tv Teen Kids News FOX August 26, 2017 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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(energetic rock music) - you're watching teen kids news. i'm livia. here's this week's top story. (dynamic music) in the world today, we seem to think that having more of something is better, like more friends, more money, more as on tests, but there's one thing that just about every one of us teens could use a lot less of. amelia tells us more. - don't stress, but that's exactly what i wanna talk to you about, stress. first of all, on a scale of one to 10, how much stress do you often feel?
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- probably around a six. - like an eight. - i would say probably a nine. - i feel a level seven stress. - i would say a seven. - [amelia] how much stress do you often feel? - 10. - what causes your stress? - being put under the pressure to perform as expected and do the amount of schoolwork that we're given, do the tests to the level that i wanna do them, like get all as, so, yeah, that's probably what causes most of my stress. - i have high expectations for myself and i really wanna reach them, and i get stressed out. i want everything to be right. - everything happens in my life, like school, going places. it's a lot to handle. - what causes your stress? - math. - i don't know, just auditions, or just things at home that i have to deal with, but i would say most of it is schoolwork and homework and projects and essays, yeah.
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- would you like to learn how to live with less stress? - yes. - obviously, 100%. - yes, i would love to learn how to live with less stress, because it would be really helpful. - yeah, i think everyone would like to learn, but, yeah, especially me. i would love to learn (laughs) to live with less stress. - thought so. and that's why we're here once again talking with dr. roni cohen-sandler. - hi. - hi. - just so we're all on the same page, what exactly is stress? - well, in this situation stress is a feeling of mental tension or wororry in response to things that you have to do, like demands or pressures. - how can stress be harmful? - well, in the short run, it can be hard to concentrate, you may have trouble sleeping, you may make more mistakes, and some people get headaches and stomachaches. but in the long run, chronic stress can lead to anxiety, depression, and some pretty major health problems. - are some of us more hardwired to feel stress than our peers?
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- well, in the sense that we're all born with different temperaments, yes, because some of us are more sensitive to stress. but the good news is that all of us, no matter what our temperaments, can learn how to deal with stress effectively. - you have a six step plan for helping us to reduce stress. your first step is sensible schedule. tell us about that. - choose classes that are the right difficulty level for you, but don't take too many classes. it's important to have at least one free period during the school day. and i always suggest having at least a day or two where you have no commitments after school. - your second step is balanced lives. what does that mean? - to be healthy, it's important to have a balance or at least aim for a balance of work, play, rest, socializing, and exercise. - got that. (laughs) on your third step, realistic expectations? - yes, if you set goals that are achievable, you are more apt to feel good about yourself.
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if you expect to be perfect and you aim to do all these things that are impossible, you're causing yourself more stress, and you're not gonna feel good about yourself. - speaking of realistic expectations, my producer expects me to take a quick break at this point for commercials. so, doctor, we'll get to your last three steps in a minute. teen kids news will be right back. - [announcer] closed captioning is brought to you by.
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- for me stress feels like, i don't know, anxiety and exhaustion. i don't know, a lot of procrastination in my case. - i think it just feels like pressure jusust being put on yu to do everything correctly, in my opinion. - well, it feels like something terrible that you just want to escape all the time. - we're continuing our report on stress, or rather how to avoid being stressed by stress. dr. roni cohen-sandler is sharing her six steps to lessen stress. so far we've learned about setting sensible schedules, maintaining balanced lives, and having realistic expectations. doctor, step four is minimizing anxieties. can you explain that? - yes, very often you have ideas in your head such as, "well, if i don't get into a certain college, "i'm never gonna be successful in my life," or "if i get a b, "my parents will never be proud of me again." so it's important to challenge those assumptions
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that you're making and to ask yourself, "are these really true?" and of course they're not, and so that should lower your stress. - okay, moving on to step five, you call it recognizing hidden stress. - yes, so we think about stress in terms of headaches and stomachaches and having difficulty sleeping, but if you realize that for the last several days or weeks you've been really irritable and you're getting in a lot of fights with your friends or you're even meaner to your sibling than you usually are, you might wanna think about the fact that maybe these are signs of stress that have just crept up on you. - [amelia] and your last recommendation, get help? - yes, a lot of times you think that it's a sign of weakness if you ask for help, but it's actually just the opposite. so talk to someone about the stress that you're experiencing. there are many, many things that you can do to reduce it and feel better and healthier. - who's more likely to feel stress, boys or girls?
