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tv   Chasing News  FOX  April 12, 2017 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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>> look at the surveillance video. a guy knocks out the maintenance man and forces him to the ground. >> the maintenance worker should have called the police. >> who expects to be punched? >> he was doing something wrong. >> exactly. >> don't touch nobody if you don't your hands put on you. >> wow. >> is he registered to vote? >> that was racial. >> trying to find the silver lining here. >> that was really rude.
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>> all of my daughter's birth pictures were in that third-floor. >> everything will be all right. >> take a good look at the surveillance video taken at the westwood court apartments in west -- new jersey. a guy knocks out the maintenance man and forces him to the ground. that police are on the hunt for the attacker. police chief shared with me over the phone that it appears worse than it is. >> when you watch someone punch somebody else that is horrible, which it is, but under the law it is a simple assault. he did not use any object, there were, fortunately no injury sustained by the victim. >> the assault happened around 9:00 a.m. on friday morning. apparently the agitated man was throwing sticks at a window inside the complex when the maintenance man asked him to leave. that is when the man struck the maintenance guy. >> there is a guy who punched
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him for no reason. i have never heard of anything better like that happening here. >> he clearly walked up, he did not touch him or nothing. they're both grown man. don't touch nobody. >> police say at this point i have been given a name and plan to check into that information. anyone with any leads in this case call the police, the number is on the screen and i have that number (856)845-2300 phon (856). i did call the residence for the maintenance guy and they told me he was [inaudible] the job. apparently he is not upper speaking. >> why are they downplaying it before they catch the guy? do they expect if it was a lesser charge people may be more inclined to turn the guy in?
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>> i don't think they are downplaying it. i think they are calling it what it is. they have to put a certain level weight given the situation. it is not like the guy hit him with a gun. he did not hit him with a bat. there are saying it is a simple assault. they want to be clear, they're saying it is no less important than an aggravated assault. they are active in the investigation trying to find out who the attacker is. >> maybe the maintenance worker should have noticed it was a volatile situation and called the police. you don't run right into a situation like that and not expect to get punched. >> but, who expects to get punched by just asking a guy who is doing something wrong to leave? >> the guy was doing something wrong, exactly. that is why you call the cops. do not get involved yourself. >> the fortunate part is the maintenance man is okay. apparently there are no injuries. it could be worse.
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you do not know someone's temper when you're asking them to leave the property. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> you are better from that site, but still sideways. >> okay, let me -- >> a bounce house was turned into a warehouse. five children were heard on saturday in a south carolina church festival. the winds swept up this bounce castle, all five were taken to the hospital. >> thousands of new jersey and long island commuters and duard a hellish commute in the days after last week penn station to roam it. one group of commuters was cruising along blissfully unaffected. ferry riders. after last week's nightmare, i decided to do the comparison that i expect many disgruntled commuters are making at nj
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transit close worse than. go by land, or go by see? i have a 7:30 a.m. new york waterway ferry from belford. straigh40 minute straight shot o manhattan's 11 near wall street. no delays, fresher, spectacular views, hot coffee. even enough room for me to bust out if you yoga poses on deck. >> compare that to the misery that life on nj transit is becoming. if you look at it you can only assume that the demand for more ferry and more routes will continue to grow. >> i took the train previously and the timing was unreliable. >> the quality of life for me you have the whole evening ahead of you. you can leave work at a later hour and still be home to enjoy your family and evening. >> if i was a first-time homebuyer shopping in new jersey, i would be looking not for a house near train station, but a house near a ferry
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terminal. the one prohibitive thing about ferry is the cost. forty trips is $645. that is what you'll pay for the month. in nj transit rail passes of $445. that's $200 difference. it's worth it because the parking here. >> brian -- i feel like you're missing the big point here. what about sharks? >> what? >> sharks are not an issue. we had problems back hundred one years ago. somewhere in 1915 was rough for sharks around here. five people were eaten by sharks here in the bay. >> how does he know this? >> it's been a while. i don't think that will be a problem.
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>> what i was going to ask is i don't know if sharks were going to be an issue, but the weather. >> it's the opposite. the fairies are more reliable and bad weather than the trains and the buses. >> but the point is, the ferry is in the water, the people are on the ferry, the sharks are in the water. >> have a scene in upswing in ticket sales? >> thank you brian. >> that's it. [laughter] is that it? what's going on? >> can you put all of that in an instagram story? >> yes. >> also. >> mention the sharks.
