tv Teen Kids News FOX December 16, 2017 5:30pm-6:00pm EST
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♪ live your live you can life you can. welcome back to "live life and win!." the series celebrating teen success stories. >> the power the music can be unstoppable when it's used for good. 13-year-old teagan steadman follows his passion to save lives. >> he's like any other 13-year-old boy. he plays basketball. he likes the outdoors and loves
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ride his skateboard. but this is what teagan steadman loves the most. his guitar. and he plays it every day. ♪ ♪ >> he'll play for hours on end. >> really passionate about music. i do a lot of guitar. it's probably my main passion. when i was seven years old my mom and dad bout me a guitar for my birthday i just rocked it out from there. i started a band when i was 19. >> that's teagan steadman and his band mates, they are not just a garage band they may in public and they already have a following. >> they say music reveals your soul. it helps me get through the day. i feel like if i believe in something i really believe in it and i'll put myself to action. >> and this 13-year-old is a man of action. there is something else he's very involved in.
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>> cancer charity that i started a identify years ago, it benefits pediatric cancer research and funds research as well as spreads awareness. >> that's right, not even a teenager and he started a charity to benefit pediatric cancer research. >> i was car pooling with a girl and i found out her brother was diagnosed with cancer recently and i knew saying sorry wouldn't really help that much. and just feeling sorry for him wouldn't do anything. so i decided to try to help on a bigger scale. and i started a fundraising event. >> so he did some research. and the more he read, the more he wanted to help. he didn't like what he learned. >> cancer really doesn't spare any ethnic group or age. there is no known reason to just kind of pops up out of nowhere. about 3% of the national cancer institute's funding goes towards pediatric research. so there is a huge like lack of
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fundraising towards pediatric cancer research. it feels reward to go know that you are actually helping someone and possibly even saving a life. >> so he started his charity. shred kids cancer and it wasn't always ease. >> i i spent my entire summer about two years ago filing forms with the i.r.s. to try to become an official charity organization. >> but once he did that, more hard work followed.and soon he was organizing giant events. >> team steadman for pediatric cancer, we are looking to hold an event for benefiting pediatric cancer research. would you like on possibly donate? that would be great. thanks so much. usually people are actually really supportive. when i was younger at first, they were really shocked by how this could happen and how a kid this young could be doing this. >> but now he's built a reputation at events that people look forward to.
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>> every year we have a big fundraising event, which is shred fest. and it's basically a huge battle of the bands with celebrity judges and food and just basically everything that you can imagine. last year we raised about $20,000. recently we had rock the run which we were looking for make another major event. it was a 5k as well as a kids one mile run and we raised about $7,000. >> no only has this barely teen started hills own charity, he's also put on events and promoted them himself. >> we try to use social media a lot to try to get people's attention and air witness. >> the one question we wanted to ask him, why? why does he do this? why does a perfectly healthy get get behind a cause like cancer and fight for it so passionately? >> my inspirations are all of the kids in the hospitals that are battling this disease right know. and going through this and just
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trying to make it out alive. that really pushes me to go to the next step and make a bigger leap forward to try to stop this disease. these kids of just basically regular kids and then all of a sudden they just happen to get cancer. it's not their fault. our ultimate goal is to try to spread across the nation. to try to rally up attention and make a bigger impact as a whole. >> and he is making an impact, teagan says his fundraising is laying the building blocks for cancer research. >> the doctors that we we give e money to are currently working on clinical trials that will create new ideas in the ways that we can try to treat cancer. >> teaguean has one mention he s all people, men, well, and children living with cancer to hear. >> stay strong and know that we are here for you and we are doing what we can to try to make it better for you and try to
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stop this disease. i have learned that really there is no obstacle you can't really overcome. and to real never give up. >> teagan says he will keep running shred kids' cancer as long as he can, as far as his career goes he wants to do something in the music industry. >> stpho*et yeah a gotta live life and win ♪ ♪ promotional conside
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oh, look... promotional conside another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works in just one week. with the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. tha...oh, burnt-on gravy?ie. ...gotta rinse that. nope. no way. nada. really? dish issues? throw it all in. cascade platinum powers through even burnt-on gravy. nice.
