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tv   Chasing News  FOX  November 24, 2016 12:30am-1:00am EST

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>> hank and i are going to make a turducken. >> you we're going to get some help on this. >> what you got? what are you doing? what are you doing? this is a great spot for selfie. >> i do not agree with you on that. you guys are completely insane. i love it. >> you are chasing a story, a
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daylight robbery at a jewelry store. the thieves got away with what. >> take a look at the shocking video. you see two men pointing a gun at a store employee. smashing a jewelry case glass with a hammer, removing the content and walking out the door. it is not from a big hollywood heist movie but from a small jewelry store surveillance video. the nypd has has released the video asking for the public health and identifying the thieves. there were two perps, one in a yankee hat and one in a winter hat. one wielding a gun. they told the three employees inside to lay on the floor while they stole $300,000 worth of merchandise. it one down on monday before 11:00 a.m. meet brock len, he is a gem to
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her, walking through the diamond district he is a king, he knows everybody and everything. like the hammer a mentioned it was a claw hammer. >> they reduce the hammer from the front to the back which is the cloth and then they can smash through and break through the film and then they can get their hand in and pull it out. >> this robbery seems crazy and braising. but to him is brilliant and sophisticated. >> why in broad daylight? >> first while madison avenue is a street well known for valuable items. they can get whatever they want in one case. you can walk out in with a million-dollar. >> why watches? >> they go after the watches because they are easy to get rid of overseas. it's easy to put them on their wrist and go to an airport. there's more focus on your belt or shoes but very seldom do they
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question your watch. >> what did they get? five pieces of jewelry? five watches. >> $300,000 or more. >> he set on madison avenue, the location all the expensive merchandise is in one case. they chose madison avenue on purpose. it's a high-end jewelry store were all of it is in one place. >> with that kind of sophistication and the way they stole the watches i can't imagine they're going to sell them on the black market and get caught easily. >> if they're taking them overseas in countries where they don't care if their stolen goods. they're not going to be turned inches. >> they can sell them at a cut rate. what are they care. they didn't pay for it. >> every single microphone in the studio is off. >> no. there is rented on a sandbar was euthanized. the whale was stuck in the bay
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over the weekend and had been stranded in the area for more than a week. crowds watched as the sick whale was put down. they're trying to determine what happened. >> i heard a knock. >> what is happening? we are going to shoot video and this is just like the mount everest of thanksgiving issues. it is the most american thing we can do. we are going to take an animal and put it in another animal and bake them and eat them. what is it called? turducken. you know how to make a turducken right? >> since we have no idea what we
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are doing we're going to do a google search. we need a 20-pound turkey, three or 4-pound duck and a three or a cornish game hen. do not start a turducken at 8:00 p.m. the prep cooking time is 13 hours. >> it might be easy if you cook them separately and then shove them inside one another. >> that might be too easy hank. >> what do you do first? >> the turkey is okay so then you have the duck in the chicken and stuff it. so that has to go. >> there is two of us, the two we have left here. >> it looks like there's more me to over here.
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we are probably doing this wrong. >> i like that. it is better than i thought. is that going to be a problem? >> oh boy. >> it can be over anytime now. very soon. the turducken. we set off the fire alarm. maybe the house really is on fire. we cooked it mostly at 350, i'm not afraid of overcooking it a little, i don't want to
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undercook it. were going to take it out of the oven and take the foil off. i think we need to put it back in there for a little bit. there is the duck in part. inside. that's toasty. one man, three birds. i would be happy to season the turkey and put it in the oven
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and leave out the turducken. [laughter] >> i just know that this is not home. i can't believe that he could walk away from us, he or his mom nobody seen him. it's not his normal. if this is his normal i wouldn't be so worried. >> thanksgiving is a a time where families come together to give thanks and also share common moment of happiness and love. unfortunately for the family of andrew bury this thanksgiving will never be the same. last thursday told you the story about 29 your old andrew bury
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who is last seen on sunday, november 6 after leaving his northeast philadelphia home. he had been missing for 11 days and missed -- his fourth child. >> i can't sleep at night. the children are asking for their dad. >> the love and support continues and it was shared over 10000 times and hundreds of people wrote it to support angela. tuesday evening andrew's body was found. he was shot six times in the chest. by archbishop brian high school. >> it hurts. just watch my son when we had to tell them that my dad was can go watch their older son and all i
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could do was hold him. >> the family's thankful for everybody and for their support and they want to give their gratitude to our viewers nationally and now internationally. >> everyone sharing the picture in the videos and the fun times we have. that's all i can do is keep praying and keep them surrounded by love. >> you're sitting with a family that is distraught in pain. suffering, i can imagine the day before thanksgiving, any thanksgiving, any day. this is a horrific tragedy. you have to first let them know that our thoughts and prayers are with them. i can't imagine what they are going through. what can we do to help? [inaudible] [inaudible]
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>> guys, it is wednesday, the day before thanksgiving. the busiest travel day of the year. the train station is pack, airport is packed of the roads are congested. i wanted check in with our traffic chaser. jessica, what is going on? >> is the day before thanksgiving, i'm in the park and in the parking not in trenton were chasing news -- the parking lot is clear right now. >> excellent. thank you. i'll keep you updated. keep us posted as the story develops through the day. >> as a kid you're told you can be whatever you want when you grow up. a lot of times that doesn't hold up. >> you tell yourself some time and think and i really make a living out of this.
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>> sparkle, her dresses are (my hero zero by lemonheads)
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zero really can be a hero. get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first month's payment on select volkswagen models. this black friday at the volkswagen sign then drive event.
