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tv   Chasing News  FOX  March 18, 2017 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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>> tuesday was historic day for east coast kerrs. he was go saw one of my best friends die right there. >> did you get thought and surf? >> no. it was ing a kite. >> sorry about that. >> due mid life crisis. >> what are you doing? ♪ ♪ >> this is a great shot. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> a huge winter storm and did p that ended in new jersey. i mean, did you see what
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happened? this happened. >> i cannot really talk any more. i have to watch thing this. >> mesmerized by it. >> watch. watch. watch. he is gone now, right? is down from the frozen depths. >> and, and, and, no. he made it. >> wow. bill: just to char fy, that is not you? reporter: not me. [laughter] reporter: tuesday was not a huge weather day with the storm that hit the east coast, but also a has toic day for east coast surfing. >> i when that air when i realized i made it. >> i completely thought he was gone. i was like, i just saw one of my best friends die right there. reporter: that is new jersey mill ocean city, post surfer, rob kelley, they are watching the now viral video of kelly's amazing on long
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beach island after tuesday's winter storm went through. this is, websites all over this world, dropping jally. i caught up up with kelley at the surf shop. >> probably the best wave ry seen on the east coast and film. >> right now, i am thinking it is going to be a close out, but a good view. either way, when these guys are filming, you now it is going to be worth it if you go. >> i have been surfing for 30 years. i have to agree. this is the best wave i have seen ann one ride. >> that is good wave of hawaii's pipeline. >> this is long beach island. did you get throughout and surf. >> no. was flying a kite. >> sorry moore bayed? >> cue mid-life crisis. >> it was so big, that is enougt
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let me out. >> hawaii or california. >> the surf shop after they burped down, actually rob kelley himself. hes a one of the ones that actually gave me surfing lessons with ellison down there when i did not do what he did. i was saying that every single time. he was great. he traveled the world. very cool. here is the question, though. how often does a wave like this come to new jersey. well, you don't fess arley hear about the great waves. >> probably, the biggest swell we had since 2012. the day the world was supposed to end in 2012. >> this is a longer version of this on, which has a lot of more footage from the productions. wipe outfun to watch, makes me feel better about myself. >> all right.
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thanks. >> definitely pretty awesome. >> you want to do ashley last instead of jessica? >> it hisser good bi. i feel like she will be emotional. tears, hugs, wailing and nashing of teeth. ♪ >> so the fdny is mourning the loss of 44-year-old arroyo. emt,fdny for more than 14 years and struck and killed my her own ambulance on thursday night in the soundview section of the bronx when arroyo and her partner were flagged down and told somebody was hanging on to the back of the ambulance shall are they stopped and told the guy to get off 25-year-old jose gonzalez goutp ap jumped into the ambulance and tried to driveway. he eventually ran aroar ya over and drag her sometime before stopping in this street. gonzalez was arrest and booked thursday might. >> in man of 2015, taiwan
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was innocent victim of drive-by shooing that left him paralyzed from the waist down. doctors told him, he would never walk again, well, thanks to riley hospital for children, a lot of physical therapy and a lot of determination, as can you see, taiwan has the odds and he has taken the first steps since the accident. he still has a long way on the road to recovery, but for him, this is a tremendous feat, so way to go, taiwan we're all rooting for you. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> give it away now. ♪ give it away now ♪ give it away ♪ give it away now ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [laughter] bill: pretty good. reporter: forget madison square garden. fans thought they were going to get the red hot chili peppers in intimate stadium. the men with the shirts off drenched in sweat, looking
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all sky, up and down, that is what the fans thought they bought tickets to at the theater in staten island. this -- ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the red hot chile pipers nstrument, ad. bagpipe. what is going on here? people can't read? eye guess some people have a hard time reading. dari: am glad you said that, right? reporter: right. he said every day since they started selling the tickets which is back in september, they have gotten calls from people walk their money back. they actual sly a refund policy and they got so wrap set, we did starting give people a refund so you could sell it. so i asked people who are going to the concert if they were disappointed and it with as not the red hot chili peppers. the chili peppers, do you want to go? i said, certainly. have you heard of the chile
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piper ifs. >> not previous, no. reporter: are here, right? >> i am here. yes. >> you know, i think i would to love see them too some day. this is sound like a fun thing to do. i was speaking to mike who was concert gore. he said knew. >> this is bad as bagpipe, ok. rock 'n roll bagpipes. reporter: i picked it out for myself. i went backstage. i caught up with the band. they gave me a special performance. >> yeah. am ready. pi am ready. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ reporter: they sink rock cover band songs but they don't touch the red hot chile pepper stuff. >> they stay clear. right. right. right. reporter: they were inspired. that is why they called themselves the red hot chile pipers m. so they asked them. are you upset that people wanted their refounds. itp happened. i understand that refunds and hopefully, they take the people that enjoy life
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and music and they will see highly baffle energy. reporter: i asked them in the skirts. i was corrected. it is not skirts. it is kilts. bill: right. >> reporter: what about the skirtst? the men wearing the skirts. i have to say that. we don't have that in the american culture. >> we call them kilts them they are a lot longer and heavier. it is part of our traditional dress. we wear them. reporter: skid did the red hot chili peppers know they exist? yes. they are aware. they stay clear by not performing any of their music. i asked do you want to be as big as the red hot chili peppers some na. bill: that is mart. reporter: do you want to be as big at the red hot chili pepeprs. >> definitely. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i don't feel bad for any of the people. don't think they should have go in the refund.