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>> in my really done rmi holding on for something? >> hangup. >> you have made this more awkward because you will not hang up. i need you to hang up so we can continue. it's a little sad. i have to tell you. >> this was the golden age of politics for the outsider, how can we forget donald trump, best known as being a celebrity boss on celebrity apprentice with the opening song, money, money, money, money. new jersey has its own celebrity going for top job of governor, jerseys, joe piscopo was known as a live from new york. it saturday night live, alumnus. we are joined now by joe piscopo who has signed major endorsements. we have had him on set on chasing news, now msnbc is falling all over him. >> my question this money, was a president trump a celebrity politician, and anomaly are the first of many? that might be put to the test this year thanks to s&l veteran,
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joe piscopo. >> is this a publicity stunt or do you really want the job? >> i got invited from the governor last week. i will walked out to a traffic jam outside the house. >> it is all about the great state of new jersey. and what is it msnbc falling? >> you haven't gotten in the race you. where do you put it on a scale . >> probably an 8.5 right now. don't forget, i still have a couple of months and i have a dear friend that i use as -- no names mentioned, bill. but i always feel like you have the pulse of the people. an independent might be able to win. >> what you think it is you? is it a stunt or do you think you have ideas that might turn the state run? >> between you and i, who wants this job? once the job, really?
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it's unforgiving, it is mind numbing. i have been working on this for about a year talking to people and bringing people close, learning how to permanently cut taxes, how to cut bloated budgets, how to work with the union, i have worked on this. it is very difficult. i can think a better stuff to do than attempting to run to governor in the state of new jersey. this is a job i take seriously. >> let's talk about concrete things. you stop the $300 million state house renovation of your governor? you repealed the gas tax quest mark to stop them all in the meadowlands? >> i think we put the casino in the meadowlands. we need that because i have to create a 100 million-dollar per year sinking fund that will pay for pension and welfare. people say you don't want it in the neighborhood, what you want? fan into in your neighborhood? what the ugliest building on the planet is entity. >> so were stopping them all
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project. >> i would develop the whole area. you need a casino before you do any more. you need a casino to commit because you have to address the welfare problem is a nightmare. >> what about nj transit? it's a disaster. how does governor joe piscopo deal with this nightmare? >> privatization, public private partnerships. >> you have a campaign slogan, what is it? >> and joe piscopo for governor, can't get any worse. how about that? >> there you go. thanks joe. >> happy national pate. a chasing as we love our animals and love our pets. so on april 11 every year we celebrate the animals to take a special spot in our hearts. we tweeted our viewers to have them send us photos. >> have a story we should know about? help us chase it
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>> you look nice and relaxed into have these stands called bikini paris' does serve coffee
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espressos and the like. some folks call for an investigation because they believe not all stance have illegal behavior going on there. some might. the ordinances forcing bikini paris' does covering up, you seem somewhat distractive to this whole thing. >> happy national pet day we love animals and we love our pets. so on april 11 we celebrate these and we tweeted to our viewers to have them send us photos of them and their animals. you can see at the photos on her facebook page. >> ashley, your chasing a story, no matter what the circumstances losing a child is something no
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parent should have to go through. >> sonja, sigel mom of five from northwood we give the world to turn back the hands of time to may 2011, the last time her family was complete. it is hard to fathom that she lost not one, but all three of her sons to gun violence within a span of three years. anthony and antoine worth 21 years old and her youngest son was 20 years old. she says her life is a calendar of painful memories. >> everything is hard. because he had three children and they are no longer here. you can never hold them in their hands. i would a calendar and tomorrow would be my youngest son's birthday. he would be 22. >> her oldest son anthony was shot at the end of may in 2011. she admits he was no angel i was in a gang and known on the streets as ransom.
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she believed he was targeted because of the life he lived. he died weeks later on june 21, 2011. >> he let a streetlight. but he was very respectful. he graduated high school. he would give you the shirt off his back. but, at the end of the day there are stories about him. but that is my son. that will always be my son. >> she cannot believe that she would have to relive the same nightmare with her son antoine who was trying to get his life on the right track when he was killed. >> i sat right there in that chair, he came in the house about seven and few minutes later someone came to tell me what happened to him. >> she does not want to pity party. she said sadly her story is a nightmare that so many parents in newark have to live through every day. >> i'm not the only person in my
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city that is here that has lost children. that is the sad part. i have friends at home right now going to the same thing. i feel so bad for them. >> i spoke with detectives who told me that her oldest son was tied to a gang. but in each of the cases they have no leads. >> first while you have to separate the incredible pain and emotion that regardless of what her son did or was involved with, this is a mom who has three kids she will never see again. separate that. then i always react to the term gun violence. i think sometimes people use that term like it is some random act. it really is gang violence. points to parents take responsibility or that she's just a victim of circumstances. >> she is very emotional. she said a lot of people attacked her and said she should about a better mother.
