tv Teen Kids News FOX March 18, 2017 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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(upbeat rock music) - welcome to teen kids news, i'm veronique. let's begin with our top story for this week. (uplifting music) competition, in sports it gets our adrenalin flowing. in class, competition helps keep us on our toes. but as amelia reports, too much competition isn't a good thing. - our generation is possibly the most competitive generation ever. for many of us, it seems like we're in competition from the day we're born. - well, in elementary school, it was all about who could run the fastest, who could jump the farthest, who could play basketball. then, when i grew up it became mainly about grades, and getting the right grades and being socializing,
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trying to have the most amount of friends amongst your peers. - [amelia] what are some of the things that you faced competition over? - i'm sorry. - going back as far as possible, what are some of the things you faced competition over? - uhm, i don't know, group projects in class maybe, trying to be the first to finish a race. i did cross country in the spring or at least get somewhere up there. maybe not first, but you know, just try your hardest. - well, i feel like as an actor, every time i have to audition for a role that i really want, i have to face competition especially in this business where everyone wants to be the best they can be. - mainly sports such as wrestling or lacrosse. - from getting into pre-nursery school to getting into college, we seem to always be competing. (people cheering) competition is in our nature. the scientist, charles darwin wrote that competition is part of the evolutionary process of all living things.
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that led herbert spencer to coin the famous phrase, "survival of the fittest". fortunately, we don't have to compete with hungry animals or hostile neighbors like our ancestors had to in order to survive, but competition is still a major part of modern day life. and while striving for a competitive edge can make us perform better, being too competitive is not a good thing. to discuss this, we're joined by dr. roni cohen-sandler. welcome! - it's nice to be here. - don't we get ahead by trying to do our very best? - well, it's great to be motivated, because that inspires us to set goals, and then we can achieve them, but we wanna make sure that we're not thinking we're gonna be the best in everything or that we're gonna be the best all the time because that's impossible. it's good to try to be the best you can be in that moment. - how can we tell if we're being too competitive? - well, if you find you're getting very upset about small disappointments, or if you find that you're becoming so competitive
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that you're seeing your friends and classmates as rivals, that can be a problem. also, if you find that you're not enjoying your achievements that everything feels like it's not enough, it's never enough, then pretty soon, you're gonna feel like you're not enough. - for some of us, competition doesn't come from ourselves, but from our parents. of course, i'm not saying my parents do that, but for those parents who put pressure on kids to excel, how can we, i mean they handle that? - i think, that's the hardest things that teen face is when their parents really put pressure on them. i think it's important, if you can, to talk to your parents directly about it, and to tell them how that pressure is affecting you. the thing is, yes, they want you to be successful, but they also want you to be healthy and happy. if you can't talk to your parents, find an adult that you really trust and can confide in, and perhaps they can help you find a solution to this problem. - what about getting tutors to give us an edge in class and in applying for college?
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- well, if you really need the help in class to learn the material or to keep up, then fine, it's okay to do that, but if you don't, if you just want an edge for college, i think, you would be so much better off spending your time doing something that you really enjoy, like a hobby that you love, or resting, or spending time with your friends. to be healthy, it's important to have a balanced life, and that also helps you keep a good perspective. - any final advice? you know, i think that it's really important to set your own standards, not to compare yourselves to other people, because the truth is you'll never be the best at everything, and all you should be thinking about is being the best you. - great, thank you so much, doctor. - thanks for having me. - interestingly, a lot of research shows that the people who tend to get ahead in this world aren't always the ones who are the most competitive. rather, the most successful people are those who are team players, who are able to work well with others. for teen kids news, i'm amelia. - in theater, there's a saying that, the show must go on!
