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tv   Chasing News  FOX  November 1, 2016 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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>> michael, is it just any black bear. >> i think you know who i have. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ double mocha.
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>> finally everybody is catching up. i love it. >> what you got? >> this is a great spot for selfie's you guys are completely insane, i love it. >> torah, you are facing a story at bedside. one synagogue with a loud noise. >> residence in brooklyn are up in arms over an alarm. more specifically a siren from the synagogue signaling the beginning of -- each friday evening. those that live in the building
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say the decibel level is not okay. when i arrived i headed up to the apartment of aaron. it was not an apartment anymore. it was more of a command center. a command center set up in response to what we are about to hear. about to hear. at 5:47 p.m. that synagogue siren went off and i cannot believe my ears. >> (alarm wringing). >> you're going to hear the neighbors come you can hear music in trucks outside. but that noise is on a different level altogether. it's like an assault. >> robert, also loves the sound of the city in fact he has made a career out of of noise.
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>> i co-funded radio free brooklyn and produce a couple of shows. to put the headphones on anytime soon after the siren goes off and try to mix music it's difficult. my ears ears are really sensitive after that. the siren started blaring over the summer on friday. lately with all of the high holy days in the jewish face faith it seems the dust just doesn't die. >> what am i doing in a have to try to figure out what i'm doing so i don't get caught with it. basically i just run into the bathroom and shut the door and put my fingers the mayor. >> they each said they attempted to reach the rabbi but to no avail. >> the religious organization can be exempt from the city's noisy code. it's unclear where they stand. they said they were looking into
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what it is clear is it's affecting residents help and way of life. >> actually saw an audiologist about this. is it today potentially diagnosed with a noise sensitivity. >> shabbat is the most important ritual observance in judaism. they need to to get out of the way. they know where they lived and they know what's going on. >> once a week it's predictable, toss him from headphones and listen to song and get over it. >> that should be a disclaimer if you're moving into the neighborhood that there's going to be a ridiculously loud noise that goes off every friday. >> is live there for 1010 years. so he's not new to the neighborhood. the siren -- >> just to confirm. this the specific sign was just installed over the summer. they made the synagogue bigger. it is right outside his window. >> it elicits a response to in me it comes out as anger and frustration. >> it reminded me of the bomb sirens that went off.
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that's what reminds me of. >> it is ricky's birthday today. >> we should celebrate her birthday. >> 15 months after math caught the attention of people left around the world after a talent agency would not submit his photos for a casting call for oshkosh but gosh clothing. it was all all because he had down syndrome. after she posted these two facebook page it got so much attention that oshkosh private invited to a private meeting and offered a job. he will be in the spring 2017 ad campaign. way to go asher, you have a very, you have a very big and bright future ahead of you. >> we were wondering it service
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to the community and what sacrifice you're making. >> keep in the new york city subway system say from criminals and performing citizens arrest has been curtis lee woods life work. curtis is a guardian angel. he has he has been doing this for 30 years. he is patrolling streets starting when he was 25 years old. old. he is now 62 and going strong. i was getting locked up by the nypd when they thought we are vigilantes, hells angels again. i got locked up 76 times. to six times. to the point where we have been well received. >> i caught up with curtis at the subway station to meet up with the other guardian angels to see what it takes to join the. >> this is exactly what the guardian angels live. >> at first -- when you search each other? >> it because we don't trust one another.
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>> when we come across people were doing bad things and we have to physically intervene in order to make a citizens arrest which we exercise our right to do, the public has to know that we are not caring weapon. >> while i was there, they, they taught me a few techniques for martial arts effort performing a citizens arrest. then we walked down to the subway and they show me the subway system and showed me where the patrol to cover the entire system. >> there are patrols that lead from 1601st street, yankee stadium that will cover the entirety of the bronx. there is a patrol down at the berkeley and atlantic avenue station that would cover this end of brookland and then you have broadway junction, east new york. >> i asked curtis what kind of crimes he sees go on. he sees
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basically sex crime. >> and for women it's sort of like bambi in the middle of hunting season. they might as well be wearing an orange for a fluorescent best. >> he said most robbers don't involve cash anymore. >> the number one priority which is iphones and smart phones because all you have to do is snatch it, take it to a convenience store in bodega, get $400 in cash. they will change the chip and all of the sudden is a minolta's iphone and smart phone. it's a quick turnaround for thief. >> it is been a journey for him. i asked if he wants to do this his entire life and he says absolutely entire life and he says absolutely. >> until the day i die. as every day wake up i don't touch wood that's good. on the the more than enough thugs out there who try to turn me into room temperature and put me 6 feet under and a pine box. i'm grateful to be alive. as long as i can keep kicking and rock somebody's world so that they understand there is good and bad and when you're bad there is a price to pay, to pay, i'm down for. >> did he get presented with a brady after your training? >> it take several months. >> there brave men and women in these unfortunate but necessary think out there there.