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you not read the fine print. >> come on. bill. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ reporter: this show is absolutley amazing show for the whole family. come and see it. come see these guys as well. bill: guy, the greatest show on earth and entertaining the masses for almost 160 years. i am taking the ringling bros. and barnum and bailey circus they have delivered smile force generations, but after close to 15 decades the ringling brother. now this weekend you can check out the circus for the last time in the state of new jersey. now, spectacular new show called out of this world was created for the final tour and the sun national banking center in trenton is the perfect int maintain venue for the awesome good-bye. now, i met amazing members of the team. one human, three of the llama variety. mixed animal trainer laci walked out toward me and i
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hear they spit. >> i did not. >> well, they are south american laminas work the me the show. >> a lamb man the building rating here. there it is. yeah. they were well-trained. didn't sit like he is doing right now. that is how a lamb mall sits. that is how a llama spits. >> it is. it is. >> yeah. yeah. >> yeah. >> so ner first time, actuallying about to be part the show, too, editor montage showing a shove me busting about every time i get on the ice. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ at ringling brothers circus only five shows left this weekend. thetor is going to trav tell up and down the east
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coast and end for the final time on may 21st from uniondale, new york. they are going to go out with a bang. >> ender are a. >> yeah. >> see this in the past. are all going to find other things to interteen you. a lot of the people in the entertainers, they have been doing this for generations. that is stood see. what is going top happen to them? no secret. preparing this apart for years now, saying that the victims of all the horrible crimes and treatment, when in reality, they were treated quite well. >> that is review. >> yeah. >> yeah. ites not animal activisms. is good old capital. >> all right t. thanks rohan. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> a complete 1880 with his life going from being bartender to seminary school. >> had my heartbroken where ash brock be heart. people come to me with problems. the guy has been out in the real world. >> a perfectingway. he has been training his entire life. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪
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♪ >> in 2015, in march 2015, taiwan -- sorry, ok. ♪ ♪ >> chasing news on new jersey 101.5 get to meet up with the two come immediate yips headlining and featured at the stress factory comedy club in mu
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brunswick for st. patrick's day weekend. here is a little taste of what they bott. >> what do you call a blacking ? >> a pilot. >> we delivered that as well. >> i realized the delivery. >> caught in the cross-hairs of his own claims that president obama wiretapped him using a british spy agency. not surprisingly, britain is not too happy to hear bar that. they are the ally in the midst of the big diplomatic hullabaloo so the political panel to break it down for you sunday at noon on my 9. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> michael, snow. what do you snoot i think it say sade all, bill.
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we had a whole bunch of snow middle of march there is no going to be more allegedly perhaps the >> you are killing me. it was not expected. the snow was not expected, butway, there is going to be more snow. now listen, this storm coming is nothing like its predecessor for most of new jersey central and southern new jersey. i don't think there is going to be as little if any snow but i amsaturday nighty as the storm gets off the jersey coast and it starts to gather moisture and then i think, across the northern part of the state probably interstate 80 on north, i can see a couple of inches that does include new york city and long island but i think for the most part, this is not a huge problem for new jersey, but you got watch out saturday night, sunday morning. what about the? i what about snooker well, right now, am thinking this is an inch or two. saturday night or sunday. think is going to be a band of two to four locally six,
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buy think that is north of the city, you buy he'll tell you what? i don't trust the storm. you know when your parents told you, nothing ever good happens after midig outside. well, nothing ever good happens when a storm gets off the jersey coast and be gps. thanks. >> thanks. >> take look that construction ongoing friday morning on the camden water front. what is going up sneer camden tower. who is behind it, south jersey power broker. who is paying for it, you? you are a new jersey taxpayer. construction work was ongoing less than 24 hours the e economic development authority and approved over 200 million in tax bakat will be on this ground. the tax breaks are spread out over ten and and $86 million for strong and insurance company which he said in a statement one of the foremost in the world.
