tv Chasing News FOX January 11, 2018 3:00am-3:30am EST
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it is flu season. you better hurry because there a is a shortage of iv bags because of the devastationing the hurricane in puerto rico. it is incoming governor bill murphy will take office next week. that is it. he is taking it to the next level. that is an idea that i think a lot of us can get behind. anden there are thousands of immigrants and 2001 after the country suffered a terrible earthquake. temporary vase expires every 16 months for nearly 20 year has been renewed; however, the trump
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administration is saying it may be time for that to end and they may have to go. i am bill spadea, this is "chasing news." flu season is upon us and you are thinking about getting a flu shot. you better hurry. who knew? there is a rye with the flu shot not about how well it works but that is up for question there is a lack of iv bags because apparently most of them were manufactured in puerto rico and after the devastation from the hurricane there is a shortage. ashley johnson has the story. ashley? reporter: take look at 21-year-old bodybuilder who put the picture of perfect health. sally baldwin died last week within days of coming down with the flu and the official cause of death was organ failure due to septic stroke the flu. right now in central, much of north jersey flu activity is classified as high while the u.s. centers for disease control
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and prevention. >> well, 50,000 people die every year in the country from the flu season. older and younger and it is a problem. the family of the healthy young man you just saw is urging people to immediately see doctor if they are not feeling well. reports from all trail why and their last flu season show that's the vaccine has been shown to be less effective. i asked the doctor in new jersey should people get the flu shot and he went straightforward in saying doesn't offer the flu shot at his office. >> the flu vaccine has been shown by the center for disease control and the national institution of health the flu vaccine for 2016-2017 and 2018 is affected by those in the federal organization. even if it were effective, and in a small percentage of people, it is affective for few months.
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reporter: report many people are heading to clinics at cvs and other pharmacies to get the flu shots while the cdc has not determined the effectiveness of this season's flu shot. another major concern during flu seasons the short ago in of iv bags. according to the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention. hurricane maria which made a direct hit on puerto rico in september disrupted a major supplier of iv bags. >> well, thive v bags was for hydration purposes, right inso what you need do if you have a flu or anything else, it shows you are hydrated. how do you know the urine is colorless. hydrate. reporter: the flu is trending over social media and usa today tweeted health official as across the usa are reporting misery, rising hospitalizations in some deaths. the cdc tweet hashtag flu. severity indicators in the latest flu reporters similar to what we're seeing at the peak of the 2014-15 season. and in lawrenceville, ashley
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johnson, reporting for chasing news. bill: thank you, ashley. all right. let's bring in the a-plus panel to break this down. i am joined by democratic strategists bill caruso. good see you gain. thanks for being here. thanks for being here. >> thank. >> and niema ricks always good to he sue. all right. which will start with you. first of all, who thought all of the iv bags, for the most part, would be made in puerto rico? talk about the unintended consequences of them not being ready for the storm. all right. you get a flu shot? >> never. i will never get a flu shot. bill: really? >> never. everyone who gets one gets sick f. so why would i do that? i think what we need to realize, we need more support in puerto rico so we can have the right sup plays to hp the people here. bill: so the plitcos are out there. it is trump's fault and it didn't recover quickly. this is flu season donald trump anticipate fault. i don't think so. what i think is maybe we hed to look at diversifying where they are made to make sure?
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something happens, anywhere, a natural disaster not some false despite what people may say but there is a resource that you do have other sources. did you get a flu smoot i got a flu shot once. got sick. don't get a flu shot any more. bill: happened to me as well. what about you? >> well, no i don't. am in the same boat with these ladies. i did get sick when get one. in regard to this situation. i think a lot of people happened. he we have friends and family over there. some people said, ok, we in the list. i don't think people understood what is going on. i am challenged by the fact that, though, here we are. we sit months late earn industrial the problem. whether it reslated to. i do agree there is diversity here in terms of where we're getting the things from. there is a federal government that has got stick in. we have a national emergency on the hands this is the case. where is the federal government? we need businesses to get in there. raise the price of these iv bags and get some competition going. all right. bill: thanks, guys.
