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tv   Chasing News  FOX  October 14, 2016 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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>> look, i have a performance coming up. the stress factor is going to be lit. what do you have? because i read. >> i don't agree with you on that. >> you guys are completely insane. i love it. [laughter] [music] >> i'm here at the state house can diana blast, we have
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breaking news. earlier on thursday a municipal judge issued a criminal complaint summons against governor christy and has to do with misconduct, reopen or ask staff members to reopen lane to george washington bridge. diana is here with me at the state house. jim, the host of new jersey now to talk about political impact for governor christie. i want to start with alex. >> the bridge gate trial is going here. it's not the only courtroom that governor cristsave is in a little bit of trouble. the governor has had a criminal complaint filed against him. first criminal charge that christie has faced in the closings of the lane in bridge gate scandal.
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was brought bret. official misconduct is a state charge not the federal charges behind me but might be the right kind of thing to bring against the governor of the state, someone was a publish official and did something unauthorized or harm or benefit someone else. big wild card for christie, we will see where this will lead. two more weeks to go. prosecution just rested and we are going to hear from the defense. >> thank you, alex. diana spent the day at the courthouse and one of the people in particular, one of the governors. >> so as you mentioned, let an
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investigation along side senator so walking into his office i was expecting him to jump for joy but more cautious and said the trial is only halfway through right now and this doesn't exactly mean impeachment. listen to what he said here. >> we all know that the administration has role in this. we don't really know exactly how far it goes into the governor except that immediate support involveed. >> this is a dishonorable complaint filed by a known serial political activist of abusing position but he also said that they have carried out an investigation to this and maintained governor christie's innocence.
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>> i have spoke with george to add political color to this discussion. >> regardless of details that the headline on msnb criminal complaint filed against governor christie. >> this is really going to hurt the governor even though this is something that a judge felt is not an indictment, it's a move to have a hearing that says, i this judge feel that there might be something to this that's worth a hearing on. the governor is going to be in a situation here where you just can't really defend yourself a bit. he's going to be possibly be called into witness in a federal trial. he's going to be called here for a criminal complaint. this is not a good month for chris christie. >> this is a judge that has sworn an oath to uphold the law and the judge saw enough to take the next step, so he may be a
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bad messenger it's important to hear what the judge has to say. >> significant thing here is that this is a parallel track to the federal trial and in the federal trial the prosecutors have been hinting that they are going get to the fact that the governor knew more earlier than he said he knew later. >> all right, jim, we will keep talking about for. >> complaint thrown out because of wild language. when you see this, it does speak to a gag fly for sure. the question is what are the headlines going to be across the next few days and impact governor christie. we will keep chasing for sure. >> all right. can you hear me? you know what, i feel great, jerry. it's a great week this week.
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[music] >> this is disturbing video out of california, security footage showing a moment a man throws pit bulls 20 feet down a cliff in la. believe it or not the man is a dog owner and the dog said to be okay. police officers are now searching for that man, an investigation is underway. >> jumping out of a plane can get crazy, trust me i know. but i know how to handle a situation even a shoe, check out video in temple, texas. he loses a shoe. no shoe was to be left behind so receive it. >> you don't always know what kind of breed you're going to get. take the arizona man, for example, he got a wolf.
