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tv   Chasing News  FOX  July 4, 2017 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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ever since, it's been my passion. going somewhere like the juilliard school seemed impossible. now, i am able to dream bigger. >>joe: hi. this is pennsylvania state treasurer joe torsella. our state treasury is proud to offer the pa able program, a savings plan for people with disabilities, including jason. open a pa able account today by visiting our website at >>jason: start saving to dream bigger today. >> hey, ready? >> how are you doing? >> take a look at this photo, a shot that has gone around the world, getting commentary from everyone from bbc, edward snowed
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snowden, showing governor chris christie hanging on the beach by himself. >> they say a picture is worth a thousand words, new jersey mass media flew a plane over island beach park sunday, got this shot, the christie's launching in the sun, governor christie has state owned residents there. >> he is wearing a hat. >> christie responded to criticism on fox 5 new york monday. >> what a great bit of journalism by the star ledger, they caught a politician, being where he said he was going to be with the people he said he was going to be with. i am sure they will get a pulitzer for this one they caught me. >> the beach is closed to public because of the state shut down, governor krist agree ay agreed - christie agreed to the spending only if state has access to
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capital reserves for horizon blue cross blue shield, the state senate sweeny has signed on but, prieto says not so fast. it will drive up premium rates, i asked sweeny his take on that claim this monday. >> there are reports out now that can cause medical specialists to leave the state, premium rates to go up. >> that is not true horizon 13e7bspentmillions of dollar dig the facts. >> we're making progress. i have instructed my staff to do some drafting, other concepts then we go from there. >> before we bridge in jay lasseter. who was there for a large part of the weekend, why is prito saying no, and his members
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defying him, you are right it is about horizon, it would restructure its board allow governor to place more appointees on it. why are people opposing that? some of the legislatures see this as a power grab by south jersey power broker norcros, the cuchekushner family owns thrive capital that owns alarm stake in oscar health, one of three companies that are on the state health insurance exchange. both of them stand to benefit if horizon goes under a little bit, take your pick. what do you want to talk about? the power grab or photos? >> if i had steve sweeney doing my dirty work, i would be on the
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beach too, i am disgusted. i am probably one of the most liberal guys you have had on your show, we run spectrum on chasing team. everyone regardless of where you fall in little bit will continuum is shares my disgust, i am from camden county. from the area. i think that they are transaction will they will put their needs and parties before principles each time. >> someone who is active in fighting addiction. is millions to fight opioid a good thing. >> that is why this is extortion. i fought my career to save addict, homeless gay kids, tran kids, rape victims, domestic vie silence victims, they tell me, go on these demands, they will going too get thrown on the
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wolves that is what i am being told. that is why you have liberals like me, and conservatives like bill, and everyone in between everyone who pays taxes in this state, is so differen "districtd right now -- different gusted right now, he did us a favor. >> edward snowden talks about this, what does this mean? there is a lot of complicated shadiness, and transaction will bs going on. you may have to pay attention for a lot of years to realize how bad this. is this en ca capsules everythi. >> he stole the limelight from his friend the president, because the news the other day of president beating up you know the man wearing you know the cnn on top of his head. now see their photo christie, he
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is not trying to save his image at-this-point. this is a slap of the face, he said, you become governor then you can sit where i sit. >> say when you will about christie, he is transparent about who he is, how much he does not care, he said he was going to the beach, it is within his purview as governor. on island beach state park, he told people he was going. and then he went. the really biggest problem is optics, it looks horrendous. >> i said someone should be ashamed of themselves, this is aan invasion of his privacy, his family members had no choice much who their father shame on them for flying their plane over their private get together, why do you need a photo for this they should spend resourcing doing other reports.
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>> why not both sides of reporting? >> they are not. >> you can dig. >> i am sure. >> i am waiting for their story about -- they advertise in there are paper. >> you are allowed to have, with your family who is already there, a hard day in trenton, you are going to say, no i'm going to stay in the house, he is doing what any father would do. >> most of us don't get to go to beach when thin are crazy at work. we have to stay at work until things are resolved or we get fired. >> moscow on the delaware. >> no pressure, don't mess this up. >> what do you do when you meet your first navy seal. you challenge them.
