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tv   Chasing News  FOX  January 31, 2017 12:30am-1:00am EST

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>> donny spent 25 years in jail for a crime he did not commit. >> i don't ever wish prison on anyone. that is the worst place that anyone could go to. >> wow. we're off. >> did you register to vote. >> what are you doing? >> trying to find a silver lining. >> that was rude. >> all my daughter's pictures were there. >> thank you for your service.
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>> donny hinkeby spent 25 years in jail, serving time for a crime he did not commit. >> i do not wish prison on anyone, that is the worst place that anyone can go to. >> the case that was in all of the headlines in 1990. a tourist from utah brian watkins, mugged and stabbed to death in a midtown subway. murder that really demonstrated how violent new york city was doing that time. the teens, went dancing afterwards, same spot where johnny was out that night dee jaying. >> i was ready to go back home, i was so scared. and i was willing to do anything. i agreed to memorize that false confession, that is only piece of evidence that ever convicted my. there was no weapon, no dna, no
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lineup identification. there was nothing. >> now in his mid 40s, a lot has changed. in october of 2015 his murder convict was tossed out by a judge, then, just this past wednesday, prosecutor decided to not retry him in the case. so, a sigh of relief is an under statement. >> my blood pressure dropped, i could not believe it. >> friday, i met up with done in queens, a got a look at his new life. >> it has changed so much. but for the better. back then, you could not get on a subway, at 12:00 at night. >> he spends mayb many of his ds here at the bail bond agency why he brings release forms the same place where he spent 25 years in jail, rikers. >> i just want to get in get out. >> he is excited. happy to be home with his family, thankful for a new
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chance at life, and he is not bitter. >> i believe that everything aspect of my life, everything stage. that i have gone through. has shaped by character. accordingly to what i was doing. in prison, i obtained a bachelor degree, and a masters. >> there is work to be done. donny said that sale same factor that led to him to falsely confess are still at play today, he is now fighting to change it. >> the police officers, these detectives have so much training, they are experts in getting false confessions the way they want them to turn out, i can get you and your mother or even someone else older than us, working in every profession, give a false confession as well, that is how good they are, in getting people to falsely confess. >> first of all, like, i can't imagine how bad it must have
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been for him to confess on a murder he did not committment but what was the reason that judge threw it out in 2015? was it the way they got the confession or no evidence. >> was in evidence here. the family went in the day after this happened. and picked out from a line of people who were a part of this they did not recognize him. they also have a hard time find anything new evidence, then to point of skills, he has to catch up on almost 25 years of technology. when he went to prison, there was probably limited electronics now he leaves and doorser opening and there are cameras. >> we're all catching up. >> i know. >> give you updates. >> al gore did not invent the internet yet. >> thanks diana. >> bill. >> happy monday. >> great, also, a good start. >> well good news are in fedex
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employee, matt stopped a drop of protester in iowa last week from burning two american flags, fedex said his job is safe, and video last week by miller of iowa city press st., saw him walk away from scene with a a -a flag. membership on twitter were calling him a herey hero, protes were burning flags. >> president trump's executive order, banning travel and immigration took affect this last week, many individuals became worried they might not be able to get back to united states, one of dr. mohsen am rahni, he works during the week as post dock rally fellow, he is
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on j1 visa circumstance the doctor moved up his flight from monday to sunday, hoping if something happened he would be able to go safely back home. >> as soon as judge gave the stay, in the executive order, i booked a ticket, saying maybe this stay will be challenged. you know, they will let me get in soon as peak, i have a pit you know. >> what your pet? >> a rat. >> you have a rat? >> yes. >> you did this for your rat? >> no. he is cute. >> while at toronto airport he met someone he is calling his guardian angel, a rai stranger d bash -- barbara. >> we all feel so helpless, this
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is such a horrendous situation, we never have experienced. each one of us wants to do something. >> barbara gave mohsen her car during the flight, and stayed with him as they went through security line. when he was taken to be interviewed by custom ages, barbara said sh she would stay outside for how ever long it took. >> they said there is someone out there really looking out for you, i was so happy, it is a nice lady. you don't know your name. >> after about 20 minutes, mohsen of let out of the room, and reunited with barbara outside in the airport. >> that was fantastic. that was so touching for me. that literally reaffirmed my
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belief in humanity, and how and why this country is such a great place. >> this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, they will stay in touch. >> this sounds like good news all around. >> friends united and a well-regulated border, after this time. >> i prov love it. >> thank you, mr. president trump. >> look at belgium, look at france, look at germany. areas where we had isis cells. >> you mean -- >> those run by refugees and terrorists and rapists and killers, that germany. >> that that is only thing that existing in germany right now are terrorists and rapists. >> yes. >> are you kidding me. >> i have been to germany before this is ridiculous. >> refugee crisis in germany, in places like the uk, and paris. >> this is a global issue. >> it is, finally we have a president that says not here, it is only 90 days.