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(clock ticking) too many of us try to come up with the perfect opening sentence. and if it doesn't come easily, we get frustrated or discouraged, and that only makes things harder. that's why you need to know about what's called free-writing. here's how it works. set aside a specific period of time, say, 10 minutes. start by writing your topic on the top of the page. then just let yourself go. write whatever comes to mind about the topic. don't worry about spelling or grammar, and don't pause to reread what you've done. that leads to wanting to edit while you're writing and that can really stifle your creativity. (timer beeps) okay, time's up. now, read through what you've written. while it won't be perfect, no doubt you'll be surprised at how free writing enabled you come up with useful ideas, words, and phrases. now that you've got a pretty good start on your assignment,
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writing that first sentence shouldn't be so daunting. i'm christin here to help you make the grade. - this report is brought to you by the concordia conservatory. - long before the movie, high school musical, hollywood turned out lots of films about kids putting on their own musicals. some of the most famous were movies from the 1930's and '40s that starred mickey rooney. - i've got an idea! our folks think we're babes in arms. well, we'll show them whether we're babes in arms or not. i'm gonna write a show for us and put it on right here in seaport. - and with the help of his friends, he'd not only write the show, but rehearse and perform it, almost overnight, but that required movie magic. in the real world, creating a musical takes a lot more time and work. - all right everybody, tonight is dress rehearsal, whoo whoo, we finally made it. we have our guitarists here tonight with us, so we're gonna get started. (playful piano music) - [katie] this is the final rehearsal for the monster of guitaristan,
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an original musical written for the concordia conservatory. - well, the story is that there is a town called guitaristan. - everyone plays guitar, everyone likes guitar, like, that's pretty much all they listen to. ♪ another beautiful day in guitaristan - and they're all really happy but then a monster comes. - this particular monster in our story smells really, really bad. - so bad, in fact, that he can't do what monsters are supposed to do. - he just can't scare anyone. he tries, but they're too disgusted by his smell. - fortunately for the monster, he finally finds someone to frighten, but only because the victim can't smell very well. - he meets a little boy who has nose-blindness or a cold permanently, and he's able to scare him, but he doesn't feel so good about it. - [katie] as it turns out, the boy has bigger problems than being scared by a monster. he's being bullied at school. so on the one hand, we have a student who's the victim of a bully.
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and on the other hand, we have a monster who really doesn't wanna scare people. - they make friends, and they try to help each other through these problems, and the show ends up being about, it's kind of an anti-bullying story. - so now you know the storyline, but this report focuses on how you write a musical. we'll tell you about that, when teen kids news returns. we'll be right back.
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♪ standing near or far we're continuing our report on the making of the musical, the monster of guitaristan. - [audry] it'd be funny if you put both your arms on them, like, "yeah, i'm the tough guy of the group." - [katie] before even any rehearsal for a musical can even begin, there's a lot of work that has to first be done. so, step one is coming up with the idea. (comical music) - the idea came about really accidentally.
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i was telling a story to my two sons who are six and three years old, putting them to bed at night, and they liked it a lot. ♪ it's another beautiful day in guitaristan - [katie] a common second step is finding a partner to help you, that's called collaborating. (comical guitar and piano music) in this case, rami reached out to matt van brink. he teaches song writing and composition at concordia conservatory. (comical guitar and piano music) - so when rami had this idea, and he brought it to me, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to do something together. so, i loved the idea. we've definitely batted ideas back and forth, but the idea itself, of a monster in the land of guitars was awesome. - [katie] step three is finding a backer to help cover expenses and to provide support
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as well as a location for the musical. - hey! - hi, how are you? - good, sorry i'm a little late. - no worries. - so, rami and i took the idea to kathleen suss, the executive director of concordia conservatory, and she loved the idea, too, and she wanted to put it on her musical adventures for children's series. - so tell me a little about how the concept's gonna come together with the guitar town and juggles, and then how you're really going to write the book, and then start on the music, and then with the collaboration between the two of you. - [katie] and that brings us to when the hard work really begins, composing the music and writing the song lyrics and dialogue. ♪ i couldn't run fast, i ran lazily ♪ when i called for the ball it sounded nasally ♪ when i called for the ball it sounded nasally - [rami] matt and i have done a lot of shows together. sometimes, one of us is writing and the other one's doing the music. sometimes vice versa, sometimes we collaborate. - so, rami wrote the script and the music
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and the first version of the lyrics, then he sent it to me. i did a draft and then i sent it back to rami and we went back and forth. ♪ it's always raining - [katie] with the script, music and lyrics roughed out, rami and matt then worked side by side to polish the production. ♪ boo dup boo dup dup finally, it was time to start rehearsing. ♪ in the land of guitar ♪ the sun is shining bright ♪ a multitude of smiling a populous delight ♪ as you're walking along - [audry] this is your wife, this is your daughter. ♪ you will see, getting, getting, getting, ♪ and all things guitary - here at concordia conservatory, we write a lot of music for our students, whether they're very young, age seven, or more established older students, like the ages that you'll see in this show. they're very excited about having something new written for them.