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immediately follows it for some reason took him time to notice that the dog had -- or the wolf had a rough coat, making a lot of eye contact. the behavior led to issues with the neighbors and they said, hey, buddy, you have a wolf and he gave the wolf up to a wolf resort where it's happily living ever after. >> here you go boy. >> this is why you need breeders instead of rescue dogs. >> a trash can exploded in the residential block. this happened not too far away from where a bomb went off in september and police believe the same man was responsible for the bomb that went off in chelsea that entered dozens, the suspected bomber ahman pled not
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guilty to attempted murder. he's still recovering from injuries after police shootout that led to arrest. neighbors pray that had this incident was nothing along those lines. >> it was not normal fireworks. didn't think much of it but after that we started to see flashing rights and response and i woke up pretty early. i saw the whole street was lined with emergency response. >> ocean county prosecutors office released photos from explosion. he doesn't believe that there are any ties between what happened. >> a terrorist wants to impact most in a populated area. this doesn't fit at all. >> the trash can was between two neighbor's homes and i'm standing right in front of it and both neighbors believe it
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would be the other person's trash can and sit weird that a trash can was just mysteriously placed here and prosecutors believe that maybe a landscaper may have left behind the trash can that they say has been out here for a while but they also did say it would be materials that caused crazy explosion or possibly it was someone who was just playing a prank. >> i can't imagine how there isn't all kinds of law enforcement, homeland security out here in this day and age you have to follow up on every lead and this is something specific. a bomb did go off. >> this isn't a nuisance bomb -- that's ridiculous. >> was it in the street the trash can? >> yes. >> these are serious times. >> a star on the comedy stage.
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>> what was the most helpful tip for you? >> keep your day, pretty much. [laughter] >> how do you get a tissue to dance? you put a little boogie in it. come on. >> a guy is flying home and wants to get home, listen, buddy, if you give me a reason, i have never had before being pulled over, i will let you go. my wife left me for a police officer years ago and i thought you were bringing her back. ♪ ♪ [music] >> this is a great shot for
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selfies right now. >> do we look like a married couple? >> what? >> i think i'm a charming
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most people owe the bank. but pat toomey actually owned a bank. and when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws... to benefit wall street and banks like his. voting to gut consumer protections that crack down... on predatory lending and fraud. to take money from you and... line the pockets of wall street millionaires like... himself. pat toomey: out for himself, all in for wall street. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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♪ ♪ >> i may do that often today.
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>> okay, so the head liner at the factory comedy club is pablo francisco. he stopped by at radio show, he is the king of doing impressions. >> give me my money. i can't believe you are playing blackjack. >> of course, muffin jokes. >> whoa, talking muffin. ♪ >> guys, i'm afraid i'm the barrier of bad news. the annual bear hunt in new jersey is well underway and as of today the number in kills are in the hundreds but there's only one on the minds of many in oak ridge and that's standing 10 feet tall, the famous most bear of all. it's because the way he stands
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that has so many fans. we are not sure if it's a boy or girl. look at him go. he was first spotted in august of last year. then a couple of times in june. each time captured on video and capturing our hearts. >> i'm here to give a story on the bear that you might know about pedals. >> oh, pedals. ♪ >> pedals has been seen leading us into the woods at his fate at one of morris county weigh
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stations, some say they over heard a hunter said he got the bear. he gave pedal it is final blow. i reached out to dep who can't say yes or no. ♪ ♪ >> pedals' people have plenty to say. i met carla at pop deli in oak ridge where she's really bumbed. >> he's been around for so long. whoever did it, the bear was injured. the poor bear walked on hind legs. >> i'm here in solidarity because pedals is just like me. in fact, he's all of us. we all know what it feels to be left out not to sit in with cohorts. let's speak out for pedals as we
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reflect on animals and all his brilliance. ♪ ♪ >> from probably dead. >> how are they going to know that it's him? >> you can't walk like this if you're dead. >> how does that bear walk? oh, my god. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> thursday was the first transit board meeting in four months. announced a new executive director, 16-year veteran of the state-owned public agency. the crash was led to federal investigation with safety violations and fined for $465,000. >> what are your thoughts on the transit? >> there's a fair amount of work that needs to be done. we have to prioritize those issues and gather all of the resources that we have and focus on the needs of primarily the safety. >> the most pressing issue for many who attended thursday's board meeting was trying to
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convince transit to reject jcp&l's project line that would use new jersey transit right away along the north jersey coastline going through residential neighborhoods. >> there's no evidence that lekimia is as a result. >> follow the show at chasing news. >> on his way to become a star on the comedy stage. it all started with the muffin jokes. roll tape. >> there are two muffins sitting, one muffin says to the other, you know, it's getting kind of hot in here and the other muffin says, whoa, a talking muffin.