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it is one of those pains, she did the best she could. she's working, she's trying to raise five children. sadly, children become part of their environment. when it comes to newark it is unfortunate. they have the mayor who is supposed to bring a new page to newark. >> i know anthony ambrose would defend him for a moment. the reality is not only community policing the quality-of-life policing. they are going door-to-door and arguing but again, it is such a huge problem but the neighborhoods are not embracing the cop presence. it's not what you hear. they are embracing it. there is a light at the end of the tunnel. >> everyone has a bad habit they
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are trying to get rid of. most people, instead of trying to get rid of one bad habit at a time try to get rid of all of their bad habits at the same time. like whack a mole. that usually ends up exploding in their faces. so for the next week i'm going to pick one bad habit and work on getting it out of my life. as it chaser cooking is not something i do often because i'm on the road and i do not always know which city i will be at on any day. but, for the next week i'm going to commit to putting time aside to prepare my meals so i don't make bad choices. according to the usda food plan, the most liberal women spend around $75 per week on food. that is $325 per month. i blow those women out of the water. i eat out probably twice a day. with lunch around $15 and dinner around $25, that is about $200 per week and that doesn't include when i get a drink at
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dinner. find the root of your bad habit and find a way to navigate to get it out of your life. i enlisted the help of doctor jeffrey to do just that. >> recognition is the key. if you don't know you are doing something that is not healthy you'll keep doing it. >> resolution. solution -- >> i would say the best way to get rid of any bad habit, first of all you actually recognize it so that's really good. secondly, how do you get rid of that habit? i think the easiest thing is to replace it with a better habit. >> if you want to follow me along my journey, head over to my story. i will be posting all day long. two and in at night to see what the dr. thinks of my progress. hopefully by the end of the week i will have one less bad habit.
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>> there's always another. >> ten years ago jonathan suffered a major brain injury. he graduated from college and now works as a physical fitness instructor.
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>> what about sharks? >> sharks are not an issue. >> there you go.
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>> life can be tough and sometimes all i want to do is give up. but, what happens when we don't? this is one man's story on staten island. >> never give up. there is always another way. another outlook. >> ten years ago jonathan suffered a major brain injury after getting into a car accident.
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he was 21 years old and a football star at king university. >> i tell my parents prepare for the worst. >> and suddenly he found himself fighting for his life. >> we put on 70-pound. >> he had to relearn everything from walking to talking. >> the only thing he was doing was responding to -- by week two he opened his eyes and by week three he was more aware of his environment and trying to communicate. >> he graduated from college and works as a physical fitness instructor. >> one of the first places he went back to his king college. they were in sport supportive of his team and their at the hospital at a thank you to the coach.
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>> while the work continues, he is helping others do the same. >> ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five. >> it today his training michelle who he has been working with for four years. she suffers from cerebral palsy. jonathan is engaged in a father of a ten -month-old. >> america. >> so what is his message for those who want to give up? [inaudible] >> it tweet me your thoughts a chasing news. >> hi everyone i'm nicole, your glam cam operator. here's five things you don't know about me. number one, i've danced my whole life and most recently i meant to salsa and the cha-cha.
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number two, went to a catholic school when i was younger. here's a picture of me and my sister and are matching uniforms. uniform days. number three, i'm kind of a grandma. i love to knit and crochet. he thought i was cool, i'm not. number four, i'm kind of a band geek. i was in the color guard in high school. number five, i have an adorable pit bull mix named riley. i love her very much and would like to go on bike rides together. that is five things he did know about me. follow me on instagram at the glam cam and follow the show at chasing news. you wish you could be on camera. >> another great night of chasing news. thanks for watching. a member, if you've decided to take that ferry instead of nj transit, beware of theeeeee
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okay, homie, i'm plugging it in. wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! the gravestones could be a little more crooked. oh! let me just fluff up these entrails. and... light it up. (wolf howls) bleh, bleh, bleh, bleh, bleh, bleh. halloween at the simpsons'. what a classic tradition! are you heading up to the tree house to tell three horrifying tales? ah, we're doing it next week. it's gonna be psycho with skinner and his mom, muppet wizard of oz-- i'm scarecrow-fozzie-- and then, uh, one where furniture gets smart and takes over the world or something. mmm! sounds chilling! eh. people love it. everscream terrors looks amazing this year. i've never seen black cats with such arched backs. well, you gotta bring it. halloweening your house is a dying art.


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