lot of different side effects. on tuesday the 33 people in your opinion on k2 do you think was a bad batch? >> i really can't tell if it was that her crack. >> how long have you been using? >> about 13 years. >> years.
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>> are you on it today? >> no because i have none. >> is is that because it's got more expensive? >> no because i can't get none right now. >> because of the police presence? >> he thinks the problem will continue and i asked how we can help. he said to help the homeless that's where the problems start. it's into the shelters, clinics, we need to clean those up and in the streets will be cleaned up as well. >> that's where i ran,. >> severe weather ripped through parts of new jersey thursday afternoon, but nothing might be a startling as a possible tornado that touchdown in white township. behind me you can see what is left of the farm were piece of the tornado touchdown and ripped through the barn, coming near the house and blowing out the window before going up the hill. >> what did it look like? >> everything everything was
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spinning. trees, lumber, everything. >> he took me for a tour around the farm. we went into the barn underneath-back the farm has been in the family since 1938. the basement is the only thing left. inside the basement where there, he showed me one of the foundation rods, only one had come down. >> did you think you're going to make it out alive? >> no. barn was built in 1911. you can see where the wind took off the roof from the barn. there were tractors turned over, bins that way thousands of pounds offended, and in the cornfield behind the barn, there was circular patterns for the corn had been ripped out, flattened. he said this is why he thinks it is a tornado. tom is battling with the insurance company because there's a dispute whether or not this was a tornado or a wind shear. before the event happened
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the national weather service did send out an emergency alert that it was a tornado warning. afterwards local authorities have been calling it a windshear. now experts need to be in the ground to take a look. this could mean the difference in his insurance payout. behind me you can see his livelihood. he makes a living off of this farm. he needs to tear down but he has to rebuild it and do that soon. >> how did he survive? >> he was so distraught. he ran for the house and try to get into the basement. he said it lasted about three minutes that it was absolute for. he compared it to the movie twister where you said you hear the sounds. he said it was absolute silent as he saw things lying around him. >> think i know lives or were lost. >> mary works here for 33 years.
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come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. available at your vet.
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>> it's official bill, donald trump picks it running mate, indiana governor, mike pence. he passed over governor chris christie. chris christie was in the selection but pence is making some conservative trump supporters very happy. >> i think it's a good pick. mike pence has served in washington d.c. in the congress and outs governor, his from the midwest, there's some battleground states in the midwest. i the midwest. i think it was a great pick by donald trump. >> good news for a bride to be, she is very close to her wedding and she still waiting to get back about $5000. she was renting a home in new jersey for the weekend of july 22. then they canceled the reservation.
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>> it's a nightmare. >> today jenny and her bridal party say they have only seen the security deposit back. good samaritans do exist. on monday, will introduce you to a stranger who is helping. >> have a good day. >> this is it jim. were going to miss him. >> so i'm at the station, maury who works here for me this cup of coffee, he's he's been working here for 33 years. is retiring on saturday. three and half decades almost. working people coming in and out of the train station. can you imagine? >> forget in the morning coffee from maury from his line she can remember. she's he's the first person she speaks to every day. >> he knows how i like my coffee. he sometimes it brings it out to
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me if i am running for the train. >> you're going to be a grandpa soon. what is at six or seven more weeks? >> seven-week. >> maury is 65 and five and has young energy. he loves working and could probably keep going with the 2:00 a.m. wake ups for years. he retires by choice. choice. family reassignment. >> the reason i am retiring is actually my daughter asked me to babysit. i'm going to be a grandfather and that's the truth. >> congratulations. >> through his new stand window he still carries a half-dozen brands but orders only a fraction of what he used to. he is also seen his town of westfield change as well. >> you go in and somebody would help you out. now we would have -- a lot of restaurants, it's still a nice community and a warm community
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to live in. >> maury spread that warmth for the better part of three decades. a smile, hot, hot cup of coffee, listening ear it's bittersweet. those who count on him the most the commuter customers missing. they wish them a happy sendoff. >> you would find a man or a person having a new stand with more conscientiousness, integrity, than this man. >> he's a been a big part of my new york commute. he's told me so many things. we talk about kids, big life events. this is what my community as. >> the new stand itself has declared his start. it cannot be torn down. it was renovated and to run it most likely the highest bidder. >> will that is a question that the town will have to grapple with. we hope that the kiosk will have a future. it's really in the hands of them. they on the kiosk.
