tv Chasing News FOX June 2, 2017 12:30am-1:00am EDT
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it delivers a whole mouth clean with a less intense taste. so it has the bad breath germ-killing power of this... with the lighter feel... of this. try listerine® zero alcohol™. >> what do you think, sis way too far? >> i think so. >> this was an assault on the office of the presidency of the united states. >> to think there are legal ramifications? >> i got trouble for saying this on the radio to. >> while, your freaking out on something you nothing to do you are bunch of incompetent fools in your to be fired. >> all of my daughter's birth pictures from that their floor. >> may be a right,.
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>> michael, your chasing this story, huge controversy when comedians go too far. >> comedian, kathy griffin was in a bunch of trouble. she was recently fired by cnn and drop by a number of things including squat tea party after a photo of her holding what was a decapitated, blood he had of president donald trump, many people said it was out import taste. >> hello everybody. i sincerely apologize. i'm just now seen the reaction, i'm a comic, across the line. the image is too disturbing, i understand how it offends people. it wasn't funny. i get it. i made mistake and i was wrong. >> archie stress governor christie about the situation at a press conference on thursday afternoon. >> any reaction to the kathy griffin photo and apology quest mark. >> she's disgusting.
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i could go on if you want but. >> she is disgusting. i don't think anybody should hire a get her again for anything. >> joining us it is something knows a bit about politics and comedy, joe piscopo. [applause] >> joe, you have done this for a long time. you have a career in entertainment and showbiz. do you think she went too far deserved to be fired? >> yes, i think so. but i have to tell you i got in trouble for service on the radio to come she is a nice gal. she is very funny, very sweet. you know it can we talk with just family here in jersey. seems like it was a concerted effort to go after the presen president. it was inexcusable and not funny. i make fun of ronald reagan on saturday night live, david
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carvey did george bush, alec baldwin with donald trump, that's fair game. but this is a comedy. this is an assault on the office of the presidency of the united states. >> it has that happened to? has anybody written some to that went too far and you set i'm not doing that. >> no one saturday night live will push the envelope and you would always fight it and i would lose. >> as she in any trouble legally? was shot like an isis video, that's what hit people in such a gut level. >> now it's freedom of speech and expression you're allowed to do that. but you make a great point. look where we are, look at the terror attacks look at every 12 hours god forgive us there's a terror attack every 12 hours around the world. this is where you going to go? i knew right. it's not comedy at all. >> how to come off as a united country when were hating against isis when word joking about this as our president. it's embarrassing. i don't get it. >> what it comes down to us i've
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said it, push the envelope, make whatever jokes you want, but it has to be funny. forget to run the risk of offending someone you have to do it right. it wasn't funny and is not a good thing. >> joe, what you have going on? >> there's a giant guy at the radio and shoot jersey that we can't compete with. >> by the way, a medicine, new jersey for the gop this friday night. it will be fun. the mechanical on campaign for the lieutenant governor. they'll come up after she wins the primary. >> go get him. >> high-speed chase. start us off. >> check out the cell phone video that shows a deadly confrontation between two bounty hunters and a fugitive inside a car dealership. this happened tuesday and all
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three men died. >> the to her license private investigators from corpus christi sent to track down ramon michael hutchinson for an outstanding track case in minnesota. the video shows them can fronting him in the office and his girlfriend shots were fired, greenville please say that no officers were injured by the time they got there. >> this might be the dumbest move by bank robbers. happened not to stay in washington. they tried to use a blowtorch to access the cash at a drive-up atm and accidentally put the cash. damages were over $35000. if you recognize them, call 911. >> new york city alex has been in the spotlight all week after installing a papier-mâché statue of a dog next to the fearless
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girl statue which was installed in march for international women's day is a symbol of feminism. he quickly took it out after he saw people were disrespected his peeing dog statue. >> people were getting upset, one person through it, i was gonna leave it there and then i decided it's just can get stolen or destroyed. >> i caught up with him and long island he's working on a project said the purpose of it was to protect new yorkers from the wall street where you'll find the fearless girl in the financial district. she was installed by u.s. financial for edits permit was extended by new york city mayor, bill de blasio. >> that's a corporate advertisement for mcdonald's packing just so it could increase sales. >> there being sued by both the
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sculpture for copyright infringement. >> the fact they invaded his space without permission and i'm a new york icon. if i could invade him space let's see what i what happens if i invade the space. the peeing pollock next to the fearless girl lasted three hours. the advisor said in a statement, we continue to be grateful for the,'s people around the world who continue to respond enthusiastically to what the fearless girl represents, the power and potential of having more women in leadership. but alex said he's not letting go of his vision of the peeing pug statue. >> would you consider lola as the model for the next peeing pug? [laughter] so the artist who created a piece of art to disrespect a
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different piece of art is upset that people were disrespecting his art which was disrespecting the other are. >> he would be a hypocrite if somebody put a bigger dog peeing on the pug and then they can be like a russian nesting doll of disrespect. >> that was symbolic. a lot of woman saw that that women can do better in the workforce in corporate america. >> i think women are smarter than a stupid kid that would stand in front of a charging bull. >> it's a metaphor for someone much bigger. >> the other thing is, papier-mâché for sculpture? that's a pretty bad medium. >> the magical bench of wisdom. brian, the not so magical bench of wisdom. >> you know life is a continual search for wisdom. i search for it in literature, religion in nature. when i heard there is a place near the ocean in new jersey called the bench.
