tv Chasing News FOX January 10, 2017 12:30am-1:00am EST
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>> who knew a little blue line could cause so much drama. >> chaos, mayhem, nobody knows what to do on the roads because there is a thin blue line. >> many towns in new jersey including glen rock, ridgewood and oakland painted them_stunned the center of their main road to show support of their men and women in blue. according to a letter from the federal highway administration sent to somerset county, those thin blue lines may be causing a big problem. there are many appropriate and fitting ways to recognize service to the public that do not involve the modification of a traffic control device which can put the road user risk due to misinterpretation of its meaning. >> did a really think this thin blue line is an issue or did somebody wake up on the wrong side of the bed that morning? >> i drove to oakland to see if there really was an issue?
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wait. no. that blue line i should be parking there. while that was not so difficult was it. then i was thinking maybe since i'm from philadelphia just don't get it. i don't get these new jersey loss. has anybody tried to park in the middle of the street because of the blue line question it. >> no. and you never tried to park. >> absolute not. did you notice the blue line on the road? >> i did not. they would immediately draft a resolution supported down to where the blue line in the street and it actually permits them to have the blood of the
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middle of the street. we passed a lot of rules and read the resolutions, i think we can do a bill to support the police officer. >> they say there's plenty of other ways that distractive driving can happen. >> i got it the government had to respond to a letter and they said what about these lines and what i didn't get what i think made everybody blow a gasket on this was that the federal highway transportation correspondent talked about handicap parking spots as if somebody with that handicap parking plate could possibly be confused between put parking in the middle of the street or parking in a designated spot. >> were talking about people with disabilities it could be mental disabilities or physical disabilities.
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>> when you're driving it's not really like that. you make in the wrong point. >> just because you disagree. >> i get a chance to finish my point. >> you can shut me down. i'm still going to talk. >> then you can correct yourself later. >> this getting so good. were talking about the community of people have physical disabilities, mental disabilities have physical disabilities, mental disabilities and were given privileges to drive. we try to facilitate it to them by giving them spots close to the mall to make it easy for them, as easy as possible. when it comes to the laws we have it's not that they don't recognize the police it's just making sure that we make it as easy as possible for them. >> what is trying to say's you are speaking to mental disabilities and people having drivers license. most of the placket for handicap parking is for handicap disability. >> people with mental disabilities can drive to. >> i'm not saying they don't drive. >> am talking about the minority that does need the help can get the help. >> did you finish your point? >> good for her.
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>> take a good look at this receipt given to a black waitress by a white couple in virginia. it reads great service, don't tip black people. the local naacp chapter posted it on twitter and i have to say when they go load this waitress is going high. she says that she will still serve the same couple if they came back to the restaurant. >> this is pretty scary stuff this monday. new jersey turnpike was closed in both direct shirts near mile marker six after a dumbbell went through the windshield of that suv. the 75-year-old driver was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. the roads have opened up shortly after nine. that was absolutely horrid. >> check out this picture, it was posted on facebook on saturday and what it shows is a puppet basically with the rope tied around its next as if it
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had been hanged. the person who posted this picture described it as a clear message of hate and racism. this picture describes what the plainville high school girls basketball team so when they walked into a locker room that was given to them by the school they're playing against. i chased it to the high school did speak with the coach wasn't available the school would not give me a comment so then i went to the clark school where it was in the controversy was ignited and was told they put a statement on the district's website. this is a statement, statement, we've been made aware that a picture taken by member of the girls best team has been posted on social media of a puppet that was posed in the classroom located in a click public school. the clark board
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of education and community does not condone any demonstration of intolerance. there is an investigation going on. since i cannot get on camera statement i went to the mayor of clark township and spoke to him. >> from what i'm understanding this was a puppet being stored, the shaquille o'neal puppet because they're asked to make a puppet of their favorite athlete. >> there's a police investigation going on right now because if it was done purposely by someone someone could get arrested because it would be a hate crime. the mayor says he doesn't believe it was done intentionally. >> maybe is the way was stored come i don't know. >> hissing like a very heavy type puppet where maybe it was trying to support it. i don't know, not making excuses, just say that's my hope is because like i said, they're fully looking into it and if there is someone who did this purposely they'll be dealt with. >> the crazy part is we are fighting over a puppet. we as adults are trying to interpret a puppet. i'll be the first to say i
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thought it was a threat i would speak out because as you know this chase i covered with university of pennsylvania where the students were put -- in daily lynching of black students that was a real threat can talking about taking this to another extent. this, puppet,. >> nobody here use it as an incident of racism but it's being insensitive. >> it's your interpretation. that's that's a problem we see with social media that goes viral. you're limited to one person's perspective.'s perspective. you don't have all the context tell after. >> whoever posted it to facebook the post said obviously racism. so what sparked it is no contact send a zoom in on the picture. you can you can interpret it anywhere the way you want. >> to governor chris christie may not be that popular new jersey but he has support on his side.