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just the idea of having, of performing something for the first time really gets them excited. - i think it's a great musical. - it's very catchy. i find myself singing you gotta get clean and guitaristan, and i love this play. - it's for younger kids mostly, but older kids, if they came to see it, they would understand and could relate to it. - i think the message is you shouldn't ostracize anybody because everybody can have a weakness. - everyone's different and even though some people are more different than others, everyone has their gifts and talents. - the monster of guitaristan is not just a great musical, it's a great musical with a great message. for teen kids news, i'm katie. - [luke] this report is brought to you by allstate. - [announcer] the allstate foundation's good starts young initiative, empowering america's youth to step up as leaders, like christian burgos who lost his sister to gun violence and now rallies for peace. - on october 19th, 2014 i lost my best friend.
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we must come together no matter what race, no matter what religion, we must rise as one. - too many adults think kids are problems versus problem solvers. we need to think differently, because one person could change the world. - [announcer] for more, go to (enthusiastic music) - you'll probably be surprised to learn which state has a flag that celebrates mother nature. i'll have the answer next, on teen kids news.
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thousands of acres of farmland and forest cover the state. in fact, early european settlers came to new jersey because of its fertile soil. horse farms, dairy farms, and agriculture fueled the engines of new jersey's growth. - the new jersey flag is unique because it emphasizes nature. new jersey often gets a bad rap, but there's a reason why it's known as the garden state. the english used it as their garden in the new world. they would plant whatever it was they were interested in growing in new jersey. - [eric] new jersey's flag pays tribute to its agricultural history. first, there's the horse, the official state animal. beneath that is the state seal with three plows. the goddess of agriculture stands to the right, holding a cornucopia of fruits and vegetables. on the left, the goddess, liberty, holds a staff topped with a cap. the cap is a symbol of freedom from the french revolution. blue images on a field of gold
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represent the state's first european settlers, the dutch. while stationed at jockey hollow during the american revolution, george washington is said to have chosen blue and gold for his troops' uniforms. today, that new jersey site is recognized as our country's first national historic park. - [randy] the flag really represents all that is good about new jersey. it's not necessarily unique, so much as it is an appropriate image for the state. - and it proudly displays an appropriate motto, liberty and prosperity. with flag facts, i'm eric. (comical orchestral music) - let's say you're taking your elephant out for a walk. and you decide you wanna go into a store. say for an ice cream. what to do with dumbo? well, if you're in florida, you're in luck. the law there allows you to tie your elephant to a parking meter. however, you must put money in the meter,
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or you'll get a ticket. good thing to remember. and if you don't, your elephant probably will. - if you have a tough time falling asleep, here's a simple trick to try, sniff some lavender. lavender is an herb with purple flowers. studies show that the scent of lavender not only can help you fall asleep faster, it also helps you get a more restful sleep. you can find essential oils made from lavender in stores or online. - this important message is brought to you by the national road safety foundation. they want you to keep your hands on the wheel, your eyes on the road, and you mind on driving. - [boy] we had try outs today for basketball. - i'm so happy i didn't play basketball. - yeah, cody's not gonna be in the team. - the new coach. - cody. - hey did you guys go to the game the other day? - yeah it was crazy. - no, i couldn't make it what happened? - we won 34-20. - yeah, it was nuts!
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- we should go to the movies saturday night. - actually, i think jack is having a party. - really, are you going? - mom? (phone ringing) - [boy] hello? - mom? - yes honey? - can you open this for me? - mom, watch where you're going! (tires screeching) - watch out! (loud thudding) - [little girl] mom, watch where you're going! - you may know how to make mac and cheese from a box, but i'll show you how to make it from scratch. it's easier than you think, and even more delicious. stick around, teen kids news will be back in a minute.
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let's get started, i'll show what we need. i've got half a box or eight ounces of dried elbow macaroni, one cup of low-fat skim milk, one cup of heavy cream, two cups of low-fat monterey jack cheese, and two cups of cheddar cheese. of course, you can use whatever cheese you like, just use in the same amounts. these are my two favorites for mac and cheese. let's start by boiling the pasta. when the water is boiling, add your pasta, as the pasta's cooking, pot, add your cup of milk.m her next is the cream.
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you wanna mix all of the pasta in with all of the cheese, now, t makehmm, smells just to make sure ti hmm, that's good mac and cheese, just like when i was a kid, and way better than what comes out of a box. at the culinary institute of america, for teen kids news, i'm fletch. - that yummy recipe brings our show to an end. but don't worry, we'll be back next week with more teen kids news, see you then.
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