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i went there got my car and i said where suspension of wisdom? they pointed me in the right direction. the bench of winston is the bench of ps. >> as you can see, it is not an actual bench. a group of the chairs. seated in the eye this stages of the boardwalk. krista fish, marie antoinette, jane the nurse, jerry the camera, and the godfather. >> did you sit on the bench? >> they are chairs. there are too many of them. >> so we meet on a daily basis weather permitting. to solve the problems of the world. and to sleep.
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>> that is all a lie. started as a escape from the marble institution. it is the only place they do not know who we are and that man there is the number one psycho of the group. >> when i get lonely i come down here and boost my spirits. they took all of these guys. >> cut it out. it started 30 years ago with a group of world war ii vets, most have passed on now. there are memorial scattered around to people who have been on the bench and those who have passed on including one his remains might be buried in the flowered bed be on the bench. every boardwalk has its group of characters that will gather ocean girl takes us to another level, you can sign in.
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>> there's one from babe ruth. >> what constitutes wisdom in this group? if there are wiser they might have a sign in sheet. >> is it o okay for vegetarian seat animal crackers? why don't we see birds falling from the sky dead? i don't think there isn't some buddy seen somebody who had a heart attack. >> and then i won the game of 21 questions airplane and was accepted into the group. >> i don't think i found any wisdom but i did find this is something in your 40s, middle-age, i don't do this, i don't sit. ♪ local ♪ >> i'm ready to retire and joined the bench of wisdom. >> a lot of corny jokes.
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>> new in belgium they found an interesting way to bring awareness to an endangered species. that is legos. they put 28 statues of animals across the park made entirely of legos. among the animals there's a polar bear, line a ladybug and dodo bird. most of the lego animals on the endangered species list. they want to bring awareness that they need to conserve the species to keep them on the earth. you can still see the real animals. >> your out. >> poster twitter by tony d. this is happening wednesday night. someone must've said something mr. med not feeling so happy they gave him the jersey city. the mets fired the guy inside the statement said we apologize
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no comment from the mrs. who is probably very disappointed. >> my name is joe connor. when i was nine years old my father was murdered in new york city. >> and is an attack many of us might not even remember. january 24, 1975. the terrorist group fighting for puerto rico's independence. the historic tavern in downtown new york. here's a look at how it looks today and here's a look at what it look like them. four people died including joseph connors 33-year-old that. >> i was nine years old, working to be celebrating my birthday that night and we came home from school, is a nice january day we
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went out to play my mom called the simply telling us there had been an explosion downtown near where my father to work. >> a group with the u.s. long before the days of isis and al qaeda. they call themselves the freedom fighters were responsible for around 120 bombings between 1974 and 1983 in the u.s. decades later they're back in the headlines is controversy gross over the founder of the group, oscar rivera who is said to be honored in the june 11 puerto rican day parade where he will receive the national freedom award. >> like a freedom hero, i don't even know what that means? our freedom hero and a praying and making him a celebrity? he's a terrorist. >> after he spent 35 years in prison for his role in the group he was convicted and trying to overthrow the government he was freed last month after president obama offered clemency. his supporters say he was never linked to any bombing. to learn more i skype with
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enough pi investigator who filled me in. >> in fact he is not a political prisoner. he's a criminal terrace and let me of that in a democracy terrorism has no place. terrorism is used against the government for the people who have no voice. that is not the case of the united states. >> meanwhile sponsors are dropping out of the prayer. you have jetblue who dropped out, and june vision. >> i think i was about seven. >> i'm knocking ago, you can watch it, i don't really care. so who is really that upset.
