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tv   Chasing News  FOX  July 20, 2016 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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>> now on chasing news. >> nobody gets murdered here. >> the first homicide we've had in warwick in 27 years. >> holy mol moly. >> jeffrey cool, put a gun against a rival. >> she is the hotter one of the couple. >> i was on street, with pro and anti-trump supporters have to say, two men showed up with side arms. >> we felt like we would rather be prepared than not prepared. >> prepared for what? >> well -- >> let's chardonnay go.
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>> dina is a funny mother. >> you can find glasses of chardonnay in your neighborhood. >> a spoof app, that moms use to find hidden glasses of chardonnay. >> free chardonnay for moms everywhere. >> how about a guaranteed job for life that will cost you, it may not be real. >> are you ready to start your new career as a licensed security guard in new jersey. the company promises lifetime employee in security industry, all you have to do is sign up for the course, former customers say instead of setting them up for a good career, the company scammed them out of hundreds of dollar. >> i gave them just about $600, they said they would give me courses, and pretty much endorse me with companies, i had a
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course, it was about active shooter, then they called me said i had a first aid class. >> i was contacted by the owner of nj guard training academy, they have been in jersey city doing work for decade, their company guides team who want to get into the security guard field, getting ve them registerd and vetted. is patrick said that right way to get registered with the state, to register, and go to their company for a training course. and company makes themselves 100 bucks for person, his be partner detailed highway he -- how he thinks the other company works. >> they get called up, and made to pay a re registration fee, te
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is no such thing in this field. >> approximately dollars 140, right when they get there, up front $140. then they are asked from about what students told us, to pay additional fees to 5 to 700 dollars for additional class not required. >> listen to this owner of nj guard wanted to give a call to see what they would say. because some people told him that companies have been their name, giving them a bad name. >> imlooking for security training is this nj guard. >> yes, i can help. >> you i tried to get comments from company in question but the office is lock it can like a photos re, i gave them -- fortress, i called them this morning. i told them i was a reporter, and click. >> thank you. >> a man is dead, a couple is on the run.
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>> warwick, pennsylvania. nobody gets murdered in warwick, not until thursday. >> this is the first homicide we've had in warwick in 27 years, there are only two of us here that remember the last one. >> you are one of those people. >> yes. >> who broke that trend? police say it was jeffrey gould. allegedly put a gun to head of a romaromantic rival last week, ad pulled trigger. neighbors told me, they heard aisha screaming for a half minute after the shot rang out, police say that pair took off in a champagne-colored chevy truck, gould is believed to be still armed and dangerous. and last known to be in north carolina. >> we have not found the go up, we have to assume she still has
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the gun, we're charging him with killing one person with it. if there is not a clearer definition of armed and dangerous, than that. >> police have not made any arrests, but they have charged gould with the killing since bullet casings found in his apartment found that matched by the victim's body, neighbors are apprehensive go going to camera since gould is still on the loose. he may be afilliated with organized crime groups. >> high is' -- he is wanted for homicide. >> flowers and a balloon mark the memory was the victim at the doorstep, neighbors say it is a shame, a friend of the family say that edwas a really good guy. never one to look for trouble. he found some. >> what are the cops saying? their theory on this and why? >> it is well-known that they are together, police have spoken
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to sources in north carolina, people who said to be friends of the suspect much they are also witnesses who say after the shot rang out, gould sort of forced -- into car. >> this is why people think that hot people live by other standard than the rest of us, why would she not be charged if she was present at the time her ex-boyfriend of being killed. this is not a convict, why is she getting a free pass. >> the understanding -- that. >> this is reason of why people think that people who are hotter live by a different standard. >> which one is hotter. >> she is the hot one. >> like. he is out of his league. >> she is the hotter one. >> listen, i'll say, this, fellows who are not best looking but have a good panache have
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luck with the ladies. oil pipeline proposed for new jersey and new york has residents riled up. >> a kid's pool, right next to proposed route of the oil pipeline. joe is -- his kids are swimming here right now, hundreds of family are members, and only about 30 feet from the root that they want to put two double barrel, 18-inch foil pipelines and hazardous liquid pipeline threw. >> from albany to lyndon across the highlands acrossing reservoirs and rivers, that brings up bad memories for some, the time oil transports from canada blew up half a town, or
