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tv   Chasing News  FOX  February 23, 2017 12:30am-1:00am EST

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the "n" word has been pray painted on interracial couple's door. >> police officers would have been on it. >> you just compared the "n" toward murd. >> i did not. >> yes, you. somebody trysted my words. >> wow. we are off. >> did you reg store vote? >> that was racial. are trying to fund the silver lining here. that was really rude. >> all my daughter preon the third floor. it will be all right.
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>> die man, you are chasing the story in sanford, connecticut. a racial slur on couple's garage door and they won't paint over it. what do you got if. >> take a lack at this. the n word has been spray painted on couple's garage door. i went to start my car, and then then, i saw this. >> what did you think? >> he found the graffiti on the saturday before martin luther king day. the question remains -- who did spite that is a good question. we have left the sign up. we pecks the police department to investigate as we have been targeted for many years and the police have done nothing. the only problem is, that by leaving the graffiti on the garage door. they are facing $100 daily fine.
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the city of sanford began to find the couple the fines amounted to more than $700. they are described as light citation as some neighbors have totally complained the vandalism is disturbing the neighborhood. but this couple kiss not back down? we have been targeted since '08 and, there is neighbors that work for the city of sanford that use the "n" word repeatedly. we called the police. they refused to out report. i reached out to the official as to learn more. i have not heard back yet. they have been investigating this. they have not been able to name a suspect. they also have offered to remove the group for free, but he tells me, this is not about the cause. this is justs about having the race im come to an end.
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>> i am not (beep). i am a black man. >> they say they have been target since 2008. do they have a history? >> he has reported thoughence dents to the police before. this is not isolated attack either. also been a victim of sexual assaults in the past. >> yeah. i told them yesterday. physical they don't go backing into the, the sexual assault, and the fact that i was beaten up mine driveway and had in jr. troy my brain, that if they don't do that, i am going to sue them. they need, um, that was back in '09. >> so that is what she said. she said she has been going to the police and said they have not been that is why she leaves it up there and reached out to the there is no try learn the response to that. i have not heard back. it is hard to verify the claims. >> i feel the couple came. think i have heard it before. it is painful. you want to be educated. i can see why they want another solution than taking it down.
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>> i will keep it up. i have dated many girls outside race including white girls. i would keep it up. the fact that the neighbors are complaining that the n word is in one of the neighbor's pay rage doors. that is bigger problem into. with only taking one side of it. >> you got a police force is saying they have investigated. >> so i wonder. wait. wait. >> if you take the other side of it. i wonder if it is just, you know, are they trying to make political statement sneer what kind of investigation could they have done where, it has been eight plus years and they are still veffing this kind of raiment. >> the cops have murders and robberies and rapes to investigate. >> let's be real here. if it had been a murder, police officers was have been on it and working the kiss and trying to find the suspect. oh, it is less than four. >> you are actually saying the board? >> you are saying that n word? >> no. listen. you got to hear this point. >> we have seen your point.
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you compared the "n" toward murder. i not. you twisted my word. it is devastating for a person who is black to be told the n word by someone by another rain. i think it takes courage for this couple to every day see on their own garage door the "n" word. >> it is important to pension the scene around here right fou. they live next door. you just saw mother carry in her son. so i think, this is lass sensitivity as to that. guess that the kids are going to see dealing with that? guess that? i like to learn at young what i am the "n" word meant. i had to understand i am different than every other kid mine class. i can not hear you. instead of the community putting teg word out saying they are phonedded by. i they should start a community watch program so things are coming to a newspaper end. >> action speak louder than word. >> there there we go.
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you are chasing a story. a lot of talk about refugees these days? yes. >> bill, look you, loy love it. i love nothing more than home cooked good a human story behind it. i spent time this week in a place like no other. the global grace cafe highland park. >> it smells good. the food is cooked entirely by refugees from various war-torn countries across the globe. every dave of the week, food from a different count friday different refugees. thursday, the food is cooked by this one. rice and beans. she is a refugee from congo and her husband and four kids made it here after her entire family, her three sisters were all called in a war there. her oldest son went tough school one day and was never seen again. >> my son. he was in school. he didn't come back home. i don't know if he just died. i don't know. u don't snow.
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>> yes. yes. >> now the golden grace cafe joins the reform church of highland park. they have long worked to velt immigrants. >> we have people come every day. where else can you get this kind of global delight for $5. $5 for on tray. to have thep toos of conversation that happened when caring loving people come together around food. it feels like come-ian in. the food alone is worth a trip. $5 for home cooked meal. really great exotic stuff. ice it good. >> it really was good. yeah. i had food cooked yesterday bay syrian woman. the hummus was amazing. >> wonderful. >> first of all, one, that this is a great country. we're blessed to be here. people that can get here. it is great. what both perked me. we are not getting to the real conversations that americans including donald trump not only value immigration but this is the foundation of the whole country.