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>> i used to work right by this. every year. i would get off on grand central and have to cross over to get to work. it was so popular. there people from all over the place. the first people are going but it attracts onto million people. >> the fact that there's some a connection is concerning. >> it doesn't matter. you are in charge of the group that committed a terrorist attack. how are you honoring the sky? there a lot of echoes in this controversy over the irish republican army that had a lot of support in the irish community from prominent people who are funding terrorist acts. >> there single handling killing there'll pray. when you lose sponsors like that and the people have spoken out, to me it is their own fault. >> on tuesday on his way to his shift on the morning a police
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officer was killed in bernards township when a vehicle traveling opposite tractor crossed the median and struck him. he was pronounced dead at the scene. the officer survived by two children and his wife, vicki who is also pregnant with her third child. his death has been highly publicized. traveling so much on the stretch of highway that starts in union township, new jersey and goes up to lebanon county, pennsylvania and into new york city as an interstate. a further look into it has proven how deadly it has been. in the past 12 months alone from what i've looked at, accidents on interstate 78 new jersey have claimed ten lives. many of the accidents happen early in the morning during commuting hours. traffic trailers accounted for for the deadly crashes and one of the multi- crashes during
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that time entering and exiting the highway. 70% of these deaths occurred half a mile from an on-ramp. due to limited access is an interstate you can see how it could be a factor on these roads. with speed and quick decision-making and changes of the curve, if you are taking 20 minutes to double back. people might make a rash decision and quick turn. i spoke with a representative of aaa atlantic. >> as we enter the hundred most of the days of summer, those numbers are going to climb. more people will be on our roadways. they're trying to do multiple things while behind the wheel. unfortunately, more technology in the vehicle is advancing and it is contributing to drivers being distracted. >> fatal accidents across the country have increased
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year-over-year. i personally think that many of the roads are not designed for people driving other. every politician says they're going to do it. >> is that area more deadly than other areas of 78? or are you painting with a broad brush the highway. >> it's dangerous because of that exits for new york city are 2 miles up this way. >> thank you. that's awful. >> uber is now delivering mcdonald's. >> if you have ever used uber ride apps you can click on the restaurant and see a
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grit. some have it, some don't. when the odds are stacked against you, you either hide or stand up. at strayer university we've seen it in our students for 125 years. and if you ever think of quitting, our success coaches will be there to pick you up and work with you every day to put you on the right path.
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he hooked on a chicken mcnugget and 11 a half pound largemouth bass, biggest bass ever caught in the lake. it was free to swim another day and seek out a mcrib. >> did you see my script? >> no. >> you play a crucial role in my script. >> you say i look pretty comfy on my couch, are you going to come to work today? >> yeah, i'm not going to do that. so, let's just go. >> okay. >> where are you? >> i'm still at home, bill. i was going to come into the studio today, but then i heard this. >> we been around for year and half. one thing we notice is that top restaurant, mcdonald's we just watched a national partnership with them. a lot of restaurants were on boarding here in new jersey, new
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york city. >> and it is even coming to my hometown of philadelphia. i just placed my order. >> if you ever used uber ride zap you click on the restaurant and see uber take the food it to you. >> just went out of cannot get any better. >> it is run by uber. >> they just lost $708 million. >> don't worry, they are coming back. >> they are not that successful. >> it's here. let me go get the door. >> hello. >> shows what you got. >> i have a premium crispy chicken sandwich with a bun and pico guacamole. >> it does not look like mcdonald's. >> i know. it's fancy. >> can you bring some back? >> i would love to but i'm super cozy right now. >> it your chasing a story, one that just really gets me going,
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the american dream project. >> the american dream project developer will be having the biggest unrated municipal bond sale in america this year in the next few weeks. america dream project is in the meadowlands in new jersey. they're working with goldman sachs no one is to sell $800 million of municipal bond through property taxes and the other by sales taxes. this might seem like an ominous time for the project formally known as xanadu. construction began in 2004. with malls closing all over the country, it might seem like lunacy to move forward with the project which is estimated to cost $2.8 billion. but with them
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wiggum: yeah, i know ralphie's birthday is coming up. of course i'm gonna get him a present. i'm at the... at the toy store right now. let's see, present for ralph, present for ralph... ooh, what do we have here? boy, ralph would kill himself with this in two seconds. and somehow it'd be my fault. mm! this money has been sitting here since 1998, not doing anybody any good. i want to get ralphie something nice. yeah, a few thousand should do. hm-mm. (whistling a tune) uh, you heard me whistling there, right? that indicates innocence. uh, proclaiming your innocence indicates guilt. uh, yeah? well, what does this mean? ♪ skiddily bop and bah! (whooping) (engine revving, tires squealing) (kids shouting playfully, noisemaker honking)
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