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here he is sending a new bill into law to reform the state's criminal justice system. the bill adds 20 new superior court judges to the state while also investing 9.3 million into these initiatives. they come on the heels of new resources made to the state system that went into effect on january 1. [inaudible] [inaudible] >> it began in 2014 when christie created the release system. one that doesn't lock up port dependents because they can't make bail. instead they'll be locked up based on their risk to the community. aside from criminal justice reform he also acted on a bill
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monday concerning domestic violence. is this a hint of what is to come during the state of the state on tuesday? tweet me at diana black or the show at chasing news. his christie back to work? >> allison, you avenue have a new thing, honoring new jersey veterans. >> recently chasing news and the radio station new jersey 101.5 which you host in the morning started a joint segment called green monday. they will provide veterans in the area will talk about their service, find out what they're up to now in our first green monday on every is retired marine angelica -- she was able to join us. first we talked about why she joined the marines. >> i was struggled with low self-esteem and high school so i think the marine corps help me to discover who i was and how to be a strong, independent and confident woman.
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>> in 2005 shoes deployed and she was only over there six months before her convoy was attacked. >> i was injured i was entered into by a bomber that hit our truck. i had third-degree degree burns and shrapnel wound. >> after surgeries and years of recovery she's back in action teaching zumba. if interested in taking one of her classes she teaches in new jersey and the gold gym. she's headed back to school for skin care at the end of the month. if you have someone you would like to recognize for green monday you can send ideas to nominate >> is a great segment this morning on the radio. she's an inspiration because of the question u.s. circuit, do you regret your service? having gone through that she was in a 7-ton truck, suicide bomber with the explosion flipped the truck, caught fire, severe injuries, what one year in the hospital. >> she just said without hesitation, no. i'm thinking how to summit who go through so much not even second-guess something like that. that's how you know you live in a great country
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>> hospitals around the nation go above and beyond for the little kids that they take care of. here's a perfect example out of the children's hospital out of wisconsin. one boy went in for surgery and shortly's so did his stuffed animal. after they posted the photo on the facebook page people commented posting their own photos of stuffed animals that have gone into the hospital with their children with bandages, with facemask, getting treatment and even x-rays. this proves little things -- >> the weather this weekend mabry and your plans been at these guys. check check out this video uploaded by the georgia tech swim team. the swim meets at virginia tech was canceled but that did not stop them from swimming. they are doing a little bit of a backstroke and breast in the snow. just keep swimming or as some people are calling it --
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>> diana, the big day, tuesday, governor christie, his seventh christie, his seventh annual state of the state. >> that's right. new jersey governor, chris christie is back on the job. on tuesday he will deliver his state of the state address at a time when his approval rating is an all-time low in the state. new jersey has one of the biggest underfunded public liabilities in the state. the credit rating has been downgraded ten times during christie's tenure. they are losing residents. with all of that being said it's not hard to see why were looking ahead to the 2718 gubernatorial race. we have ray lesniak and john with us. thank you for joining us and let's start off, what you hope governor christie talks about in his state of the state address?
