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tv   Chasing News  FOX  June 3, 2017 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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>> it has been two weeks since the russian-speaking parrot has gone missing in new york. >> vladimir putin. >> vladimir putin. >> she calls me mama. >> i was the one she never bite on. i keep calling him. >> roma. >> roma. >> roma. >> he might hurt himself. >> what are you doing? bill: it is not what you her on the news every night. the seal is going to be eaten bay shark. >> another confused liberal wondering around.
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no one to talk to. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> she was with me almost 13 years, and she became a member of the family. it has been two weeks since the russian speaking parrotroma has gone missing in new york. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i caught up with the owner at the home in forest hills, queens. >> she calls me mama and she never bait on. because she is a great biter. she doesn't accept any strangers. reporter: we went to the last spotroma was seen there at the apartment that opens on the terrace and standing right there. romas with on the shoulder. >> all of the den, out of the blue, just flu off, took off.
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i keep walking. i call him. >> roma. >> plom. >> roam 3458. >> roma. >> roma. >> i am walking. >> tell me more about roam mall's personality. >> sometimes sneezes and you have to tell bless you or will keep sneezing. >> builds you. >> roma in russian saying dance. >> dance with me. >> do you like russian food? >> grilled chicken, bacon. >> likes cheese. many, many vegetables except bananas. i don't know why. >> what yana has done, she has put roam million's cage right there and actually attached a string the door to keep it open so if plom comes back to the neighborhood she knows to come backing to the cage. also, yana said concerned
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that someone may have stolen roam m and is holing on to the parrot. the parrot only speaks russian. >> what? >> yeah. >> pull up the feathers. picking on the feathers. >> i am with another owner. >> with another owner. >> would you return to me? we'll give reward. a good reward. >> give a flyer. >> vicious fight. >> donna did address that and saidroma is friendly to her. >> unless you speak russian and willing to risk bodily injury, leave the bird alone. let it go back to its cage.
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roma. >> roma. >> all right. >> marley two dozen whales swimming for joy. >> fortunately, may be clues and good-hearted people were able to gently push the whales pack to deeper water withs so they could swim happily ever after. check out this father of the year. i mean, i am just kidding. this guys with on a motorcycle with infant, the infant was not secured over the tank with no helmet. this happened in texas and he was caught. and-ny walsh was arrested by deer park policing. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hunker college in new york city where next fall they are offering a course.
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whiteness? white sue program sy and violence as intertwined with conception of gender, race, sexuality, body ability. nationally and age. i wanted to find out what students the buy it. the best thing i can do is to educate may self and could be getting perspective about all kinds of things whether i am conscious of them or not. >> is this divisive? is it a way to challenge young people to speak freely? bill: i need clarification. i don't understand what the class is. how to abolish, is it a racist class? this is all political ideology and studying discourse and what that means is because our infrastructure now is built on everything western that comes from europe and how they have made the motion. they have made the notion that you and ry not sustain
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canyon staning what that has played a role in this society and you have to understand it to actually be able to work together because you don't see the thing. you don't see it. that is the truth. >> what does that mean? >> i don't understand that. >> that is where we are different because of race. when you see me, you see me as a black woman. >> how do you know i see you as a black woman first? based off of perception. >> yeah. want ask you. presooms that white men all see people the same way. am i not being label z a white man? >> i love white men. i love black men. i love all men. ok. the problem is that we try to talk about race but every time we talk it, it seems look we're giving one group advantage over the other. the whole black lives matter movement came out. white loos matter, too.
