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tv   Chasing News  FOX  July 8, 2017 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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giant has unbelievable pro tip produce prices. : so you'll never have to choose between your favorites. i thought i was your favorite. take a fresh look at giant's produce prices. ♪ ♪ >> hey, what are you doing? >> it's not what you hear on the news every night. >> the seal is going to be eaten by a shark! >> another confused liberal wandering around. >> in a moment of service, no one to talk to. >> oh! [laughter] ♪ ♪ ♪ >> okay. so check this out. this green and gray building
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right here behind me? it's a $2 million bathroom. so i'm just thinking what does $2 million get you when it comes to a public are restroom? well, check this out. let's see. maybe a gold, a gold sink, maybe a special toilet, maybe a mirror that makes you look skinny. >> right at the entrance of great sand park in brooklyn off 18th avenue is where you'll find what i call a dump with a brick exterior and a fresh coat of paint. yeah, no pun intended. absolutely. [laughter] a $2 million public restroom paid for by taxpayers. >> does it come with a massage? [laughter] that's a lot of money. there's plenty of other things we can be doing with $2 million. maybe putting it towards better daycare facilities for working moms. >> actually, i thought it was,
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like, offices that people went into, you know, for the park. i didn't know it was a bathroom. >> expect showers and a steam room at least. [laughter] but it's, i don't know, it's a little too much. >> councilman david greenfield, whose district the park falls under, has been trying to get the city to fix up the bathroom for a while. now, he posted on twitter on june 29th, good news. the bathroom at 18th avenue park is un-officially open. took 7.5 years and $2 million, but this completes the entire park as new. then he followed it up with another tweet saying: and for all who thought i was exaggerating when i said this was a 400-square-foot bathroom, please see photo of men's room. one toilet and one urinal, exclamation mark. [laughter] now, the over-the-top price tag
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for the no-bells and whistles bathroom, very, very small bathroom, has the councilman outraged and pointing fingers at the city and mayor bill de blasio n. "the new york post" he's quoted saying the buck stops with the administration, and at the end of the day, if the administration really made this their priority, they could figure out a way to cut the red tape. i reached out to the city parks and recreation department and have yet to hear back anything. >> i am totally in favor of public restrooms in parks. i think it's a great way to spend taxpayer dollars. but, there's a but, there's a but. how do you justify it? you could renovate and put a bathroom in any home or building for less than $20,000. it is a disgrace. only government could screw that up that badly. >> really? $2 million? i'm not impressed. >> time sheets today? >> time sheets. >> wait, hold on, hold on. all right.
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>> guys, the fallout in lakewood, new jersey, continues in a massive fraud case that's going on. last week i brought you 14 people that were arrested for over a million dollars taken from welfare programs and section eight housing from members of the jewish committee there. on thursday night an additional 12 people were arrested for the same. we're hearing there might be a lot more people in trouble. >> summertime, fire hydrant season. things you see in urban areas, but in sioux city, iowa, the fire department turned on the fire hydrants. temperatures were over 100 degrees. it went nuts. >> brian, michael, start us out. [laughter] >> we start with lisa mondy. >> right here. >> the other outside -- [inaudible] >> got stitches. all up here. all down here. >> wow.
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>> oh, my god. >> eventually came down, and it reached out of the water with me in its mouth. >> that's lisa describing the moment she was attacked by a great white short near her home six years ago. she had no idea what hit her. >> it hit me that i didn't know what it was. i thought that i'd been hit by a boat. >> she barely survived that attack, this week she traveledded halfway around the world in search of sharks. for revenge? no. she's actually here to try to help save the sharks. mondy was one of two shark attack victims mike and i bet yesterday onboard a research vessel owned by o-search. this organization is famous for tagging and releasing huge sharks like mary lee. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> spends her summers off the coast of new jersey. >> o-search is on the 14 of a
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three-week bid-atlantic ec we decision -- mid-atlantic expedition. and we got a rare ride-along. didn't get any sharks -- >> really? >> they totally weren't chumming hard enough. >> yeah. >> closest we came to a shark today. so -- [laughter] >> keep going. >> o-search is a really revolutionary organization. they bring all these scientists who are doing different studies instead of each scientist trying to find their own shark, they get all of the scientists together. and in 15 minutes they're basically able to conduct 15 different studies at once. they do it for every shark -- >> except the time you were there when they didn't find any sharks. >> fishing is like that. >> just context. >> when you lower the animal back in the water and it swims away and you look around and everybody's got ten fingers and ten toes and the shark's clearly
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strong, you go into this kind of euphoric relief. you know? every time the animal pings after that, it's priceless data. unprecedented, priceless data. >> so these guys are, like, masters of social media. on this boat you had scientist, shark attack survivors, all these people coming together to try to save the apex predator in the ocean that they say is key to the balance of the entire ecosystem. >> i don't think there's anything on the planet, especially in the ocean, like the great white. because it appeals to so many people at such a broad level. >> why do they think the shark needs saving? good for them, but the sharks are doing pretty okay. >> they're not. shark populations are incredibly depleted -- >> so they say. >> fisher blames one thing, shark fin soup. >> oh, excellent. shark fin soup. >> oh! >> you know what? only arrogant with humans would have a statement to say that you have to protect the apex predator. it's silly. >> you know what though? >> the toughest thing in the
