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tv   Chasing News  FOX  December 28, 2016 12:30am-1:00am EST

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>> he is practically the most famous movie theater ticket collector in new jersey, two weeks ago it all caved. >> i do a triple snap in my hand. beep, and up and down. >> what are you doing? this is a great shot for a selfie. >> i don't agree with you on that. >> you are insane, i love it. >> he is practically the most famous movie theater ticket collect or in new jersey.
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>> let me know when you are ready. >> i am ready. >> i usually do a triple snap in my hand. thin bing. and movies up stairs and downstairs. >> you might know him by his other name. >> i bought shares -- that how i gain that numbe nickname. fluffy. >> he was ticket collector for nearly 30 years, worked part time, 4 day a week at $9 an hour he gained quite a lot of fans. >> not to brag, but it was like i was a tourist attraction. >> two weeks ago it changed he was the fired for exhibiting behavior inconsistent with the policy and standards, a decision
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not sitting well with his fans, planning on boycotting the establishment. >> i have been here almost thirs30years, and i never had a problem. it made my almost cry the way i got fired. >> not the first time fluffy fans came to his rescue this career they raise $60,000, when fluffy found himself home lets, and 5 years ago they helped him babuy this car for his birthday. so you paint -- this is reflection. >> things could look up for fluffy, he could have a new job by new years, and his former establishment, at afc theater said watch out. >> i did apply at the 12 movie
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theater on route 46. they are supposed to call me after the holidays to come and work. i told general manager here i had a huge audience here. >> maybe fluffy will have a happy new year after all. >> happy holidays to. >> happy new year. >> here is to that fresh start. >> just to be clear, there is no real danger of fluffy being homeless. >> he is not homeless, he has a room he lives in morristown. he is not homeless. >> with local businesses, they do well because they build relationships with the community, it keeps people coming back, when you lose a lot of those figures you might lose and business. >> what happened to free enterprise? why can't the movie theater fire and hire who they want? who are these people going on this petition saying, you have to hire him back.
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>> it is. they also have a right too boycott when they want, first amendment. >> from what i read the new management, the new management comes in to any facility it is to their discretion to make a change. >> shake off christmas cobwebs, you are ready? high-speed chase. >> santa claus came through for 8-year-old abbey in florida, check out her number one gift on her list, she gets a letter, i hope you enjoy the gift, she opens it up, a hatch a mole. from joy to tears. he is so happy. -- she is so happy. >> baby on the way, a woman of the headed to the hospital when her brother who of driving had
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to pull over, call for help with that, call the cops, a trooper came and delivered her beautiful baby boy, 6 pounds 2 own thes. >> good job by connecticut state police. >> buckle up come with me for a ride, what at first glimpse may appear to be a taxi, if you look on one side, captain derrick lynn with the police department. >> places where, you know people usually go to socialize and get their hair cut. >> on other side, bishop ronald jones with new life body of christchurch. >> i am humble to meet. >> god bless you. reporter: cops and clergy have been working together on and off for years, in the city to reach out to the community and restore trust within the police department.
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the alliance has been revamped and brought back by public safety director, and the mayor, every week you will see a crew like one i am with in full force starting at about 5:00 p.m. in the evening. >> we find people receive the police with us, much better as far as with the trust issues than they would with police coming to them on their own. >> because we're in a barber shop, it is different than approaching someone on a corner, often times, you get something to drink or something to knack on, and you start a conversation with person in there. >> their mission is simple to let people know that the police care about them, and are there to help them. we went into a few barber shops they were talking sports, laughing and shaking hands. >> all effort to let people be more transparent about what we
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do and why we do the things we do. that helps a lot of people understand. >> had a blast it was really exciting, a lot of merchristmas, and thank yous, people at first, saw me with camera, they forget i was there. >> can i ask you, say you are accused of something, is last 5n you want to see your pastor. >> they are going out for simple conversations they are not going out with them to arrest someone, they are engaging with the community. not in this position you see your past or coming out say, hey, i'm praying for. >> diana and i went out in network work with bill spadea, we saw a great side, police are macking great connection with young kid one came off a cool
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school bus, walked up to the cops and started chatting with them for about 20 minutes. >> i reported on similar program, where pastors come with the cops to notify families if their loved one has been murdered that helps star the communication between police and family members are the victim on the right foot so the cops can solve that crime. >> a great program. >> thank you. >> welcome to golf only place you used to be able to play was way south, now their northeast expansion is on i am at new top golf in edison, new jersey on route 1, let's go in. what is top golf? a lot more than just golf, i'll let justin tell you. >> the game combines darts, bowling and golf.
