tv Chasing News FOX March 31, 2017 12:30am-1:00am EDT
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dark chocolate, lightly salted almonds and slow roasted peanuts... you might surprise yourself. nature valley sweet and salty bars. blissfully good. >> the real housewives kim d is involved in a double homicide. >> everyone a scare, everyone is upset. no mother should bury her son. >> i just feel like people in a piece. >> is there an outrage people have not figured out what happened? >> what he doing? >> is time to find a silver lining. >> all of my daughter's birth pictures were in that third-floor. >> maybe you are right.
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>> ashley, you are chasing a story and exclusive story. >> i was the only journalist invited to a vigil held by real housewives of new jersey star for aaron anderson, good friend of her son chris. and antonio vega junior who were brutally murdered and found inside her car that was set ablaze a week ago. >> aaron was always out my house and my mom's house. i think i only met him once but what i heard about him was that he was a wonderful father, again, no one deserves that. >> kim greeted aaron's mother with a huge hug and lit candles among her friends including real housewives of new jersey, dolores. she did acknowledge the vigil
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was coming at a time when emotions were high, especially after the video i showed you last week inside the courthouse. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] >> everyone is scared, everyone is so upset. this is a horrific thing that happened. no mother should bury her son. there are children left behind. i feel like people need peace and this might bring peace. candles and maybe say a few prayers and pull us together. show michelle and tony's mom that we're here for them. >> michelle says the support has been tremendous coming from kim. she also said that kim was able to help her book a hall for the -- >> she has been a lot of help as far as renting a hall for -- it's like last minute and
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everybody is all booked up. so we been able to book one today. aaron and antonio and everyone at that avenue. there will be a joint funeral in patterson. right now her prayers and families and friends into victims. in the cities where the kids were babies now i feel terrible for the mother. it is a horrible situation. >> what was the demeanor of the conversation like. is there an outrage to figure out what happened are such a sadness or anger. >> i spoke with her leading up to the vigil and that's one of
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the reasons why i was invited to attend the event. she was very genuine and very concerned. it's unfortunate this happened in a cannot be a more vicious crime. finding bodies that are shot and burned, that would blow anyone's mind. i admired where she's not wanting to be a celebrity but doing a vigil and it respecting the police as they did the vigil on. >> candy has been low-key when it comes to this case. she is going to throw fundraiser to help the victims families. injured she'll throw fashion shows she will update me and have more information about that. >> keep your eyes open. >> what has got the garbageman freaked out in westfield new jersey? the same thing that is everybody freaked out.
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the watcher is added again. an anonymous stocker who sent a pair bone chilling letters to the owner behind me. shortly after they bought it in 2014. the letter writer called him or herself the watcher as the couple in with young children if they were bringing youngblood to the house. and they vowed that they were watching. very creepy. >> don't freak me out. >> he's gone. >> hold on. i'm all flustered now. >> it's creepy out here. >> they're looking for blood. and now they report that february shortly after apparently even scarier letter has arrived according to a
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refiled in the lawsuit. the creepy story that everyone thought is now erupted again and has everyone wondering, what is going on. >> i guess there is a new letter, right? so i think maybe there's something to it. they're targeting a new person. >> that is scary. >> mr. handyman it truck is he here. apparently even when your house is being stalked by crave lunatic you still have to deal with gutters and try what rod on the porch. the question is, will the new letter which came just after the tenants moved and provided more evidence for the police? this is been investigative for three years. >> that's ridiculous. that should be aggravated
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harassment, misdemeanor, it doesn't rank high on the chart. i know families don't want to hear that but with other cases going, letters in the mail will lay low on the list. >> it does beg the question if this is just not a ploy to help them with their lawsuit. >> everyone speculating. they did try to go to the town and applied to knock this house down. subdivided into two homes and they were turned down. neighbor thought it was out of character for the neighbor to build two houses. it's a beautiful house. it's gorgeous. >> the owners of this house are getting it completely wrong turned into a museum of some kind when you can see youngblood. plenty of people like halloween, they like costumes. just embrace it because they're not going to sell it, not without story.
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[inaudible] >> i'm not sold this is really happening. >> to think letters are coming from innside the house? >> that would be the most elaborate and keep track crazy scheme. >> get out of there. the gutter guys giving you the ipo. eyeball. [laughter] >> nothing like having a lessening trump to get a great table. >> after the campaign in which donald trump said the country is divided. >> i did not come along and divide this country. this country was seriously divided before i got here. >> i witnessed firsthand how the trump name in time square when a man drove into time square with the trump unity bridge on wheels and how new yorkers that
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reacted. >> i also caught up with peter trump and asked him, what is it like to have the trump name? >> have you been getting negative calls of people trying to reach the actual donald trump? >> absolutely. they that i am connected to this man. they can't get in touch with him so if they complain they call me. >> i caught up with maxine trump across the street from battery park. she made a documentary called trump against trump. she is a bold him but protest signs with other people with the trump name. to trump tower to protest while he was inside. >> i asked maxine what effect has the trump name had on you? >> i have always had to think more about the name, whereby have gone it's like you related to trump.