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it is a difficult subject and always complicate. a michael, you got to guess a he is if areoth's university of pennsylvania will weigh in. >> joining us now is chad deon. the national expert on race relations and president of black men. >> i am still a little confused on the message on what the purpose of the class is. how did it strook you? there is a negative racial evertone on this? >> not at all. >> we had courses. they shouldn't be rooted and making whites feeled about and should be rooted in and talking about the sexuality. when you talk about abolishing things. that -- do white people feel threaten pay title like that? >> african-american studies as well and didn't talk about the abolishing of anyone and these were historical context courses
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about the origins and the origins of nations and colonial is in africa these are different than the cultural statement on the white privilege a.m. well, not a thing of white privilege. >> i don't think so. you may not. >> white privilege exists. >> let me ask you. we can talk about the privilege of a two-parent family and privilege of being born in america. all of these things, were you born, and you look at the criminal justice system. you will see more people of color and up for crimes that are similar. you don't have anything. >> do you really want to get into dea about it on the higher number the disproportionate number of crimes come milted? i mean, come on. are smarter than that. >> the fommer cheerleader of puerto rican national
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group faln still walk in the upcoing puerto rican day parade in new york but not as-ary. >> freedom hero award in the june 11 9:00 event but step aside after widespread boy cos. >> so do you think they should not even ally to walk that day? >> i think he should back out. should denounce he is a hero, that is a terrorist. retiered nypd detective in the late 30's when he broke his hip and lost the right eye and needed facial reconstruction surgery as result of faln, become attack on the u.s. on new year's eve in 1982. faln carried out around 120 bomb attacks across the u.s. while rallying for puerto rican's independence. i looked in the bag. we have a oc ket watch and blast cap so you can imagine, racing 100 miles
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per hour because you knew bops were going off and didn't know if you were going to be on top of things. >> i met in long island where described the bombing attacks. we approached the first device and i was carrying a toolbox. my partner kneeled down and i bent over. all i remember is unbelievable explosion and according to witnesses, i was up 15 feet in the air and was blown about 20 feet back and we were both on fire. >> he says it took five years to recover. he later went back to work as the leader in the police officer's support prop. do you regret ever joining? >> i will be back tomorrow. >> all right.
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>> nine years old and 20 now. >> the scarf day. they still remain. >> you know, be what the heck is this. she pulled a wire out of my lip and came out with quarter inch or half inch piece of wire. 50 wow. meantime, organizers say the respect hot to be honored in the parade but also released a statement saying they look forward to marching with oscar lopez rivera down fifth avenue. >> everyone wants to be were a people. >> everyone. everyone including me. i don't want to be around terrorists. >> a terrorists. no hero. >> no what do you think? terrorist or freedom fighter? tweet me your thoughts on twitter and at this show chasing news. >> new york based nonprofit that teaches young adults how to row. >> yeah. row. >> how did you do?
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [tv background] [dad] hello? [woman] hello? wa [woman] hello! [parrot] hello! [dad] helllo! helllo! hello...hey...hello! it feels good to be recognized. hello! hi jake, this is bianca at td bank. how can i help? with td voiceprint, we know you simply by the sound of your voice. hi... wow i wasn't expecting...oh because no one has a voice quite like yours. don't just bank. bank human™.
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w...that not only made a a big first impression... ...but was designed to withstand
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sunlight this bright... ...this bright... ...or even this bright. if a paint could protect your door's color against the strongest uv rays... makes you wonder... is it still paint? aura grand entrance from benjamin moore®. only available at independently owned paint and hardware stores. ♪ >> the society is california has unique parrot up for adoption. this is the account and madge k the rabbit they stormed a special been and eat tect and sleep tect and now up for adoption
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together. pretty unique. adorable ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> president donald trump is considering making what some may call a bold move to have the russians get back one of the diplomatic compounds and long island. this comes as water ob the house financial services committee has asked the ceo to discloses if there have! answer connections to trump's afunt russian. back in december, we discovered when the estate was under the obama administration for playing a role in tampering with the 2016 elections. so i started out in glen cove and how in the world do you even see this place? i see the sign that says killing worth ap
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interesting name but i have no idea of how i will get a shot of this compound. it is official. >> i can't believe it. >> now i spoke to those who live in the area they said they were relieved when obama had given the russian the boot. i remember when obama kicked them out last fall and the first i heard of it. >> of course, it worries me. you hear it in the news and having something like that so close to home. it steaks us. >> on the flip side, strong
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and positive relations between the world's biggest most powerful nations. the white house is considering allowing the russians to diplomatic unities but unreturn they are hoping that russia willallya consulate in st. petersburg which is russia's second largest city. >> just like what you expected that this is all this be deal, you know, it really is nothing to do with the investigation and everything else. these compounds have been there for a long time. 50 thank you. >> thank you. ♪ ♪ >> we are moving together. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> new york is a new york-based nonprofit that teaches young adults how to row. to learn morez with the program and try my hand at rowing myself. headed to the boathouse in washington heights on the harlem river and then there is an app. the founder started the program in 2003 instructly for high school girl then expanded the program and finally in 012 add males to the mix. >> our mission is to bring the support of rowing to kids to the resourced communities paired with strong academic support so regardless of someone's income or ability, new york has lis to for them. each year they serve around 2,000 people annually at the heart of the program are the 236 kids that come year around as amanda puts it is a high dosage program. so they are with us over 1,000 hours a year. year around. six days a week either doing rowing or ac dem bees with us.