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>> you're really trying to get the most he can there. >> on tuesday, november 1 new jersey will go into effect when the tax gas tax goes into effect. it's a day that has not gone unnoticed across the state. >> a people are going crazy. it reminds me of sandy. when sandy happened people like crazy. like a a mayhem. >> i have not forgotten. i will not see this number ever again. >> bill, i know you haven't forgotten either as well. >> i have not. >> after all it's the first time in 30 years that new jersey has hiked its gas tax to fund road projects throughout the state.
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>> now, new jersey will have one of the highest gas taxes in the nation. you better bet that drivers are not pleased. >> i lost faith in the state a long time ago. >> they can't manage it as it is another one another 23 cents per gallon. they're not and to manage that either. >> the gas tax is parted bipartisan legislation part of the transportation trust fund. but the agency had said that this could be bad news for new jersey going forward. what can we do? the law is passed but the ballot question number two which is an amendment which would create a lockbox for the transportation trust fund, that we can have control over. as you been pointed out we should vote no on this question. >> the ballot question tells everybody that it will be a lockbox, they will dedicate the revenue from the gas tax paid what it doesn't tell you is it is only there to keep enough money to service the debt. they can borrow 12,000,000,000
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additional dollars. that money is not dedicated at all. the whole thing is a scam. the only way to push it back to the legislature and have them revisit the entire issue is to shoot it down and vote no. >> jersey roads and a lot of places are terrible. the potholes are running tires. how do we know that money is going to go to improving roads? >> here's what we learned on the floor of the senate listening to the senators debate. half of that 23 cents already go to old debt. so already were in trouble. then they came up with these two light rail projects which i don't know how light rail projects help fill potholes. >> what he said to the people who wanted debt to go away and are happy with half of that money going to pay down our old debt? >> their borrowing 12,000,000 dollars. >> you don't know what that's going to be used for. >> exactly. >> gonzalez is too young to vote for the next president but she is making quite the statement. >> i'm just proud to be a
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latina. >> are people more than just hispanic are more than
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pat toomey and donald trump: they're just wrong for the women of pennsylvania. "new fallout for donald trump."
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"should a woman be punished for having an abortion?" "there has to be some form of punishment." "for the woman?" "yeah, there has to be some form." "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would, i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey and donald trump: they're not for you. majority forward is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> let's talk about the people and the hispanics voting for trump. how the heck can you stand to look at yourself in the mirror? >> check out this video of a burger king in regal park in queens. they dressed up like mcdonald's. it also says on the side, just just kidding, we flame broil our whoppers.
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>> it's a fire hazard. >> everybody so negative today. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ double local. >> i do more for african-americans than she ever does. >> she is too young to vote for the next president but she is making quite the statement in the sad at 11 years old, encouraging hispanic voters to get out of vote and what many are calling a crucial election. >> the video goes on to show her dancing to the electric beat of soy oh by the band bumble. she's
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being called the face of empowerment for spending. >> i'm just proud to be a latina, shining my light so other latinas can be what they can accomplish two. >> they hope it resonates with latinas, the demographic is notorious for low voter turnout. according to a poll it has clinton with a significant advantage over donald trump, 66% of hispanic voters for her versus 24% for donald trump. 23,700,000 the speemac's are estimated 3.7 million hispanics are estimated to cast ballots in the upcoming election. making up 12% of all eligible voters. >> i think the video definitely is going to have more latinas go vote. but i think it is time for the voters to stop seeing the negatives in the candidates but to see the positives and go out to vote.
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>> she recently went to visited the white house for an event for hispanic heritage month. >> it was fun being at the white house and being able to meet the president and vice president. >> cute kid. the issue on the hispanic vote is that traditionally it leans very heavily democratic. i think the key to this story is that donald trump is getting one out of four hispanics despite all the negativity, despite all the commonsense discussion that the media outlets have been having and saying how can anybody who is hispanic vote for donald trump. that's a big number considering that it is consistent across the board with how republicans have done. >> i talked to many people in the family about this who talk about writing and other people's names. i think that's ridiculous. >> think out for them. >> no. that's talk about the people, the hispanics are voting for trump. how the heck can you. how the heck can you look at yourself in the mirror? >> let me ask you. you're saying that it's very
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emotional and et cetera, but are people more than just hispanic are more than just black? >> it's very cultural. >> can't someone who's hispanic look at donald trump say i came here legally and i have an issue with how the democrats handle the. >> i can never support another latino saying i'm get a vote. >> on the u.s. on of an immigration attorney. i understand were some of these people are coming from. there's also hispanic asians, these are people who are really scared about this upcoming election. that's because of these really strict immigration policies that trump has going on right now. i just in their fear and why they won't vote for him. >> again, that's an issue oriented discussion. >> this about counts. this is the vote that many politicians don't even go and rally and speak to. what what they are about to do it will be a game changer. >> he's getting his nap chat on.
