tv Chasing News FOX December 28, 2017 3:00am-3:28am EST
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bill: it is freezing outside. we could be looking a at record threat of below-freezing temperatures and maybe heading into one of the coldest nights in history. and an unlikely hero. remember a single mom that got arrested in new jersey for having a firearm even though she is legally allowed to carry in the home state. there is a new law and it is your way to be on president trump's desk. >> right next to trump in the white house. >> i am bill spadea. this is "chasing news." bill: in case you are have not noticed, is freezing outside.
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not only is it cold today, but it is going to be cold for more than the next week ahead and as a matter of fact as new year's eve approaches we could be facing the coldest new year's leave in times square in two decades. we got team coverage for you tonight. allison gormly is going to check out the situation regarding the homeless in new york city as new york city is now under a code blue, meaning the tops are getting the homeless off the streets into shelters, it that is cold. but first, we'll check win dan zarrow, who has all the forecast details. dan? what do you say. dan. bill, the problem is cold it will get but it is going to be cold for long. i don't see a warm-up until the fourth of jn railroad acor the tenth of january. a week enough to two week of extreme cold. remember, it is not just the cold, but the wind. tonight, potentially dangerous windchills may fall below zer roy by the morning. >> let me ask you. how far back do you have to go
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in terms of record cold? each reporting site is a little bit different. it is central park you have to go back to 2005 to find a streak of eight consebtive below freezing days but newark airport. you have to go back even further then in south jersey back to the 70's. >> what about snow too dolled know see? the big artic high will push the storm front out to sea but still a chance we see some snow. we're watching the friday rame e could be a few inches of accumulations and the thing is, it is going to be dry light fluffy snow which tens to accumulate rapidly that would happen on saturday if it happens at all. my forecast for new year's eve is 11 degrees plus the windchill has not been that cold as we rang in the new year in times square since 19990. wow. stay warm, dan. thank you. >> all right. let's bring in allison gormly to bring a full report on the situation with the homeless in new york city. >> allison? >> record-breaking temperatures have hit the new york city area and they are not going anywhere.
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1:00 to bone c chilling temperatures are causing complications for those in the homes and on the streets. fox 5 reports that there mother of two has not had heat or water the new york city housing authority apartment since saturday. the woman who uses a wheelchair lives with the kids can in harlem. no hot water. no cold water. so heat. >> it is freezing outside. >> mind you. >> new york city and new jersey declared a code blue tuesday allowing authors to take ohmless people to warming center and shelter and visited a warming center in new bruns wic. the soup kitchen is usually serving those in need seven days a week p. when this is cold. they are working overtime. robert mason has been with the promise for 13 years and has never seen a code blue issued for this many consecutive days t. the hours are long. but to him, is worth. i as you can see the faces of so many people. and appreciation they show us is it worth more that any money into as the shelt we're caught
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up with mike who says he has fallen on hard times. was living in a park before coming to elijah's promise. it is so important the community. >> this is the beginning of stabilizing the community. as far as i am concerned. since the promise is a warming center. visitors will leave after dn fear shelter and can return at 7:00 a.m. the following morning. if would you like to donate to eli j's promise. can visit the web sit at elijah's promise. org. i am allison gormly reporting for "chasing news." bill: thank you, alley don. we're joined by pop culture expert. lisa back with us. good he sue, lisa and former county prosecutor and defense attorney. bob, let's start with you. it is freezing outside. you are know, i think that, it is interesting to me, that 2:00 with this cold weather coming, we have now got police actively removing home interests the streets but don't you have the same problem. look. them toless shelt remembers
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terrible. at love people avoid them if they can. there is a solution to you know, i don't know, bill. it is unfortunate thing with the wealth of the country has that we can take care of the most vulnerable among us and these people are having a choice between living in a scenario with crime in the shelters and epidemic proportions and drug use, really bad. or living out on the street. we need correct that. >> let's cut through the heart of this. a lot of folks are seeing numbers ranging from 50 to three quarters to 7 a% of drugs and alcohol and a lot of folks that are homeless because of bad choices so the question then becomes what do you do? >> i make a bet on the street. that means to be on the street. let's get over it. we're all living here making that choice. last december, i was taking back ap forth to new york. i had not taken this thing for years. i walked through the station at 11:00 at night.
