tv Chasing News FOX January 3, 2018 3:00am-3:26am EST
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dan. bill, it has ready to bnletuck w freezing for about 00 hours now. we have more days. the frigid temperatures, the biting windchills, i don't see d until early next week, monday the 8thment now we do get a day in thursday. highs will be around 30 degrees. part of south above freezing. we do have some snow to talk about for thursday morning as though, by the end of the week, friday into saturday. some of the coldest weather of se only in the teens, windchills will be below zero pretty much we talk more about the cold and especially the impending snow threaten the completming up a l. bill? bill: we gat big show for you tonight including the to riff the bronx fire that we brought you last week. deadliest fire in new york city in nearly three decades. now, a lot of questions are being raised about the toddler who was playing with the stove. neighbors are upset and
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understandably angry. but first -- deadly shooting on new year's eve at the hands of a 16-year-old boy what has autism. a family lays dead. ashley johnson has the full story. ashley? report family and friends of the family came together for a candlelight vigil tuesday evening at the park in west long branch new jersey. scott killed his parents, his sister, and the family frie ming the new year at their home in long tuesday, over p a hearing was postponed until wednesday, because of the mediat inside of the courtroom for the hearing. which is usually not suspect is. friends and family have autistic. is charged with four counts of murder, and the death of his, 4s
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mother, 42-year-old linda, his sister, 18-year-old brittany, a firsckton university. a family friend. 70-year-old. prosecutors say, they planned pursue as an adult. >> this is a heartbreaking situation that we don't find ourselves oftenndfather a family friend in her 20's and one of the brothers were at home at the time. police responded a call around 11:43 new year eve and they seized a semi-automatic rifle which investigators said laughly belonged to a resident of the home but not saying who. a and the cause was multiple gunshots to each individual. reporter: the brother made it out and posted a heart benching tribute on the instagram account which is private but shares by another friend. he said he had the growths parents anyone could ask for. he went ton say, my sister was
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so beautiful and smart. unclosing, he wished everyone good luck in the new year, and said, and please, please, please, please remember to give the once you love, an extra kiss or i love you. in freehold, ashley johnson, reporting for "chasing news." bill: thank you, ashley. iroducl for tonight. we're joined by peter browne wh linden. welcome back. >> thanks. bill: political strategists jeanette. >> thank you, bill. bill: former prosecutor and defense attorney is here. bob. >> happy few year. bill: all right. we start with you. you got entire family that is, o escaped. i think this does speak to as. i don't know if questions are being raised about autismtutes . >> we have issue with mental e not taughting about mental health. we're not creating enough aware himself. the last mental health
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ill!s with former governor richard codey. isto discuss. >> is it time to revisit the whole issue of how we d kids? >> i think so. well, first of all, the you a autism is a huge disorder and it could be a small learning disorder or something a lot of of different that is something we ned to evaluate and look at going forward. >> all the points are important in term of mental illness in terms of discussion it and also people mentally ill and not that commit the kind of crimes. unfortunately, awhether or not we deal within the criminal justice system and the prosecutor in the case really came down to mental illness and addiction. cue not help but many cases feel bad for the people in spite of the fact they had punish. here is a look at headline we are chasing for you tonight. reporter: orrin hatch will not run for re-election this year. the senator since 1907. including the americans with disabilities act and children's health insurance program and the
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tax cuts and job tax opens the door for presidential nominee mitt romney. the spirit of new jersey governor chris christie pops up on brod street. last summer epic member of the brigade character beaten up while others were dancing around with blames. the first official action. the hoboken mayor welcoming the city for hoboken official as from emigration status or zed andng based on race nationa. immigrant residents from federft is a look at some of the headlines we're chasing.
