tv Chasing News FOX August 24, 2017 12:30am-1:00am EDT
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bill: welcome to "chasing news" i am your host bill spadea, a huge show for you, last night we talked about whether or not columbus was a racist. and should his statue be taken out of columbus circle. tonight we have other side. >> beach spreading, have you ever, recced a huge tent on the beach, there is a battle brewing at jersey shore. >> how heard of double dipping, how about a guy with 4 government jobs, later with your headlines and your weather. i want to start with story about donald trump, how about a
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charity that is dumping trump, moving on, right in our backyard in new jersey. row rohan with the full story. >> abandon ship is the buzzword on wednesday, another charity has canceled a an event at president trump's mar-a-lago club. unicorn children foundation had a planned luncheon. the 17th to cancel. following trump's comments about deadly violence in charlottesville, virginia. closer to us in new jersey, reverbing as are felt, unite way of ocean in man mouth county will hole a leadership conference for their donors in new jersey at trump national golf club, they pull their september 28 event as well, from the president's ven. >> you based on recent events
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and how political it became we decided to remove ourselveses from that. >> if their is rohan for chasing news. bill: meet our panel, a great outstanding, guest list senator ray le lesniak. we appreciate you being here, and a free holder in county government in man mout monmouth, senator -- what do you think about this. does it make sense to you. >> every one of these groups are involved, they are charity groups they have compassion and empathy, something that donald trump lacks, his name is toxic. bill: you think that every charity will check ownership roles of everyone that owns a piece of any of these country clubs, making sure they are pure
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and politically correct before they do an event. >> that would be silly and time consuming, tim lives in my town, he is a good guy, i volunteered for the united way, they try to be nonpolitical. bill: does this expose that unite way is spending money on things they should not, what are they doing at a fancy run key country club. >> it is their loss. every study i have seen says that republican males from northeast are biggest charity givers in the country. donald trump has given more to charity than joe biden, half of the democrat leadership. >> nonsense. >> that is unfortunate for united ways. bill: we have heard time and again, people scrutinizing the charities,ing abou going after , paying this ceo 250 grand a year, i hear country club and
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trump national and i say something is wrong, then i hear about charities going mar-a-lago, i thinking that is something is wrong right there, why are they not doing it at tents on the beach. >> you want people to spend money, a couple hundred red a ticket to go. if you try to a money to matt's point, that i want to go somewhere, where it is worth their money. bill: just a bunch of rich people making themselves feel better by going to a fancy cocktail party. >> i am volunteering too much. bill: trump's speech, he was aggressive out in front. >> he is the fake newser out there. he read what he said, about charlottesville. then he left out ofen offensive. bill: was he off the rail. >> he is always off the rail. bill: do you agree. >> no. senator know, antifa is a
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designated terrorist group in new jersey, what the president said of the accurate, we're concerned about being accurate or making a point. >> it was not accurate, he said there were good people in the demonstration. bill: are you questioning the if the'president's mental sanity. >> i would not be the first one, but yes, i am. bill: do you think he is crazy. >> he as a republican senator said, unstable, i am concerned. >> i think that president was spot on. he is aggressive, he is assertive, but what do you think, let us know, keep watching show, here is what we have coming up for you. and your weather. >> i naacp requested a meeting with rodger goodell to discuss kaepernick a first amendment
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right, held a rally in front of nfl headquarters in new york on wednesday, kaepernick neile cap. >> and menendez told chasing news reporter his authority is in tact. >> is moral authority. >> it is -- thank you very much. >> menendez is accused of doing favors for a florida eye doctor, in exchange for a vacation, and political contribution. that is a look at some headlines we're chasing today. bill: chief meteorologist dan with your weather. >> a boring weather forecast over next couple of days, that is not bad. i'll talk about what temperatures will do as we approach the weekend coming up. bill: thank you, dan. >> coming up after the break, how about columbus? that and more coming up. stay with us.
