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tv   Chasing News  FOX  October 3, 2017 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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>> massacre las vegas. dozen kilts, hundreds injured. we talked to someone who is there when the shooting started. plus, we will bring in an expert from former fdi and special agent to talk about security in general. are we safe? of this happen again? and puerto rico still trying to recover from the devastation of hurricane maria. >> the vast majority don't have power,. >> many people going back and forth and wrangling over politics and tweets on the eve of the president's visits. plus your weather, sports and headlines. i'm bill spady a, this is chasing news.
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[inaudible] let's start with the horrific massacre in las vegas with so many people recovering and so many dead. it was a horrible, horrible night at a country music concert in vegas. jonathan hunt has the full story. >> shock and horror as the gunman opened fire on concertgoers las vegas strip. investigators are trying to figure out why. a government opening fire from the 32nd floor of the mandalay bay hotel, sending over 22000 people attending the country music festival running for their lives. >> people were getting trampled.
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it's crazy. i saw people in front of me get hit with bullets. >> swat teams swarming and 64-year-old stephen killed himself after the shooting. he had as many as ten guns. >> where did he get automatic weapons? he doesn't have a military background question. >> he was [inaudible] law-enforcement vader and authorities believe he acted alone. >> we have determined to this point no connection with an international terrorist group. >> this is a crazy lunatic for pay. we don't know much about his background. >> hospitals are packed with wood to concertgoers as local and federal law-enforcement officers try to figure out what led to the deadliest mass shooting in u.s. history.
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i'm jonathan hot with fox newsw. >> thank you. i one bring in ashley johnson who has a perspective from someone who survived another mass shooting. >> as many of us woke up feeling heartbroken hearing about the worst mass shooting, for patients and philadelphia native and junior new york university, this massacre meant reliving her worst net may. patients who survived the shooting in orlando. >> i just thought about how families are going to feel finding out that their loved ones were gunned down on the concert. >> her best friend from philadelphia was killed. >> a lot of times when tragedy strikes serve people automatically want to be strong for others and sometime you just have to let it out and cry. >> she said the mass shooting victim survivor wicket for hope to see in the footage of the those rushing to see those wounded. >> i just thought about the shock and fear that survivors must of felt i should watch the
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video and encouraging those not to watch. >> the suspect was found dead on the 32nd floor of the mandalay bay resort and casino. >> thanks ashley. i want to bring in folks from new jersey were there at the concert as the shooting started. melissa you are there, let me start with you. where were you when the shooting started last night? >> we had just gotten off a helicopter tour and we are right next to mandalay bay. >> what did you hear? >> honestly wouldn't know what was going on. there are driver said that their firing shots. and all you heard was gunshots. people running, screaming coming
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telling us not to slowdown. >> how close are you now? can you see mandalay bay? >> we can. right behind their. >> what's it like today? it seems quite for you are right now. >> very quiet,. >> very quiet, think it is your okay, appreciate you joining us. >> thank you very much. >> a one bring in our panel to weigh in on this tragedy that took place in las vegas on sunday night. jeanette, it's good to have you here phil is also a political strategist, you heard these young woman talking about this, it's interesting there were driver said there's a shooting
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sounds like so many chaotic things coming out of this. >> i'll be a little bit more vigilant, one of the things i would encourage our viewers, if you see something, say something. we don't know the information now but the fact that this guy was planning this and bringing guns and ammunition, if you see something say something. >> just be aware and be vigilant. be aware of your surroundings. in terms what were doing now, there's a lot of data, not that were gonna process and i'm interested in being quiet and listening. pgh so, turn to diana talk about the story behind the story the starting to develop, information about the firepower, the number of weapons and ammunition that he had. >> hours after the shooting, this shooting ring was busy.