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bill: as you know last weekiff e fatal bronx the deadliest fire in 30 years in new city. now the fire chief has come up saying they know that he aar-olg with the stove in the apartment where thetarted. our own john shoe know has dials. john, a do you got fl, i spent several hours friday morning. spoke to residents. d how we could have another emotion to the anger. the r mother-to-be held criminal accountable. now you can see a little bit on the story. the three and a half-year-old was alone in the room playing with the knob on the stove when the fire broke out. the moth warners the shower. when the mother in terred the room, she rushed out of the building and left the dorr open. now. bill: is there more anger on the door being open or the fact that
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the kid was play weeing stove? now you find out, as far as it is being reported, this is not the first time. this is not just one off. reporter: the mother acknowledged it and said to so the fire department and said he was playing with the stove. he has before. he has played with the stove before. there were a lot of people who are answering questions today. are for example t. the landlord. this building was required by code to have self-closing doors. the door stayed open. why it did? was it propped open inthat's we have to find out. there was recent violation for the smoke he tech are on the first floor and the fire broke out. now, after the kids, though, playing with the stove, now what is reported multiple times, and the question is, will there be charges? what is law enforcement saying? >> no criminal charge. there are no criminal charges right now gains the mother, there are no criminal charges pending the tragic accident and
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listen, the fire department goes to great lengths to educate new yorker on fire safety. the fdny hases a fire safety learning center. it has fire safety education program and a whole website. fdny. org. the fdny foundation wans that. it has videos and informational interviews with different people in order to teach new yorkers to be safe when it comes to fires. bill: thank you, john. appreciate. plots' bring the a plus panel to break this down. hear this in the fire safety and the closing. all of that. all i hear as a kid is playing with a stove. to me, neighbors should be outraged and angry. the mother should be accountable to this. reporter: it is hor rough, tragic accident. if i lost one of my loved once in the fire. i would be angry at the mother, too. it is incredibly irresponsible to leave your child playing with the stove while you are taking a child. if you can't be with your kid
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all the time. there is childproof knobs that go over the stove or. bill: teach your kids the most effective tools is smacking the han when they touch the stove and they learn. at some point, the kid could be out of sight. >> i am a father of throw. so we chose not to have these devices because we taught them right from wrong. will be honest. yes, the parents should be held responsible in the case. this is not the first time the child has been playing with the stove and a way this could have been prevented. bill: the former prosecutor, there is a prosecutorrable offense here? >> i got no more fact. what ignited it. it doesn't cause fire of this magnitude. there may have been other contributing factor. as prosecutor, you look at the very suspect. if you can show the mother knew or should have known and knew that that fire could be created by some other reason and look at reckless pan slaughter at
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minimum but aday in, the facts now, right now, criminal? not sure yet. ok. thanks. bill: don't go anywhere. a lot more "chasing news" coming found are you tonight including the battle of how to raise. a mom has taken on her ex-husband and dan zarrow will this he weather. the freeze is here to stay. guess what? there snow is coming. meteorologist: a winte for parte area. the big question of course when, where, how much, w to answer those questions in your local weather forecast coming up.
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bill: welcome back to the freeze continues about but now snow could be on the way as much o area wednesday night into thursday. meteorologist dan czar low will check in with allison gormlys tha gay mom and a custody fight. allison, what do you got? mother lost custody of her chils gay. they divorced time, she was grad custody of the three children. the back and forth began when the ex took her back to court asking for full custody on the b violated agreement to raise them in a strictly religious concerned aby
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life-style, my identitythe factt straight. it is confusing to thewho are h. reporter: permitted asgender noe family and told us the person referenced was just a friend anh after losing the panter ape fire and had violated the religious clause and granted the fatherir. that was awful. i was devastating. this is after years o my children's main provider, care ticker, the person who the. reporter: annealed decision nearly to ar past summer and the appeals court said the deci right and lacked any substantial basis. court don'ts said aus upbringing did not cash cannot be enforced to the extent itegie
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process right to express oneful'sshe is mending the relap with her family who initially with tba and works with a nonprofit to help people l community. am 58lyson gormly reporting for "ck you allison. let's bring back the panel. i will start with you. you know, pretty fascinating case. you think about it. o one thing. you know, what? how much is too much when keep its to a parent's life-style and how it influence the kids to. me, the father was kidders. >> yeah. i mean, this is all about the kids. and, we'll talk family court judges. they are responsible to look out for the children and nothene iso pimmize the woman because they are less begin and looking a gog forward and what custody arrangement would be bet.te it is it ok. a fath and mother who agrees is
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it ok for thein a gay household? >> for me, that is not a decision make. this is between two parents. it is like me and whoand how wee our children. that i somethiires to raise the. the point said if she doesn't raisethat is different story. bill: a gay woman who says i don't believe in gay man and bea catholic. i could be a gay man and have a chil men can raise a child in the catholic church. you mentio? >> and to your point, bill, isfe principal of that religion? r isow i i don't know much. coming in. based off religion. she is not raising them to the >> the father also talked about the change in life-style that
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the mother took children when she lives with a transgender man. yeah. he mean, this is the kids are getting lst that is the thing. bill: the children can make their own decision and hasidic.. >> hasidic training.ining. >> may, ages too young: thanks,. the battle over whether there is going to be a new tunnel contins now the trump administration is saying they are not going to administration's 13 billion tub nell and even despite governor christie and governor cuomo got half of the funding ready to go. the trump administrationled it s plan largely because both governors go we'll raise fare and borrow money from the federal government to meet the stagatio.