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circle, the statue of columbus in danger, some people want to see it torn down, and other have found italy and mussolini pictures in their lobby, coming up, ashley. >> a condo building in sunny side queens is another point of contention, for pictures of dictators, hitler and mus mussoi in the lobby, a building of mix messages with a picture supporting donald trump, another poster that reads original jim crow, and different poster of dr. king, jr. the property manager who is responsible for the imagery is on away on hav vacation, his attorneys say that posters are patriotic and historical, a attorney representing a former owner, who used to live here said that current owners need more control over what happens where they live. >> our case over. my client was concerned, he was
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very involved in this building. well -- gliek to see the right thing done. >> what is the right thing done. >> a board to oversea operationn of this building. >> in manhattan controversy continues over whether to remove statue of cluck columbus in columbus circle. they recommend that it comes down, yet new york state commission for social justice, is fighting to keep it in queens, alegion aashley johnsonh "chasing news." bill: thank you. >> we're joined by 7 someone who is fighting to keep columbus statue in the circle, hear are you. >> how you doing. bill: what do you say. >> america should be unified. to have a recommendation from a so-called leader, a political leader, i think that is dangerous. and only dividing another
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community from this sta statue s important. bill: what do you say to folks who say he came over and he killed people. and he started a genocide, what do you say? >> that that is being promoted by those who want to rewrite history, certainly not true, we have journals of christopher columbus, he became very friendly with native tribes here. bill: council woman will fight this, she is offended, good luck with your battle on this. i side with our common sense and logic, appreciate you joining me. bill: our panel again, senator ray lesniak. and rooney, thank you for sticking with me, you heard what they said about the statue, ray? you heard the term social justice in this guy a title, right away, he is opposed to
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statue. >> no, i am not opposed to it either. -- columbus is being honored for discovery the americas, that is what he did, unlike robert e. lee who is honored for defending slavery and attacking u.s. of america, a big difference. difference. bill: ray you never cease to amaze me, you sound like a conservative, let me ask you, what about social justice aspect. people that are attacking columbus, does the councilwoman have a point. >> she does it should be part of history and should be taught, we have to teach everyone about our warts, everyone that warts, this is a total different situation in terms of sat eu, i am not offended by it, and -- >> who said -- who said you you have a right not to be offended people get offendd.
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>> you should be offended by statues. >> you should be. >> no, i don't disagree. bill: what did you think. talk about, is everything now subject to scrutiny we should tear down monuments up and down. >> if you ask me what i think, problem is that no one is thinking, everyone is feeling. you can't improve the future by sanitizing the past. bill: and mayor de blasio's panel they are looking at everything in new york starting with confederate flag, tile in subway, should we count the statues and spend our i'm on tie -- this. >> we have to draw a line with slavery, that is biggest ballot on america's hist -- blot on amendment's history, monuments for slavely shoul slavery shoul.
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>> where do you stop. >> they are not being honored for defending slavery, they are being honored for founding this country and our independents, lee is being defended for slavery. bill: i think we should be focused on real issued beyond the tiles in subway, thank you. >> we'll see. >> you bet. bill: let's switch gears, look at this, a tent put up during a family movie night on beach in belmar, at the jersey shore, picture was taken by the mayor, matt dougherty tweeting it out against his crusade called beach spreading. welcome to "chasing news." >> good. bill: why did you take that picture. >> it was sent to maya angelou e who was at movies that night. we started talking about large
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tents on beach people have sent pictures. either through twitter or facebook. these are charg are -- showing d more. bill: is this honestly that big a deal. we had this concer this conversn radio, morning show, and i put it there i said, matt not just charge an extra beach fee for people who want to bring a tent. >> we don't want them make coming to beach any more expensive for families that come now. they make if difficult to really -- >> i know there will not take affect for a while. wait until you see my tent, panel, beach spreading, what do you think? >> i think mayor is right. we have too much crowding on the beaches, except for governor christie's private beach. the mayor is right. bill: maybe we should move the
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tents there. >> maybe we should do something about global warming we'll lose sand for -- >> oh, god, it is a pick bigger picture with this guy. >> a great way fa for family toy on the beach, some are too big, you get people to stay on beach longer, and spend the day, and there. bill: beach, condition we just get along, tent people and nontent people. >> life, liberty and pursuit of beach spreading, you go to shore with your fam plea, you havly, a big gaggle, you paid taxes and beach tags, if i want to keep my kids out of sun, let me put up a tent. if you want to regulate, maybe one part of beach for big tent, great, but stop looking for rishes. bill: typical politics focus on wrong thing, the tents are not bothering, but people have been
