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tv   Chasing News  FOX  March 30, 2017 12:30am-12:56am EDT

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>> dog owners in new jersey should watch out for puddles like this. it's called us processes lurking in these waters, could we link the outbreak into an increasing rat population in new jersey? >> is he registered to vote? >> that was racial. >> we are trying to find the silver lining here. >> all of my daughter's birth pictures were in the third-flo third-floor.
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>> you are chasing the story, don't drink the water if it is in a puddle in the street and you are a dog. >> that's right. dog owners in new jersey should watch out for puddles like this. then an action is lurking in these waters. it is a disease spread by rats and raccoons that veterinarians in northern new jersey has had left two dogs dead said september and another ten, sick. >> will be lethargic and have a fever, not eating. they could have vomiting or diarrhea. just general flulike symptoms we see. when we do bloodwork we see liver kidney failure. >> dog owners i spoke to in new jersey on high alert. >> a lot are fearful of bringing
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the dogs down. >> is it a lot more populated right now usually? >> yes. >> veterinarian say a mild winter is to blame. >> ponds and lakes, streams, during the winter there usually frozen. >> so what is it like having a dog infected with the disease? we just got to new jersey and we are going to find out. >> this is my dog max. max is 14 years old. he has been through the most dramatic situation of his life, other than an acl injury. he experienced the infection last summer. he had constant vomiting. he had the worst diarrhea episode i have ever seen of for human or a dog. he was lying around cannot get his body up. he was totally devastated. >> here's the thing, the
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infection doesn't just harm dogs, but people too. >> whenever we had a patient in the hospital they had to wear gloves. mainly urine is what were concerned with. >> you might recall in the bronx a man died of the infection after living in an alleged rat infested apartment. i asked the veterinarian, could we link this outbreak to an increase in rat population in new jersey? >> i just think that it's probably the normal rats that transmit the disease. >> there is a vaccine to protect your dog. those i spoke to say they are going to go out and get that vaccine. >> what does that cost? i'm thinking it's cheaper to keep the dog away from the puddle. >> don't spend the money on the vaccination. >> may be because the others were vaccinated. >> thank you. i appreciate the attitude.
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excellent. >> i didn't clap yet. >> check out this video. it looks like a scene out of the movie twister. michael was in texas earlier this week and captured all of the destruction. thankfully despite all of this no one was hurt and no serious injuries have been reported. >> the cleveland browns quarterback is great at being scared. check out this instagram video. >> this is from an angry snake and it scared the cabbie and the cart girl. and professional football
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coaches, the fake snake. everybody jumps out of the way when they see it. >> 18 months in federal prison for bridget and kelly, the author of the traffic problems of the e-mail. that is what the judge in the bridgegate case decided on tuesday. as a sentencing her cohort, former deputy executive director, bill baroni, to two years in prison. they were convicted in november as part of the scheme that realigned the towline in 2013 to punish the democratic mayor of fort lee. it was an emotional scene in court. outside after the sentence announcement, bridget and kelly in a brief statement struck up a note. [inaudible]
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[inaudible] >> kelly and baroni are going to appeal. the u.s. attorney's office is going to let them remain out of jail as long as the appeal is going forward. they show the scene inside the courtroom as first bill baroni, then bridget and kelly and their attorneys pleaded for leniency. both asking for probation which the judge ultimately denied. from baroni, something close to an apology. i let the people of fort lee down, refusing to call back the increasingly frantic mayor of fort lee who marked emergency vehicles were having hard time getting through the worst traffic they experienced in the history, only comparable to the day of 9/11 2001 when the george washington bridge was closed. both kelly and baroni were facing three or four years in prison. prosecutors asked for two years for each of them. during the sentencing remarks the judge had strong words for
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governor chris christie's administration. she did not mention the governor by name but she said it revealed that the state capital had a climate whether you are with us or against us. if you are against us you get radio silence, you don't care meetings, and you don't get your phone calls return. that was endemic to the administration. where was governor chris christie to request mark literally, sentencing was under way, chris christie was hand-in-hand with donald trump at the white house sitting at table talk about opiate abuse and christie's new role. >> a christie's at the white house today. >> acting u.s. attorney bill fitzpatrick who took over the former u.s. attorney paul fishman addressed reporters and not say much about what he said about christie. i have been covering the trial since it started, there is aple
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who were involved in what she call are able to lop off the tot the unhappy bride and but quoni are free there september 29. it train or no tr? >> by the look go down where ir. police are trying.2013 there woa
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ago. i was out of state when i came hebre's no train yet. up there's years while the also been some tai people. the good news is that governor ci itride the buses and trains. we need them to ride in ways this will hhich is great news.
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i spoke to the marriott north brunswick about it. >> when there's advertisers there's going to betray station. while we have seen the train station, i'm okay with it. there is going to be train station. but it isn't going to be tomorrow. >> i reach out to transit per statement and they told me that north brunswick station is in concept design and would feature high-level platforms. 30% of the design is completed at this point. real estate agents talk about the impact these billboards advertising the train has had even though the train has not arrived yet. >> it has been more interest into the town in north brunswick. it is brought more activity, as in more buyers come in and in sellers getting more money than what they've gotten. >> this new train station, to north brunswick would be in the northeast borderline between princeton junction in new brunswick. >> the palm is the governor and the legislators sold us on a bill of goods that we had to raise the bes gas tax, now theye
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the $400 million. instead of putting it into roadway construction bridge repair that they panicked everyone, there can it put up a new train station which you don't need in terms of moving people back and forth. but that's a priority? >> there has to be money coming into that area which will increase the money people are making. that means they can spend more money. maybe the economy will prove. >> i'm just celibate for the restaurant owners local business owners. they have been waiting for this for ages thinking i've made this huge investment, when is the traffic going to come in from the trains. now they can have this mindset that is going to come. >> except it is a hurry up and wait. >> one thing we tend not to do is ask questions like, what is in a hot dog and how our hot talks made. i stared in the belly of the beast and went to the amh meat factory. it smelled incredible. it was cool to be on mets all
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the meat products. stop laughing at me. >> that's unfortunate
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>> turkeys gone wild.
