tv Chasing News FOX August 15, 2017 12:30am-1:01am EDT
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>> deborah: this is fear. >> while in ireland, our fearless traveler manages to crawl close to the edge. there's the atlantic ocean >> welcome to jason's. i am bill. tonight we have a great show for you. were going to start by talking about the on up believable events that unfolded in charlottesville, virginia. went to size, white supremacist clap with a black klezmer counter protesters to. one woman dead after a person drove his car through a crowd of people. there's a lot to the story. a lot of the local politicians
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have been tweeting about it all weekend. suddenly corey booker angling for a place on the democratic ticket on 2020. he politicized the event almost immediately after the woman's death. will break it down for you because as i see it, both sides showed up for a fight and there's a lot of blame to go around. what is immune first locally,. >> weekend violence continues to reverberate locally here in new york and new jersey. i'm here bedminster down the road from trump national golf course were trump has been spending his vacation. rallies here in the free speech zone calling themselves we are charlottesville calling them to denounce the white supremacists whose rally sparked the violence. also rallies and other parts of the region like in red bank, new jersey that drew about 130 people. people denouncing the white
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supremacist and criticizing trevor his initial response which was widely criticized for not specifically for not calling out the white supremacists. they also called out phil murphy with this. what were witnessing a charlottesville is the result of when hate and bigotry are given a hate and nod of bigotry by those around him. governor kim lugano said almost every other gop leader but president trump explicitly condemned the white supremacist. we must all condemn violence away supremacist. the president d.c. spent a few days later at trump tower. the controversy and handling of it will follow him there. you can tweet me your thoughts at chasing news. >> thanks brian. jeremy is our great panel. great to have you back. >> thank you.
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>> before we break this down. we are joined by joe jacqueline, a retired new york city police officer detected. welcome back to chasing news. you heard what i said. i looked and i said you have two sides gearing up for a fight. could something like this happened here? we heard rumors circulating at the nypd, sources in the nypd said we are used to this in new york. this cannot happen here. >> what the law-enforcement, i learned never say never, never say always. we have long-standing rules here. you can stay between the protest in new york city has an army of police officers. we have much bigger crowd to deal with it but we have the cops to handle it. what happened in charlottesville could have it happen here? i hope not. the issue comes down to is when you two opposing groups that came into fights, come with torches, guns, masks on your face, shields, pepper spray --
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>> we tweeted about that earlier. i saw your tweet earlier today about the fact that someone shows up with a mask is not there to protest. >> if you show up with a mask you are not there to protest. you're there to start trouble so you cannot be identified. either at the scene or through video surveillance. i also want to know about the permit. if they had a permit and if they did, who on earth allow them to carry torches in these other things? that is part of the permit process, what you can and cannot do. if they say no to something you canceled the permit. >> thank you joe. i appreciate you joining us. you heard what joe had to say. mr. with you senator. you also tweeted actively about this. you heard what i had to say about senator corey booker. i thought the same thing as a senator chuck schumer and andrew cuomo, they politicize this almost immediately. >> i can speak for myself, and i did speak for myself.
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i sent out tweets and i condemned president trump for not calling out white supremacist, the ku klux klan, and neo-nazi is him as inherently evil and have no place in america. >> now, he did the day after. >> no, he did not. >> here's what i need to understand, why was this an anti- trump issue at all? why is that what you're hung on? the president came out said there is evil in both sides. front doors on both sides. wasn't this a case of two sides? >> here's the point. this was a white supremacist rally. neo-nazi. people holding up nazi plagues and signs that said jews are satan children. they are terrible people and they are sent they are there to rally to make america great again and do it donald trump was elected to do. donald trump needs to cannot say
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these people do not speak for the republican party. >> your republican, i hear the reality is the permit was there and they apply for to go and protest the removal of a robert ely statue. this was something very local and then he got protesters showing up with guns and with masks, and looking for fight. >> it really wasn't local. on both sides i have people from all over the country. if it was local that was the gentleman who drove, i use that term loosely, the one who drove into the crowd was from ohio. my grandfather fought in world war ii. i think that he would role in his great not to see what these neo-nazis -- we fought that. we beat that back. we are supposed to be -- >> is that a convenient way of everybody jumping on the low hanging fruit and say this is easy. we hate nazi. the aclu has defended time over the right to neo-nazis to march. are you saying they should not? what was happening among your constituents?