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>> let's look at an instagram story. this is a snapchat one. >> that is steve, the 40-year-old triathlete and moderate plant athlete for usa. he was listed as one of the 20 oh olympians that me as follow-on instagram by men's journal. here's why. ♪ ♪ ♪ oka. >> he is not only a world-class athlete, but he is a super talented musician. he has an instagram account from which you can play songs on the guitar in 15 seconds. >> it but really, can you learn a song of 152nd. >> i think especially for adults they love patterns and there's so many patterns that you learn once on you can carried over to
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another song. so much of the stuff is interchangeable. >> i do not believe him. >> take your time, it's not about speed. it's about picking up the right and the left hand. >> okay, here we go. >> if you are not a fast learner, like me, he also owns music schools round the world. want to new york, chicago, san francisco, and london. that is where his one-on-one lessons a personal attention. i've never been much of a musician unless you call count jamming out of my steering will. size a bit skeptical when he said you could learn a song in our short time together. >> how did it go? well i'm not going on tour anytime soon, snack on happen. >> anyone can learn to play the guitar the question is what if
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it was good or not. >> it would hurt your ears. it would be like the siren. >> now the ukulele maybe. >> i have one question. is he married? >> no. i asked him not to he seems like he's the perfect man. he is not married yet but he says it will happen one day. >> zombies, devils, chainsaws, anna medtronic's, i'm i'm recovering from my weekend at night at terror. it was nuts.
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i can't believe we're doing this. gus, you're not scared are you? you're the second most famous groundhog in pennsylvania. i don't like thunder! (bashfully) this is getting creepy! (sfx: loud thunder clap) grrrr, did you say creepy? creepy cash? the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. yeah, with top prizes of 50 grand. that's a monster of a prize. keep on scratchin'
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>> hello. i'm here.
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♪ ♪ local. >> the strangest costume took over the streets this weekend but step aside because this crazy realistic costume just one holloway. check it out, indiana artist brought the evil demon to life by applying a mechanism that allowed him to open the demagogue and's mouth mouth with a flick of her wrist. so were going to go have nightmares about the upside down forever now. >> i get the feeling it's halloween. >> what he got? >> absolutely. cap bless you. >> and allergy season.
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>> guys and cools, it is halloween. ready to get scared? i'm just recovering from my weekend at night of terror in new jersey. it has been voted the biggest and best haunted attraction and it surely did not disappoint. before before i started can brewster who owns night of terror with her husband. >> i'm sure it's and brewster who runs it with her dairy farm. >> we have been doing this for 21 years. we started out as a really small part we may have had ten or 15 family members and friends be an actor's. now now we have over 150 actors that we employ. we have to keep it big. the anima tronics are big thing. >> this might sting a bit. >> we buy some, we picks them up ourselves.
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>> that i was immediately put into the terror. first with their award-winning hayride. i've never seen anyththing liket before. people were screaming left and right. every time there is a flash of light it was accompanied with pure horror. >> zombies, devils, chainsaws, massive anima, massive anima tronics like i've only seen a theme parks, they made us jump at every single term. after that our group got split up. we got tossed in the mayhem of their award-winning mazes in the haunted houses. it was crazy and they never broke character, they snuck up behind you. it was nuts. they served thousands of patrons per day. the the scariest part of this place, that line. it is halloween, they are done
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for the season. you're going to have to wait an entire year to go. check them out next year. please do, so some. you can find so some. you can find them at night of [laughter] if you want to see something really scary -- happy halloween. >> you never know what you're going to get on the radio. i stop by for halloween and to calais from six flake greater venture was doing your makeup like a clown. >> and the weather man had his toddler jack dressed up as jack sparrow and he was totally creeped out by your get out
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kang: live from rigel 7, conquerors of rigels 4 through 6, it's the 25th annual treehouse of horror! with special guest stars jennifer lawrence, warren beatty, john travolta, clint eastwood, george clooney, prince, taylor swift, sean penn, bruce springsteen, helen mirren, morgan freeman, james franco, kanye west and... leonardo dicaprio. (applause and cheering) why? (kang and kodos laughing) this has been a bad week, even for you, simpson. concrete in the sandbox? i don't get lost anymore! spreading the rumor that today's lunch


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