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>> when it comes to the academic aspect they do it all. there is sat prep, regionals prep and college visits. >> 99% of the students gn g on to graduate high school. 90% are either enrolled in college or due to graduate college. spoke a student who has been aring for five yers a headed to the informal academy once he graduates high school, that is. we spoke about what he found to be most challenging. >> getting used to the fact to take over your life. two or three hors a day. it is pretty emotional. >> so it is pretty ach life-style. who pays for it. they operate off private and corporate donations and helps them out a little bit and they actually have classes for adults so there is a steady tream of incoming into the program. ♪ ♪ this saturday, u.s. rowing is sponsoring listener to row day if anyone is interested in
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joying row new york or just rowing with the family, they can check that out. >> how did you do ifite really tough. >> take look. >> it is olympic sport. yeah. they are not messing around. the thing is my habit was, i kept looking to make sure we are doing the emotions. >> how do i know if it is be the water? sucks days a week. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> thanks. >> call it comic book obsessed and start the own website and delivered 3500 comics by hand. who? >> he is a hybrid rohan brohan. >> it woot have been better. >> brobat. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> what is that? >> badhan. what is that? >> batman rohan. >> bat ham. >> robot?
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>> a woman thanking a police officer and giving him a big hug. the officer en township, new jersey, pulled over a woman for motor vehicle violation. the was a little nervous talking to him and ended up venting her whole drama life to him so he cut her a break. >> you the what i mean? all of that kind of stuff, like were you saying. bad in thises compound. i think you are going to get it taken care of. >> she was so thankful she got out of the consider and gave him a big hug. a all right. >> i was just cur troyce see what you would say. >> all right. havehave a good day. >> check out this photo of a dead huntsman found in in a we'll home. found this monster in her kid's bedroom and called her dad in into the room
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and said oh my good, what is this? he killed with two books books. thankfully only one of the makers but not the first time. >> take look at that video of a white deer caught on tape. they set up a video and areas set up to honer to the army depot in upstate new york and the white deer in the area is not uncommon but non-for having these in the area and video was supplied to us. ♪ ♪ >> what were you doing at ten years old, probably playing tag, playing in the mud. well, montclair, new jersey, ten years old, he does that stuff, but he does a ton more than that as well. now he is am coic book obsessped and started in own website where he
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interviews people that are very big in the industry and now i met can and his dad right here in montclair, new jersey. this is his favorite place to fo m when i walked and met him. sat down at the favorite spot. ap on the floor now and i love sit on the in and read his coomic. has been working on something special that you be not expect a lot of ten years old to do and they got 3500 comics together and went to lake hears and delivered these by hand. >> it may sound like i am a terle percent but it was not my idea. >> not that you a terrible person. >> whose idea was it in the. >> it was one of the drivers. we never expected the reaction that we have gotten. hays been truly overwhelming but it just, it kind of shows you what you can do when you don't worry about anything else. you worry about doing good things a.m. they have 5town this time and going to donate again.
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not sure where. if you go to the website. give us ideas. carl himself pretty excited about it. >> making money. >> right. they are not donating all of it, right into it is for rov git. they are donating these comic books. >> absolutely. >> some bar rid in the bocks then we saw them and actually got to go in one and i also got three coins bravery. >> there is also dependents living there and ten years old like him that would love the comic books. can you tell me who is bohan. bat han. he is a hybrid rohan batman. >> bat? >> bat han. >> robat would have been bat beth every. robat. >> listen. you have seen this show once or twice.
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>> don't worry. eye bought this shirt. >> this is elite. i showed a story we did when we were holding $1 million comic back and blown away. that was a cool thing. you know what they like the most? the apartment. they thought the apartment was the coolest place ever! >> yeah. >> nicely done. >> yeah. >> neigh yeah. nice job. thanks. bill: thanks for what you are doing. >> see ya. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> another great week of chasing news. thanks for watching. have an awesome weekend. see you monday. you know where. fios built its 100% fiber optic network because we knew
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1:00 am
(humming) ooh. (gasps) ♪ homer forgot his lunch box. (stomach gurgling) missed lunch. no energy... for second half of day. (shouts) empty. what kind of wife would allow her man to go to work without his baggie of pita chips, a peeled clementine, and little sandwiches cut into football shapes? ♪ (honking) move it! my husband is starving! (chomping) mmm. early pizza. mmm. (buzzing) woman: homer simpson, your wife is here with your lunch.


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