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>> must and partly the president needs to show moral leadership. by wishy-washy insane both sides when there is an inherently evil organization going on in new jersey in the country that he has inspired. >> so no blame from your perspective on the other side. what about nazis your new jersey? do you expect to could get a call and you're dealing with this in your district was mark. >> absolutely. and i will call them out. i will call them out and i have. obviously i have. we need moral -- >> there are black lives matter groups in new jersey, what would you advise them? you don't show up at the rally with guns and baths? >> they are not inherently evil. they have to tell their protesters, their groups, no violence.
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>> we are missing the bigger picture. the president trump miss an opportunity to bring our country together with his words? he did. but the bigger point is they need to be called out because they are starting to defined what politics is about. that is not what the vast majority of american stand for. anybody who incites violence -- yes. they should be called out. [inaudible] >> he is not the first person not to take an opportunity not to bring our country together. president obama didn't. >> he is one of the people in our lifetime that politics out of it said what was on his mind. i think he spoke to a lot of americans when he said there are two sides to this. it takes two to have a right. >> what is on his mind is to coddle the white supremacist, the ku klux klan. >> i don't agree with that. >> he has coddled them and has not spoken out against them. >> do think you should throw them in jail? >> for inciting arrived, absolutely. more portly, moral leadership. we are talking about the president of the united states
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now, not showing the moral authority this country need so much. >> jeanette, your republican strategist, eric is a democrat, let me ask you. how do you think the candidates for governor handle this? >> i think they handled the 12. they took decisive action, left no room for ambiguity. i think. >> easy to hate that they hate groups. not easy to stand up a call for what it is. i may lay between two different groups of haters. >> i disagree with that. >> to groups that came to fight. if you're coming with weapons, shields, and mask you're coming to fight. everybody has the right to assemble peacefully. unfortunately now young girl instead. >> she was there peacefully protesting. >> what do you think? are there two sides in this? is there only once i? how do stand out what you were local politicians handle this on twitter? tweet me at the show at chasing
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news. >> guys, i want to welcome back to chasing news, chief meteorologist from new jersey 101.5. dan. a tropical storm, gert. >> yes. goethe. what a great name. it is a fish storm in the middle of the atlantic ocean passing between the united states and bermuda. it is not to affect the land directly. we are not going to expect rain or wind in the tri-state area. some surf will kick up. we will see rough waves and an elevated risk for rip currents. >> where do they come up with the names? >> it is a group of country representatives that get together with the world meteorological organization. they try to create representative names from a variety of cultures and languages. i have no idea where they got to goethe from. >> is it short for gertrude? >> it is not sure for anything. >> as a state senator, are we prepared if this thing took a
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turn? >> i think so. one of the things that governor christie has done his deal with -- i know i have to apologize for that, is deal with natural emergencies. as long as he is in the state. >> after sandy, i think everyone is very well protected in the counties. we are ready to go. >> keep us posted. the weekend is coming. >> is a look at some headlines were chasing today. a pack of scuba diving boat rescued a labrador retriever by people from about off of the cape. nobody was seriously injured. spacex launched another cargo mission monday. a falcon nine rocket lifted off from cape canaveral to bring food, clothing, toiletries, hard way and hardware. it was found by elon musk in
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2002. big bang, the famous spell on the clock in britain's house of parliament will go silent for for your starting next week. the silencing of the chime is for 38 million-dollar restoration. that some of the headlines were chasing today. >> were contracting out to go green. it was too good to be true and now taxpayers on the hook. >> they should be federally investigated. >> to me it's crazy. there should've been red flags along the way. >> i meteorologist dan. our soggy summer rolls along with another weekend rain chance. all is not lost. we have glimmers of sunshine to
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an issue we brought to you on friday. in issue on three counties in new jersey contracting out to go green and have their government building stocked with solar panels. sounded too good to be true, turned out it was. now taxpayers are on the hook for $26 million. it doesn't stop there. one member of the assembly is renewing the call for federal investigation to see if there is any criminal wrongdoing. >> the administration of this project -- this county was a victim of that. >> i bring back our panel. guys, you heard this story, we talked about it on friday. does this smell like corruption too? >> totally. i will second the motion by the assemblyman that this should be federally investigated.
