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tv   Chasing News  FOX  November 23, 2016 12:30am-1:00am EST

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>> four. the everything on the building is damaged. >> i don't think he really realized how much the community cares about you until something horrible happens. >> you see a huge homeless economy. >> given the economy in trenton, when are they rebuilding? >> that was completely insane. you're trying to find a silver lining here. all of my daughter's were not third floor.
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>> you're chasing a story a devastating fire in trenton. >> on monday around 1:00 a.m. of fire destroyed an entire block in trenton. today, the city and community are trying to pick up the pieces. >> everything in the building is damaged. nothing is good. they clean up the property. >> he has lived in this eastern european community for over 30 years. just a few days before thanksgiving, nine houses were destroyed in 20 people were left without a home. i spoke to a man was living across the street and looking up from his bedroom window when he saw the flame. >> what did you do?
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>> wheeled fire, fire. >> did you help everyone out? >> everyone was able to get out. >> no one was injured. they're going to need so much to rebuild. the neighboring stores called amber market, they set up a sheltered next-door where they are taking donations. i spoke to joan who took a day off from her job to help out and gather clothing for these families in need. >> they need a lot of toiletries. gift cards cards are welcome because then you can and then teach family and they can go to the store with another family member to pick up what they need that won't necessarily fit for their needs here. >> if you have the time, stop by. it's on the corner of north old and in -- avenue and is called amber market. >> 20 people displaced, we're not sure how many injured. >> they don't know how it started. it's heartbreaking to to hear about this around the holidays. the good thing is people are in the spirit of giving around this time of year. a lot of people are looking for ways to help somebody else out. we have got to spread this word and i think it's great that you
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went back the day after to do the story because the people are going to need close, food, necessities, and just love at this time. >> i just did a story on a friend of mine whose house went up in flames. i don't think you realize how much the community cares about you until something horrible happens. maybe they didn't know the neighbors across the street and people who live down the street, but there banding together to help out. >> what was crazy is the water spout were coming up. they had to talk to the water department to get those shut off. >> given the economy in trenton, when are they going to rebuild these homes? you can see an empty lot for potential nightly in definitely. that's a big part of it. >> yesterday a grand jury indicted 25-year-old james rack over area this is in connection with the murder of 26-year-old
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joseph, this is this is the first indictment related to the case. there's a the other person has yet to be indicted. >> to the season for giving them voting for new jersey hall of fame class of 2016. on the list of nominees under performance art you will find kelly river, the host of kelly live. you'll find carly life. you'll find carly loy, the u.s. women's soccer world cup champion. there are so many wonderful, fabulous people. devote all you have to do is go to www.and j hall of >> diana, you are chasing and adventure continues at trump tower where the transition of the new government be informed is going on everyday. >> that's right it's better than the thanksgiving day parade, or at, or at least these folks
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think so. >> the next president vice president-elect, mike pence and ben carson taken oh walked on the trump tower runway. it's another day of selfie's at the trump tower is the transition team continues its third week. the crowds are getting so large there are roped off at trump tower. it's hard to wander around. >> just one question. [inaudible] >> meanwhile new jersey governor chris christie -- interview he talks about his relationship with the governor and the likelihood he will probably finish the term at as jersey governor. he also had this to say about friends of the show show and democratic state senator. >> he is not a right mind.
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they don't know when they are going to get the next lunatic e-mail from him at 2:00 o'clock in the morning. and this is a guy who you are now asking me about? please. to be criticized by ray is like a great day for for me because it still have my marbles. >> ray is pushing for special prosecutor. so we asked what do you think about being called a lunatic by chris christie. >> i think the governor needs a long vacation or some medication to settle down. everyone is a liar except him. he needs to calm down. he has had a bad year. >> trump is expected to head to florida later today on tuesday. >> ashley and i and diana caught up with her yesterday. what is that sound? >> that's a horse carriage in
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new york. >> ashley, you and i and diana caught up yesterday with their own adventure of trump. >> it was quite the adventure. the trump tower on monday but i wanted to give viewers a sneak peek at some of the stuff they didn't get to see and monday nights show. escalator, oreos, and built the celebrity. to create that iconic moment when trump dissented to announce he won the election we rode every escalator in the place. >> of course and chasing fashion we said forget the president and were whisked away by kellyanne conway where she told us her_is not all glitz and glam. particularly the diet. >> if you're on the trump team you're eating mcdonald's and kentucky fried chicken. it's it's either court-appointed cheese or pizza. >> can you guess what her last meal on the campaign train was?