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>> every time i use my passport, show my id. >> in fact her signature on her e-mail she writes, maxine, no relation, chart. she is actually british but some say i have to decide if i'm going to become a citizen of america and french oakley said while maxi maybe this is one time your name will actually be a positive for you. >> as i was watching the documentary found out what the name trump means. >> in the u.k. trump means to fart. >> really? [laughter] >> it's about the trump may. >> did she tell you why she would want to change her name to? >> she hasn't decided if she were going to change it but she would take her husband's. >> it's interesting at the impotence of donald trump coming in changing your own name and then have a people, years later
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having to change their name and what is going on. it's super ironic. maybe they should change their last name. >> thank you. >> sounds like this is helping her if anything. like where was she fighting her last name ten years ago? has she been religiously fighting it every year? >> it she's trying to move on from the documentary and focus on the rest of her work. she's working on a new movie called the ki to cater not to k. >> today there should in a promo for the beaches. >> new york city had commercial drone bands because the areas are so densely populated. as a result some don't fly new york at
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at nature valley, we know that you have to put good in here to be great out there. real good energy. real delicious energy. nature valley granola bars. just good. you don't normally run through a meadow at sunrise. but once you indulge in rich, dark chocolate, lightly salted almonds and slow roasted peanuts... you might surprise yourself. nature valley sweet and salty bars. blissfully good.
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>> the more than four decades ago, jan boyfriend lost her high school ring. her now husband had it on a set of keys when he lost his keys. after an extensive search they gave up. forty-five years later, somebody found the ring on the school property and it has been returned. >> if you're like most people you're probably got a pair of
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shoes tucked deep in your clos closet. a couple months later you pull them out and say oh my god, how horrendous. disregarding that. if you do have some of these issues, you could have won some money on tuesday in new york city. the good folks at odor eaters held a smell your shoe contests. surprise, surprise, the winner was conor, a 12-year-old boy, which is not surprising because 12-year-old boys have absolutely pitiful hygiene. great job conor, you have to grant. >> oh my gosh. >> not bad. >> that's enough money to get new shoes. >> welcome to gold rush of drones. there and listen night from
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expecting buildings to delivering packages to creating a film. we are heading out to waiting river, new york where one man says it's possible. >> i'm just about to get out to the beach for shoe. let's go. >> martin runs a media company and he uses drones to get great shots for his clients. today, this is his office. >> we are out here on the beach. today we are shooting a promo for the beach. >> drones add a new dimension for photography. you can two things and angles that are not possible. especially movie. >> martin has a certificate of fly which is needed to fly drones commercially. the only problem is the law. >> at the mayor passed a law that no drone fine in new york city.
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so, we cannot fly, we cannot make money. >> open areas like new york city have commercial drone bands because the area is so densely populated. and also close to airports. the federal aviation agency also has rules like you cannot fly above 400 feet. >> we fly up to 400 feet which is the maximum altitude that we can fight in america with a drone. >> as a result, some don't fly in york at all, others ignore the rule altogether. don't forget the headline last month when a drone ended up in a woman's apartment. groups are now begging for change. >> we are engaged in a dialogue at the federal and local level where we look at what it is that they're trying to do and see if existing law covers it. there is already a long place that will protect a locality or is it being done and away that
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it would not be in line what the fda cautioned. >> from an economics benefit that's hard to debate. one report says that from 225,100,000 jobs, and industry will make an $82 billion. that is a lot of change. if you think the rules need to change, tweet me a chasing news. in the meantime, happy flying. >> going in with the regular segment. lieutenant governor. >> the connection is not working. >> check out this heartwarming video of two girls opening up birthday presents from their best friend, they are both billed the bears and they talk. the voices are actually there late parents. one girl lost her mother to cancer and another girl lost her father to a stroke. so, her friend had a thought
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that would be an emotional and great birthday present to give to them so they can always remember their parents. >> i am working up quite the appetite today chasing. i wish there's actually cookies in that cookie jar house. wait a second. look at that. thank you. >> when you're looking to buy house you usually look for a few key elements. four sides, a triangular roof, that is pretty much it. if you want to stand out, there is a house in glendora, new jersey that is a complete circle. totally different than anything
