tv Chasing News FOX September 7, 2016 12:30am-1:00am EDT
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t is. now, we're going to show you how degree dry spray is different. degree dry spray. degree. it won't let you down. >> beef tone? really what you got? what are you doing? >> this is a great shot. you guys are completely insane. [laughter] >> diana, after decades of phonetic manipulation, who speaks for the bulldog? >> what is this about english
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bulldogs? you can dress them up, you can dress them down and they even make a great mascot. but what you love about him does it mean killing them. >> sometimes they have skin issues, you have to be careful diet wise. sometimes their skin issues with their for and things like that. so is my vet says, you never own a bulldog, your rent one. you're constantly back and forth to the vet's office. >> she is the director of the mid she is the director of the mid atlantic a bulldog rescue. our local expert when it comes
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to english bulldogs. i met up with deborah and her dog rocky in new jersey. >> i think i'm in the right place. >> and she tells me that bulldogs are among the most popular docs in the country. but not all pet owners are ready to take on the number of health challenges that come with these dogs. >> you have to be very careful they do not overheat. they have a short snout so for them it is like a person running on a hot day but holding your nose. they your nose. they are not getting in a lot of air. you have to be mindful of things like that. diets, definitely because they can get sis between there pause or alopecia on there for. >> but one researcher paints a bleaker picture. things that cannot cannot be cured with tender loving care. doctor -- did a study and he talked about how hundreds of years of breeding has changed bulldogs to look like this from the. >> the breed lack so much genetic diversity that it is doubtful whether they can prove the breed from within. in other words, it almost looks like they will have to use out
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crossing. >> as a result the dogs have had structure problems that make it harder to breathe and exercise. there are also skelter problems that make it harder for the dogs to conceive and give birth to another dog. plus plus the dogs are prone to autoimmune disorders. it is clear to see that there is a bulldog crisis and how do we fix that? >> as of the solution worse than the problem in that sense. if they start to crossbreeding they will do some of the traits that make them the most popular docs around. but they had a good runs. >> every thing comes back to the game of thrones. that you cannot in breeder you get insanity. murderously insane. you cannot keep inbreeding brothers and sisters and littermates and expect things to go okay. you can't do it. you do it. you can't to do it. >> i'm sorry i love dogs but that is one of the ugly stocks. i might get a lot of bad mail about this but guys, get a poodle. >> sorry diana.
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>> these are great for people who worked a lot of hours, they are lazy. i've been told that would be actually the perfect dock. >> the dogs are lazy, know the owners are hard workers. if you work a lot of hard hours they say in english bulldog could be her best friend. i have been advice to get an english bulldog giving that we are always chasing and working long hours. you have you have to know what you're getting into. >> i will say that a dog with breathing issues is a pog. but if you mix it with another kind of dog like a beagle, you get lola. >> high-speed chase. >> hannah is 23 years old and a new york city teacher. she was vacation entitlement when she got lost in the resort. after she been walking around a local came a local came over and offered to help. instead of helping a local
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person they actually attacked her and tried ripping off her close. she attempted to flee the attacker and went over the cliff and broke her now. the person who attacked her has been a charge that a minute to the crime. we will keep you updated on her condition. >> oh my god, what is that? across the chicago skyline. what could it what could it be? regular spider. i'm just kidding. there's a spider in front of the camera overlooking the chicago skyline. he thought it it was a killer spider though, i got you. >> i'm in pennsylvania with profession up professor that applied for tenure and had overwhelming support. when it hit the president's desk he got tonight. he does not agree with the reasons why, so last tuesday at 3:00 p.m. he went on a hunger strike. >> i am hungry. but not as hungry as i think most people would expect me to be at this point. >> while the weekend was a lot longer for most whisper there's
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been development over the weekend and he would like to share with us what happen. >> so over the weekend we heard from the faculty that felt that the hunger strike was starting to become an impediment to progress on the case. so i met with my trusted friends and colleagues and decided that in a show of good faith it would be a good idea to suspend the strike as of yesterday morning. >> you put this in the context of some very big terms. let me ask you, isn't it true you just got hungry? >> no, it's no, it's not. my dr. is here with me. i do not get hungry until we decided to stop the strike. once i started thinking about food then yes, he became hungry. >> what is the first thing you a question? >> the first thing i ate was a beef tongue. >> there you go. a beef tongue? really? god, i haven't had had that. something new to try. >> how would you know i would learn a new food from a guy a hunger strike. you were supposed to bring one and anna.
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>> there's going to be an emergency hearing coming up shortly, over the we can president of the school double down. >> many faculty members put in a lot of time in judging tenured cases. and they may feel their opinion is disregarded when it's not supported. >> you may have done this hunger strike to get tenure, it has gotten a lot of reaction from people outside of university including including people saying you should be deported. trump supporters? i do that? >> it tickles me. i have been called far worse by far better people. so people think i need to be deported, this is where i work, i can show them my passport and my death. >> the faculty is behind them, the president isn't behind him but we'll see how it plays out. >> there are better ways to kick up the school year and pay some back-to-school bills. governor christie christie is doing that today grover cleveland middle school in new jersey. he approved seven bills in total.