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ocean. >> we have the alpha predator, humans. [laughter] >> the poor great white. >> oh! >> they're fine. okay. thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> another train derailed thursday night at new york's penn station. there were at least 180 passengers onboard. the fdny was brought to the scene. fortunately, there were no reported injuries. but that's the third train derailment in over three months. so the good news is train-mageddon coming to you on monday. amtrak is improving new york's penn station's infrastructure, and they will be closing three tracks at a time during the week out of 21 tracks. that is going to cause trouble in the entire tristate area. so i wanted to speak to some of the commuters that will be affected the most on monday, in fact, they won't be able to take one train from summit, new jersey, to new york penn station. they're going to have to go to
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hoboken, the bus, path train or ferry. what are you going to do come monday? >> i'm going to take the train to hoboken, and i think i'm going to experiment for the fist week or two with the options. >> try to make -- figure out what you're going to do on monday? >> yeah. i'm trying to make sense of it all right now. >> you know, it's been so bad for so long now, it just kind of rolls off you at this point. >> i hopped onto the train to see what people can expect. nj transit put these brochures on the seat. it's not like you're going to europe or anywhere, this is just figuring out a way to get into manhattan, but you're still probably going to be late for work. >> can you imagine all the suckers that took a new job in new york, and monday's their first day that you have to get there? can you imagine? do you have an extra pamphlet? [laughter] >> seriously, have you thought about this? it's a very real thing. you actually have to get -- >> i, for one, am super excited that my first day of work in new
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york city is monday after four years of easy travel from asbury to trenton. however, i think i'm going to take the bus. there's a park and ride near my house. but my biggest concern is you're going to have all these people who are normally riding nj transit, trains into the city, and now they're going to take the ferries, the bus, they're going to drive in. it's going to basically make everything more crowded. and i have -- i'm just going to leave at, like, 5:00 in the morning. >> well, that, and even nj transit said that originally. they came out just a few weeks ago. like, leave early what does that mean? three hours? four hours? >> i'm going to leave now. maybe i'll get there by monday. >> you know what might have helped if they had built the arc tunnel. thanks, christie! >> you would think when you build a 34-foot boat and ask for it to be thing that would happen was it would end up along the side of
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the road. this boat had just been left by the side of the road. the boat was on the side of the road for hours. police trying to find out who owned it and what to do with it. around 8:00 a man named christopher white of forest hills, maryland, calls and says, hey, i hear you guys have my boat. he developedded a problem with his truck on the trip and then decided to leave the boat behind as he searched for a solution. he received two summons for obstruction, the passage of vehicles and failure to notify police of a disabled vehicle, but the whole thing has become a chris christie meme. that's right, the photos of governor christie enjoying the sun on a beach he closed. >> so you have clams on the half shell, clams casino, but where do you get 'em from? >> oh, my gosh, jackpot! >> what? you need a bucket, you might need a rake. >> yeah. you dig and you dig and you dig. >> you're bringing them back
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here. >> oh, no! >> have a story we should know about? help us chase it down. by logging on to
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>> i'm so happy about this chase. you're finally going to answer the question, can you teach a chaser to fish or clam? what have you gotsome. >> so you have clams on the half shell, clams casino, and they all require you to have at least one -- those are clams, but where do you get 'em from? >> oh, my god. jackpot! two. big ones. >> we're eating tonight! long island, i'm learning how to clam. i'm, like, really afraid that something is going to bite my toe. look at this. >> wow. >> yes! i just got that out. so the things that you need to be a successful clamber, you need a bucket, you might need a rake. you definitely need clam diggers and the pants that i'm wearing are going to have to work. and then, of course, your clamming hat. my sister told me -- >> you didn't mention your
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shoes. >> i don't have any shoes on. >> thank you. >> we needed to see that. >> thank you. >> anyhow, my teacher, ivan, told me there's a certain technique. this is not the traditioning med -- method. >> a kind of local thing i was taught is, like, doing the shimmy in the water. >> not the simi. >> yeah. >> okay. and your feet kind of sink in a little bit, and you back up. you shimmy and you back up -- >> i love it. >> and then you'll feel a little bump. >> okay. >> hopefully, it's a clam. >> otherwise it's a -- >> you just dive down and get it. >> okay. so that was the method that i went with. >> so, yeah, you just dig and you dig and you dig. >> i don't feel anything. but if you are more traditional clamber, i'm going to show you how you do that. you stand in one place and go 180 degrees around you with your rake. and if you catch anything or feel anything hard, you scoop it up -- >> what kind of rake? like a garden rake?