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cascade. ♪ whether pursuing their dreams or sevenning their communities. >> with perseverance and committal extraordinary teens can mach a difference. >> i am madisen hill, thank for joining out another great rife lie adventure. >> and i am eric keyes see you next time and remember to live, life and win. ♪ live your life you can live your you can live life and win ♪ ♪ live your life you can live your life ♪ ♪ live life and win ♪ ♪
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can you be sure? ♪ if you see something, say something. report suspicious activity to local authorities. (upbeat music) - you're watching teen kids news, i'm veronique. here's this week's top story. (upbeat music) drug and alcohol abuse is an ongoing problem among teens and young adults. that's why a community in new york state holds an annual youth rally to help inform and educate. here's our report, brought to you
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by the council on addiction prevention and education. (upbeat rock music) - [katie] 1,500 students from 10 different schools arrived at new york's dutchess stadium for this special event. - the newer generations, the younger ones, are putting a greater emphasis on their health. they're going gluten free, they're trying vegan. they're doing yoga. so what we want to try and do is infuse some of our prevention messaging into that healthy lifestyle because they do go hand-in-hand. - because in our hope, if we let them know what a healthy lifestyle will do for them. maybe they won't be so tempted. - [katie] this youth rally was sponsored by the southern dutchess community coalition along with the non-profit agency called cape. - [brynna] cape stands for the council on addiction prevention and education of dutchess county. - well i came here because i heard there was going to be great music, great food, from like all my friends that are in 10th grade that came last year. i also heard that that it's very interesting and inspiring to hear about people's stories. - particularly with this age group
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because this is 9th grade, we're targeting that age group because it's a transition year, from middle school to high school. - because i feel like now is the age where everybody starts. everybody's peer pressured into everything. so it's important to get it into your heads now before it's too late. - [katie] making information available was the goal. so around the edge of the field were a number of tables with people doing just that. - the vendors we have here today are representative from a multitude of organizations and agencies throughout dutchess county that have information on healthy food, programs and services to help youth and families. - educating them about the dangers of tobacco and how tobacco is marketed. tobacco can often be a gateway to these other substances, the average age of a new smoker is 13. - this is when they start the risk taking behaviors. and they may go to parties, they may be offered things. they may engage in everything from tobacco, to alcohol, to marijuana and up the line. - [katie] the students also heard from local leaders like assembly woman didi barrett
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and county executive marcus molinaro. - we are losing too many of our young people to addiction, to mental illness and to suicide. someone in this stadium today is struggling right now with a severe mental illness. someone that you know and love is contemplating taking their own life. and someone here is struggling against the demons of addiction. - [katie] but substance abuse is not just limited to dutchess county. - this is a national problem as far as the heroin epidemic, the opioid epidemic with pills and whatnot. and it's really affecting everyone everywhere. - they have these pill parties where the kids are all told, well just bring pills. they put 'em in a bowl and then they just pop whatever's in the bowl. - i've been to at least a half a dozen funerals a year. the opioid epidemic is killing our students. - this current opioid epidemic is the number one cause
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of death in america for adults under the age of 50, period. - [katie] the 9th graders also got to hear from people who are dealing with these issues first-hand. - i'm here to share a story with you about my family member, my brother ryan, who you see up here on this mural. unfortunately my brother chose to make the wrong choices. he started finding new drugs, xanax, oxycontin, anything you could think of. and he started using these because he thought that he needed to fit in with his friends. he got so far into his addiction that at one point he was placed in front of heroin. and i know all of you out there are probably saying, there's no heroin around here. i would never use heroin. i don't like needles. well that was everything he was saying. he thought that he would never use a needle. and sure enough only a couple days later,
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his addiction was so strong, and that craving in his head was so strong, that he started shooting heroin. and he actually lost his life to addiction a little over two years ago. - [katie] the emotional stories seemed to have a real impact on the students. - before it's been played down to us, watered-down version. this is more of a, you know, a real life. we've heard real life scenarios, of what can actually happen to someone, and to someone's family when they're affected by a loss of a loved one due to drugs or alcohol. - 'cause it made me realize how big like drugs were, and how you can actually be affected by it. - yeah, like once you start, it's just a downward spiral. - i know people in my school that are already getting into things like heroin and marijuana and this event can teach them that it's not ok to do that stuff. that they should be seeking help. ♪ feels like i am just too close to lovin' ♪
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- [katie] what makes these annual rallies so effective is that they're not just information-driven. the kids also get to enjoy great music. ♪ i can't hide no more ♪ i can't hide no more - [katie] if you're a regular viewer of teen kids news, you'll probably recognize the lead singer. amelia, is one of our reporters. and she was glad to be a part of the rally. - i think it's really important to me, especially, because you know i am straight edge. i am a strong believer in like a clean healthy life. and i think the more that people are educated about it, maybe the more they be willing to change their ways. - [katie] in case you don't know what straight edge means, we asked amelia to explain. - straight edge is a subculture of punk music where you don't believe in doing drugs, smoking or drinking alcohol. and it promotes a healthy clean way of living. - [katie] and that, after all, is what this event is all about. (crowd cheering) - thank you so much! - [katie] the organizers wanted to end the day by having everyone participate.