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so this week's military monday we're honoring lieutenant commander ryan peters, a u.s. navy reservist. to work on our skills learn more about ryan's military career, we head to eaton town, new jersey. >> were you not good at that. >> shocking, no. >> ryan who is 35 years old, grew up in mount laurel and now lives in hayneses port, after high school he went to naval act dam he to play soccer that is what the 9/11 happened. >> i want to be in front line, i made a decision at that point to be a seal. >> he hopped on a plane and went off to learn how to train to be a seal. class started with 250 people, and by the end had 18.
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>> it takes is mental toughest, fastest swimmer, fastest runner, it is how you perform when everything is falling apart. >> to hear about the training you can understand why the crowd things out like it does, stay up for weeks straight with no sleeping, then they are tossed into a pool with hands and feet tied. >> you can imagine. >> i could not, i could not even hold my arms up to hold a camera. >> cold surf then roll in the sand, uncomfortable. >> amaze sphwhrg in hi amazing. >> in his career he has been deployed 4 times, gone undercover, he is sitting on stain saddam hussein's throne. he is married, he is an attorney. and volunteers as u.s. service organization, the list goes on.
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>> he is an everything man. >> out of all of the jobs, i said what is most difficult. >> what did he say. >> being a parent. >> changing and tha challenging. >> his youngest son's midel name is danger. i laughed at that. >> like "austin powers." >> safe to say, hatchet throwing went in his direction, if you get a bullseye you can ring the bell. nice job. >> he stopped ringing the bell. i said he is being polite. no, it goes to his training. >> any minute you can quit, you walk over to a bell, ring it 3 times, right after get a bullseye i rang to twice. quitting is contagious we do not quit. >> you don't feel bad for me,
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never mind. >> i forget he was not here. >> that is june rogers, she said her son christian is a victim of new jersey's bail reform laws, this system has let criminals hardened criminals in some cases out on the streets. >> when he was arrested in my kitchen, the officers let me know it was heroin.
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>> i just want to get high. >> we did everything. >> it is an every day battle. an every day battle. >> we have got to cha to shattes spacstigma.
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>> okay grade. wonderful. >> two deer fawns are safe and sound after being rescued by,
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friday night, they were too close to flalames in prescott national forest in arizona, fire starred over a week ago, as of sun 43 square mile are nearly half contained, great job. >> the mexican town of sa san po is not unlike main other places they have harvest festivals, people eat soup, then the mayor marries a crocodile to ensure a fertile harvest. can you get a correct deal annul annulment afterwards? >> >> it is hard when i forget he is not here. i would ask, anybody heard from chris today? my other kids, we call each other. if i didn't hear from him, someone else did. >> that is june rogers, she said
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her son christian was a victim of new jersey's bail reform laws, high was killed on april 9. by this man. >> christian rogers went to backyard police found him. in this garage door. jewel black 3 days earlier was arrested on aggravated assault charge, and released, june said he was released because of the new risk screening assessment. >> i guess, they said it was okay to let this guy go, they t him go without bail, bond or anything, 3 days later, he killed my son. >> june's pain is undeniable, her life is different, she has a new mission, partnered up with dog the bounty hunter, and his
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wife beth chapman, they were in new jersey a week ago, they went to lobby legislature, we wanted to hear from drug policy alliance, when they heard we were telling june's story they backed out, they would say if they were here, they pointed out that people were killed before by criminals who are out on monetary bail. they fully support bail reform, and want people to hold back and wait reserve judgment, have more time go by before they make their own judgment. >> thank you, rob for joining us, you can't deny the point that people who have paid monetary bail, gotten out and committed crimes, but how many people need to die before you look at fact that this system has let criminals, hardened criminals in in cases with years of records, to show, out on the streets? >> yeah, it happens on money bail. but difference is, money bail, as you know a lot of people
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don't understand, as a bail bond company, if i bail you out of jail, i get your family involved, they cosign for you, they will aid in monitoring of you. they will cut okay they have money on-line. they are going to make sure you stay on the straight and narrow, they talk about electronic monitoring, in mercy county they ran out of electronic monitoring by the end of january, christie goes on the air talks about how initially he said everyone is being monitored. no, they are not, some is called in 1 a week once a week, some i? >> self monitoring. >> right. that is a problem. if a guy misses court, a client missed court we -- now we get him, you know keep this in mind, we'll track him, and bring him back at zero cost to taxpayer, most courts want to see my monitoring record, when i have him check in or gps. if we can't show that we