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now christie administration has given our tax breaks like they are going out of style. they tallied up all the tax breaks given out by the governor in the 7-point a years of office andnd the record set is more and all the previous governors combined since the program started in 1996. what do you think about this? let us know at chasing news. tweet me. watch for camden tower and the waterfront in 201. 2019. bill: so a priest walks into bar. ashley, the me the rest. reporter: well, bill, what is better than finding a four-leaf clover on st. patrick's day. s patrick's . >> woe. >> let me tell you. i came to st. ann roman cath lirk church in par nis ny, new jersey, where i sat mas. afterwords i shook things up with father david pings who has quite the extra ford nary journey to priesthood. he did a complete 180 with the flights at the age of
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bartender to seminary school. >> the biggest challenge as he was actually not the church things itself, one of the biggest challenges i thought was going door lost the touch for whipping up a drink. he still know thousands make mean drink or a mean wine. well, now i had to say from going to catholic school, i was shocked that being a bartender did not bar him from becoming a priest. he does believe his former life makes him more relatable to his parishioners. i had my heartbroken. a broken heart. my people come to me with problems. this guy has been out in the real world. i was the homeowner. i paid my tax and had a mortgage. those kind of thing, every day problem that people deal with i think i can relate to them and i went through them myself. well, if you would like to check out father pickens, you can catch him sunday morning at st. ann's at 8:30 in the morning and also at 10:00 a.m. bill: oftentimes, par
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tenders can serve as somebody who gives you a drink or ty unofficial therapist and you pay them instead of the copay. this is perfect segue into him. he has been training his entire life. listening to people, hearing their problems, knowing all different wax of life. it is perfect. >> you know, we talk about, ashley said, young people are not flocking to church on sundays any more. you know, this generation is having somebody relateddable like he said. well, he has little butt of a cool factor in his back is tough to people to relate when similar, you know, life. >> well, i am facenated by people, you know, especially priests who say they got this calling. what? what exactly was that? so i missed that. did he expand whatpp that ended in a made him want to change showers in he said it was always in his heart thand his faith was something that was very, very important to him. it is not like a bad boy, who, he has been in the
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church his whole life. >> thanks, ashley. >> thank. happy st. patrick's day. happy st. patrick's day ashley. thheering and applauding] bill: so billy, that is big day. >> it is kind of a big day. the national holiday. >> what i like is that there is some streets you can walk on. the great accent, obviously. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> give it away. give it away now. bill: pretty good. reporter: the men with the shirts off drenched in sweat looking a all sexy. instead, they got this ♪ ♪ ♪ fios in the house! dave this fios party is da bomb!
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fo shizzle! it's tv totally ahead of its time. yo, let me check that. oh snap. that x1 voice remote is crunk! and it lets me search with the sound of my voice. what should i watch? things have come a long way since you got fios. [nervously laughs] what's fios? fios has fallen behind. don't fall with it. xfinity x1 will change the way you experience tv. ♪ >> the hast day here at chasing news. >> they want to be the last day without that. ♪ ♪ ♪ reporter: well, guy, todays the last day here at chasing news. i will leave with you this. maestro.
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so you know i love you. i think you are great. the muffin joke is dead. you are over. it is late. so please don't cry. so that is why irish good-bye. chasers keep chasing. my piece of advice, treat them ed others nice, it is time go, ashley hall out, mic drop, yo. [cheering and applauding] >> wait, wait. i for got. ♪ >> april the giraffe is still pregnant. bill: oh, am coin. plaus of. [laughter] >> oh, come in. >> the giraffe is still pregnant. reporter: talking about food. a food tradition goes along with st. jof sea day and sane patty's and came to the radio station as a guest on the radio show and posted it in the food blog to celebrate the festival ♪
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♪ ♪ >> happy st. patrick's day. happy st. patrick's day. we got a guest chaser. big brother billy. [cheering and applauding] my brother billy donahue in dublin in ireland. he lives over there. popping in and out. >> give it away. hi. phil, fill us in. what is going on over this. tell us about the parade. report. >> ok, the parade was just behind us over there. i don't know if you can see on o'connell street the general post office back this and an hour and a half or so. >> well, bill hi, this is a big day in ire lan. yeah. is a big day. pitas national holiday. so the schools are closed. he is today. the chase mates here, one of the buddies is here. you always bump into
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people. >> all right. all right. >> he has diverse school, too. >> so in fork, the biggest difference between st. patrick's day and a regular days the bars. everybody is packed the are about as and drinking for the rest of the day. how is it in ireland? what do you do for st. patrick's day. it is a holiday. suppose, you know, it has taken more of that sort of aspect overz there than here. here it is family as well as that type of thing. there is a story behind the peaked fleas. >> yeah. well, i suppose that is, you know, sort of post national in the area here. ♪ >> i gets. >> look i heard a lot of people say, oh, they don't even celebrate st. patrick's day over in ireland. i had somebody tell me that today. i guess that is not true.
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that is not trau a all. now parades all over the country. all the townance the cities have the biggest one. >> how are you doing? 3:00. >> good. >> tell me what you like about better about ireland and what you like better about the united states? um, what i like better about ireland 3:00 is that well, there is some streets you can walk on. i like my family. >> and the great ac krebs obviously. obviously the accents. hi, guys. thanks for joining us. happy st. pat track did he day. another great week of chasing news. thanks for watching.
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♪ (couch and tv grunting happily) (giggles, gasps) (both laughing playfully) (both panting, sighing) (grunting) (groaning) homer: wow, an indoor water park. hopefully, this will put the final nail in the coffin of lakes and rivers. well, as a mother, i... we all know you're a mother. as a mother, i like that wherever i look, i can see a lifeguard. i'm finding nemo! i saw heaven!


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