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tv   Chasing News  FOX  October 6, 2016 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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they could not pass a bill that was not written yet. >> what do you have? what you doing? i don't agree with you on that. >>
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>> she is referring to a video of the school bus on the way home you can see. then spent on his face and held them down across the aisle. he is 14 years old and he does suffer adt -- a.d. ht because they are equipped to handle children but they want to make it clear her sun is a good boy but if backed into a corner he can lash out she even said if her sun did not shoot the of video she may not have believed. now she does and is not happy. >> he said no.
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they spent on be. i was shocked when i saw the video. food does that? >> some kids were playing loud music but then they told him to return the music down. he told his father that they had bothered him in the past but if it happens again turn thine your phone to videotape. they didn't want to believe the incident happened until they saw the video. they told the family favorite looking into it but yet to give the family and apology for what happened in. actually that aide resigned the next day when the company asked for the
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investigation. they definitely deserve an apology and explanation and does he go through any special trading? >> he spent in my ear. >> what is the proper training? not only background but what type of training is given to someone who takes care of children? >> definitely the exchange of words he is cornered. and is it ever okay especially someone as a guardian? >> better he got ahead is first ration out rather than punching. it could have been much worse. that does not excuse it end with any other school never had people who are trained
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but clearly the school that specializes should have the right staff. >> cameras a to be installed in the buses. how do we keep track of what those aides are doing especially special needs? there is no excuse? he just spent -- spit in my ear. >> diane m. long island were the missing persons ended in tragedy. found this morning in a wooded area. he went for an early brian avesta gators are saying it does not appear to be suspicious. >> involving a road rage incidents. you can see a truck ran into a car pushing it out of its
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way but listen to what the people have to say. all my god. the new jersey state trooper he was outside begging for cash sewn instead to call it he went in and to purchase chicken for the man and said i will give you the chicken. ♪ as you can see by the fireworks, brcs celebrating a q&a and it goes back to friday.
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late friday they all got together and came up with a plan of a dramatic $0.23 to put that tax on the backs of the middle-class. they needed 30 votes but they fell short. we stopped them. diana, you were there at the state house. >> care realizing that it isn't hard to see why. lawmakers decided to postpone a pretty much done deal now they have until friday to urge representatives to say no of of height of the gas tax. >> the leadership is trying to stifle the public voice
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trying to get the legislation through so the public cannot rally. >> that is the statements we heard from lawmakers all boarding -- morning but many are waiting for answers. >> businesses are leaving and this makes it worse. >> as the morning went on we saw democracy was not on our side as the chambers were empty as the bill was not finished being written yet. >> we don't have a magic wands. still makes you remember in this summer they tried to pass the bill at midnight. then they came back on friday to say we have a new deal very similar to last one with like of the gas tax
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the drop in the sales tax tax, tax credits and the exemption for the income-tax many experts say that is nearly $1 billion but that goes to the wealthy so now will the vampire's succeed? >> on my show we actually got hashed ag gas tax because of the viewers and though listeners. i was up in the gallery and i saw that. i went up into the gallery a lot of them were not those that were out while the road they were showing that the protest. because they bear to agitate they had it all wrong. their jobs went away because
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governor christie decided to kill all transportation projects. they had the money to eliminate the estate tax and lower the sales tax half a billion so why not take that billion dollars to fund the road projects? they can come back to work tomorrow if governor christie had the guts and not such a coward to read into washington try to do everything but work for new jersey. >> we enjoyed the second lowest tax for a long time the roads and bridges. twenty-three cents is a lot may be something in the middle. >> if we knew they would actually fix the roads and bridges he may have an argument but nobody trusts them. now we will bring in our friend. matt, there is still able only to go before friday. but that it is a factor -- a victory for average working
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class people quick. >> everybody. pour and middle-class. if you have property-tax sales-tax editing we already pay belated bid haven't figured out is that it is cheaper for people to abandon their business and family to head south bend continues. >> i agree. this is a no-win situation. not only did they have to get their guest you could hurt those just loraine this sales tax. >> this senate will meet again 10:00 friday morning to try to pass this. there are 15 courageous senators republican and democrat already committed to vote no and we need six more. hashed tag no gas tax we need your help. >> here in trenton police
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got a call about a house explosion here on wayne ave. check out this picture there are too roadhouses that collapsed they took the young woman living across the street she said happened around 3:30 p.m. with early as if there was an earthquake. >> bill hall entire house shook. i went outside to see what was going on and the house across the street was crumpled to the ground. now there is an investigation it was supposed to be taken to the police will go with cameras to see if anybody had entered. follow me on twitter or of the show at "chasing news." >> nearly murdered in the early mornings when. >> what could cost them his life made and have a big
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change of heart. life made and have a big change of heart. >> using stop and
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides.
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ii'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers.age. she's a slob. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat chested is very hard to be a 10. does she have a good body? no. does she have a fat [expletive]? absolutely. do you treat women with respect? i can't say that either. >>, on. >> take look that one biker decided to jump and even balances on the beam which is crazy.