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monitored them we get fined. i guarantee that no one is going after preprial trial service -- pretrial services. >> problem that at least the defenders of this said they were trying to solve was you had people on petty crimes being held because they could not come up with 150 that problem is solution, seems to made the problem worse. but what do stye that part of the argument in terms of need to reform bail it stands to reason, if a guy can't come up with a hundred bucks, it was a driving issue that seems a little bit ridiculous to house him in jail. >> i say, is bail reform does not address municipal court cases, numbers they came up with their study, 12% of people in jail, county jail, in under 2500 dollar bail or less, there are no county bails set at 2500,
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that is set at 2500 are municipal court fines and bails that 12% remains. you still have as an example. you go out and you. >> does not even solve a little bit. >> you go out, you are caught with a second degree of drugs, they type you in, a magic number comes out, and they say you are free to go, but if you owe a fine, you are not free to go. >> when asked need about bail reform, i was a u.s. attorney, nothing to see here, herer withe perfect. >> the federal system has so few cases they have the time to keep people and do their investigation prior to charging them. at a county level, you can't do, that you can't expect federal
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system to work at county level, it is never going to happen, there is too much volume, i want to jump back. you talked about indigent people not able to get out of jail. most bail bonds men, all i would venture to say, don't want indejen peoplindigent people to. in new jersey there are counties with a program called slap it has different names, meaning one meaning super attended labor assistance program, if you are in a county jail, you owe fines or you owe jail time because you failed to pay. they have a program where you can go out under the direction of one correction office, you can work on county roads, and county ball feels on county property. they work off their time. they work off their days, they work off their fines, we don't
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use that enough here. >> who benefited from this? a couple of judges that came out, the governor is aggressively for it you would think that the way they painted it, people opposed some people allege racism that this is about keeping minorities behind bars. at least from my stand point, not racism, i am going to charge same amount of money, whether you are black, white or green, i am charging same amount of money for you to get out of jail. >> bill. >> i think we can raise when it comes to inner-cities there are many more african-americans living in areas, we look at national statistics with drug arrests, a disproportionate amount are arrested for same crimes than whites do, there are
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more issues, there are dynamics. >> flip side of bail reform, if you have committed or alleged to commit a higher crime you are no way getting out of jail, have you your right to put up a bail removed, your constitutional right is removed, you sit in jail for a year or two. >> dog the bounty hunter and beg made that point. does the court have right to deny bail? >> they can only deny bail in crimes with that capital punis.
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>> if can you hear me. >> she can. >> our state house. >> now at u.s. capitol, oh, back at state house.
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>> go ahead. >> i didn't know i had another one. >> you do, make something up. >> vancouver aquarium is now taking care of a babe otter,
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some boaters found, it so cute. he was the in open water, he is two to four weeks old, he should be with his mom for up to 6 months, they are feeding and bathing him, grooming him. 24/7, he is adore able. >> a family in wisconsin woke up to a unusual special guest in their backyard, this is kelly the elephant who escaped from circus world museum, and made her way to the family backyard, she had a day of la leisure an fun. this woman found a bear chillingo her back fence, got a hold of the bird feeder.
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she went to town, a whole video of it, he seems to be so happy. >> he is coming back could taking over the bird feeder again. >> a bald eagle is recovering in washington this weekend. so washington humane field service rescued, they responded to call about an injured bald eagle not able to flying they savely captured bird and transported him to wildlife for care. >> tomorrow is independents day. 4th of july celebrating out of your freedoms, every one of them. in bill of righting from 1 to 27. we need freedom from stud stupi, corrupt deals, see you back on july 4, we have a special show
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♪ take that, kite-eating tree. (exclaiming) (school bell ringing) morning! (whistle blows) (yells) (beeping) (playing the blues) (playing the blues) (tires screeching) (horn honking) (exclaiming)


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