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after the deep-freeze, the warm weather is coming. it is not going to be here for long. you know what? it feels downright tropical. dan zarrow has the details. dan system. bill, our january thaw is just getting started. we have seen 40 the past couple of days. 50 are expected on thursday, then we'll make a run for 60 degrees on friday t. that 60-degree weather will come with some rain. nothing melts snow and ice better than the combination of warm temperatures and rain. so we'll see a lot of that snow melt. that alone could cause some flooding issues but especially in rivers, stream, creeks, bays, canals and the ice throughout as the ice starts to break up and it may slam up and cause water levels to rise. we have to watch that carefully as the weather conditions to warm up through the rest of the week. of course, this warm-up is temporary. we'll talk about the return of cold weather and our full forecast a little later on. bill? bill: incoming new jersey governor bill murphy who takes office next week has made some major decision not only of
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playing his future cabinet, but also, asking many executives at new jersey transit to hand in their resignation. a lot of us think at this time is about time we sat the hat. allison gormly has the full story. allison, what do you got for us? reporter: governor-elect has called it a national disgris and looking to do something about it. according to the report a receiptor sent from the team to the new jersey transit executive director asking multiple senior em plo cross to step down. while it is normal for a new administration to want their own people, we spoke to democratic strategists andre richardson to fund out if this type of request is normal. >> i don't think it is normal. i think in this situation, it is deked. you have to try something new. like i said. the entire first term just to fix it. maybe even longer. new jersey ran sit is considered by many to be in crisis mode facing shores with the staffing
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and equipment. train delays are dally and commuter express the frustration regularly on social media. >> the governor, the republican candidate, they both said they would tear it down and start over again. the moral is back. the department had head has been run inefficiency. so i think it is mandatory that he does that. >> new jersey transit operates the negotiation's largest statewide public transportation system providing bus, rail and light rail service. murphy and his incoming transportation commissioner need to hour a new executive director. san year to resigned last woke and will be leaving in april. dan priian, the communications director said in a statement, that their office has sent a letter to various state agencies to discuss the transition to governor-elect murphy's administration which included employment matters. he would not comment on the
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number of people there asking to resign at new jersey transit and add they are trying to be as accommodating as possible for current employee. i am allison gormly reporting for "chasing news." >> ok. let's bring back the a plus panel to break this down. nj transit is a mess. we had three, i would say, very bad days, as this if is the first time they experienced the winter. what do you? i like i like what the income incoming go of nor is doing. get rid of them. >> the bureaucrat caths that is. not the engineer. there needs to be major changes here. maybe this is the way to do it. there is something to be said. obviously, you don't want this to get worse. bill: i think they have doning to make it a mess. there is ut railroadly no reason for how income dent nj transits a been. to me at the expense of the end pi nears and the conductors and the good people that work there. why not fire every single person in management.
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because you have to have something. you have to have some people that know where it is here. there are good people that level. typically what comes in around is when the governor comes in them they will clear house of the political people. so i don't see anything different here. the bigger question is how deep that is going to do? there are good people in there that have been potentially waiting for good change and have good ideas you want to tap into that. you can't have brand spanking new everything. >> dow man, i think this is a donald trump like move. bill p mur guy the donald trump of new jersey. clean it. clean it out. do something that other governors have failed to do. >> on any discussion. >> it is a compliment. >> i know. right. a class ram for as he mentioned, for the mu governor come in and start over with the new administration. the same thing, he hired all the plans and gave them nice jobs, raises, some promotions so honestly, out with the old, win the new. who will make a chng and make a difference to the failing
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system. >> fire them all. >> preserve the good people that actually know how to run the train. those people, their voices are not being herd. we hired tom. at least he had the courage to stand up. >> stay flight. we got a lot more "chasing news" coming four. there are tens of thousands of salvadorans who are potentially facing deportation. as a temporary visa and comes to an end. and dan zarrow is going to have the forecast, getting warm out. stay with us
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bill: welcome backing to "chasing news." i am bill spadea. we got a lot more show for you today. we'll check in with dan zarrow about the big warmup and the freeze that is going to follow. all of that coming up but first check in with our reporter back has a story about thousands of salvadorans who could face dep or tation and have been in the country since 2001 on a temporary visa that expires every 18 months here we're 17 years in but a destrition the trump administration could mean they are packing the bag abc heading back. mark, what do you got for us? reporter: many immigrants live. the fact that it affects the status could be removed by president trump in the near future is directly and adversely affecting the lives of many residents here who has been here for decade.