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a metal rake? a leaf rake? what kind of -- >> it's like a regular rake, but it has a basket on the end with claws. >> this is how we clam. >> i tried to use that, and the method is very difficult. ooh, ooh, i hit something! >> pull it up. ♪ ♪ [laughter] >> so i opted for the toe-clamming method. i'm trying. i only got one baby clam and then one mama clam. >> i want to see them -- are you wringing them back here -- bringing them back here, is the real question. >> i would love to, but you know what we are going to do? we're going to make them into a meal. oh, no! >> oh, all right. are you going to bring any of that back? >> no. i'm going to eat it. >> has nobody here had a raw clam? >> yeah. >> i don't think that you're allowed to do that. >> no, that's dangerous. >> i think you could just get the knife, open them right there on the beach, slurp it up. do you have your shucking knife
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with it? >> these are not oysters, bill. >> people always forget the shucking knife. you could dig a hole on the beach and have a clam bake right there. all right, thank you. >> east gate is turning into more than just a viral photo. governor christie is facing an ethics complaint over his time spent at the temporarily closed island beach state park. new jersey's criminal defense attorney mario blanch filed this on monday, telling me at his office in west new york it was just common sense. >> you know, he didn't get any sun because he was wearing a baseball cap. so i really thought it was just ridiculous. it's just arrogant and outrageous behavior, and someone has to hold his feet to fire. >> governor christie closed island beach state park along with all other non-essential government services during the budget showdown july 4th weekend. new jersey advance media got
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this photo on sunday showing christie lounging in the sun on a beach closed to the public. the next day christie dismissed all criticism on fox 5 new york. >> it's probably one of most arrogant statements i've ever heard in my life. nobody's above the law. i found out afterwards there are actually residences on the same beach, and he had those residents vacate their homes. so why shouldn't he have to vacate his home if he's making the neighbors vacate? it's really unfair, and it's an abuse of power. >> now, blanch says the ethics commission will investigate the complaint and determine whether to find christie. but i want to hear from you. do you think governor christie should be fined as a result of beachgate? tweet me or the show at chasing news. p://>[a5df]
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> in is a "fox 29 news" update. >> hello, i'm fox 29 meteorologist, monica cryan, temperatures overnight
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dropping to the mid 60s for the suburbs, in the city we'll sit in the low 70s, storm starts to move out. patchy fog may settle in. be aware that far as we head out early tomorrow morning. otherwise talking partly cloudy conditions, temperatures into the mid to upper 70s, norm warm one, winds five to 15 miles per hour, can't rule ooh stray shower >>joe: hi.this is pennsylvania state treasurer
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joe torsella. our state treasury is proud to launch the pa able program, a savings plan for people with disabilities, including erin. open a pa able account today by visiting our website at >> guys, as you all though and now we're sharing it with the viewers, one of our originningal crew members -- original crew members moving on to bigger and better things. you're going to see him on lou dobbs. he's going to be a producer on fox business. michael, you're going to be missed. we thought we'd share with the viewers some of the best moments that you've had.
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>> oh, i'm sure they're some of the best. lou dobbs tonight -- >> already. [laughter] >> i'm super excited. i'm going to miss everybody here at "chasing" so much. been here since day one, and now it's almost four years to the day since we launched on the air. thank you to everyone, thank you to the viewers, and i'm really excited to move on to bigger but not necessarily better things. but probably better. [laughter] ♪ ♪ ♪ >> who can i point to? can i point to kate? >> yeah. >> i can go, i can go around the room? kate, you go chase down the mayor. so i kind of drop by gopro in the wall. sorry, tom. >> no, no, you're going to cut through history. >> you brought a special guest today. >> i did.
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khan tell is from new jersey's hottest new magazine, and you've got a story for us today about one reality tv show calling another one trashy. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> is this the wrong way? oh, no. is it? i think you're going the wrong way on the road. you are, you're totally going the wrong [bleep] way. oh, my god! >> hi, i'm mike. and this is lola. >> wake up lola. lola? come on. get up. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> good afternoon, everybody!
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how are you today? >> that's all, folks. >> another great week of "chasing news." thanks for watching. today is a special day. we are saying good-bye to one of the core members of the crew, michael who's somewhere behind me. congratulations. michael is heading out to lou dobbs on fox business. lou dobbs tonight. he's done great work for us. he was here at the beginning, we've been with him for more than a thousand episodes, more than four years. it's hard to to say good-bye to this guy. we're going to miss him, but congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> follow him on twitter -- >> cha's going to -- that's going to change when i go. >> same twitter, follow him. check him out, lou dobbs tonight on fox business, and we'll see you monday. >> you know where. >> nice job. [laughter] >> awesome. [applause]
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>> [bleep] [laughter]
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d'oh! (tires screeching) (grunts) announcer: it's fourth and nine for the simpsons. homer takes the snap, looking for a receiver. they're all covered. he's gonna sneak it in! (crowd cheering) oh, man, that is why he gets to control the remote. ♪ (simpsons eating) mmm. oh, this tile is loose.


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