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tv   Chasing News  FOX  November 29, 2016 12:30am-1:00am EST

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>> it is not okay to take. what what are these people goes? >> bill to be laid to rest and the 2000 hurricane irene destroyed these home. >> the family is going to be gone. >> as he registered to vote? >> that was racial. >> completely and sign. >> all my daughter's birth pictures were in that third-floor. >> the small-town is a little
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bit brighter because too bright young lady said painted the town blue. that's right, the high school juniors riley and jette both have law-enforcement officers and their family. they they don't like the way their fellow officers on officers at the shore and around the country have been treated as of late. >> the police people were not as respectful as they used to be, please all want to become police officers anymore because that's not a safe job. >> the way that people have been treating police officers. >> everyone can be good or bad,
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it's up to them to make that choice. >> so they started selling blue ribbons for $5 and put them on pulse and trees, minding the main street in the small town. they're overwhelmed by the response by the community that purchase so many ribbons they stretch as far as the eye can see, all the way to the beach. >> it's always been a beautiful town and out to sea of blue, it's beautiful. it's a great example these young people have set for all of us. keep up the good work. >> they have raised just over $2000 so far, a sum that's going to go to a very important club. >> he was a young police officer so he didn't receive a lot of the benefits, she was pregnant with us second child. they're very young. >> sean was killed so young and we felt like at this point with the children being so young it would be a wonderful thing to help out and make their christmas a little brighter. >> she's talking about the family of fall in new jersey state trooper shawn collins who died in the line of duty in march. he was 31 years old, he had a fiancé, baby at home and a baby on the way. >> he got pulled over on the
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side of the road to assist with a car fire. he was struck by a passing vehicle vehicle and lost his life that day in the hospital. >> the lady took this check and they hope it will make his christmas a little bit brighter. making the town a little bit brighter they had put a solid blue line down the middle of the main street, it runs through the center of town. they're not accepting donations at this time but stated to their facebook page for more of what they have in store. >> what's next for these two angels that a been painting the town blue? >> they're getting getting ready for college, the bright girls, they have the kind of energy that is chasers we all have to have. >> for history club under in a coin project which we will donate to funds for troopers were troops. >> reporter: i'm a dancer so were performing the nutcracker next weekend. >> they decided some other people around them to get involved. never seen this town so close. >> it's very uncommon people that you've seen the thank you.
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>> to me to so far? is that better? >> if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all or be like this guy and screaming out on a crowded street. >> don't talk, that's right this man knows what's up. >> check out this viral video of this guy going on a hate filled trump rant. >> he was removed from the plane but was later allowed back on he was saying that should've never happened, but there you go. >> that's right this man knows what's up. >> the nypd praised the new york city wrapper for his actions in this video. >> do not touch them without permission this is what all due to. >> remember in october he was holding down a man by the throat on a bus in queens, he had
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stepped in to protect a young woman from an alleged sexual assault. this past saturday he was presented with the 112 precinct at samaritan award. >> diana, there's a new job job out there for those of us who love the ocean, state oceanographer, how can i get my name in the mix. >> that's right, new jersey is higher but be warned it pays nothing. >> we have offered a stellar candidate candidate for the governor for consideration. but we'll see how that goes. >> it is a state oceanographer position so studying the water to review new technology a most welcome up with solutions to combat that nasty thing called climate change. governor christie established earlier this month making new jersey the first state in the nation to have a title like this. you you better bet the hunt is now want to find the perfect candidate.
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>> we are not rutgers university, home to one of the largest oceanography departments in the nation. i spoke with bob goodman who is one of the leaders and getting the initiative passed. >> it's a big step for the state, were the first in the nation to have a state oceanographer. i'm delighted that this happen. >> i'm a see it to believe it kinda guy so i asked can you show me what this research actually does. >> when activated that pulls back and pulls water into the nose, so that it begins to think. >> i'm told the robots, they are used in waters worldwide and they can help predict hurricanes. they can also even help fishermen locate their best tackle so that can help. >> they collect temperature data, they can detect differences, different light
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wavelength that are used to detect different types of living organisms in the water. >> now we have yet to formally name a person who will take on this role, they are ready have someone in mind, of course it will cost the state anything, for not canapé salary. but the salary. but the state will have to pay for reimbursement for whatever research costs there are. i'm told that will be minimal. >> well? are interested in the job? >> i thought oceanography was more exciting than i thought it was. >> i'm in the oceans are beautiful majestic place of full of life and it's really great that we can have a person who can advise the governor in the state about how the ocean relates to our lives, the reality of climate change and
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what we can do about the things going on,. >> i love it. >> i don't know if i'm quite at the height requirement for this town is known as midget bell. and as you can imagine the homes are tiny. so all jokes aside part of new jersey midget bell will be laid to rest and i had to see for myself why the area had its name according to the publication, weird and j, the areas known for his skill for its scaled-down holds urban legend has it that it was built first sick is a ringleader in his performance who we all know were petite. >> when you moved in here you are in a neighbor you instantly
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became family and that's what i love about this place, my grandparents were here for 69 years it's very emotional for me. and the families going to be gone. >> in 2011 hurricane irene hurricane irene destroyed many of the homes which are along the river. >> that the water line how high the river was. the water actually came in the first floor. >> right before the holiday the council voted to turn down five of the cottages which they say is about 25% of the total area a midget bill. those i spoke i spoke with say they feel like histories being destroyed on the owners that were brought out don't feel like they had a fair deal. >> it's not okay, where do these people go? >> they wanted everything gone we don't understand the reasoning. i know it's because of the flooding but we don't flood here like that.