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drop by saturday morning between 830 and 11:00 a.m. for his last time. he will be around probably watching his new grandbaby but he told me, in westfield he's going to miss you too. >> i bet he's going to miss that job. >> it doesn't sound like much of a retirement. new new baby, 2:0, 8:00 a.m. he will be a tight grandpa. >> if he can get up at 2:00 a.m. every day for three nap decades a crying baby is not good to show up on the radar, no problem. he's probably up reading the paper anyway. >> the republican national convention kicks off in cleveland on monday. we have a special guest, jimmy queenie, host of new jersey now on my nine. before we we get your perspective i'll start with
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alex. alex you are headed to cleveland on sunday. >> i will go to cleveland to bring you the coverage of the republican national convention all next week, both inside and outside the convention hall. we know the selection of donald trump has already made in the anti- trump forces the lost out on their rules fight this week. there is not going to be a floor fight at the convention to try and tonight donald trump nomination. everything is not going to be so stage-managed outside. the people from the black panthers to bikers for trouncing they will let their pleasure displeasure with the candidates we know. it will be ohio's open carry laws. i will be inside and outside bring you what's going on the floor and in the streets and talking to people about what they want to see come november. >> governor christie was in the top three, maybe maybe even the top two to be trump's vp pick. governor mike pence from indiana got it. the governor has a pretty powerful spot as the transition
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head, should donald trump become president. what you expect #i can be be on the floor, the governor will be leading the convention? >> is going to be talking to people and he will be the transition director, there's there's no doubt that's already been assigned. it's likely he would become, i think most likely in any other job to be white house chief of staff. very powerful job. i don't think he's going to get attorney general because of bridge gate and all that going on and not going on that they don't know about. if he goes goes in, he goes in at something like that. this isn't a great story for hillary. she is so dislike, her negatives numbers are -- trump is probably the only candidate she could be.
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if the candidates went to the middle-of-the-road candidate they would have more play. >> i have the exact opposite take. i think trump is the only candidate that could put this in play for the republican. >> trump may national security is number one issue when he talked about banning muslim. he's talking about protecting the country. clinton has showed vulnerability because the e-mail scandal. he is looking peachy right now. >> governor christie, regardless of his administration's troubles, you have jamie foxx indictment yesterday, plus three other people on trial, all of them around governor christie. he's not the best guy to put in any certainly not the vp, but chief of staff appeals to christie and he's always been extremely sharp. >> it takes a lot of courage to run for president. i've never done this before. we are going to make a great again and safe again. >> you'll be so proud of your country.
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>> katie. , touring olympic athletes and you and me, to elevator cells to be our very best selves to win a gold metal not just in rio, but your life. how would you know about it if you they did not write it in the sky with airplanes. # rise in the sky. from one source i had people in different places side and thought there might be a revolution in the works. >> it has gone viral with what looks like a spirit leaving an accident scene. take my truck driver in
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kentucky. he took it on tuesday evening. he posted it online and said, pay attention to the shadow just off to the top of the state trooper had. all i can say is i hope everyone involved is okay. the motorcyclist who is injured actually later died at the hospital for injuries. that's crazy. >> allison, how about going to the gym and doing nothing. >> right up my alley. cocoons are no longer just for caterpillars, there for for people to. i bring to you, cocooning. when looking into this class there are a few things that struck me. one, there is no jumping, moving around, so what. number two, there is a built-in method where you can hide from your fitness instructor if you do not like doing anything. double whammy. so actually i couldn't try this at soon enough. i headed to the gravity lab in midtown manhattan.
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>> what the heck is cocooning? it's a 45 minute class that gives your mind and body a workout using a hammock. it starts out with an inversion way flip upside down. you move on to doing stretching and then finally the opportunity to either nap or meditate inside of your cocoon. >> studies have shown productivity increase, alertness, accidents at work go down when you take a power nap. according to the lab, benefits include, the nervous system and increasing range of motion. it helps relieve tension. when it comes to challenges, there was a consensus. my first two classes i was tangled up, but you just learn,
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you listen and everything comes together. >> chris harris started that company 1991 and it's like an entertainment company. >> they perform all over the world. the inauguration of obama,. in 2007 he started the fitness branch of it after testing it for eight years. classes are billable worldwide including in gyms in new york and will run you about $22. >> $22 for a power nap. you could do that at home for free. >> i've been cocooning for years >> power nap in the car. >> her dream wedding, canceled.
12:29 am
come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. available at your vet. (humming)
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d'oh! (tires screeching) (grunts) (grunting) (grunting) (grunting) (grunting) huh? ay, caramba! (chuckles) i haven't ridden a bike since lance armstrong was a good guy. geez, lis, you're riding the girliest bike in the world. ooh, i stand corrected. (hums) hey, dipwad, bikes only. i need to pay my water bill. not on motorized transport, you don't. what you need to get is out of our way. yeah, bikes win again! (train toots) trains win again! when will you people give up your dependence on handlebars?
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