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some of the more significant reforms include substance-abuse instruction for public school students in the establishment of a state aid program that would provide more security services for nonpublic school students. >> we want to provide high quality of education for every student. that is why i support education reform measures that need to be done through the state. >> it despite it being governor chris christie's birthday today, that did not stop many questions centering on probably his least favorite subject, new jersey education association. >> thanks diana. >> nuclear power can be controversial. people raise questions about where the waste goes, whether or not the sites are potential for a terrorist attack and could there be an accident? a recently more than 67% of americans did not supported so we went straight to the source to find out what it's about. >> the exit at that dome
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structure. >> bill and i connected with the president of png power who gave us the inside to her of the south jersey nuclear power plant that provides enough energy for 3 million homes in new jersey and delaware. we from the disaster a few years ago and this plant is protected differently than their japanese counterparts. >> all of the way. >> in the simulated control room they actually let bill press a button or two as they walked us through the protocol of what would happen in an actual disaster. >> higher walls, multiple backup generators, they have backup equipment for their backup equipment. they are prepared for a category four storm that has never even hit this part of new jersey. as far as terrorism threats, they are ready.
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be bill and i were greeted by armed guards that stayed with us every step of the way as we made our's way into other zones. concrete barriers, bullet resistant structures, and the largest armed fort in new jersey's aside from the state police. all of this protects the vital zone which is where the reactors themselves are. >> every three years the nfc will come in a test or security officers. they're actually bringing a force of a delta force commandos, navy seal, seal, they will try to penetrate the facility. and a lot of stimulation. these are highly trained professionals. if they can't make it through, nobody will make it through. >> they even have a firing range on site. bill bill and i were able to take a shot at. even with his military background, i was as accurate as he was. and yes, somebody has the job of climbing the 512-foot cooling
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tower to change the light bulb. if you have any questions, tweet me at chasing news. >> i would trade you, anybody. >> reverend doctor johnny green to mounts is mayor bill diblasio. >> we have to get away from the idea that we can only vote democratic. >> is frustrated that the democrats aren't doing enough. >> this may give donald trump a fair chance. >> donald trump is a dividing this country. >> hey, it's a hang, your back porch man. you know what i'm saying, right? no. not that. get your mind out of the gutter. i mind out of the gutter. i have your back porch weather. coming up. >> even dead cats get marr
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frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. available at your vet.
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>> another world record broken and this one seems like it might result in a hangover or two. a bar has a guinness world record for the largest domino draft shot. hundred 60 employees came together to create this moment at the sports following grill. there is 6103 shot glasses use. despite them being disqualified
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for not following the correct white they still broke the original record of 4107. miley question is who is going to drink all of those shots? >> this you to post as a 12-year-old getting put in the sleeper hold by the pilot behind us in 8g the force of gravity. the dynamic maneuvers were performed over las vegas several days ago and a high-performance playing the likes of which you see in the red bull air raid. so out you go. >> and there you go again. it is morning time. >> that is one way to get the kids to sleep. >> ashley, you are north of 96. this time with actor johnny green. pastor johnny green. did you get him to weigh in on the presidential race. >> you may remember a few weeks back when i was at mount nebo
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baptist church speaking with reverend doctor johnny green who denounces mayor bill diblasio and and is on a mission to make sure he's not reelected. >> i would say this, anybody but diblasio. anybody. >> i spent a good time with doctor greene who is a huge activist within the black community. while we are talking about local politics he said something that really caught my ear. >> we have to get away from the idea that we can only vote democratic. that is a big problem. >> so i cut to the chase and asked him, does this mean blacks should give donald trump a fair chance quest mark he said trump says something that is actually accurate in his mind in true. that you know, the democratic party has not done enough to help the black community. >> donald trump made a statement and it was like a double edge's word for me. because number one, the statement was true that donald trump made. the problem was the messenger.
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he is the wrong person to say it. >> this açai, doctor greene says that he will not throw his support behind trump because he believes he is too offensive and devices for this country. >> i think donald trump is a staunch racist. i think donald trump is dividing this country. i think he would be terrible as a president. >> doctor greene says he fully supports hillary clinton, not because of her political affiliation in this case but because of her experience. he believes that she is the right person to lead this country. >> it hillary is a states person. she is highly educated. she is very knowledgeable of foreign-policy. >> the question is, what it is the pastor looking for? on one side you have the democrats and the same policies that he is railing against.