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it goes deeper than that obviously, for us it's in a deeper way. >> demolition is set to begin over the next couple of weeks. i will continue to chase the story. >> the homes are tearing down, where they abandon at the time of hurricane irene? or will their people litter or big living in them? >> there were people living in them. >> a lot of people are actually offended that the areas called midget bell. >> they wanted to be known for its beauty, it is -- and that it's a family environment. >> made their lucky their midgets because then you can fit anywhere. >> but. >> whatever happens hopefully it will be a beautiful place and people who live there little or big can live there and harmony. >> justin was 16. >> where's the paper? >> now he's at it again a
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florida dog owner just received the best early christmas present he could imagine. three years ago his pomeranian multis mix bella, ran away. two days before thanksgiving he received an email from an animal shelter patterson said they had bella. he hopped on the plane and he is reunited with his dog and he called for the thanksgiving miracle. >> along the subway station work transformed after the residents put post-it notes all over it. there's encouraging messages like live life amazingly and it's still worth it. it was organized was organized by local residents in a local girl scout troop. the video is sent to us by fresco user. if you download the fresco out today you can be paid for submitting videos and content to us.
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>> at this point we have no income. >> he suffered a stroke in his home, youth mentoring basketball coach, referee. >> i knew things are bad i jus
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>> we had no income, nothing coming in at all.
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>> on august thirtieth, calvin suffered a stroke and his home in new jersey. he was the pillar in his community, a youth mentor, basketball coach, referee, he received the prestigious award from the general assembly of the state of new jersey. an acknowledgment of his extraordinary jersey. an acknowledgment of his extraordinary work in the community and for the community. his been leader all of his life and now he's going through a tough time. with him is thousand dollars with the medical bills he needs to pay back his struggling to put food on the table for his family. >> i been paying the bills on the credit card. i've been keeping it afloat. >> was a max out then that's it. >> in addition to the medical bills he's about to lose his medical insurance. >> were possibly going to get dropped because we can't pay. >> how long does he have before
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that? >> it's past due. the lady at the hospital is just holding out for his life she can , but that's because he has to have -- their extended family has not been able to help others financial or or they're not in the area, i'm not sure. but there is nobody there to help them out. but they have a great friend who reached out to us and that's how we heard about the story and she wanted to help her friends out. >> i knew things are bad i just and how bad. to find out they're not receiving disability checks, the have no income, they have five children and now she has a disabled husband. so they really need the public support. >> thanks to local community organization, calvin and tresa were able to have a great great thanksgiving dinner with her family just this past thursday,
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but had the full table set out, they enjoyed the meal with their kids and guess what? through the girls got to play in the philadelphia thanksgiving day parade. they were really excited. they made it a positive situation out of a set time. we need to help them out. i'm gonna put the gofundme like on my facebook on my instagram. if you guys can help out that be great. >> how much of a whole are they? they have 50,000 dollars they have $50000 with the medical bills to pay. right now they can't pay for the regular household bills. >> what state of mind of the kids in? they are performing at the philadelphia parade? >> there happy kids. their normal, hard-working. >> are they worried about the parents question. >> ensure that they are. but these are hard-working individuals. the oldest child has three different jobs, work ethic is not a problem. >> let's hope they can get through this month and pay their medical bills maintain themselves. thank you for the story. >> president-elect i'm donald trump is that trump tower today. he would not exactly know that from the scene.
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to say the least it is very quiet. people are still visiting, they're still taking pictures but it's not the fanfare it was last week. >> i'm so happy that he won. i think you'll make an excellent president. he's such a good person. >> we happen to see mike pence and he took a lot of questions from the press about what donald trump is up to with his tweets this weekend. >> tweeting that the election could possibly be rigged, that millions millions of illegal immigrants cast their votes and therefore he supposedly won the popular vote. as you could hear pence didn't really answer that.