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anthony is ceo gun for hire. >> today is busier than ever year. it's sad but whenever there's a mass shooting people think the night sling that's gonna come as gun control so they want to come in and buy a gun and shoot because they want to get grandfathered in before ban comes. >> the suspect had as many as 19 rifles inside his hotel room. democrats slamming the nra and calling for stricter gun laws. little is know on the weapon used but audio suggests there is at least one automatic rifle. fully automatic weapons are only legal with a special permit required fingerprinting and federal approval. some are speculating to legal office sit shelf device was use. it could've been bolted onto a
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semiautomatic rifle which could've increase the speed of fire. nevada doesn't require permit to carry a rifle or shotgun. the county where las vegas is located requires a license. officials continue to investigate the suspect. i'm diana reporting for chasing news. >> i one bring in an expert, his former special agent of the dea and fbi, to discuss security. what measures could've been taken and what kind of preparation could've gone into this mess killing. thanks for joining me. how much planning would've this
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taken. how long was he potentially planning to carry out this act. >> he could've taken months to planet. unfortunately he had it just right. his timing was there, the room was in the right place, lucky for us the police had it right too. a neighbor able to get to him quickly. the textbook case on an active shooter, they have say hundreds of lives by moving quickly. where they found the room and work with hotel security in the way the police and county moved in. >> in terms of preparation, let's say you have an open venue on the president of the united states is traveling, what kind of security of preparation goes in? can these type of tragedies be prevented from a security in late law-enforcement standpoint? >> when the president comes to town to anyplace across the country, or travels internationally the secret service declare a clean sweep of all the streets. it becomes a national security matter where they take over the
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local police department and all the rooftops of the buildings, they do a thorough search of the president's path. ultimately where he's going to be, we can't realistically look at that happening in hotels or malls, anyplace in our daily lives, even going to a stadium or an arena, is not going to work. >> thanks bob. i want to bring in our panel, you heard what bob had to say about whether or not this was preventable. hillary clinton took to twitter in the aftermath, literally hours and said grief is not enough it's time for people to stand up to the nra. as a democratic strategists, smart move on her part? little bit early? >> no, it's not. someone who's for the sensible gun control i think there's a
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time and place for that. thoughts and prayers are all people should be offering right now, whether in politics or just a human being, i think it's okay to just say think about the families or focused on their best wishes in folks healing. >> we remember rob emanuel who is now mayor of chicago say something like never let a good crisis go to waste. >> i think it's disgusting and reprehensible. this is a time for americans to come together, offer thoughts and prayers to the victims. there still people dying on the operating table. it's too early to play politics. but let's praise our law-enforcement officers. >> i haven't thought about it we shouldn't let a good crisis go to waste. they'll be more than enough time to overanalyze what happened once the facts are in. that's what we need.
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>> coming up, president donald trump is headed to puerto rico. his gonna survey the damage firsthand and have a conversation with everyone on the ground as to how the recovery is progressing. that and your sports highlights. >> it's hard to find something to complain about this forecast, we continue the beautiful autumn
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>> welcome back, bill spady, and a little bit were going to check in on our local weather with dan sarah. first, let's check in with justin who is from south jersey hurricane news. he has been in puerto rico recording facebook live videos to keep us updated on what's happening. >> my neighbor was able to get in yesterday and he said it stinks like very musty, everything is very green inside the house. our house took in about 5 feet of water. so it's going to be a big stinky job. but it has to be done. the houses been closed up for 13 or so days. they also keep on reminding people to register for fema.
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if you don't have cell service and internet service you can file for fema. and i keep reminding people to do it quickly and that's obviously a problem. the thing is we don't have a curfew it was extended to us from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. but there are no lights, so traveling at night is dangerous. the vast majority do not have power, as of yesterday i believe have to and have water, so which is luck, i'll try to check back later. >> i want to bring back our panel, joined by jeanette, it's good to see you and bill, strategist and attorney, you see what's happening on the ground, i don't know that it's news that
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so devastating we've been talking about it for a week, what you make of the political wrangling. people are pointing the finger and blaming the administration. i see it as a category five hit in ten days. >> there's devastation there's also been some dysfunction in terms of getting helped where help is needed. the unfortunate part is the nonsense going back and forth on both sides. certain folks on the democratic side are using this as an opportunity to bash trump. but the president has to stop. >> sometimes i wish the president would restrain himself but that's who he is. he uses twitter to communicate to the american people. some of his tweets have become so highly politicized, the mayor of san juan attacking trunk.