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people are lining the pocket to go there. sleeping in there. i walked out on the street. people were on the street sleeping. >> people making a choice to stay outside to city away from tre shelters. we have to look at people as being bad people and making bad choices. >> i adre with you. i think that you have to look at this be beyond the cold weather. beyond christmas time. you got to do it 365 days a year. you got kid on the street. thanks, guys. pot could be legal in yers sane few weeks. incoming governor-elect murphy has made a huge part of the campaign. he is saying once he is office. he will push the legislature and get marijuana lellized. well, there has been pushback on the right and the left. senator ron rice saying it affects in a bad way the black community in new jersey and system on the right. state senator saying, hold on a
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minute. there are a lot of shores that colorado is dealing with and not to mention, the low ref nur projectionses but that aside one town in new jersey not waiting for marijuana to be legal. in fact, the city council in point pleasant beach lead by the mayor steven reid said, you will not sell it on our board walk. we're joined by the major and welcome to crank. how are you? >> thank you, appreciate you are. >> go ahead. >> it is our boardwalk. s our whole town. it is for us. we don't think it is a nice fit for the town and that the way we want it. people have come to find pleasant beach to make. there is a is where we want to keep stit. did the council act because you had feedback from local businesses or was this just in the conscious of the elected officials themselves without feedback. >> yeah. we like to be ahead of the curb. you know, we know that governor-elect murphies going to be pushing for this, it is going
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to take probably 14 to two years to get fully moving and, you brother dispensaries stories out there and make it legal. so we be with to be ahead of the curb. it is just something that, you know, we don't want. attacked to many mayors, not only in ocean county, but also all over this county and, and, the state and they are not fining it a good fit as well. >> all right. may yosh thank you. >> appreciate your time tonight. thank you very much for having me. >> let's bring a plus panel to break it down t. the mayor mentioned the dispensaries in the state. i have argued this often timest this have done no good. they have driven off as high. the surprise low. then, it seems to be more of a headache for families trying to get it. what do you say to into well, he isest fromming how mayors cries about we are a family town, i wonder if they drug-tested al them. >> what do you think? what would happen to them? bill: i was waiting for you to
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put a racial spin on this at some point. i refenced earlier senator ron rice came out. look. this disproportionately impacts in a negative waish the black community. er think he is right the president numbers are bearing that out. what do you think, bob? >> you hear this refrain a lot from the african-american come continue? i. no question about it. there are sophisticated high level people from law enforcement, african-americans, all the way down to politicians who do believe this is not good for their communities. i think it needs to be looked as to why that is. i certainly this is there a significant criminal justice issue as well. all issues need to be looked a. i suspect what the time is basically saying from the safety point of view, i wouldn't somebody priced if law enforcement community said, look. you are going to be having all sorts of people that we may not par tk care for coming from other jurisdictions into our jurisdiction be a there could be increase in crime. because notefully, they have not said they are going to ban people from smoking marijuana in marijuana bars, or in places where you can actually smoke it
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like you could drink in a bar. >> what he is saying is not in my town. right now. as it stanes they are coming from our come in thises to buy, he didn't want to go to his town. >> well, that is article contradiction. >> well, yeah. >> yeah. he said with higher drug use, and it seems that you do get higher crimes. >> legalizing marijuana is not going to crease marijuana. see all. people are getting hired. well, let's be real here. it decriminalizes what is going on now. >> you tarking about newark. >> yeah. he is talking about it in histown. you are saying you are coming to our town. >> you are going to hopefully accepted drug dealerrance drug users out of newark movement when you legalize marijuana. i am going to oh this up. i am not a drug dealer. it could be this smart in that, they are going to see let's see how it is working out and playing out. >> can respect that. >> all
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guy professor at city college of new york says it doesn't matter. it is time to end the bear hunt. as a matter of fact, it has been a regular protests in sussex county and now, i am joined by professor, bill. bill, welcome. thanks. >> i got to ask you. were you sentenced to ten day last year for protesting the bear hunt. you are going to report to jail later in january. this year. to serve a 15-day sentence. what did you get charged with. >> i stepped over the line in the area. >> let me ask you this.