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days. >> alison, military monday. >> yes, as a reminder chasing news with nj101.5 do a joint segment, every couple of weeks we honor a local veteran that week we honor pat o'neill, he grew up in new jersey, graduated at westpoint, and served in military. for him joining military was a way to give back. >> my parents were always helping people, they instilled in children that idea of giving back, and public service is important. everyone should try to to one form or another. >> after fortunated with service he -- he was finished with service, one of his newest pro project is amp your good, they donate fresh fruit evening vegeo
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a local pantry. >> people who are struggling with hunger, struggle with high rates of diet related health issues, they need healthier food. >> a school or a company wants to hold a food drive but they don't need people too bring in can goods, pantry sends a note about what they need to the platform, to the web site, and employees, instead of buying stuff they go to the web site and click on the item, and drop it in cart. >> company would tell their employees we're doing a food drive, and instead of bringing canned goods in they send them to the platform. >> amp your good handles delivery of food as well, coordinators are saying how this helps, they see an increase in donation, if you have anyone you would like recognize for military monday, send us a note. >> a great story, pat is a good guy, it was fascinating, just
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talking about a problem no one really addresses, food pantries are about non-perishable items, people who need nutrition the most are not getting it. >> growing children out there, it great they hooked up with a business or super market chain there is a lot o of day olds things like that, that get thrown in the trash. >> yes, the way this is set up, and i was there for example, they held a food drive, they purchased food it comes from a wholesaler. i think it of stuff i bring in a food pantry like cake mix, stuff i don't eat. and you know it is. >> difference between someone starving, and taking what they can get if you can upgrade that to you get something healthy is a positive.
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>> last week, jeniah died from a dug overdose in june john and his friends were on the way to rescue her, they were pulled over, for a cracked windshield, they were busted with weapons and marijuana. >> 6 miles are away from getting that girl
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>> look at my noo new shark too.
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>> rail, i don't like it. >> justin miller from allentown, pennsylvania, a man with a bank stocbroken hart heart he lost hr a week ago to a drug overdose. this is the last photo, typically this is not a picture you would share on facebook or television, it was important to show reality of drugs and hopefully change someone else's path when they see this. >> have you sign this man? how about this one? these two, now internet famous, after taking over shi shia la bf protest over the weekend. and they have some interesting thins to share. >> represent donald trump, he is representing america right now. you know what i'm saying, what is this bull [ bleep ]
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, too bad shia you done get to central booking last night to get your butt cheeks divided, i wrote that joke. >> if you know these way t guyss know, we would love to chat with them. >> trump, trump. >> see this was 11 years old, she slipped into her family pool and suffered a spinal injury, she was in a wheelchair, she packed on pounds, now at 28 years old she lost 40 pounds in 5 weeks, she can walk up stairs, and she goes to the gym 3 times a week, she got most motivation, and now sharing her story so people with injuries would not be afraid to go to the gym. >> watch this woman who lost her hearing at age of 2, hear her husband a voice for first time after a successful cock la succ. >> how does my voice sounded.
