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tv   Chasing News  FOX  December 1, 2016 12:30am-1:00am EST

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♪ come on ♪ ♪ ♪.
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>> chasing a story about a well-known street performer of newark, again. he is the latest victim of shooting. >> the reward has been doubled to $20,000 for information leading to the arrest and the murder of newark street performer eddie. he was the most popular man in the city. augi had autism. i want to show you a video of how people remember him. cleerp i spoke with earl best known as the street doctor, took him in as adopted son here, has a banner showing how much uggy meant to him. he says he meant so much to so many throughout the city. >> he was like an interrupter, if somebody was beeping or
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going to fight, when he show up, everything is like peachy. he was dynamic, you know? >> what! >> uggie was shot to death on the 200 block of bourbon street. you could see a teddy bear and a chair where many signed it in his honor. hundreds including mayor braca came out to his funeral, honestly fit for a king. ♪. >> uggie! uggie! >> newark is representing! >> and now people want justice. >> you know what? i tried to think why? and i still don't know why. but like i say, we going to find out very soon and keep his name alive. reporter: anyone with
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information is asked to call the essex prosecutors office, the number is 877-847-7432. rest in peace, uggie. >> we've talked with anthony ambrose, the director of public safety. crime is down, and unfortunately murders went up compared to 2015, he's just the latest casualty. what do they think? >> at this point, they don't have leads and hope by doubling the reward they'll get someone to speak up and say something. >> sergio? >> you say the street is his family. i guarantee that someone will speak up, especially if they continue to raise the reward, you know, for his death. >> this is a popular street in newark. right down the street from university hospital. so it's a populated area, and it's just mind-boggling to think that someone would take who they call a positive figure in the city that really needs a positive figure.
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>> what are you eating? >> rice krispie snickers, they're so damn good. >> check out the brazen bulls fest. this guy went up to the back of unintended armored vehicle and grabbed an 86-pound bucket of gold worth 1.6 million, ran off in the middle of midtown, the crowded sidewalk. police are looking for this guy, in his 50s. wearing jeans. close to 200 students staged a walkout after group of peers suspended for filming a rap video at the high school without asking for permission. the video went viral and you see the kids in the bathrooms, dancing on desks, those kids are in trouble and seem like peers don't agree with what the school did. >> bill, is this a jellyfish
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or a breast implant? one australian man walking the beach in queensland came across what he thought was a breast implant, someone who was murdered or drowned in the ocean and had walked upon the beach. turns out, jellyfish. [laughter] >> the police actually bagged it and tagged it, filed it away as evidence and posted it on social media to have a good laugh about the whole thing. i appreciate the man's vigilance. next time he'll be solving a murder and not just bringing jellyfish to a police station. >> it's hard because i'm used to, like, talking to her, facetiming her, whatever, it's just not seeing her but hearing of her all the time makes it more difficult because it's like she's an idea. >> it's been a week since we heard update on emily rand.
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the 19-year-old student who we saw brutally punched in a face by a man in new brunswick in late october. now the snapchat video that we have shows a group of young people around the corner of hamilton and robinson streets in new brunswick. emily can be seen throwing a punch at a man. he returns in kind with a giant punch to her face. then she fell back hard. hit her head on the pavement suffering a brain fracturing, she is on a ventilator to let her breathe. that is noble, her best friend joining us via skype. she talked about emily's condition. >> currently, she is in pain and restless. she tries to sit up and things but she gets headaches and everything because they had to go into her head again, but her memory is thrown off again, it's gradually getting worse as things keep
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happening. >> emily remembers most people and can't remember herself very well. she's not been able to recall anything about that day or months before that. now still the new brunswick police have no statements since it's an ongoing investigation, when we last reported, they said they were not filing charges. this saturday a fund-raiser is held at 7:00 p.m. everyone is invited to go. you can find the information on our facebook page, and if not, there's a gofundme set up for emily rand for her rising medical bills. >> i was going to ask you has emily seen of video of her getting punched? >> no, her family would never do that, it would spark horrible images and memories she may not want to. >> remember what about her outlook? her future? it's a long road to recovery. >> from the hospital, she was ready to go out. got back in, going to be a year or two in rehab hospital. she's only 19 years old.