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>> i am sorry. i don't think it is the media. i think this is trump is too quick to sign bill to sign that executive order when these are the stories that he really needed to listen to. the i come out with this report in 2013. the! on travel and a change in refugee tat us absolutely is four year too late. >> he is at the betting process for refugees. refugees are different than immigrant. >> abc hatly. >> it is so hard to get here as a refugee. they should have privatize the whole process. >> we know how government works. government doesn't work. >> yeah. right. >> right. >> they do the contractors. they do the background check. >> diana, one of the favorite tortries, chasing news seems to involve this. what do you got? >> yeah. >> and me. >> and you. >> what do you got into well, new jersey has a cat problem. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ a too many. ♪ ♪ >> around 100 million feral cats are said to roam free across the u.s. >> that is a loft cats? that is a clot the u.s. >> still, though. >> yeah. >> but well, animal shelters are now getting overwhelmed bus that winter, the temperatures are been high. >> i see a lot of cats around here. >> yeah. yeah. >> 28. >> 28 cats here today. >> sterile. >> well, in madison,. >> go ahead. i am sorry. i am sorry. hubert pis in madison and people are for animals in new jersey. they recently had to take in 133 cats rescued from another shelter.
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>> yeah. >> 133 cats were take be out of the house where the rescue just got overwhelmed and no longer care for them. >> one of three locations where we're holding the cats. >> they know how to fix this problem. >> it is a problem. even in the state of new jersey. it is a very big thing that we need push. >> exploring the benefit of neuter and release programs in the past them pronones say improve the life feral cats and improve repps between cats and people, also, reduce the cat population in the long term. >> saying hi. >> they pointed to state like massachusetts where ashley really hard to adapt cat and so therefore, cats are brought in from other states for adoption. >> to roundup and kill cats any pore. so we are trying to promote a humane method by taking care of
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the reproductive capacity and neutering that keeps them from reproducing and live out the normal lives. >> so why are they not putting forth the program moose well, cats could be a pub make health risk. they point to issues like rabies and they also point to the killings of birds, having more cats in the industry. i will tell you that people for animals when they were spaying the cats and neutering them. they did lass vaccine for the rabies. >> cane ask you. a oh, god. >> neuter, replease? that is. release where? >> outside. >> in the wild? >> i doubt it. in your backyard. >> here is what i was back to say right now, throw this out there. the fact it has been mild is they are reproducing more. right. >> mother may tires not doing mother mature's natural job of killing the cats. >> well, i wouldn't think of that i way. they are reproducing earlier on. you have more cats outside. i guess, a season for which they
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tend to. it is awkward. >> i don't know. that is what i am getget at. >> trap, neuter, release. trap, neuter euthanize. >> just saying hi. >> if you are talking about the president ef the united states, have the courage of the conviction to say it then take the heat. >> governor is ready to fight. >> bill murphy cutting on tape comparing president trump top adolf hitly. i think needs to go back to school.
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>> police in new mexico arrested this young woman. she was charged with dwi. check out the rid grow the police officer's body cram while he was attempting to arrest her. ♪ >> doing cartwheels friday night ac like an idiot. >> the driver laughed in the officer's face when he was trying to arrest her. >> ok. we're done. stand up. stand up. >> this fot the on her son's face book page. the number one pit crew which
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polos the ten-year-old son's battle with leukemia. it has since gone viral. in the caption describes the daily struggle her son faces and this photo posted a weak ago and drake has been put that the hospital for dehydration and other medical issues. the amly has set up a you caring page to pay for ned call expenses and as well as put a mailbox together so people can also send donations and cards and things like that. you can visit the facebook page for updates and the latest on his battle. >> one is a private citizen. i am student of german history. you can today into those observations for the 1920's.
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>> democratic candidate for governor caught on tape or comparing president trump top adolf hitler. we're joined by matt rooney. you broke the story. what do you got, math smooth i tell you, this one is something else, bill. so murphy, the presumptive democratic nominee for governor of 2017 here in new jersey was in a rally back in november 20 right after the election of president donald trump. pe was speaking a big group in montclair and he made some interesting comments, among them, compared donald trump's throws the rise of adolf hitler and the natzis in germany back in the 1920's. we posted the video. it blew up. a lot of people are putting a fresh set of eyes on who this guys? jessica, you caught up with the lieutenant governor today? what did she say about it? >> the gloves are off in the new jersey race for governor. the lieutenant governor is ready to fight?
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we talked about murphy comparing trump top hitler. >> if you are talking about the president of the united states, but clearly talking about, and you are clearly referring to the president of the united states as hitler, say it out loud. have the courage of your conviction to say it. an pent leaked attorney general. >> well, that means the answer is not for the governor's office but to the people. what i am doing is suggesting that the governor whoever that next governor would be, hopefully me, would give up a large part of her power to the people. >> what do you think about what kim said? i mean, is this the reason phil was dancing than whole sure talking about how he lived in germany. he studied german history. i mean, almost a ridiculous statement tell that made. and obs i, the comparison was to hitler. >> yeah. i meap.