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>> too loud. >> what do you think? >> he burst into tears, a beautiful thing. >> diana, declaw that cat. >> that is right, there is a catfight underway in new jersey, it seems the law may side with the cat. >> this i ruckus the cat. what do you think about the cat declaw ban. >> ruckus from jersey city isictatic that next new jersey may ban declawing. >> this is not necessary. >> the bill to ban of declawing of cats now is headed to senate, if this passes, new jersey will be first state in the nation to
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penalize veterinarians who perform the procedure. >> it is really psychologically difficult for a cat to adapt to not having their claws. >> describe the procedure as torture, similar to cutting off a person's finger, but opponents say this ban will just lead to more cats euthanized. >> she brought the cat home, it was destroying the kitchen chairs and a lot of ripping and clawing. and i said to her, you know here is the deal, we either get it declawed or it is going back, to the shelter, so we had the cat declawed. cat is a friendly cat. it is live a happy life. >> new jersey veterinarian medical association, also cite health risk associated. reference at risk owner who
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cannot take chance that a cat may scratch them and cause a life-threatening incident. the bill is now headed to senate, if it passes violators could face $1,000 fine, and 6 months in prison and a civil penalty from $500 to $2,000. >> let me understand this. if it is illegal in new jersey, you could go somewhere else to det it done, this seems it would hurt local veterinarians. and is this a conspiracy by anti-cat people to decrease the cat population overall? >> by the -- wait what? >> legitimate veterinarian said, you are going to kill more cats because of people who have medical issues, cannot declaw the cat, they will not adopt them or they have to have them euthanized. >> how many cats don't have claws in the first place? like 50%?
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what is the deal? >> you know -- >> there will be fewer cats. >> thank you. >> >> we need to educate kids at a younger age, literally. a class down to an rawde audito, and show them the county coroner, bring in a gurney with a body bag, unzip it show them a ttoe tag. >> john clancy never had an opportunity to speak with him face-to-face until now. the picture of 18-year-old jeniah paterson from pennsylvania, he was on his way to save after she called her counselor after saying her friend died in her present from a du drug overdose, in june, jon and his friends were on the way to rescue her. but they were pulled over.
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last week jeniah died from a drug overdose. >> it made me say, what if? what if i had gotten to her? he were 6 miles away. >> john and his friends received a lot of scrutny over their rescue mission, but the father around same time last year lost his daughter, to heroin. >> that dragon is chase able but not catchable. >> john has been in touch with jeniah's father, and plans to go to her service this week. he will continue his mission to raise awareness of drug epemic. >> my heart bled for him, i knew his pain, he had just talked to his daughter. he just told her, she had to get
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away from this. >> why did he have illegal drugs in his car to help someone else? >> we're focusing on this young girl he was going to save, he can't speak about a case that is ongoing. >> it struck me as ironic they had drugs in the car, but the bigger issue, they had a car full of weapons, aville -- vigilante band going to break up on drug ring, you can't do that, but it also speaks to a lack of government involvement. how did you have families so desperate their kids are in terrible condition they would think to do something like that? >> news we don't here are lives he saves, the people who come to him, that he has helped and yesterday, he had a rally in allentown, mayor was there, a lot of other people came saying this -- hits home for us. we want to help you on your mission.
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>> these two are now.
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>> why do you call them that. >> that is what they are referred in article, gum ba number one
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if you are one of these guys contact us. >> okay. kmart something magical on the baby monitor. outside his young toddler crib. >> let's go rangers, let's go rangers. >> he dumped a beer on the islanders fan. >> that is a joke, babies don't drink beer. >> let's go rangers. >> well, key to any great super bowl party.
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company is pairing up with mother's against drunk driving to create a party safe bag, with an alcohol sensor on the outside of the packaging, you blow into the bag, a green sensor means you are good to drive, and red means no driving for you. >> if you are blowing into a test tito bag, you probably already know that driving is a bad idea. >> but. >> suburban maple wood, new jersey may not be spot you expect to hear news of violent crime, authorizes are investigate a triple murder that was discovered in town apartment complex sunday morning. the dead a residence of maple wood who lived in that apartment, a woman from
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paterson, a man from newark, all 3 were shot, police are investigating the cause of dea death. and when they died. >> someone called authorities before noon on sunday. police started their investigation. there have been no arrests, people said they do not have any leads to motive, we'll keep you updated on the investigation, follow me. >> another great night of chasing news, happy monday, we'll see you tomorrow, thanks for watching.
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(bells jingling) homer: ho, ho, ho! d'oh! (tires screeching) (grunts) oh, are we gonna stay roto-rootered like this the whole show? it's rotoscoped, dad. whatever it is, it's making me sick. a noble experiment that failed. (acoustic guitar playing) bart: why is the sky blue? hmm... i don't know. just is. why are clouds white? no clue. why are people yellow? it's the way god made them. why is grass green? so you can find your damn golf ball. now i have a question for you. why did you leave your toy car on the stairs?


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