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>> i feel bad obviously for what happened to emily, she is the poster child for all women to not throw punches at men, you never know what the reaction will be. never do it. never start the fight. >> unfortunately this violence against women seems to be tolerated on one end and fought hard against on the other side. we haven't figured it out, you are not two equal fighting partners, it's sad. with domestic violence as high as it is. it's sickening to me. >> before we get to the story, i want to introduce our guest chaser for the day. chip. good to have you. >> great to be here. >> intense story about botox. what do you got? >> according to cbs medical correspondent of the five million people that got botox just last year, 30% of those people were under the age of 30. that's a huge number. so i met up with the doctor at the dermatology and laser group in midtown manhattan to
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tag along with a girl named brook, 25 and getting her first round of botox. >> i don't get it. why? why botox? >> it's time to start being preventive and taking action instead of waiting until later. reporter: once we got into the office, the procedure was so simple and took ten minutes. the process looks completely painless. still, why are people getting this done in their 20s, we barely have wrinkles? >> botox is great at any age, getting it young has a particular benefit. you are treating with smaller amounts of botox so you don't get the overdone look. reporter: botox isn't just for wrinkles, i met up with sam getting it in a very interesting place. >> okay. >> i found out i was sweating a lot, i feel like i'm getting a physical reaction to the deodorant, i have hyperhydrosis, too much
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sweating, and botox is a cure for that and literally changed my armpits' life. >> these women are worried about long-term effects, it's a poison. >> the poison has been taken out of formula. they made it so pure there is no worries anymore. >> i'm going to need botox because i'm rolling my eyes so much. they're 20. if you have little kids, now you have a perfect christmas present for them. under the tree. >> people need to be happy with what your momma gave you, that's what you're going to have until the day you die. reporter: do they give you a disclaimer? when i did the research, there were a lot of adverse effects? can i talk about that? >> i did. i asked specifically, i asked what do you do when something bad happens? something bad hardly ever happens, if something bad happened you didn't go to someone who was certified and hadn't done a lot of botox. they should know how much to
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use for a certain area of the body. >> thank you. >> i don't think it's a big deal for millennials to get plastic surgery or botox by the time they're 30. we live in the digital age where you're supposed to look good all the time. if you can fix that with a few nips and tux or injections, why not? >> i don't think there's anything wrong with getting botox. you should do whatever makes you feel confident and beautiful. however, i don't think i would ever get botox. >> see news happening near you? upload it to the fresco app today. become a citizen chaser, download fresco in the app store and google play.. >> winter siberian huskies breeds pure breds, a pair in the litter, they tried to get up the garden step and
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. people want justice, they want to know who was so cruel to kill uggie. >> winter siberian huskies breeds pure breds, a pair from the litter, they tried to get up a garden step and they are struggling so hard. one is actually trying to help the other and the one is like i got this.
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don't touch me. so they posted the videos on instagram page and you can see them growing up. the video is viral because they're so cute. >> take a look at this backpackner kenya. who does this remind you of. reporter: the internet would tell you this is the second coming of jesus christ, you can follow his footsteps with the hashtag, jesus in nairobi. daniel is a backpacker who wears flowing robes, carrying a staph and walks barefoot. leaving his job as a software engineer from australia but had to take to facebook to clear up the controversy that i am not jesus and i have never pretended to be.. take every rock, every stone, everything you see here is from this trail, and
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everything that's there, she either ran over next to or alongside of. >> i'm outside spring creek park in howard beach new york. this is where 30-year-old jogger karenna was found strangled nearly four months ago. there are few clues behind it. >> do you go behind the weeds over there? >> every day. >> what do you hope to find each day? >> you never know, you never know. >> i met up with karenna's father phil who took me to the spot where he found his daughter august 2nd in the weeds. >> a good number of the items were left by other people, you know? the flowers, that plaque, that cross, people come and leave things. >> he works daily to find his daughter's killer, and latest search is leading him to controversial dna technique called familial searching, it
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leads them to profiles that are similar to the profiles of interests and belongs to the relative of the person who left dna at the scene. >> i don't understand any of this stuff. reporter: while famial searching is legal, the laws governing it are ambiguous, why is it so controversial? why wouldn't you use it. i went to jon jay college to learn more. >> the searching will implicate a lot of innocent people. what we need to understand, however, is what are the odds of a false hit? >> they say it doesn't always identify people correctly, sometimes it identifies people who are very, very distant relatives as very close, so it's not as accurate as people would like to believe, but in something like this, when you've exhausted all resources. >> why not try this method and narrow down, maybe they'll
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find other evidence if they come up with something. how is philip dealing with it right now? >> this is what he works for every day. everywhere you look in the house there are pictures of karenna. he wants to remember her but he needs closure. >> i dug it out and put it together in one day. it looked like that. >> it's a peaceful place for me that she liked to run in there and she just happened to come across somebody who is evil and must pay, so there's no reason to be afraid of it in there. >> the reason we're here is the prosecutor's office and the attorney general are hopeless with respect to prosecuting their boss. >> retired firefighter bill brennan brought his case against chris christie over bridgegate to appoint a special prosecutor who will
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take over the case that he filed in municipal court over a month ago. the judge said that she would rule by the end of the week and was taking it under serious consideration. something that surprised me because i thought that the judge might reject his claims outright. we can take you into the courtroom, unlike bridgegate, cameras are allowed. he argued his case in front of the judge. >> applied to the case legally unless defendant gets to pick and choose who's going prosecute them. and that's the way -- you wouldn't let the manager of a baseball team choose the other team's pitcher. that's what's going on here. reporter: he took a moment to gesture to the defense table to point out that every person sitting there is paid for with taxpayer money. now in the governor's defense, governor chris christie's lawyer argued against a special prosecutor and attacked bill brennan saying he was trying to prolong his 15 minutes of fame and wanted more twitter followers.