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or is it pretty equal? - well, actually the research, including my own, shows that girls are about 40% more likely to report being stressed out than boys are, and there are two main reasons. one is that it turns out that during the teenage years at least, girls are much more inclined to wanna please their parents and teachers, and the second reason is appearance. girls stress out so much more than boys do about their hair and makeup. - is stress always bad? - no, actually a little bit of stress, minor stress, is actually quite exciting and fun. think about, for example, going on a scary ride. and also it can help you to perform better. so those butterflies that you get before you give an oral report in school or you perform in a recital, those are helping you to be more alert and sharp. - great. (laughs) thank you, doctor. - thanks for having me. - as long as we have things like exams, sports competitions, and parents, we'll never be able
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to completely eliminate stress from our teen years. so don't stress about it, because it only makes things worse. i know, easier said than done. but i'm certainly gonna try. for teen kids news, i'm amelia. - christin's back with another make the grade report. - timing is everything, especially when it comes to studying for things like a big exam. according to the experts at the university of north carolina, cramming isn't an effective way to prep for a test. they say, "the more you space out your study time, "the more you'll remember." that means an hour a day for five days is better than five hours on one day. so here are some tips. don't wait till the night before. plan out your week leading up to the exam. in addition to your homework, allocate some time each night, say half an hour, to study for the test. when it comes to cramming, in the immortal words of architect mies van der rohe, "less is more." with make the grade, i'm christin.
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- robert frost's poem mending walls starts with the line, "something there is doesn't love a wall." by that he means that unless a wall serves a true purpose, there's no reason to build and maintain it. in nicole's uk ok report, she tells us about a wall that helped the ancient romans define their empire. ("rule, britannia!" by thomas arne) - it stretches like a stone snake over the hills and fields of northern england. it was built by roman soldiers during the reign of emperor hadrian in the second century c.e., and ever since it's been known as hadrian's wall. it runs east to west for about 70 miles,
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starting almost at the north sea and ending at the irish sea. the height of the wall varied. at it's highest point, the wall rose up 20 feet above the grassy land. it took 16,000 roman soldiers 10 years to build. historians argue over just why the wall was built. some believe it was a barrier to separate roman-controlled britain on this side from the wild barbarian tribes on the other side. another theory was that by building a wall with gates and checkpoints, it allowed the romans to collect taxes on those passing through. or it could have just been built to show off the power that was rome. whatever the reason, forts were built along the wall and manned by soldiers. these are the remains of one of the bigger forts. as the years passed, the romans left england and the soldiers left the wall. in later centuries, many of the stones were taken from the wall to build roads.
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this important part of history would have been lost if not for a man by the name of john clayton in the 18th century who helped save it. proud of their wall from the days of hadrian, the people of england would no doubt argue with robert frost, for they certainly do love their wall. for teen kids news, i'm nicole. - 50 us states, 50 state flags, each one with its own unique history. here's eric with flag facts. (fast-paced drum music) - [eric] it's home to cowboy ghost towns, custer's last stand, seven indian reservations, the world's shortest river and largest migrating elk herd. the state animal is the grizzly bear. (growling) and its sweeping vistas earned it the nickname big sky country. we're talking montana, partner. - montana is from the spanish word
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for mountains or mountainous. - admitted to the union in 1889, its flag honors both the land and its people. - [randy] so you see the tools of a miner, a pickaxe, a shovel. you also see farming tools for the settlers who came and settled the land. and in the back you see the river, the waterfall, and the rocky mountains, in reference to the great nature they have in montana. - montana is rich in precious minerals. the banner across the bottom boasts, "oro y plata," which means gold and silver. montana is also rich in wildlife. it has more species of mammals than any other state. our 41st state has some pretty strange laws. for example, it's illegal for unmarried women to go fishing by themselves on sundays. i guess in montana there's better ways to hook a husband. with flag facts, i'm eric. (dynamic music)
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and saw a giant ball of fire in the sky, they've accorded the sun special respect. the light and warmth it gives define our everyday existence. the sun is not only the center of our universe. as emily tells us, it's central to the practice of yoga. (tranquil music) - joining is now is yoga therapist brenda schnable. hi. - hi. - so what is the sun salutation? - the sun salutation is probably one of the most well-known vinyasas, or sequence of poses within yoga. it teaches you patience and perseverance, as well as builds body strength and endurance. you wanna give it a try? - sure, let's do it. - all right, walk to the front of your mat. - okay. - we're gonna lift our arms up and bend forward. we're gonna step that right foot back into a lunge,
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and then take that left foot back, coming into the top of a pushup, called a plank pose in yoga. we're gonna come all the way down and then lift up into upward-facing dog. curl those toes, and lift up. push the head between the arms for our downward-facing dog. step or walk that right foot forward into your lunge, followed by that left. inhale all the way up, and come into a little backbend. and then we'll do it again on the other side. so fold forward. - [emily] okay. - left foot back, followed by that right. you're in your plank pose. lower yourself down, lift the chest and head. curl those toes, come into your downward-facing dog. and then step that left foot forward, followed by that right. inhale all the way up and back, and exhale those hands back down.