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hurt, some cases reported they have been killed by beach umbrellas, they fly down the beach. >> i almost was a victim of one of those. bill: it is real. >> i think we have been a victim of a beach umbrella. >> it is real. >> they don't put them in right. bill: umbrellas, tents? or none on jersey beaches, you decide, let us know. in sad news, har hard to switch, senator you lost a colleague. >> a close friend, i received a call last night, about jim wail en had a heart attack and died, my god, he is a politician, no one has anything bad to see about. only good. he just a decent human being. great public servant. i feel a lot of sorrow. >> one of few people that you could disagree with, and he would not berate you, he was not personal. >> a day in age where americans
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having trouble, he was able to do that, we need more. bill: in other news, here headlines. >> state department has issued a warning for traveler to mexico. cautions this u.s. citizens are targets for violent crimes, they include cabo sa lucas is. and cancun. >> a 11-year-old girl who surfed burnsuffered burns on her face r her friend poured boiling water on her face is recovering. it was a hot water challenge. >> i fell hot water. >> other girls were picking on her before. >> were they picking you to too much before this? >> yes. >> they were. >> called me fat and stuff like that. >> jim mcqueeny, most of my 9 9's jersey now, threw out first
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pitch. thunder shut out sea dogs, that is a look at some headlines where chasing today. today. >> meteorologist dan zarrowhere, our next chance for rain, smrm system is about a week away. that means we'll see pleasant weather but not without its problem. temperatures will be below normal. we're usually at 83, we're not close to weekend, our new air mass arrived today, cooler and dryer. you may have notice that drop in humidity today. you will feel new air mass tonight as well with a few clouds overhead, overnight lows in lower 60s. you may see 50s sprinkled in thursday morning, thursday, partly sunny, highs may reach 8
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80. this is beginning of a trend in upper 70s, same for friday, to about 80, at least sunshine. and we'll still have that nice low humidity, a good weather forecast, it just files more like mid september. than late august. for winding. more of the same, weekend. partly, sunny skies, highs upper certains to 80 -- 70s to 80s, and next chance of rain tuesday to wednesday. >> i am meteorologist dan zarrow . bill: meet the guy with four public jobs. >> he does not work here. >> they say he does not really work there full time. >> i figure that tax payers of harrison are everyone titled to ice cream on me.
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bill: welcome back to "chasing news," i am your host bill spadea, you will meet the guy with four public jobs. guess where me is right now? on brian donohue you have the story. >> public officials with two jobs or two pension or three. here is hudson county town of harrison, a councilman is quadruple dipping, i thought i would track him down and see how he handles it. challenge will be fining doran at any one of his four places of work, getting this ice cream there before it melts. >> he as a license the here, he does not work here. >> no luck, they say he does not work there full time.
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next stop harrison board of education, he is assistant superintendent. he used to be superintenden sale assistance. that is like i tell my daughters two toppings only, with whip cream, gummy bears and extra gummy bears. we're getting close to start of school, i would expect the superintendent office to be a beehive of activity. i am sure they are in the mood for some ice cream right about now. your kidding. >> he earns $37 an hour at part time supervisor at hudson school of technology, but he rarely works there, we'll skip that, next stop town hall, he is
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councilman, he gets in state pension system. >> not here okay. >> mr. doran? this is brian donohue, i am a reporter with "chasing news," you are not in harrison, i want to meet with you. >> i am in massachusetts. >> in massachusetts, all right, i was here, and i should some ice cream, i thought we could sit down for some ice cream. >> i'm sorry. i would have liked the opportunity, but i can't. >> politician like this, i figure taxpayers are entitled to some ice cream on me. >> good, right? >> mm-hmm. >> >> hard to get 4 scoops on there. >> yeah. >> i could not get them to stay on top, they kept falling off. >> all over the sidewalk now. oh,
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that is what happens. when people put too many scoops othank you. >> thank you. >> brian donohue reporting for "chasing news." bill: what a story. you can't make it up. a great night at "chasing news," we appreciate you being with us. i spend a lot of time yesterday we had story about kids and cell phones and when was it too young to give it to them, i talked about it on radio as well morning 6-10 every morning, new jersey 101.5, i focused on not about the age but how you raise them and teach them, about time we stop coddling our kids until they are in their mid 20s, how about we teach them good decision making and toughen them up that is going to go a long way to fight a lot of problems we have in our society
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(bells jingling) homer: ho, ho, ho! d'oh! (tires screeching) (grunts) oh, are we gonna stay roto-rootered like this the whole show? it's rotoscoped, dad. whatever it is, it's making me sick. a noble experiment that failed. (acoustic guitar playing) hmm... i don't know. just is. why are clouds white? no clue. why are people yellow? it's the way god made them. why is grass green? so you can find your damn golf ball. now i have a question for you. why did you leave your toy car on the stairs?
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