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closer to home this video of a natural gas pipeline explosion from '93 in edison, described by witnesses as akin to a nuclear blast, they have yet to submit their application in new jersey. >> i think that they are trying to throw panic in the public. we have not submitted an application, the route is not finalized, even when you submit a route there will be changes. >> nathan son said that the pipeline will provide thousands of construct jobs. >> i don't think there is any doubt when you compare pipelines to barges or train or trucks that pipelines are safest form of transportation. >> not everyone agrees, activist say that any kind of leak could threaten drinking water from millions of new jersey resident we're meeting with director of
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the sere -- sierra club here. >> you came in a prius. >> yep, we try to tra practice what we preach. >> a line in the trees is where the pipeline will go. >> he said that the lake and reservoir. a drinking source for 3 million are too valuable to risk even a chance of a pipeline accident. >> the safest pipeline is still vulnerable to accident, terrorism or a mistax. mistake. >> you can't plan, you are also playing russian roulette with a fully loaded gun. >> so dramatic. so dramatic. anyway, just a couple quick things, there is 2.2 million miles of distribution pipelines across u.s., and a half million in these transmission pipelines, they always go back to that '93
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explosion, to that because they have a lot of -- they don't have a lot of recent explosions, a bigger danger to the community is trucks and trains, 80% of new jersey has their home fueled by natural gas, i love to ask the question. are you in the 80 or 20. >> this biker means business, catching a ride in thailand, the biker cat is colleging on to his -- clinging on to his riding partner, sh he seems pretty cool with it i don't often say, cats are cool, but when i do, they are biker cats. >> volunteer, in cleveland, covering rnc, inside and outside, i was on the street, seeing what pro and anti-trump supporters say. >> it is our legal right to come
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armd. >> only one that is allow to be gr
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i am here in cleveland covering the republican national convention, action inside and outside of the convention hall, hyundai -- on month day. delegates made their voices heard, i was on the street, to see what pro and anti-trump supporters say.
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i wanted to see what his adversaries and boosters said when they arrive hire in here in cleveland. now, on monday, morning, i can't to settler's landing park in cleveland for an america first pro-trump rally, you had politicians, speakers, you had bikers for trump, you had music. as sun went down security got tighter, including the ring around donald trump's motorcade. while the donald and his wife spoke inside of the quicken loans arena, i wanted to be outside to see if any large scale protests would materiali
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materialize. i did see what of what has been talked about, right of open carry in the state of ohio. two men who said they were trump supporters, and wearing make america great again hats, showed up with side arms, police did, took them aside and talked to them. >> you can't do that. we respect everyone's right to open carry, we'll protect the right. >> many late late toil -- told s their weapons were partially concealed, they said it was fine they had to cover their firearm, i asked why did they show up armed. >> it our legal right to come armed. we felt like we would rather be prepared than not prepared. >> for what? >> well, there is violence as these rallies sometimes, we. ed to be prepared.
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we don't need a reason. >> everyone was happy, joyful, and then there was 1/10 moment about -- a tense moment. 8 guys and a girl, with bandanas over their faces showed up. these guys said they were anonymous. the hacker group that wanted to share information with edward snowden, they were happy to talk with us. take picture from the code pink girls, it was a peaceful night in cleveland. we're now joined by host of new jersey now, jim mcqueeny, on the ground in cleveland. at the 2016 republican national convention. jim, this is your 13th convention, you know you are inner acting at a level you know most players in new jersey, what are you hearing? what is christie's mood like?
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you have a whole array of people who are on the inside. >> i think you will appreciate one aspect. they all watched chasing news. and you. >> happy to hear that. >> but walking here, and hearing these things, you know christie, at the breakfast this morning prepares for the speech he gave, people were talking about what he needs to do. you know, chris christie is really -- this is the fourth audition in 4 years for him, to be vice president 4 years ago with romney, odd -- that did not work out, and od -- audition for president that did not work out, and vice president that did not work out, tonight we're wondering that was the audition for chief of staff, that is the rumor. he has title will he be given the power. >> is that a fall from grace?