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[inaudible] >> you just said, buckle up. >> what does that mean? >> i'm not sure. >> this is the fourth week of transition efforts. aside aside from pence it's a quiet morning. we are hearing that the retired general david petronius will make his way to the trump tower. he's being considered for secretary of state. he formally led the cia. >> there has been some talk about the president-elect's interest in other countries. he said the company is being run by his children. unlike former presidents like jfk who had a great deal of wealth, it's not being put in a blind trust. we've seen projects all over the world that could be a fruit to curry favor with the president-elect's is a problem? >> they say it's a problem but he's made it will know that he could care less about his
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business. it's going to be up to his family to carry on that. as we've heard obama say we have to wait and see what happens. it's far too early to judge what we don't know. >> you are like every other member of the press press that a shock that donald trump would do this. donald trump tweets late at night, we know that. we knew he had businesses in foreign countries, that's not new. we know he mixes business with politics that's how he won. why you so shocked? >> we have we have a copy of the constitution right here. >> this is bogus. >> this show is boeck -- he has no idea where the suppose a close that donald trump violated. there's no proof that he broke the law. >> it's article one. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> thank you diana. >> a little girl came up and she has three. >> have you ever heard of little free libraries. >> the person who built the puts itz test text1
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>> maybe a year or two ago i think it myself, which there's a place where i could go and borrow book, maybe read it once or twice and
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>> will copy of the constitution right here. >> wow guys remember this? he was 16 when he first saw him his name is justin. two years ago he climbed up under the construction one world trade center and receive 30 days community service and had to write a 1200 word essay. he's at it at it again, this is justin at 18. a few days ago he posted this on instagram, climbing up and hanging from the top of the
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central park south tower. it's terrifying to look at them he's probably going to get into more trouble than writing an essay. >> the guinness book of world records has a new record for the greatest height in which the basketball was shot on septembe. youtube channel from australia had their record on 2011. they wanted the title back. they went to the swiss alps on a dam and they were able to sink a shot from about 593 feet. so the one who took the shot which is more credible made it on his third attempt. >> the other morning a little girl came up before her school bus and she said she has three, she has three.
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you just put out harry potter's three the night before so when i came out after the bus was gone because i don't want them to be uncomfortable harry potter three was gone. >> have you ever heard of little free library, maybe you haven't heard the name but you seen them in your neighborhood. books are inside these tiny libraries and freeze the operative word in little free libraries. adults and children are encouraged to take a book of their choosing, read it and the return that book or another book to the little library with any donated book they might have. they might have. their motto, take a book, return a book. >> initially the person who puts it up built it then it really becomes this symbiotic relationship with the neighborhood. so neighbors who drop off a book pick one up, kids will take want to maybe bring one back that was one of the favorites and it keeps going and going. >> books can become for some in
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college i had a backpack of 60 pounds of huge textbooks in a kids are walking around with an ipad with the entire world of literature in one device. there's something to be said about having a good book in your hand. >> the best part is talking to people have little free libraries and hearing the amazing stories that have to share. they talk about meeting neighbors they never talk to before, people leaving them gifts and thank you notes and having a sense of community they felt they had lost. >> nonprofit allows anyone who wants one to get him. you can either build it and have it approved by the nonprofit or you can order one of their 23 made style. >> i have a section for younger readers, i, i have a section for upper elementary and middle school and then i have an adult section. >> is over 50000 little free libraries in all 50 states in 70 countries. they have exchanged over 38 million books.
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the concept is great and restrain a dying tradition. it teaches kids the active sharing, caring, giving back to your community and helping the less fortunate. not a lot of people can get access to the library. >> are they making their money, how how much to this cost? >> they cost 200 to $350, you could probably build on for a lot less and have fun with the kids. >> i'm going to start mine right here. i had my first book thanks to allison. i'll be collecting trout the day. if you have any contributions, right here. >> maybe year two ago i think it's myself i to myself i was there's a place where i could go and borrow book, maybe read it once or twice and give it back. and my my parents go, it's called the library. (my hero zero by lemonheads)
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zero really can be a hero. get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first month's payment on select volkswagen models. this black friday at the volkswagen sign then drive event.
1:00 am
whoa! (tires screeching) d'oh! (tires screeching) (grunts) (piano playing softly) (static, explosion) and in other news... (all sigh happily) both: are we there yet? are we there yet? no. are we there yet? no! are we there yet? i said no! are we there yet? what's wrong with your ears? are we there yet? look out the window! are we there yet? we're not there! are we there yet? are we there yet? okay. we're there. finally. are we there yet? huh? are we there yet? are we there yet? are we there yet? damn technology!


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