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>> at 2:30 a.m. was cheetos and oreos. and i and i thought this guy better win. >> the real celebrity yesterday was bill. people had no idea who he was but saw guy and a nice suit and figured he had to be someone important. ♪ ♪ >> happy thanksgiving. people are stealing turkeys. >> we have the turkey tradition and that's what makes america great. did you know there's a tradition that's gaining popularity rapidly? turkey theft. that's right. why turkeys? they are expensive, a coveted and they are rounded rather slippery. so perfect for sweetheart. check out this surveillance video from checkouts around the
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us. you're witnessing witnessing three hardings. the person at the register not scanning an item on purpose. weather weathers for a family member, friend or. >> it looks like they're scamming. so in some of the footage there narrowing in and this is a program were talking about it nelson because nobody watches all the surveillance tapes. >> i saw her skin the tag. >> the other side of the take. >> so even to the naked eye you might not know. >> so she's in cahoots? >> so friends and family. the u.s. national retail federation states more than 14,000,000,000 dollars of retail loss is it do to sweet harding. there's a new superhero to protect supermarkets. ceo tells us. >> what our software is doing is analyzing the security video and it can see all the items the
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cashiers handling. at the same time it is comparing against the data on the receipt. they can see that they have given you ten items but they only rang up five of them. >> supermarkets and wholesale clubs with more profit margins are very vulnerable to sweetheart them. it's account for more than 35% of the profit loss industrywide. what does that mean for me and you? that means more expensive turkeys among other things. >> it's costing more for the retailer in the grocery. >> computer and business technology determine what occurs during every transaction to immediately to immediately attend fibrotic checkout. hundred% of security video, guess how how much security video in the stores is monitored. >> at 1%.
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they are bringing up to 100 they claim. if legs any transaction is suspicious and quickly reports the incident identifying the cashier, day, and time. now the nfl may have themselves some fair game. for now, thank you shoplifters for keeping the price of our food fair. >> thanksgiving is not caging, it's crazy to watch people still turkeys. >> why do i have to pay for hundred bucks for a turkey. >> that some good turkey. >> i'm just saying. >> i eat a lot of food. >> new jersey strict gun laws have the future of a pennsylvania woman and jeopardy. >> all the firearms were legally owned and registered. >> if you're going to have a weapowhere things come from?
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how they get here? what they're packed in? it's a lot of stuff. and these things add up. that's why we recycle. [vo:]it's nice to know that raymour and flanigan is proud to be a leading recycler- 17 million pounds of recyclable materials every year. turned from trash into treasure. so in the future, we will all have a more beautiful world. ♪
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>> it's that time of year when kids are getting ready for santa. imagine the excitement little robbie felt when he got to talk to an elf on the phone. it's from pennsylvania. the video starts with the elf telling him his name, robbie. >> i know that name. oh yes santa has a special order for you. >> needless to say it's pretty happy and then the elf says. >> i guess you're calling to -- i have it right here.
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and wishes the elf and merry christmas. so long and merry christmas. >> here's a happy story for the holidays. a 750,750-dollar tip was left on the checkable waiter in texas on saturday. his wife posted this to facebook and it went viral. with the notes and hopefully this will get you back to ireland for the holiday. >> i could never imagine in my wildest dreams that two places so close to each other could very so vastly. >> new jersey strict gun law have the future of a pennsylvania woman in jeopardy. the the late evening of october 4 was like any other, it was 1:00 a.m. and she was driving through warren county
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new jersey to her girlfriends parents house. she has a license to carry firearms in the state of pennsylvania and hasso for about a decade. >> all the firearms were legally owned and registered. and there in the trunk. >> she pulled into a parking lot to text her girlfriend to sit issues close to the destination and she heard a knock at the window. it was was a new jersey state trooper. >> they said they saw something in the backseat. they asked her to get out of the vehicle and asked for consent to search her vehicle. she denied them them repeatedly thinking that she wasn't breaking laws. the handcuffed her and took her to the state police barracks and worn county. she was handcuffed to a bench where she was just not treated with dignity. >> i never thought i would be targeted for my sexuality. but i did did find it a little odd that ask me to clarify what i meant by girlfriend. they denied her access to a phone call repeatedly. >> i was treated like a criminal and i did not understand. i asked to speak with a lawyer to understand what was
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happening. multiple times, at 1. i was blatantly left at. >> they got a warrant from the judge and searched her car. they located her firearms and charged her with five felony counts and sent her to warren county jail where she remained for an entire week. she faces 5 - 10 years in prison for each of the firearms. there were two and get this, her ammunition were hollowed point style bullets. in new jersey that is one year per bullet. there were dozens according to her. the prosecutor's office offered a plea deal of five years in prison, she turned it down. her attorney requested the footage from the-cam and inside the police station where she said she was treated unfairly. also above all, that stray bullet that she had never seen. i contacted the warm pride county prosecutor's office and they're and they are not speaking of the case. the president of the new jersey second amendment society gave me