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you go from being a successful governor, to a candidate for president, to a guy that was on the cop's list to be vice -- top list to be vice president. is this a consolation prize. >> it could be looked at that way, but a lot of the scuttlebutt, last night and this morning is christie was grouchy about not getting that vice presidential nod, as everyone knows, only one who is allowed to be grouchy is donald trump, he does not like grouchy people, he does not keep grouchy people. and the question is -- with the way he got out of that thing. did he do himself a disservice, and put himself further down the wrung, and maybe trump does not need him any more. >> thank you, jim. >> check back in tomorrow. >> somebody got paint every day -- someone got paid every day,
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every day was a payday, hospital, mills. >> young student, ohio is -- youngs town ohio is about an hour's drive from cleveland, differences between two could not be more apparent, i went to youngstown to talk to people there, and talk about the aftermath of industry leaving the town, taking most of the jobs with it. >> al green, chapter president of local american legion post. in youngs town, talking about what happened to him. 10 years after getting back from vietnam, when he was laid off from the steel mill after 3 closes in a very short period of time, the economy of the taken to a tailspin that never recoverd. >> the mills closed. and that was devastating. it was devastating to the economy. >> youngs town is trying to get back on its feet. i went to the center of
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youngstown, i spoke with head of defend youngs town, a group and a store to bring the image back. >> there were still pipe producing facilities on north side of the city, about 4 years ago it was largest economic development project in the nation, it provides steel pipes for natural gas and oil industry. >> while this on a smaller scale, little by litter bril bringing youngstown back, they have given up waiting for one person to solve their problems. >> this community is savvy enough, to realize there is no white knight. >> where the american legion post -- is, people are treading water. there are jobs but not a as easy
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on come by, and they don't have as much security, i had to ask fem about politics, youngs student today is still a democratic blue collar union town, but it could be part of the battleground, the county surrounding youngs town had democrats switch over to be republicans, during the primary, donald trump tweeted about it monday afternoon, thanking ohio for strong showing he had. 50 years of manufacturing decline in this country cannot know changed or fixed -- >> thank you, alex. >> chardonnay go. >> dina is one funny mother. >> you can find glasses of choord i chardonnay all over yor neighborhood. >> a spoof app to find glasses
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of chardonnay. come can do it!
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dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. available at your vet. coming up next, out of the depth of the ocean.
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♪ a menace to bathers, behold,
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>> w behold, this video from a beach off of the baltic sea, you see a p a -- possessed bore runt from waters and terrorize everyone on the beach. >> that is terrifying. >> not often that a game makes its players walk into traffic, into rivers, and off of a cliff, but this is a world we're living in today. >> see him? >> help me, help me. >> that case with release of new
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game "pokemon go." it is a augmented reality game using gps, and camera on your phone to capture pokemon in your real world setting. people of all ages, genders and race are obsessed, one mother from new jersey never shared that sentiment. >> let's chardonnay go. it says it's close by. is it here? i found it! chardonnay go. it paid off. >> her children approached her to say. >> they said let's play "pokemon go," i said i'm not going to do that, is is middle of summer, i am done, i don't know why you are talking to me, unless there is wine at the end of this trip, i'm not taking it, that is when chardonnay go was born.
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>> there is a glass close to my house right now, let's go find it. >> a spoof app for moms to find hidden glasses of chardonnay, in their neighborhood. it has been viewed 20 million times in a week, she knows of. the video was not planned either, she talked with her neighbors right when the idea happened. >> i called my girlfriend down the street, i said i need to beat someone up by the tree, over some wine. she said okay what time, i said 20 minutes. >> what are you doing? playing chardonnay go. >> no you are not, this is highy chardonnay. >> no, no. >> guys. i hear beeping. >> dina and i powered up our chardonnay go app, we went on the hunt. >> move like this.
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>> i found a entire bottle of chardonnay, dina found 30. >> people looking for chardonnay, i found what i'm looking for. >> she -- dina is one funny mother, that happens to be name of her off broadway show in new york city, check her out. and if you want to check out video go on the internet. >> opened first ho shaolin temp. >> it takes a lot of courage to run for president, i have never done this before. >> understand what you want for your video. >> i don't' anything. >> i am answering the question. >> we're going to make america great again and safe again.
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♪ tea for the tillerman ♪ ♪ steak for the son ♪ ♪ wine for the woman who made the rain come ♪ ♪ seagulls sing your hearts away ♪ ♪ 'cause while the sinners sin ♪ ♪ the children play ♪ ♪ oh, lord, how they play and play ♪ ♪ for that happy day ♪ ♪ for that happy day ♪ ♪ happy day ♪ d'oh! (humming a tune) you're never bored paintin' the lord.


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