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his own person levelheaded is the governor puerto rico hussein there is more that needs to be done. >> one of the neighboring mayor said the presence doing what he can, what you say of this not only the politicization of it but how the mayor has conducted herself. >> it's wrong. two wrongs don't make a right. the president should not take the bait. there is legitimate criticism for what isn't being done because it's a massive disaster. but the president should be engaged in this. >> but the president was right to say all this talk the department of defense, but he didn't say that it's identity
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politics that democrats are engaging in they're not getting help. the so disgusted and reprehensible. i think the democrats are to blame for this. >> but the president took the debate and demeaned an entire population of people doing so. i don't think he meant to think he was undisciplined. >> i feel like you now finally have transparency that has been promised for presidents over the past 20 years. we got it with trump. i want to thank the panel. it's good to see. here's dan with your weather. >> l let's take a look at the local weather forecast. we continue going through the first week of october. the biggest compliment i can give is to call the weather beautiful early october weather. sunshine, blue skies temperatures in the 70s. more beautiful days ahead. a couple of hiccups through the rest of the week. i don't have much to show you, dome of high pressure on top of us, it's dry air and one thing
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is very good at cooling down. you might need a jacket or sweater again tonight, not quite as chilly as last couple of nights. there could be patchy fog for tomorrow morning. most low temperatures are in the lower 50s. some 40s and chilly spots, clear skies and light winds overnight. high temperatures are gonna be in the 70s. as the wind switches will bump the temperatures to the mid to upper 70s. still a nice day with sun and clouds. the warming trend continues on thursday. >> tom petty was taken off life support after being found unconscious and full cardiac arrest on sunday night. >> the 1666-year-old rose to fame in the 70s with the band tom petty and the heartbreaks. he was touring to celebrate the 40th anniversary his hits
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include freefalling, breakdown, and american girl. football fans in kentucky shred nfl jerseys and staff taking in the during the national anthem. fans gathered a sports bar and set the shirts ablaze. >> were the ones paying for these games and paying for advertising. and it's not okay with us. >> within 200 nfl players took a near sad after president trump admonished them on twitter. protesters were more subdued this week. a controlled explosion brought down a 78-year-old bridge sunday morning. the bridge connected brooklyn and queens on the expressway. open a 1939 it was meant to serve 10000 vehicles a day and
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>> welcome back to chasing news. i am bill spadea. the baseball playoffs are on. where the yankees? let's check in with sports reporter george. >> it's hard to believe. there's kids in this world two years old that have never been around for yankee playoff game. the drought is over after one year. the yankees hosting the while care game card tomorrow. the host minnesota. one game to decide if they advance into the american league division series. should be interesting. we still have to look back at football on the football world is upside down. new york jets are two and two. the skull the highlights. as the first big play in a day
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full a big place. went to the line, false was not touched by jaguar, he's up and running, the coaching staff is not like this, that tied the game at seven, let's go to the fourth quarter while fans wait for disaster. it never comes. and over time adams aro, 41 yards with 28 pics left in overtime, the jets win and are two into, the new york giants, they say you can't want to super bowl and first four works but you can lose one of their works the best they can. let's go to tampa for the giants trail 13 - 0 early on. but they came back with a strong fourth quarter. a two-year touchdown, two-point conversion doesn't go but they lead 23 - 22. for the second straight week the defense fades and is the former
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jet who had a terrible day kicking. not this time. at the end of regulation 34 yards inside the upright for the four straight week the giants are losers, 25 - 23. if you like stats and percentages the giants have a 3% chance of making the playoffs. i went count on it. >> so big blue took in the on the season. thank you has a nation is reeling and coming to grips with what happened in las vegas, i took time this morning on my radio show to look for some of the tweets by local politicians including one state senator. within hours of this massacre with no information, no information at all is to motives why, how, some of these guys were ready tweeting against the nra, in favor of assault weapon fans. they took a political stance without knowledge of what happened or why. and they were led from the top, hillary clinton who failed to get elected president and has
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shown herself to be better over the issue over the past couple months, she attacked the nra. she suggested the nra gets their way more people could be killed in situations like that. here's my thought. everybody dial it back, it's one thing to have your political position, it's another to have a debate over gun control. this isn't the time. there still people finding out their relatives were killed and that massacre. now's the time to mourn the dead and help the wounded get better. thoughts and prayers are with everyone in las vegas. let's hold the politics were couple of days. thanks for watching. we'll see tomorrow at chasing news.
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♪ loo live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. [ gunfire ] >> shots fired from land lay b bay. >> tragedy strikes the united states yet again. >> it was an act of pure evil. >> a barrage of gunfire strikes a crowd at a las vegas concert. >> we have an active shooter. we have an active shooter inside the fairgrounds. >> the killer not even his relatives know why did he it. >> where the hell did he get automatic weapons? ♪ >> families want answers and investigators are determined to get them. >> thank you much for joining us i'm lucy noland. our country is once again shaken to its core. once again


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