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he has told me my life is here. think life of the two children are here. he wants to stay. but unfortunately he may have to leave soon in case president trump goes through with the move he wants to make regarding over 200,000 salvadoran immigrants living here. bill: mark, to clarify though. this temporary stay, 18 months at time that has been renewed over the course of almost two decades, this latest windows not expire until september of 2019. so still have more than a year to sort this out. >> that is true. the feel feeling of many immigrants here in the band. so that new jersey is this time after that stay is over. it will be over for good. they will have to go home. all right. bill: thanks, mark. appreciate the update. all right. bring back the a a plus panel. mist where i, will start with you. temporary means temporary. it is not 17 years?
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this is another anti-trump rant to make the administration look bad. they can apply if they are working and paying taxes. >> yeah. well, i think it is two-fold. first of all, the program was never meant to leave the permanent residency so home hopefully everyone is understanding now. as said, bill. there is still time to see citizenship. bill: am i being too nash do we not have boards? why have boards? let everybody come in. with, these people have been here for almost 20 years and a part of the community and bought house and started businesses in. they got plaired. oops. it is times for you to go. i don't think so. society, perhaps, unless they are a native american. we're all immigrants so we're all part of this community.
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>> so it is an emotional tug on the heartstrings. we feel bad. we hear about this with the daca program. you know, the president has got himself in trouble. he tweeted, so emotionally, he is with all of these immigrants because judge used that to put a stop on him getting rid of daca. the same thing applies here. it is beyond emotion. you know, you cannot ignore the fact. we created this mess. this country created this mess by ignoring this and just reuping a temporary status. well, congress has to address this and do this in a larger sense. we saw that discussion yesterday. dealing with the larger issue of immigration. these folks are here. they are contributing to society. they are running businesses. they are, they are, they bought homes. their children are here in school.
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we should honor that. there has to be a process. we had 20 years to deal with this. we ignored it. bill: barack obama punted on it. you got a president that is going to deal with it. i think given what he has been tweeting about, i think he wants to see a pathway to citizenship this summer. there is a new technology in town. the town of palisades park in new jersey saying what they want to do is they want to bring touch screen meters for parking into their towns. now, there are a couple of good ideas here. advertising and the ability to pay with a credit card or a coin. on the downside, some people are raising objection at the cause, the parking meters would be equipped with a camera that a violation
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taking a picture of the license plate could be mailed to you without anybody issuing the ticket. why is that a problem? the law in new jersey not only do we protect the right of service stations to have to pump gas for you but a meter maid has to issue a ticket otherwise, it is not legal. now, break this down a little bit. i first talked to senator who you may remember, he was the guy when he was in the assembly who successfully fought against red light cameras and got rid of them in new jersey. >> if you are going to go, you might as well just the regular rate and should not be, you should be setting people up with separate payment schemes in the time to runout, you can find them for failure to pass. >> all right. let's bring back the a plus panel to break this down. let me start with you.
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now another job protection law, you know, pushed by the unions, i get it. well, do you really need a person to issue a parking ticket? no wonder why they are going broke. here is why. and putting aside the meter protection act. i do have a concern over this. apparently, a button on the technology available and you get hit. there is an engine. somebody can come to the aid. what happens when it doesn't work. what happens when it happens with the technology. well, what is the trouble shooting that is going to go on? is it by the way is it municipality. i am happy of the pilot program. i am interested now. i want to know what is going to happen. that is what aggravated us from the consumer side. >> well, just move forward. well, it aggravated me to no end when i am in a place where i cannot use credit cards to pay the meters. >> yeah.