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where ar targets are like dart boards in the ground, and you keep the score like bowling but with golf balls. >> different color targeted, goal is to shoot at any of the targets for a different aim of t of points, the question is, do you have to be tiger woods it my top golf? >> no way jose. >> top golf guests consider themselve not golfers. >> you have to get a membership card to keep track of your stats and log into the system. we checked out the state of the art facility, multiple bars, lounges, pull pool tables and shuffle boards, you name it they got it. i am now hungry and thirsty, the food and drinks are just as top notch as this facility is. let's check them out.
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>> our famous muchi, a take on sushi. from there we pit it down with the mix, our famous smoked chicken then we have ladies that will of day their job is to roll these fresh. so we roll about 40 a day. we can roll up to 100. >> then, dessert came out, injectable doughnut holes, yes. you poke into the doughnut hole. and devour. >> if you want to challenge me at top golf, tweet me @chasing rohan, we'll set it up, that is enough talking, let's play.
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>> you don't' to see what happens on the back-end. >> look at this video of super star, da, taylor swift visitinge of her oldest and biggest fan, sirius porter lives in new jersey, got a lucky visit, he has seen her in concert multiple times, he was very happy she was there. >> retired homicide detective, went to long island on trail of long island ser yoo serial kille did not know there was other storm brewing police corruption. >> we will see serious stuff. >> see news happening nearu, up
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load it to the fresco app today
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>> how many demerits do you get? >> everyone heard of the dog eating christmas turkey. it is not a tale or is it, check out the tweets from a checking
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young lad from england. david, he said bubba is 5-year-old, snuck into the kitchen and ate the entire turkey, here are some tweets he put out, i can't believe my fat dog. then, no chance as my dog just had the hol the whole turkey, te fat dog, merry christmas. >> massive australian fur seal showed up december 26 on the streets of tasmania, he parked himself on top of a parked car, he was cardonned off by police, and after medical exam by wildlife authorities he will be released. >> the guy that killed these girls is familiar with this
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area. >> right. >> so, we keep coming back. >> almost a year ago, we report to the beach on long island on the trail of long island serial killer, authorities found at least 10 bodies scattered on the side of a windy beach front highway. the work they believe of that cereal sere yell killer. mystery remains. who murdered women, some of whom were selling their bodies on craigslist, we did not know at this time there was other storm brewing on the beach. another angle to focus on, police corruption. >> sometimes a cycpath rising to the top. >> jakes burke was former chief of the suffolk count police department. >> a thug, like a dec dictatorf
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he liked you, you were the king. >> robert today is a suffolk county legislator, before being elected in 2013 he served alongside burke as a suffolk county detective, burke rose to become chief in 2012, when the investigation to serial killer murders was at its height. he resisted the help of the fbi in helping identify the serial killer, now we know why, in november burke was sentence to 4 years in prison for beating of a suspect who had stolen his gun belt, and sex toys from his suv, and he pleaded guilty to getting fellow officers toly lie about the beating. >> i was in new york, i saw, my time there, suffolk county is what we would call --
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>> just last week we found corruption investigation may go deeper. buried in filings, christopher low, his attorney said other cops have been indicted, pleaded guilty their files are sealed atlanta -- and the investigation is still ongoing. >> if you told me two years ago -- but now. >> witness came forward that may shed new light and connection it. >> i heard he was high up, i figured this is my opportunity. >> leanne encounters burke during a party in samed in neighborhood where shannon gilbert disappeared just one year after shannon on gone missing, accordingly an, burke forced her to have rough sex
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with him before throwing 300 her way, the first time anyone thought to connect burke, money for sex near the beach where shannon disappeared. >> ray rip represents the family of gilbert. bodies of women, a toddler, a man and body parts were found while police were searching for shannon, a year and a half later they found her body, it was first clear whether she was killed by the serial kell killer not. >> it is like peeling back the onion. there a possibility these guys may be involved. >> burke's attorney, conway said he refuses to dignify the euaccusations.