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- we asked the kids to silently make a wish for either their health or the health of someone they love. and then those balloons are symbolically released into the atmosphere, releasing those wishes as well. - [crowd] four, three, two, one! (cheers) - in keeping with the spirit of being clean, the balloons are safe for the environment. the latex is eco-friendly and biodegradable. the rally's message is very clear. the best way to avoid getting addicted, whether to alcohol, smoking or drugs, is not to start in the first place. but if you, or someone you know, is in trouble, reach out. cape wants you to know that help is available. you can es-cape addiction. for teen kids news, i'm katie. - there's lots more ahead on teen kids news, so don't go away. we'll be right back. - [luke] closed captioning is brought to you by:
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in fact, of the 21 most expensive paintings ever sold at auction, four of them were done by van gogh. ironically, during his lifetime, he was only able to sell just one of his paintings. this one, called the red vineyard. and that one was to a friend. with art smart, i'm william. (dramatic music) - the soldiers medal is an award for army soldiers during peacetime, who do something very brave, perform a, a brave act like running into a house and saving children. they're not in combat, but still, they did something brave. (cheerful music)
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- here's this week's chance for you to guess the president. he was wounded in the civil war, fighting for the north. then he served three terms as governor of ohio. the writer mark twain helped him campaign for president. and the election was so close that a special commission was appointed to figure out who actually won. he was our 19th president, rutherford b. hayes. and he left behind a controversy. hayes agreed to pull federal troops out of the south. they had been there since the civil war, protecting the rights of african americans who were now no longer slaves. by removing those troops, critics say hayes set back civil rights in the south many, many years. with guess the president, i'm luke. - coming up, how yoga can help you deal
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let's face it, relationships can be stressful. trying to please your parents, teachers, friends, even the other kids at school, takes a lot of work. and sometimes a lot of worry. dealing with the expectations of others while staying true to yourself is a high-wire balancing act. fortunately, there are ways to handle all that stress. emily has this week's yoga & you report. (relaxing music) - access your inner power is a book on yoga and it's written by brenda schnable. so brenda, there's not a yoga pose for dealing with stressful relationships, is there? - well there is, but relationships really deal on an emotional level. if you think of your relationships, you're happy, sad, angry. those are all emotions and the best way to deal with emotions is doing something
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like working with your mental energy. doing meditation. - interesting. so what is meditation? - meditation, think of like when you're angry with your parents and you really wanna calm down. meditation will help you get that focus, concentration and bring peace back to you. - so show me what to do. - all right, so let's sit down. - [emily] okay. - so let me show you what to do. you wanna find a comfortable seated position. so you might want to cross your ankles like this and sit nice and tall. and then take your hands and just place them lightly on your belly. relax those shoulders down and close those eyes. when you close your eyes you can concentrate better and you can block out the outside world. and we're gonna concentrate on our breath. and we're gonna take our breath and feel it move our hands. and when you do that.
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when you concentrate on something like your breath the anger that you felt with the fight you had with your parents goes away. and you feel better. so open your eyes. how do you feel? - feels good. so how does meditation help us? - you know, when we feel better and calmer, we boost our self esteem, our selflf confidence and we can handle ourselves. and we begin to trust our own judgment. and therefore we can, not be swayed by other people opinions. or just people please. - i'm feeling calmer and ready to tell my parents about my grades. well, just kidding, i'm an a student. if that's not stressful enough. thank you brenda. - you're welcome. - for yoga & you, i'm emily. - coming up next on teen kids news, taking a different approach to dealing with bullying. we'll be right back.
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it's all too common and very upsetting. that's why the no bull challenge was created. it's a group that uses video to help teens deal with verbal and physical abuse. in our hooplaha pick of the week, you're about to meet two teens on a mission. and that's no bull! - my name is tyler. - and i'm scott. - [both] and we're the nobull guys! (upbeat music) (gentle music) - [scott] as the nobull guys, currently we're traveling the united states, speaking at schools and conferences and we inspire them to stand up in the community and make a video.
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