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michael. >> as a kid you're told you can be whatever you want when you grow up, they'll get in the way but a lot of times that idea does not hold up. to keep people's inner dreams alive i wanted to wanted to start a miniseries about young
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professionals that are successful and have nontraditional jobs. we have bridal designer fashion designer haley. you may recognize her from tlc hit show, say yes yes to the dress. my mom is a fan. i told my mom i'm talking to haley and she said oh my god with 5,000,000!'s. to learn more to learn more i went to where she works in new york city. >> i'd definitely saw void in the bridal industry. for my approach i wanted to address things a little more offbeat. >> that's why her dresses are popular. there are are anything but boring just like haley. were talking sparkle, low low back, things you don't see often. even the haley grew up that she wanted to design she had reservations of putting talents and take a career. she went to cornell for both
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design and premed because those are very close. >> when you're going into a field where you don't necessarily think can i really make a living out of this, is it a viable profession, you think to yourself and talk yourself. >> she knew what was right. after college she got a job with major designer and now has her own collection. >> and all creative realms you're constantly critiqued. i think that hindered a lot of people's growth. and they're scared to proceed. >> she understands that she doesn't know everything and has this advice to offer for those starting out. >> you have to wear a lot of hats. it's okay to do a lot of learning on the job. you want to be a listener and a good student. >> all of her bridal gowns are made in the united states. go america. and that she has a couple of different lines so such as more affordable stuff or if you have more money they can go up to 7000. >> i wore one of the cheaper ones, it wasn't hurt the shape bridesmaid gown it has a different flair to it.
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>> i went to school for communication but then i went to fashion school. i stayed in that industry for a while and then i thought my real passion is back in communications i'm here but my dad is out a couple thousand. >> g, happy thanksgiving, i'm home. >> driving through new york city can make it feel like you're weaving in and out of the jungle. with bikers, bikers, trucks, taxis, you name it and on top of that there are cops at every corner ready to give you a ticket if you make the wrong term. there are some residents in the chelsea area you don't have to deal with that or see that. they can walk their dog without the sound of honking in their ears. but there's a new no left turn sign on eighth avenue. basically on west 23rd you can make a left on eighth avenue. that has many residents of
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chelsea upset. they like the calm and hate the congestion. >> it's hard to get out of where we live and get downtown or crosstown. traffic is crawling. i mostly walk. >> there is huge double-decker sightseeing buses that were making turns onto west 24th, 26 and 28th street to go from fifth avenue because of no left turn. >> traffic is nonstop a little. >> it used to be very quiet. >> the problem is when i was there there i saw very light traffic, no congestion, and no honking. but i called the dot to find out not wise a traffic problem but why they put up the sign in the first place. this is what i got. it said to enhance safety and traffic flow as part of and 23 sbs project a no left turn was put in august. that is the dot trying to improve traffic on eighth
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avenue. but for the residence on 23rd street street in the quiet neighborhood, welcome to the concrete jungle. >> it's funny that we think this is about traffic and safety. last year they year they brought in 1,900,000,000 dollars in fees and violations. that's fees and violations. that's what it's about. more money in revenue. have trouble believing anything else. >> did they explain why? >> do you me to read the statement again. >> know that's more confusing the statement makes it worse. welcome to the dot. >> i'm not sure what the no left turn is for but it's not working for us. >> i want to check back in with our traffic chaser just because we are preparing to launch sky chaser to what you got? >> roads and bridges are packed the day before thanksgiving, but in the parking lot it's pretty clear area and i saw some of my for coffee about 20 minutes ago. we will check out the sky from
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traffic from the sky. okay there it is. walk me through this. what are we looking at. >> i think people have taken the day off bell. >> okay keep us posted. it's wednesday. the busiest travel day of the year. >> that's right. roads and bridges are packed.z 1
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>> your ear for microphone distorted. >> really? check the plug.
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♪ >> this is a fox 29 news update. i'm fox 29 meteorologist kathy orr. happy thanksgiving. this morning we will be waking up to temperatures in the 30s and some 20'ss. poconos 28. 39 in philadelphia. 36 in trenton with some spotty showers today. have great weekend..
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>> i breaking news will have to check back in with our traffic chaser jessica. what is going on? >> i'm back over the parking lot with sky chase. it seems preclear. i know today to recap the roads and bridges are crowded because is the because it's the day before thanks giving. today the parking lot seems clear about 20 minutes go someone did go for coffee. otherwise it seems like people have taken the day off. the parking lot is empty. >> you could ask the guy behind you what his travel plans are. >> where's back i going? >> hello sir. come here. your name is campbell? >> say hello to our studio a chasing news. >> hello. >> is he worried about the congestion getting out of the parking not now? >> yes. it's going to be pretty congested. >> where you headed today? you getting the sandwich?
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>> that's my route, i walk. >> will good luck getting him out there. >> thanks jessica. even if you are an a-list celebrity you still need your ideas to get into the white house. talkshow host, alan did generous find out the hard way. she tweeted that she was sitting outside on a bench because she forgot her id. luckily she was able to get inside before the ceremony when she was awarded a medal of freedom by president barack obama. he praised ellen for her ability to make people laugh. >> the guys that due to perfect -- from water bottles to pencils, pens, golf tees, ladders, household item they can flip it. for more cool videos to their you to page and check it out.
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>> i never know what i'm going to get when i stop i visit you on the radio show. wednesday morning it was dueling pianos. check out these guys. ♪ ♪ >> there the fine ivories and they'll be at the stress factory every wednesday. they were better because of the
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(bellowing) yee-haw-ho-ho! (school bell ringing) (bears growling) (whistle blows) (playing "jingle bells") (playing bluesy riff) ♪


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