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you have seen. the house is nicknamed the cookie jar house for good reasons. it looks like a giant cookie jar. this three-story circular house has storage and a bathroom on the first floor. a living room and a kitchen on the second floor. two bedrooms on the third floor, pretty spacious if you ask me. why would you ever make a circular home? i had one idea, the architect forgot his ruler at home and only brought his protractor. enough jokes. the real reason is, the houses built in 1949, it was to combat atomic bomb scare that was going on. the builder said it could withstand a nuclear blast and also it helps against a tornado wins because of the wind
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resistance would be a little bit better since there is no sides to it. if you want to get your hands on this one-of-a-kind circular home, the bidding starts at $165,000. the owner told me what the house meant to him. and how hard it is going to be to let it go. >> we have on the house for 20 some years. my wife and i lived there and our daughter was born there. we would've stayed longer when my son, but it is too small. >> if only the other houses in this neighborhood could talk, they would probably say i the cookie jar house is pointless. no, they're probably jealous. if you want to learn more tweet me on twitter or tweet the show i chasing news. >> bridget and kelly was sentenced to 18 months in prison, and bill bromley 22 months. it has been potentially
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devastating for kelly. do people think there's a at nature valley, we know that you have to put good in here to be great out there. real good energy. real delicious energy. nature valley granola bars. just good. you don't normally run through a meadow at sunrise. but once you indulge in rich, dark chocolate, lightly salted almonds and slow roasted peanuts... you might surprise yourself. nature valley sweet and salty bars.
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>> bill,. >> it you probably go they tell you not to play with rattlesnakes but the 5-year-old about a rattlesnake in the backyard. he thought it was a toy and he got bit on the finger. he was rushed to the hospital and got his first dose of antivenom and rush to a children's hospital where he got additional doses and he is now recovering. >> i have five things for you that you didn't know about bridget and kelly and bridgegate. she was sentenced to 18 months in prison and bill brogna, two years.
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number five, bridging kelly was hit by a drunk driver while walking home at college. she suffered permanent debilitating injuries. this was revealed in her papers by her defense attorneys. number four, the charges that she and baroni faced and were convicted on included two silver violations. they were formulated in the 1870s i meant to guard against the kkk. according to her attorney, back in that day the kkk whiplike public passage on roads and bridges to keep african-americans from moving about the south. the fence decided to apply those charges to the bridgegate affair. number three, they team a separate and kelly will serve in prison is 18 months more than the port authority chairman david sampson will serve. he extorted his own flight out of united airlines to new york to south carolina. the judge in that case gave him one your house arrest in his beautiful home, and two years of probation. no jail time. >> number two, the bridgegate aftermath and the trial have been financially devastating for kelly and her family.
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her attorney said in court on wednesday, that she is not been able to pay him and he's a pretty high-priced attorney. he's confident she will pay him back but the financial situation is so tenuous, no job and four kids that she hasn't been able to do so. number one, her son, was born 17 years ago. it's called total autonomous pulmonary veins with abstraction. his pulmonary veins were actually outside the hearts and on the wrong side of his body. he credits in a letter to the judge his mother for making sure he survived that time. it took 25 risky surgeries and now he is happy as ever. bonus fact, according to an archived version of her twitter fee, shall us to listen -- to enya. >> just for you, the feds in her court papers asking for the sentences were stated what david wafting set on the witness stand that governor christie was told
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of these realignments why they were happening at a 9/11 ceremony at ground zero. christie and his statement afterwards relies which amounted to a cover-up. >> to people think is a realistic possibility the sentence will change? or a reversal because of the appeal? >> it first the potential misapplication of the federal civil rights law and last-minute change by the judge who said the feds did not have to prove this is intentionally against mark. >> was going to happen to her children when she is locked up? >> according to her attorney her parents are elderly and it would be difficult for them to care for them for full-time. her husband has a smaller house and a golf pro who spends a lot of time working. >> it is what it is but we'll see. >> another great night of chasing news, thanks for watching. we will see you
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at nature valley, we know that you have to put good in here to be great out there. real good energy. real delicious energy. nature valley granola bars. just good. you don't normally run through a meadow at sunrise. but once you indulge in rich, dark chocolate, lightly salted almonds and slow roasted peanuts... you might surprise yourself.
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nature valley sweet and salty bars. blissfully good. (humming) ooh. (gasps) ♪ homer forgot his lunch box. (stomach gurgling) missed lunch. no energy... for second half of day. (shouts) empty. what kind of wife would allow her man to go to work without his baggie of pita chips, a peeled clementine, and little sandwiches cut into football shapes? ♪ (honking) move it! my husband is starving! (chomping) mmm. early pizza. mmm. (buzzing) woman: homer simpson, your wife is here with your lunch.
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