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i think that are mur ny needs to go about a k to school. the person that drive mess nuts. i know what drives you nuts with poll tegs, too, the hip pock sive it. aren't you doing what you are criticizing. aren't you doing what are preaching against? that is the kind of guy that will move new jersey forward to overcome the massive chal endings we're facing into what is the take on kem's call for the pent elected attorney general as yeas pointed out and is it in your fies christie. does that help near yes. it is it in your face? yes, because is in yore face. it will help. hook. new jersey is one of only, i this i, seven states in the union that does not directly elect the attorney general. viz somebody who with is accountable to the people, who has interferertive to lock folks up. quite frankly, would you have seen light more people go to jail in the past few years if we had thank had that independent incentive. i don't think anybody is going to disagree there are people who
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deserve to go away. >> i don't care with a the neighborhood 3:00 thinks. >> wait. i lost it. >> i am just really, really frustrated over this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> well, guys, this 20-year-old is winning the internet after using red pins to mark out a four page apology letter from the ex-girlfriend. the sweeter than now viral poet tow. you grade it. send it right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ many critiques including useless fillers, lack of supporting details and even lackadaisical handwriting. my favorite part what is he had at the end. the half credit will be accepted to have 61 out of 100. >> the robb the cops like homework. >> why got to the facebook page to get the answer in. that whis a ten-year-old did. went to the ohio face book beige a math problem.
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this is the problem. ok. i need when the homework. cops responded okay with what. >> went on and on. the police officer helped her out. you up believable. really amazing. the mom was so proud she posted on the facebook page. >> what i hope that is my life is inspiration. >> c committee o of the national urban league says one of the biggest efforts is making sure that america continues to be great for everyone. >> how do you say about the more radical groups out there? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> this is the first time. wouldn't you know the animal control officer got arrested on monday. >> can you panel win? i finally meet animal control. the guy is solis at this
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>> so there are three deer leg. are you ready to go? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hi, guys. week i am introduceing bill, a
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night of entertainment at the comedy couch in springfield. well, the muffin joke. two muffins. sitting. one muffin says to the other muffin, no. it is getting hot in here. the other muffin says, woe. a take muffin. 3:00. >> so to pronot the comedy club performance. comedian caught up with bill and i on the radio. you have to be firm in the face of disapproval. you have to be like be ok when the audience does not like what you are doing. bill is already there. >> spread will benefit the boy and girls clubs in new jersey and catch the next vent, catch a rising star on march 2nd. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> what i hope is that my life can be an inspiration. inspire them to live life excellent.
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in spire them toll live a life of service. inspire them to live a life of principal. >> ceo of the national urban league is a public servant politician and business man. and i am-ored to highlight his work as visionary for black history month. he leads one of the negotiation's oldest and largest civil rights org mayzations which is all about action. >> we serve two million people. we are not a think tank. we are not a talk tank. we're what i call a do tank. and by doing, we're unique. >> and in today's chi mate where we have seen our country divide after heated election, he says one of the biggest efforts of the national urban league is making sure that america continues to be great for everyone and not taking a step back in time. >> well, it is important that our job is to push and encourage and hold accountable fever person, every member of the senate, every men of congress,
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and with respect to the mission of the national urban league. which is to ten able not only african-americans but underserved americans to end the economic and the political mainstream in this great mation. >> bill, he keeps it real and reminds everyone, especially young people, to hold true the values and principals, if you want change, you got to be 5th part of that change. >> you have to get off their, get off their blanks. 1:00 and enter the fight to be sivecally engaged. to be part of the conversation. >> he as it the forefront of change, i asked him, a do you hope your legacy says no i hope that my work and my life inspires others. >> i was incredibly inspired when i was young, when i was boy by my parents. by come in the leaders that i had the opportunity to meet. you know, he is interesting guy. he accomplished a lot.
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how does he feel. well, we had in-depth conversation about black lives matter. he would not categorize that. >> small people have to realize that. i am response to what has the chi mate of what happened with unrm ad black men being killed. i would to love seize real conversation based pin fact. i meap, you know, nobody in these organizations not black lives matter m. deal with the fact that 40% of black americans say that obama was the most racially divisive presidents. like that. i don't understand why that is not discussed. ur don't think some of the divisiveness with obama was the fact he was black president? he faced a lot of adversity. >> well, another great night of chasing news. thanks for watching. if you thought tonight was contentious. wait million tomorrow. see you then. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ the simpsons ♪ (grunts) (exclaiming) (school bell ringing) (barney belches) (playing the blues) (tires screeching) d'oh! (tires screeching) (grunts) (homer humming) (chuckles) what? what?! hey! up your... oh, sorry. yes, sir. who are these guys? (phone dings) meh?


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