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there were nine people who recommended it, nine out of nine who had a financial interest. >> you will remember county government. walk me through what happened in your county that might be similar. i don't know if you had the same opportunity as they had in somerset. >> they came to us and thought we could do this because it seemed like a great thing where we could do solar panels and it wouldn't cost anything. as we investigated it and started understanding it, i had solar panels in my home and i remember when i first got them there $600 a month, now 200 and change. we knew it was not going to pan out. >> we will eventually get to a total -- but beyond that, how easy is this corruption, who's paying attention? how does this go on for six years? >> there should've been so many
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red flags along the way. in the county board is in charge of being watchdogs of taxpayer dollars. one red flag is when they put off the rp and only one company responded. that's a red flag that nobody wants the business except on group. >> is is a false narrative? we've had lengthy discussions about corruption at the level of government with the state house renovation, is it more than we think? >> i believe so. we see this time and time again. it's not always corruption but often times it's incompetence. we had incompetence. if they're incompetent they should be voted out of office. >> why don't they? we have republican counties and democratic counties. democrats win in these counties, it's a prescription for incompetence. >> i would argument that there's
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going to be some turnover as a result of this and $26 million of taxpayer money down the train. >> what you think? is there enough anger and energy to actually replace some of these guys? to expect that somebody's going to go to jail if this turns out there is criminal activity going on? we will find out tweet me at bilbill spadea. >> on new jersey once or 1.5 dan. let's talk about what's to come weatherwise at the next couple of days. the storm system is moving to the tri-state area in the next 24 hours. combined with humidity we have somewhat weather to talk about. showers possible for the rest of overnight. lots of clouds out there as well.
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low temperatures get 65 - 70 degrees. some stickiness as you head out the front door in the morning. it will not be unbearable. more time of wet weather for tuesday. any rain that falls should stay rather light. i don't think we'll see torrential downpours. the thunderstorm threat is low. you might get a little wet on tuesday. mostly cloudy, high temperatures in the low to mid 80s. keep in mind that tuesday will be the closest approach of girt, whether tropical storm are low-grade hurricane, only surf concerns, no weather concerns. as we head out to as we head into friday we have another chance of rain. >> here's a look at headline. >> a philadelphia man said he
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lost track of time after he fell into a sinkhole in philadelphia. eugene clark's wife recorded his rescue by the fire department. he told the city about the whole book is not down a barrier. tom cruz injured himself on performing a stunt on the london set of mission impossible six. video showed the actor leaping off a platform, landing short of the building and slamming into a wall. he gets up and limps away. last night at the 2017 teen choice award, actor chris pratt was awarded for his star in the garden of the galaxy series. miley cyrus who is set to receive the ultimate choice award canceled at the last minute. that's a look at some of the headlines were chasing today. >> it's health is very important and who's better to tell us than the dog whisperer. time of separation anxiety. one of the biggest problems dogs are developing now.
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>> welcome back to chasing news. i'm bill spadea. we have an interesting story. how about audiobooks for dogs? not about dogs, for dogs. ron has the story. >> we obviously love our doggies at chasing news. we know you do too. there is a saying that for us dogs are just one part of our lives. but for them, we are their entire lives. the emotional health of our pets is important. who better to tell us about it is the dog whisperer, season.
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i met at the hotel in new york city. to talk about a new way to comfort pets when you cannot be there. audiobooks. malan parted with audible, the online auto audiobook giant and found that they have a positive effect on your pet when you can't be there. >> people have to go to school and go to the market. people have to leave. >> they researched and show that 76% of owners felt a positive impact in their dog's behavior. >> this is going to address separation anxiety. one of the biggest problems dogs are developing. separation anxiety because the dock has to be by himself. and that happens when there is separation. a lot of times of people leave they feel guilty for leaving docs by them self.
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>> sometimes a big hollywood movies they will have these crazy chase scenes were somebody jumps or gets thrown from a moving car. the person hits the ground and rose for a bit. then they come to a stop and pop up and dust themselves off like it was no big deal. whenever i see that i think, that is rubbish. getting thrown out of a moving car hurts way worse than that. >> why not just to the practice of leaving the radio on and the tv on? that's a big no-no according to the dog whisperer. >> you cannot maintain the consistency of the tone. readings and the commercials have the ups and downs. it's not going to have the consistency of a meditative state. >> nothing is a cure all for a mischievous pup. he still preaches that exercise and not just a 15 minute walk a day is paramount for a healthy animal. dogs that don't get enough exercise most likely will exhibit to those rough characteristics like chewing, barking, aggression. a tire dog is really a good dog.
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most people when they walk, they walk really slow. if you're going to do 15 minutes make sure you are running or put a backpack on the dog. during the physical energy before you leave the house. >> not just any book by any narrator, he says classic books with a soothing voice will work best. you can find a list of recommended books for your animals with a gold stamp of the dog whisperer himself. >> thank you. only in america. thanks for joining us tonight at chasing news. i hope you enjoyed the show watching it as much as we did taping it. i know some conversations are a bit contentious. when the show is over hit me up on twitter at bill spadea. at the shop at chasing news. the conversation continues before and after the broadcast. remember, i don't sleep much. i'm up at three in the morning to do radio.
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