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he kind of seems to support because his attack on diblasio was more funding, more government programs, more allocation of contracts. he is not really saying anything different. he seems to. he seems to be frustrated not that the solutions are not there at the democrats are not doing enough. he strikes me more of a bernie sanders boater. >> actually he did like bernie sanders but he's not an option right now. he said the best option is hillary clinton. >> can you check in with him after the first debate on the 26. >> i will. >> i will be sure to do that. absolutely. >> the weather isn't easy to forecast. we have many enemies. it's martial arts for your back porch weather. wednesday, philadelphia, you want to fight? fight me. partly sunny with a high near 86, low chance near 86, low chance of rain, a little bit breezy. wednesday night settles around
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you as you paralyzed industry, around 71 mostly clear. want to fight? fight me. central new jersey meet me. a slight chance of showers on wednesday just to 20% low like your highs of near 81 degrees, mostly cloudy. seventy tomorrow night. new york city, never give in. never surrender. but new york is the most of what's left. a 30% chance of rain, partly cloudy wednesday night those around 72. >> one man down, he takes a picture with north division fbi division team. these agents are some of the most highly trained agents.
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>> were putting together this puzzles we can bring justice. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> brooklyn, harlem, guess who's back. with every change. harlem is on the rise. this is a great spot for selfie's right now. >> if you were married. >> to be look like a married couple? what? >> i think i'm a a charming guy. >> it's not just the place, it's the state of
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>> it's all about the -- >> check out the video of a flight attendant who has gone viral after landing announcement was caught on tape. >> what's up doc? welcome to chicago. >> the flight attendant got on the intercom playing various characters from looney tunes. >> this is not the first time that southwest airlines employee has gone above and beyond to make their announcement comical. in 20141 flight attendant went viral after her hilarious safety videos. >> so it is not uncommon if you fly southwest. >> i had the most awkward back-to-school video ever.
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>> a teacher comes in and instead of doing her burglar syllabus, she rolls through the top ten playlist the best part, is people current taxes on the cell phone. >> all of the student sitting quietly waiting for it to be over. look at the girlfriend, schlegel, you done yet. >> one man down, bullet bullet and a gun paints the picture where i was about long the bank river with more fbi evidence team these are some of the most highly trained and sought after in the country. >> this is the station of what the new york fbi uses.
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like you said there's 26 of these machines of brown the country. we have had this one in newark since about 2004. were one were one of the more experienced teams out the country. >> special agent was called out to the orlando pulse nightclub shooting. he's covered several high-profile cases and he showed me a smaller scale of some of the work they do. it takes a lot of precision but the technology is fabulous. it is accurate up to the millimeter. he is cackling where the bullets are in relation to the gum and the government and in relation to the body.
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>> this does the measurements. all it is doing is sending out an infrared beam to its target and what it does is when the infrared beam comes down and hit the target it bounces back that gives us the distance. >> unlike the fictional shows you see like csi in law and order, he says that the work takes a lot of time, or c, and precision. >> here's the x, y, z coordinates that are associated with that data. that is the data that we used to make the final drawing. >> now sr. manager of this team, laura robinson cannot have her face on camera but i can tell you she is extremely passionate about the work she does. >> where a piece of the puzzle to try to bring justice to crime victims. i think everybody here is here for the same reason. we can provide comfort to the victims families. we're putting together this puzzle so ultimately we can bring the perpetrator to justice. >> what is the worst thing that they've seen? anyone case that sticks out? >> they walked me through posters of where they were taking pictures, analyzing data set 9/11. orlando pulse nightclub shooting. you can only imagine if you are at a smaller scene where there is one there's one man down the bullets, but in a situation like that where you have multiple victims, they have to measure out everything in terms of every in terms of the
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victims and in terms of where every piece of furniture is in relation to crime scene. >> scene. >> how to do you find personally. a strong stomach to have to deal some of the things i have to see. >> actually goes back to my chase that i did with the dog, iris. i built a rapport with them then and learned about the interworking's of what they do with some of the technology docks. from there he said, how do how do you gather your other evidence. the next thing i know i'm alongside the agents who have worked over 20 plus years in this division. >> there is a lot of different genres of taxidermy. >> even dead cats get married before i do. the bride and groom are kittens. two feelings about to be wed. >> how long is that marriage going to last before a cap big oil polluters. they have a friend in pennsylvania. millionaire pat toomey. toomey voted to protect their special tax breaks.
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saving oil companies twenty-four billion dollars. and big oil polluters have given toomey seven hundred thousand dollars in campaign contributions. tax breaks for them. campaign contributions for him. pat toomey. he's helping big oil polluters and millionaires. not the rest of us. lcv victory fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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ay-ay-ay! (bees buzzing) (birds chirping) oh! looks like our birdhouse is benefitting from positive word of beak. (laughs) (eagle screeches) a bald eagle! it is! (screeches) maybe he's giving those little baby birds some food. (screams) (screeches) (gasps) homer, quick! get your shooing broom. marge, an eagle is our country's mascot! fighting him is like kicking george washington in his wooden nuts! aah! (grunting) (grunts)
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