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>> i would like him to say how he plans on turning the state around making it affordable. for many new jersey residents it's not. unfortunately i don't think you'll address any of those. but if he did, we would support him on those issues. >> we asked you to come here is a pre-bottle. what do you expect to hear? but do not expect to hear? >> i expect to hear the governor justifies lack of accomplishments over seven years as he is absently not fulfilled any of the promises he made when he first ran for office. ten bonded downgrades, not vendor pension liability that he is still not lived up to the terms of his own deal that he promised to fulfill when he ran for office four years ago. >> you are both in the legislature, we have the ten downgrades, 85 billion in debt, roads we cannot fix, is it fair
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for both of you from the senate and the simply to blame governor christie? how long you been in power? >> democrats have been in charge since 2001. >> i think that's why john and i are got running for governor. because legislators cannot make the restructuring and reform of government that is necessary to make the state affordable. we have to have a control of education terrain and all of the wasteful spending that doesn't get into the classroom. legislators can't do it. >> wasn't their majority when john was governor? >> but here's the problem, we rewrote the constitution and 47 because we had a week governor before them. we made a remarkable powerful remarkable powerful governor. the legislature has very little power. when we do the budget he gets to tell us how much money we get to spend. then he gets the line item veto at the end of it. that makes it a one-sided discussion. >> i think christie was well-intentioned at the beginning of his term to get pension reform and trying to get both democrats and republicans
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up a table to deal with the pension problem. but he failed and he was governor. how would you do it differently question. >> when he took office, the day he was sworn in he was running for president. so everything he did was not about what was good for new jersey, it was what can i sell in sell in iowa, new hampshire, places in between. >> do you repeal the gas tax question it. >> no you can't repeal it is impossible. however. >> why? >> because because our roads would not be fixed at all. there be no infrastructure work done. >> but here's what you do. >> the fact that the money is anyone going to the roads. >> that's light rail,. >> so what you have to do is change that law. first row we would've feasted in over a longer period of time. >> i think we could if a student but here's the problem. the bill was a mess because we gave away 1.2 billion a year in revenue that we didn't have any ability to plan where it would come from.
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we shortchange the budget for decades to come, education, pensions, we gave away billion dollars here so we could get a gas tax because a governor when sign it. >> so how soon after if you're sworn in as governor do you announce to run for president? >> not can happen. >> way. how old old is donald trump? seventy-three. common a lot better shape than his. >> thank you. good luck. we appreciate it. i need you guys to shake hands and then come out fighting. >> the fifth annual big man's birthday bash was posted by nick clements. i can't believe eddie actually got up -- up on stage. >> i did know the words to the song.
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>> have a story we should know about? help us chase it down. log onto >> white privilege. >> because there's a day for everything lately, the second monday in january is a national clean your desk a day. we did that last week because were that great. there is an office cold going around so we have the wipes
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ready for round two. >> you do this every hour. what are you talking about? >> it was a tremendous success of saturday despite the snow. we danced until the we hours of the night raising money for_cause. the fifth annual big man's birthday bash hosted by nick clements. bruce springsteen fans knew his father as the saxophonists for the e street band. nick and his entourage are brought together several great artists and musicians that braved the storm. they traveled around the belmar beach area for the event. we emceed the event and were able to hop on stage and introduce some of the best new musicians to play. while i was like enough to meet the crowd.
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♪ ♪ >> i did another words to the song, i was on stage, i got, i got better as the night went on. >> $3500 raised went to two great charities that are taking action against the heroin epidemic in new jersey. a friend of the show, lynn regan address the crowd offering rehab help. the night was about action. linda became passionate about helping addicts after she saved her son daniel from an overdose. she found him unconscious and account for motel. his journey ended very abruptly by me going and getting him out of what you would consider a crack house. the hotel in the middle. it was a devastating time for us. >> because we promoted the event on the show lynn said they are
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able to help five people in three places. i talked to paul ressler who lost a son to a drug overdose. paul was blinded i was flowed by the story of how he was able to identify son's body. >> i got a call from his roommate and i went to his apartment and heard he was dead but i can see him. so i need a closure, so i crawled into bed with him. and told him i loved him and hugged him and kissed him and said goodbye. >> if any of our viewers are looking to get help with a lovod one addicted to drugs, he started in organization organization called toe pack. the overdose overdose agency protection. i post that to my twitter page and if you scroll down you can look for bill singing and let us know how you rate his performance.
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>> i did it. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> another great day of chasing news. thanks for watching. we got a bit contentious today, don't you you think. >> just because you disagree doesn't mean i don't get a chance to finish my point. >> please continue. >> so. were talking about the community who has -- you can't shut me down, so gonna talk. >> wait till tomorrow, see you down, so gonna talk. >> wait till tomorrow, see you then.
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wiggum: yeah, i know ralphie's birthday is coming up. of course i'm gonna get him a present. i'm at the... at the toy store right now. let's see, present for ralph, present for ralph... ooh, what do we have here? boy, ralph would kill himself with this in two seconds. and somehow it'd be my fault. mm! this money has been sitting here since 1998, not doing anybody any good. i want to get ralphie something nice. yeah, a few thousand should do. hm-mm. (whistling a tune) uh, you heard me whistling there, right? that indicates innocence. uh, proclaiming your innocence indicates guilt. uh, yeah? well, what does this mean? ♪ skiddily bop and bah! (whooping) (engine revving, tires squealing)
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