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>> let me ask you this. why are you opposed to it? >> we had the student that was killed a couple of years ago. you got bears that rummage through the trash, that they threatened pets, et cetera, why opposed to the bears? >> well, a student that was killed in the circumstances that was the only fatal bear attack in recorded history in nothing. bear attacks are extremely rare in the last 17 years. don't you think that is as far as they harvest hundreds of bears daring the hunt. maybe this whole bear population is working. >> well, well since the early 1900's. the numbers have been small. we killed hundreds of thousands of bears. they have families. they have individual personalities. they are nurturing. they want to live like we want to live. bill: let me ask you, professor, if they serve you bear chili, would you go on hunger strike? >> that is a good idea. bill: all right. professor, thank you. appreciate your time. good luck. hopefully, you will get time off
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for good behavior this year as well. >> thanks very much. >> all right. for good behavior this year as well. >> thanks very much. >> all right. let's bring back the a plus panel. top culture expert and former prosecutor. let's start with you. >> you know, obviously, you know, saying he is crossing over this line. what do you think? >> well, all right, listen. there's lawyers that have to be enforced to put this elderly gentlemen in jail for 15 days because he crossed over a line and didn't create any hazards to anyone and didn't do anything, i think it is too much punishment. so while i agree with the cops that made the arrests because you have to maintain o foer. it is a question of how you are to go about punishing the
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gentlemen. >> you are a professor. what do you think? professor not obeying the law. well, absot timtely. i love free speech. >> you know i am the free speech queen. queen. he didn't do anything? rofve mr. bill. well, i understanded that. but listen, listen, he broke the law for good reasokn that is because i am agreeing with that. you have to abide by the lis c, come okn our granddad. >> you think you are overplaabog here? i mean, the guy has one at heart for sure. he seems pretty aggressive to me. all the guys got arrested for crossing a foot or two off of a line. i understand reasonable minds can differ. when it is ok to break the law? the law is not great. >> prosecutors are given such wide digression and because they that n take each individual cas all the equities and balance
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pudidshment knwith mercy and compaslaaon. putting a guy in jail at me. an old man in jail. he knew what he was doing. >> thank you. you may remember the story of allen, had a firearm to protect herself after ache had been mugged and had a legal right to cai mate of penalaylvadida. while driving in new jersey was arrested for ps osession of that same legal weapon. her case is one of the driving reasons behind a new bilherthatf you have a legal rigiou to thay in your home state i am joined now by allen who has become the unlikely hero for this pro gun ps ot second welcome back to "chasing news." i got to ask you. st granted you a pardon?
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>> i was happy. i had to deaherwith all of the me living in the hood at the time. i had to wait. i couldn't work. i fod ie ed for the state for a time. bill: what do you know who the bill that would alrofw gu you wd licensed in the home state to carry the firearm leshelly acros >> i am still learning everyday more things about the law. what is the point of having a license to carry when e you wann your person? headed to the senate inplay in at and headed to the senate in what did you do? we have been going back and rtchoor. see how they felt about what happened and tell me they didn't
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want me tstar3 wa it was battle. they listened to me. >> y.ed th you live in a different world than what i live in.lice. bill: where do you want to be o this becomes law and president trump is there to sign it? >> well, i hope right next to trump in the white house. a big smile on my face. >> great to see you. have you been told it is aggravatin the laame. jersey filling, it doesn't matter. it can confulaang.k free me oi. you don't have to feed the meter during the holidays.
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expert ran a bit. and ck are than 10,000atteiened. it has been shared a couple hundred times. and tell the the story. >> well, the bottom line is, i thought, i am me oie ing, i gote s. i am thinking, great. go to the car. oh, i am hohe wing in the car. i took the ticket off. i see it backing down the street. reet. then, in the window, i rolled it do, i >> out here in newark. i have to give money because he came here. got here rigiou in to, i they are saying i owe money when i did not get toed. >> boono i am in th oh, pay for a tow.r servant es . the man is walking away. i did the tow truck. think about it.wided to the thi. on the flat bed. this tow truck was not down the street yet. i achowed you something.
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i don't even know how to respond. i assume if i were to say someth pay for it. >> i white woman they sis c me roll p in a tow truck, coming down the street yet. >> od a c come on. >> i was wde you got that. t.u got that. >> i really have nothing to say. b i really have nothing to say. t the onlyou, lisa. lte hoo siasx fl foinn♪
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bill: i hope you had mr ry chwear. it is great to be back with you after a couple of days off and we are swing on "chasing news." yep. reengaged on social medollow mel spaed dewhy and be sure to tune in to my radio show6:00 to 10:0y 101.5 when i chase stories we consider on "chasing news" and we get into even more detail. bear hunt and the protests and of course point pleasangainst te potential of legal marijuana plus, jeanine atory. we could be seeing a whole change in gun laws across this all of that and more thank for watching this show. it is always good to be with you. looking
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♪ tragedy in northeast philadelphia. an 11-year-old suddenly dies at a sleepover. what happened a mystery. and wow, have you stepped outside recently? >> we are looking at temperatures stuck below freezing. >> it's frigid and i'm sorry to tell you this is our new reali reality. fox 29 news starts right now. ♪ talking about all that cold, let's take a trip right down the shore. a live look at ocean city tonight. can you imagine these cold temperatures plus a sea breeze? painfully cold. we're talking temperatures in the teens. wind chills in the single digi! digits. kind of weather that makes you go numb. the second you walk outside. thanks for joining u
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