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so i mean, i think it is inevitable it is going to move forward. it may be something that takes time because pit on those books clearly that needs to be reconciled before you can move forward give in the violations similar to the red light issue. but with anything of course there is errors with technology certainly that is issue. there is human error. meteorologist dan zarrow the forecast. dan: the past few days have been nice. temperatures finally returned to near normal levels. it felt like early january again rather than the antarctic. a warming trend kicked into high gear for thursday, and finally, we got 53 ahead along with wet maybe weekly water, thursday's high temps are most in there 50's. it is going to feel spring-like friday and probably the warmest day of the week but also, the wettest with rain throughout the day and the problems the warmth and the rain may cause. melting snow and ice jams and may cause some flooding concerns
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and may be visibility problems, too, even when it is not raining and some fog out there. well, as the rain wraps up saturday morning, there could be a burst of mix at the very end. as you can see on the map, the ice area is close to the tristate area. not quite here. but still something we watch as we come closer and closer. forecast for tonight, i think most of the area stays above freezing. lower to mid 30's in general. mostly cloudy skies. then, lots of clouds overhead for thursday as well as the high and lower to mid 60's at least 10 degrees above normal this time of year. rain moves in during the day on friday. likely to be heavy at times. maybe a few rumbles of thunder. highs around 60 degrees and then following one more round saturday morning, the arctic chill returns. temperatures will be tumbling starting saturday afternoon. i am meteorologist dan zarrow. bill: stay with us. we got a lot more show for you tonight. tonight we're chasing your
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murder after he allegedly threatened to pokes the illegal drug ring. at least 16 people are dead, 24 missing, 300 a r trapped in mudslides in southern california. emergency works toad bodies bodm a river in knee deep. video mudslide damage. the damage was exacerbated by months of dry conditions followed by historic fires that stripped the land of vegetation. they would expect new jersey doctor is charged in the murder his wife, a well-known radio show host after she threatened to expose the illegal drug ring and prosecutors say he was running an opioid team with a vegan booker gang and high hired one of the members to help kill
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his wife and was found dead in the new jersey home in 2012 they were on the out and had been pushing far diverse and her husband was worried about her going public the drug operation. he was intent to have her killed as opposed to losing his financial empire. the daughter has long suspected her stepfather was involved. >> i have been waiting patiently for justice. and today, i was ky enough to be grabbed justice. reporter: racketeering charges have been filed against six bookers connected to the drug ring and james caff fan is in jail sitting for weapons charges in june of 2016 and now expected to stand trial for his wife's murder. the biker who james cov caveman hired to kill his wife also reportedly tryinged to have him killed to prevent him from ever valing the murder-for-hire plot. in washington, fox news.
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bill: the trump administration has announced they are going to relax the rules as it pertains to offshore drilling. i got to till. i am so happy toker that. it is time we start drilling for oil and gas off the coast of new jersey. new york all the way down to florida. there is no reason to pass up this critical opportunity to create tens of thousands of local jobs hundreds of thousands up and down the east coast and it could mean billions of dollars in new revenue. let the tell you in the research i have done. don't worry. will be tweeting this out. just follow me at bill spadea. it is clean. it is safe. it is clean. it is safe. there are very, very few accidents and if we don't get be hype it in new york and new jersey, let me tell you something, they are going to do it in the carolinas and do it in delaware in the same ocean. we might as well take advantage of the revenue and lower all of our taxes. all right. i am bill spadea. i pay herb it a being in your home toni
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♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. local college student goes missing over winter break. days later, his body is found in a park in california. now, the search is on for his killer. thanks for joining us tonight at 11:00. i'm iain page police say 19-year-old blaze bernstein was home in orange conte for the break. his family reported him missing money a week ago. now his death is being investigated as homicide. tonight students on the campus of u penn are honoring him and that's where we find fox 29's chris o'connell with their tributes. chris? >> reporter: iain, it certainly was a sad night here on campus of university of pennsylvania as fellow students gathered to say goodbye to one of their own in the meantime on the west coast, the search begins for killer
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