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i want to bring in one of the congressman behind fightet through. his name is josh and co chair of what is known asoser caucus in . congressman, welcome. how are you? a happy nur year. >> what do you hope to accomplish from my perspecti who travel back and forth across the hudson. the trump made a lot of sense saying we're not going to jeff you money. >> yeah. met with the president about this with the bipartisan group. we do have both governors have a plan to actually get the so we t hunnels built underneat hudson and ease congestion for people and make the threat. we got serus in terms of traffic and train structure and upgrading the keyg billions a year because of that. and to keep people here andsn n.
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we need to have infrastructure we need to build for the few. bill: all right. appreciate you coming on. we'll talk soon for sure. bill: all right. let's bring back the a panel to break it down. i will start with you. it seems to me that can't get out of the own way and making administration saying look we will not jef you have plan. yeah. this is smart politic buy the the president is unveiling theif this year. s to vote from, now he, who is e preparation committee he wants congressional members from our state and n to vote >> well, it is all about leverage. the trump administration eggs ag
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now and the leveraged position and should have years ago. we don't wthe administration wae overr transportation between again. there is a lot of bar gaping and negotiating. >> what do y administration was unserious. this is political.t after this t went through. here is what we can agree on. this ist over 100 years old and life expeo years. this is economic development not just in new jersey and new yorkl government gets tax. and it goes is suspended. think about how much money they are losing. it there. dan zarrow your forecast. dan? dan t. you know, i going to be cold through early next week. so instead, let's fochreat has y
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buzzing. the edge of thisile precariousn storm syste little snow. the outcome in the tri state area are the one storm. here this is setup as theengthee center of the storm stays out to sea. but coast. the more snow. the heaviest snow we are likely to see. behind fierce winds then really cold weather to talk about for the weekend. in terms of the eastern long island is going to get hit the worst here withfd totally possible we have to up the forecast to but again, bigger totals hope to table. jersey shore is going to be lnce further north and west you go. the lower the snow totals willae other big story. the brutal windchills taking over going to feel like below zer reall day long. lows bottom out ith windchills e
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digit. clearki for wednesday, this 30 degrees east with postally to partly thursday morning, time for snow and winter storm watch in eab and the jersey shor three six-plus inches of snow thursday afternoon. i am meteorologist dan zarrow. bill: dsports is coming up. george will have detail on bigkr a new coach. who is it going to be? stay tuned. lce back to "chasing
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news." i am bill spadea. we'll check win george who has detail on big coaching candace . who is it going to be, george? who doer than, bill. they are cleaning house at the giants' calm and t. the general manager telling the assistant coaches hon dan, i you are other work as for the head coaching, the up. attach my opinion on the gyps at fans are as physical lows alphil the defensive coordinator very highly regard and has headx parh
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the detroit lion. the giant looking to newjosh mcs some head coaching experience in p offense has been in charge with. that is the defensive cordegardd so the giants lining found a big man and more guys and three. as for the nfl. the big moment on sunda buffaloo within the game to get the playoffs but they needed help. bengals who had to beat baltim the game. the bengals' quarterback about w the 46-ya that means buffalo goes the layoff. 17 years since the bills hadffse day in sports. for "chasing news" i bill, back to you. bill: hoboken has new mayor. t the first to hold the office in hoboken and started the new year andh a bang
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signing in executive order talking about hoboken being f c. of course, we all see through the political ser raid and the r an-t him in a bros feels good about what he is doing. don't know what are going forward. will say this, it is ridiculous and i am sure you have, too of the political fosteringthey want tor themselves. let me tell you something. any time hit one gup against the other ap try to go done t wy for people who are here leg mor. what i would like to know is what politician is going to have people of new jersey and in hoboken and stabbed for these, shoes we expect out of our elected officials so enough of pitical gainsmanship. centern
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philadelphia this is fox 29 new. good evening to our friends in cap may county as we take live look at ocean hey, shore residents everyone really you ready for snow? it's miest temperatures many of us have ever seen. thanks for joining us page. this is the type of the cold we just don't normally get that pef us are kind of used to but not us. yet here we a with kathy orr who's got an absolutely frigid forecast. kathy, let us have it the frees. we'll stay in the freezer it's going to get colder and tracking at for south jersey and delaware for half a foot of by the time thursday is over. it's a nor'easter. and
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