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i wanted to look into this further, and i needed gare with me. but gary did not' to drive. >> you sure you don't' to drive. >> positive, why. >> just very unlike you. >> i am looking forward to relaxing. >> go, go. >> we headed back to suffolk county, where we talked to ray to find out more about james burke. >> we had dinners. >> a put my money and my mouth together, talk to ray over steak dinner in hauppauge, long island. >> i am not massaging it to a exciting personal story, it really happened. >> more of him grabbing me in an aggressive manner.
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>> i have to information. >> burke's attorney said that burke never had any encounters with any was the victims, that anyone trying to try burke to the murders is being preposterous. our investigation was head down lanes i could not have foreseen. >> he stabs her over 200 times, and then trying to cut her head off. >> why would he stop. >> he is be a rat. >> possibly, taking gary and i back to our initial investigation to atlantic city eastbound side. >> how many times you heard the phrase, the cover-up is worse than the crime. >> from you or today? >> jerry received two letters covered from a bottle that washed up in seaside park. >> i thought they could go across the ocean, i never dreamed they would land 5 miles away. >> notes were written by sue
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mcgee to her boyfriend who pass away in the 9/11 attack. >> where can i see the love
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>> how do you like my new coat. >> thank you, my mom bought it. >> you are sweating right now. >> ie don't wear.
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>> before diana.
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>> we heard or read about messages in a bottle. there is a left of mystery and fascination, this story no different, it involves sense ser 11 sense attack, a fre free grig girlfriend. letters were recovered from a bottle washed up at seaside park, the man held on to them until 15 year anniversary of 9/11. they asked that person in the newspaper handle them appropriately. >> my first thought was to find this person.
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then my second thought was maybe there is a good story, a human interest story only if sue and the kelly family was onboard with it. i would never put the contents of the letter, they were too personal. >> notes were written by sue mcgee to her boyfriend who passed away in 9/11 attack, william kelly jr., was 30 years old, he was there for a one day conference at windows on the world, what would have been billy's birthday, sue wrote these letters. then with his mother they tossed them to the sea. >> i thought they would go across the ocean. i never dreamed they would land 5 miles away. that is funny. we joked about that. bill meeting laughing about it, so corny that i did that.
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>> billy was a graduate of university of the scranton and loved by all. >> he was the a people person. he was a good friend. a loyal friend. >> for sue, writing the letters of a form of grieving, now 15 years later, kelly family and sue are in a better place. >> i swoo swoon for love letter. >> there is no way to see them, she did not want to share them, she thought, i hope thigh these letter are not all over the internet, kelly started annual golf outing that benefits a scholarship to university of scranton in billy's memory, sue is now married with a toddler. she goes to the golf outing
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every year with her husband. >> this is the best. and this is the celebration of billy's life. >> christmas is over. new year's is not here yet, the week in between the 2 is seen as dead time. vacation time, go with your family, here at chasing news we're putting together great shows between periods of christmas, new years into 2017. chasing news, see you tomorrow. >> have a story we should know about? help us chase it down by loggin!
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1:00 am
bart: wha...! (homer grunts) d'oh! d'oh! (tires screeching) ♪ i don't believe it ♪ when you tell me ♪ that it's all gone bad ♪ it's true ♪ to... you... whoa! (tires screech) (alarm sounding, birds squawking) (alarm continues) (soft groaning, snoring) huh? where's the snooze button? ah, that's better. hey, what? i gotta get out of here! (alarm blaring) it's... (yawns) after just five more minutes. (yawns) (alarm blaring) (laughing): oh... marge...


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