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his take on how strict they are. >> they came out with a directive to alleviate issues like this that of a person without a state carry permit comes to new jersey and makes an honest mistake they get automatic pti. the prosecutor's office today divide and disobey those orders and had no interest to hear about it. >> why would she get consent to search the car. >> that's a big problem with what i'm learning. they all for so much within 5 miles out of state border that people in pennsylvania that are licensed to have firearms don't know the lots of the surrounding state. >> if the license of the permit was expired so that's something so she wasn't abiding by the law. >> a firearm is not a lollipop, if you have a weapon that can kill someone it's your responsibility to know the laws are. no shortcuts no shortcut. >> there is a directive by governor christie then others got apart and i said if you have a legal firearms owner and you
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cross state lines and you should be immediately considered for pti. that is not a conversation and they're upset about that. >> recently there's been a lot of buzz about antitrust protest taking place over the country. i want to remind the clock back to five years ago when there were all the occupy wall street movement all over the country making national headline. >> in philadelphia, protesters camped outside of city hall for a month speaking out against income and quality. no federal judge has asked of the cia and the national security agency if they were involved is spying on demonstrators. i spoke with i spoke with vanessa, one of the organizers of occupy philly, members of the occupied movement and other social movements often times peaceful, nonviolent and simply organizing their people as a response to some type of
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injustice. the thought that the government would be treating them as criminals is concerning. >> i spoke with a civil rights attorney who filed in initial freedom of information act lawsuit. >> one of the founding principles of our democracy is the right to free speech. the right to free assembly and free association. the right to bring our grievances to government and to corporations and institutions of power in this country. if you have the government constructing surveillances when you're simply exercising a first amendment right that is a threat to all of us, not just those who are margin in the streets and protesting. >> intelligent agencies have not said whether they were involved in the occupy philly protesters. but he says this goes beyond occupy philly. this is really a matter concerning any type of protest. >> i think the lawyers looking for attention. looking for new clients.
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living in new york city i want the anti- trump protester. >> i think counterbalancing measures is probably what makes this country great. to have a federal judge have the power to but the cia, nsa and fbi under the microscope. you do not know what goes on in those organizations. you don't know where the money is going. >> if you're looking for more evidence that domestic spine is under control under president barack obama here at us. the cia is nuts. right within the united states. their mission is foreign intelligence. the nsa monitor intelligence but they have no business looking into the lives of peaceful protesters. have the police or fbi but these are the wrong agencies to be dealing with domestic issues. >> there are no borders or walls to what the cia does. they deal with international terrorism. >> is called united states law. i know you want to ignore that but it is an actual law on the
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books. >> this is the part where you listen to what i'm going to say then react to it. >> they are protecting all of us. you don't know what they're doing neither do you want to know. these are people who could kill other people and we will not know about it so we can sleep well at night. >> turkey like many other things taste so much better when it is right. >> we only did it once were not going to do it again.
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>> my name is jerry, i am
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. >> fighting over women to get can get while particularly when the two fighting are moose. check out the pitcher of moose who were frozen in time as they lived in combat. social studies teacher was
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showing his friend around alaska when i stumbled upon the stark example of how brutal nature can be. they were later removed from the ice but nothing can save their cold, dead, broken hearts. so it's not worth it bro. >> that's it for another round of taken in with him. we'll join you bill on the radio on tuesday morning to talk about # and give thanks new jersey. it's a season of service initiative. >> # give thanks to jersey. for that season of service use that # give thanks and. >> turkey like many other things taste so much better when it is
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fried. so i stop by one oh 1.5 where bill was on the radio talking politics but they took a break to fry a turkey. >> we only did it once, we are not going to do it again. they want to smell the turkey as it cooked and they want to smell turkey in their house on thanksgiving. >> they talked about how to do fry a turkey starting with a dry rub. >> a little salt, pepper, onion, chipotle pepper, and cayenne. meet phil, he was invited on the radio he was invited on the radio as well because he is a certified barbecue judge. we brought him in a as the expert. >> it is very tender, very juicy. it didn't have the skin so i
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don't know. so bill cooked and ate while he was five on air doing a radio broadcast. >> they trusted me to pull the turkey out of the hot oil. so i did that and didn't get hurt. there is there is no need for a fire extinguisher. >> my favorite part was making a gobbler sandwich with a biscuit, the turkey, the cranberry sauce and stuffing. all the ingredients, delicious. let me know if you're going to try to cook a deep fried turkey on thanksgiving. tweet the show it chasing news. >> that is excellent. >> another day chasing news, thanks for for watching. to governor christie, you ought to consider senator raise to governor christie, you ought to consider senator raise advice.
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(cackles) d'oh! (tires screeching) (grunts) (all groan) announcer: nocturnal cravings. a positive ultrasound. how could this woman's doctor not know she was pregnant? (gasps) a baby. an astronaut baby. (baby laughs) hey. oh, have you ever turned on a tv? it's my mother's birthday. and you only turn 80 once.


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