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>> maybe you should follow him, bill. >> follow him and tweet him and get some more is what you should do. >> there is an established set of rules and laws for conflicts. >> the state attorney general's office and the bergen county prosecutor argued they could do their jobs without a conflict of interest. we'll get an answer by friday and could mean that special prosecutor will investigate christie for bridgegate. official misconduct, mandatory five years in jail. i asked brennan how he felt, he was reasonably pleaseed. >> i wanted a decision, i'll be pleased when the decision comes out. reporter: he wants to enshrine in law the right to have special prosecutors if there are complaints filed against him. he's brennan's number one fan. >> he's asked the court to appoint a special prosecutor. that's where it belongs and he made a powerful argument on behalf of the public. reporter: hundreds and hundreds of pages of evidence, months of investigations, the
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u.s. attorney, no evidence of governor christie had anything to do with it. >> he should be applauded in the state of new jersey, he had the cojones to go after governor christie. >> my hero! >> millennials, will they consume half the wine of north america in 2015? >> i think white girl rose is perfect because white girls whine. ♪z test text1
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>> better? >> no. >> how about that? better? >>
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>> who assigned the sad dog story. >> this is a story about zuzu, a two-year-old dog picked up at animal shelter in california. looked like owners were going
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to find her and pick her up, the sad part is the owners didn't want her anymore, they were coming to pick up another dog. that's like picking your kid up at soccer practice and coming and getting another kid and leaving your kid there. she was getting too depressed, her father died and she's been depressed. they were going to leave her there and get a new dog. i look at it as a silver lining, they are taking her to animal rescue and dozens of people want this delightful dog and go out and adopt a dog this season. >> check out this amazing christmas photo, one of the best things to come out of florida for sure. santa claus is this sheba inu's favorite toy. when she got upclose and personal, real dreams do come true, you guys. they really do. ♪
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>> you ever want to be a part of something or you'll be sorry? no? you're not a millennial, they suffer from a condition called fomo, fear of missing out. they love to spend on anything that's ontrend and what's more ontrend than one of the fancy wine blends. meet anthony, the man that quickly reported the millennial market one mal beck at a time. he started fomo vino. >> millennials, well, they consumed half the wine in north america in 2015, which is a huge stat, and so, you know, it's a big, a big piece of the pie. >> you have your pick of the
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fomo vinos which anthony hand picked at the best vino places around the world and brings it into our millennial hand, many of which are female. one girl inspired wine was launched by anthony. you may have been at a party with white girl rose. it was a phenomenon with celebrities alike. that's when he knew he had himself a niche. wine doesn't have to be fancy, but fun. how are you doing now? got any fomos? >> i feel left out. where is the black girl wine. i drink a lot of wine, am i supposed to show up at a party. >> and the race card. >> with white girl wine? sorry. i think white girl rose is perfect because white girls whine. >> whoa! >> just turned real.
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>> this turned real racial. >> chip, is this a racial issue? >> i don't think it's a racial issue, millennials are drinking wine, getting all this botox, they are all becoming my aunt cathy. that's what's happening. [laughter] >> i gotta go, it's 5:00 somewhere and i'm a millennial. [laughter] >> go get your wine. >> chip, thanks for coming on the show. >> thanks for having me. >> where can the audience see you? >> next saturday at the stress factory in new brunswick and january 4th at helium comedy club in philadelphia. >> fantastic, catch us at the stress factory on december 6th. 7:30. thanks for watching. >> he is the only who had the cojones to go after governor christie. you may have been at a party with white girl rose. >> i feel left out where, is the black girl
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kang: live from rigel 7, conquerors of rigels 4 through 6, it's the 25th annual treehouse of horror! with special guest stars jennifer lawrence, warren beatty, john travolta, clint eastwood, george clooney, prince, taylor swift, sean penn, bruce springsteen, helen mirren, morgan freeman, james franco, kanye west and... leonardo dicaprio. (applause and cheering) why? (kang and kodos laughing) this has been a bad week, even for you, simpson. concrete in the sandbox? i don't get lost anymore! spreading the rumor that today's lunch would be served by a naked lady. move it! boobs! boobs!


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