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you should feel warm. - very nice. - already. - i do. - you do a couple more of those, and now you'll really know what the sun salutation is all about. - that's really great, thank you. now, of course when you do this, don't look directly at the sun, or at the sun at all. but i know you knew that. thank you, brenda. - you're welcome. - for yoga and you, i'm emily. - the next time you're feeling a bit down in the dumps, remember this week's words of wisdom, "when life gives you 100 reasons to cry, "show life that you have 1,000 reasons to smile." i know that might seem difficult to do, especially when you're hurting, but like most things, it becomes easier with practice. - it's time for another important message brought to you by the national road safety foundation. (marker scribbles) (engine starts)
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here's another great recipe from the culinary institute of america. - whether you call them chicken fingers or chicken strips, for many of us they're a go-to snack or meal. well, i've got a way to make them a bit a healthier but still delicious. instead of frying them, we're gonna oven-bake them. let's get started. i've picked out two chicken breasts that i've cut into strips that are about an inch thick each. we're gonna dredge them into our flour, in our eggs, and next into our panko, which is just a fancy word for fancy bread crumbs. let's get started. i'm gonna take our flour and put it into our first bowl here with a little bit of salt and pepper. this will season the chicken before it begins to cook. next, i'm gonna whip the eggs to make our egg wash with. this will make the panko stick to the chicken a little easier.
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after the eggs, we're gonna do it with the panko. straight there. after you mix the seasoning into the flour, we're ready to begin with our chicken. you wanna take the chicken and dredge it lightly into the flour. dredging just means to put down and then to cover lightly. shake off the excess and go straight into the egg. the egg will act as a glue for the panko. after you cover the chicken with the panko, place it straight on a baking rack, just like that. i'll go ahead and finish the rest. these were my favorite snacks as a kid. i used to come home every day after school, and my mom would make 'em for me. thankfully, she gave me her recipe. we're just gonna throw these into the oven now at 375 degrees.
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you wanna cook them for 15 minutes or until they're golden brown. when handling raw chicken, you wanna wash your hands before you cook it, and of course after. you also wanna clean your kitchen very well. i'm gonna wash my hands again. my hands are washed and my kitchen is clean, and the chicken's still cooking. let's make the honey mustard. the secret to a great honey mustard is using mayonnaise. i've got 1/2 of a cup here. we're just gonna add that to a big mixing bowl. next, i'm using two different types of mustards. i've got a yellow mustard here. using a tablespoon of that. and then a tablespoon of dijon mustard. next, of course, is the best part, the honey. i'm just gonna drizzle that right in. using two tablespoons of organic honey.
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and about two tablespoons of lemon juice. gonna use a whisk and mix it all together. you wanna whisk until it's a solid mass, where there's no little specks of mayo. be sure to keep your lemon seeds out of the lemon juice too. give it a taste. delicious. let's check on that chicken. looks finished to me. now that the chicken's done,
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allow it to cool just a little bit before eating. we'll go ahead and put it on our plate. just gonna take a few pieces here, and then fill up our dipping cup here with the honey mustard. oven-baked panko chicken strips with a honey mustard dipping sauce, a healthy alternative to chicken fingers. mm. at the culinary institute of america for teen kids news, i'm fletch. - that sure looks good, and pretty easy to make. you can find the full recipe on our website. that's it for teen kids news this week. see you next time. (energetic rock music)
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