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>> you can either shake your head in disbelief or try to contain the laughter. unleashed on the internet on monday from detroit, snapchat video of a man running off their a kangaroo on a leash. >> they had a kangaroo on a leash. >> it's a snapchat video and it's unclear if it's a wallaby or baby kangaroo. >> i am so sick of the stupid draft. >> there's an update this time. >> she still pregnant, but, she is very, very close. all of her memory glands are preparing for birth. she is very close. >> that's awful. it won't and. >> i hope so. >> hot dogs, we all of them. what you got? >> if you know anything about me, you know that i am a big wiener fan. that does not sound kosher, i'm
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talking about hotdogs people. get your head out of the gutter. >> that's unfortunate. >> we all eat and love hot dogs but one thing we tend not to do is ask questions like, what is in a hot dog? how are hotdogs made? maybe we don't want to know that. i stared on the belly of the beast and had a tour of the a and h meat factory in hillside new jersey. i was pleasantly surprise. it was awesome. the ceo told me why his hotdogs and meet our head and shoulders above the rest. they take pride in what they do and use the best quality meat. >> today just use the head and shoulders? >> actually it's above the seven grid. you could be onto something. >> can we not ruin a hot dog for all of us? >> ten years ago we converted it into a factory. there's a lot of hard work and
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we been here for ten years and growing ever sense. >> then it was time to get after it. first i had to put on a hairnets and a jacket. i had to disinfect my shoes. we looked at the meat before it got mixed up. ninety mixed with 50 and it goes in a mixer grinder from there. they were secret spices. he did not want me to take any video the boxes in there. this competition does not know what the secret is. then it goes into the emulsifier. then it gets down to this emulsion. some is like a gui substance which is what is a build into the casing of the hot dog. from there goes and is put in a casing.
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stop laughing at me. then those links are hung on trees and their cook for about 90 minutes at 165 degrees. the mayor chilled for 12 or 24 hours. then it goes into the peeling room where the peel casing goes off. then the packaging line and the ships out the door. hotdogs they're making today are on the way to the sports stadiums in kansas city and st. louis. the smelled incredible back there. it was very cool to be in a forest of meat products. it is a man sanity. just being lost in a forest of meat. >> it's a woman's fantasy, i want in. >> okay, then. >> i didn't think it could get worse. >> or better. >> hook us up with some care packages.
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>> my firs cow are not going to make it in the hot dog? >> they use nothing from the ribbon down, nothing with the intestinal things. rest.f the backend that is why >> thank seriously, we will grill them. bring some of the horse radish sauce two. >> no seriously bring the sauce. nicely done. >> the only good thing that happened today, my car didn't start, hadn't argumentoto see y. so that is good. >> this is frank, 94 years old and still on the job cases. it's a 67th year the no
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attorney.e. you know wha happened to me when i say beautiful woman, i feel like i am only 93. >> i spent th a owner who had been acquitted of a double murder but sent to prison on related charges. >> i have seen it all. >> after the court appearance io attorneys. the walls here are a monument to family and an amazing 67 year run. also, a lot actual7 is you and n square garden. >> yes, be the guy from columbia. case in which she successfully n
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accused of shooting her abuse self-defense. the case set a legal precedent for battered women who ke.attora few >> i knew that god made us all different. bute same and we are all god's that is why i go out and are.n. i just do the best i can to help >> take it easy. >> what is it about skincare so? >>t really i have tried tons of masks before but i have not tried a korean mask. >> it'sy bubbles on my
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screen? >> if it looks bad just tell men >> ready, three, two. know the t
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a wild turkey makes when it hits the front of a windshield on a ar wild smashing into the front of the car. but another turkey went into a whole family's hous shop. a good day for turkeys. the bad decisions by thisnother 31-year-old man from he was convicted of aggravated assault niw serving 15 years in prison.hlywood actor playing the joker, this is real. this guy a public. joker.rnds, o
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have the answers suffer global warming and immigra a lot aboute beauty world. skincare. alicia keys an k kardashian but what you do if you not her or her and you can't afford an expsi dermatologist or the be source. bernie. i hopped in the cabin went over to the 59t and madison location to meet up with alicia. the ceo of peace and literally. that a company. she goes to korea once a month at least to curate this mask bar
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forskincare that has america so excited?'s really fun. it's not one packaging or experience, it's results driven and people searching with their friends. gone viral. >> i have tried tons of masks before but not a korean lke to i was looking alicia to see what i was getting myself into. >> what are my op here? chubby cheeks, i don't think i need anymore. alicia started me off with a black cleansing mask. cleanser as a treatment and their spas. it's packed with so many good ingredients that it is good fort
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literally bubbled on my face. >> it smells good. >> then it was time for the full treatment mask. this one was not black and scary li t. fun fact, there is -- at the bag of the mass, so if you take it out of the bag and put it onintensify the treatment pr. if you're interested in trying out the mask would do a mask self it, don't be also my favorite. if you want to catch more the videos, head ovhasing news. see you next >> another great night of chasing news. tomorrow. watching.
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the students of springfield elementary one of which will ensure the future of humanity he parking lot. (mumbles): yeah, yeah. annow, uh, what is your car powered by, uh, fat little boy? ah, hydrogen-- yeah, yes, wonderful. oh, how it blows. mine is potato-powered.i epu i'm not a potato. dad, i'm so excited! i think--


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