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come on. >> stress factory. >> talking muffin. >> he has to get back on so i ran on a real professional for coaching. >> you're already trying to get out of this. [laughter] >> what am i doing in here? >> routine for joe. >> whoa, a talking muffin. [laughter] >> that's a joke. >> he said to do jokes about politics. >> you can do old jokes which are always funny. i think if you stay -- i have to get a better handle, politicians is your thing, man. >> without advice we are heading back to the comedy stage and all the money raised for joe's favorite charity, boys and girls club. >> parents that are incarcerated and the boys and girls clubs are
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right there. >> what was advice? >> stick to your day job, pretty much. >> what is this crazy-looking -- >> out of the box thinking. >> if you give an opportunity to help, they will help. >> is there a shoulder on the road where they pull over? >> no, that is the dangerous part. [laughter]
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>> you can't walk like this if you're dead. [laughter] >> oh, my god. >> he was going do you own a plane? do you own a bank? pat toomey owned both. but it's the fact that toomey owns a seat in the u.s. senate
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that should really concern us. while on the senate banking committee, pat toomey voted to rewrite rules to help bankers like him ...and he tried to eliminate protections put in place to stop wall street's risky practices. pat toomey: looking out for wall street and himself, not pennsylvania. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> it's not annoying at all. sorry. they're so fun. ♪ >> i think you have never seen a donkey lead a flock of hundreds of sheep, check out this video from nebraska. have you seen a donkey do this? okay, no. really that's the end of the
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segment. that's all you're going to see here. winamaka. >> it's changed so much. >> winamaka. >> i hardly know her. ♪ ♪ >> good morning. hi, piggy, piggy. hi, piggy, piggy. hi, guys. good morning. >> yesterday i took my first trip to staten island, aka the rock to meet up with district 50 counselmen steven madio to find out the very unique way that his district is dealing with trash. >> what is this crazy-looking contraction across the street.
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>> has been stormed with litter for years now. they came up with a novel idea of basically making like a basketball hoop. >> just five days ago looked like this but now thanks to a new trash can prototype developed it looks like this. >> whoa. >> the idea behind it is simple. >> some people may not have good jump shots and they are missing, we are hoping that instead of them throwing the garbage into the grass that they try and get it into the waste basket and quite frankly over the last four, i think it's been the fifth day, it's been working. >> nobody really noticed it.
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i was a little bit sad about that. i asked steve, have you thought about putting a sign there. jump shot here. throw nit the can. >> right now i think we are going to keep the cab alone and people will get the hint. we actually thought about putting a flower bed there and gardening to get people to say, hey, you know, all the flowers are there. let's not throw it out of the car. >> exactly. >> since the trash can was install five days ago they picked up five bags of trash, that's impressive. when you walk buy it's beautiful and clean. so before i left i wanted to see the can in action so i got a passer-by as he was throwing trash and he scored h. and shoot. [laughter] >> it was amazing. if you guys want to keep up on the trash can progress at bradley avenue, there's a facebook page that you can follow. it is called where to turn.
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you can follow them on the where to turn facebook page. >> he invented a backstop. >> back board. >> you have to -- >> it is an experience. >> is there a shoulder on the road where they pull over. >> no, that is the dangerous part. >> distracted driving? >> aim and shoot. [laughter] >> just another day chasing news. you know this christie thing could be huge or it could be nothing. either way we will be chasing. see you tomorrow. criminal complaint issued to governor christie. >> someone's dog is buried next to me. >> you're not going to care. >> a woman -- >> sexist. >> do all of you guys buy
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what? (battle hymn of the republic playing) isn't he magnificent? i guess. announcer: tired of the same old monuments? both: you bet we are! come to springfield. we have more handicapped parking spots for fat guys than any non-chicago city, and at this year's founder's day parade we will unveil our new state-of-the-art statue of jebediah springfield. (fanfare plays) (robotic whirring) i founded springfield in 1796... (giggles) ...billy. wow, he's so interactive.


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