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>> today. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> oh my god. [laughter] >> if governor christie had his way all gross with the aid to the lincoln tunnel but in reality they all feedback with the trust fund with a gas tax the culmination of years of lack of funding for infrastructure projects to new jersey. but only two years ago governor christie took the
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port authority bonds many for the bridge it is currently under repair. so looking at those political dealings with $260 million for the military ocean terminal with the port authority purchased with help of a financial bailout in the hopes that the democrat would endorse the governor. small projects like $7 million to a newark park who also endorsed christie in 2013 despite being a democrat. interestingly these projects all have something to offer. democratic mayors to endorse the governor to further his political aims that is what the testimony is focused around. the boaters and taxpayers have nothing substantial to offer the governor or maybe he would help bail them out.
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>> further down the road doesn't hurt them and they are painting a much broader picture or are they possibly linking this to the governor now you see that inquiry coming from the legislature quick. >> no such thing as the christie effect with the nuremberg war crimes trial they said we were under orders that is why we did it. that has been ruled that is not a admissible as a defense of the did not work for the not see it will not work for them. >> is this on schedule? is this week number two were weak number three? >> who is counting. >> now we have to wait for a verdict it could take longer >> >> at this point are you
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sure he is not a cop? >> 100 percent sure. >> pete infamous talk on power would '05 was of the of right along we're just one week ago p. was nearly murdered in the early morning. >> did you start shooting? i put the car in reverse. >> that could have cost him his life instead he had a big change of heart on the controversial stop and frisk practice. certain areas where crime is high. >> do you think even if you grew up in the neighborhood you should be subject to be stopped and frisked every day? is that the environment a teenage boy should grow up quick. >> paducah get a lot of drugs sophistry. >> he caused a lot of stirrer a bent from going
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against to be a supporter at that point he just wants them off the streets. >> have first was against it as an african-american who has been pulled over several times racially profile that twice last week of a striving to work somebody tried to carjack me and kill me and at that point i could just think of my five kids and what they would do. >> after listening to celebrities he has changed his mind again now he is strongly against stop and frisk. >> is the scale up of how i feel that police officers low-cal minorities. that is why we have african american minorities getting shot and killed. >> is outside more vague
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emotional decision the day pushed back now said i not be on the wrong side. >> is also a key really is afraid. i don't know what research he did but he would have found out stop and rest is not unconstitutional but in practice across the country going back to raise supreme court decision in ohio but has never bend overturned. >> please have the right to stop somebody to search them for whatever suspicions they have but not because they are black. that is where they draw the line. if you are always the target you causally see that as a target as a target as a target and they all have the color of their skin in common you will dash be in favor of stopping and frisking. >> we are talking about a multibillion-dollar industry >> but if the hair is not
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hair. pdfcares?
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>> does the punishment fit the crime? planned parenthood.
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i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them. would you put people in jail for performing abortions? at some point doctors performing abortions i think would be subject to that sort of penalty. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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>> nothing worse than this singular pug. >> come on. >> new south wales or austria he lost his pug on sunday he put it out on social media anybody who has seen stella please let me know. but somebody showed up with a different pug. [laughter] they found one walking on the beach eventually stella came back he found the real owner. but not before snapping this photo. [laughter] >> mother of the year or two
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far? sending shock waves and getting different opinions. you can see a girl screaming as her mother is shaving off her hair throwing it on the ground for a reporter the their speaking portuguese what is to think? >> really? you are okay with this? what? all my gosh. >> click here and trying to check out the ladies. [inaudible] guess who's back? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> with black women and their hair we are talking about a multibillion-dollar industry. appear in harlem i want you to count how many hair salon d.c. on each block. for. >> here is everything to a woman. the clothes can be everything the makeup can be everything but if hair is not right forget about it. >> sun, as many as twice a week. >> senior citizens retired 13 years people don't believe me. she helps to keep meat looking fabulous. >> if you want a cut and
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shampoo and a style that will run about $120 in my soul on -- harrison line. >> then went to the storm where we would see rows and rows and rows of all body products. >> you resemble michele obama. because then it you had to wear the weave. >> would issue wearing today? >> for christmas?
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>> i like the short hair. >> he is industry today in trenton. the senate presidenpresiden t and governor christie absolutely failed to get enough votes to put the burden some gas tax on the back of working-class citizens because you act did you call an e-mail and chile did #no gas tax was trending today in new jersey there is more to come. so now on friday they will come back for another vote your calls matter here input natters on twitter #nogastax tag as swift "chasing news" we will be back on the radio thursday morning talking about this to call up those courageous senators to make sure this could not happen today banks to your pressure i survived breast cancer. if the doctors hadn't caught it early i might not be sitting here.
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so i'm outraged that pat toomey voted to defund planned parenthood... which thousands of pennsylvania women depend on for cancer screenings. pat toomey was even willing to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. shut down the government over planned parenthood? i think we ought to shut down pat toomey. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. what? is he gone?? finally, i thought he'd never leave... tv character: why are you texting my man at 2 a.m.? no... if you want someone to leave you alone, you pretend ke you're sleeping. if you want someone 's what you do.alone, if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. tv character: taking selfies in the kitchen does not make you a model.
1:00 am
(cackles) d'oh! (tires screeching) (grunts) (all groan) announcer: nocturnal cravings. a positive ultrasound. how could this woman's doctor not know she was pregnant? (gasps) a baby. an astronaut baby. (baby laughs) hey. oh, have you ever turned on a tv? it's my mother's birthday.


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