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tv   Teen Kids News  FOX  February 4, 2018 2:30pm-3:00pm EST

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me. >> you are cheating using the tree. >> you can use it. the. >> whew. >> i did it, madisen, now it's your turn. >> if i can use the tree maybe. >> go for it. [ laughter ] >> i used it. >> oh, gosh, okay. i am not going to run, i all just go for it. >> i can give you a hand. >> okay. one step at a time. ♪ ♪ >> oh. ♪ ♪ >> who hugh. >> all right, yeah. >> whew. you did it. >> i got it. >> great, we finally made it up. now comes the careful stepping to get down. how long was it to go up and down for mount everest. >> 50 days up, three dies down. >> not for me. yet an amazing feat for jordan romero.
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he's just 18 with a dream. >> so how hard was it for you? >> wasn't too bad. i think it could be worse and i was expecting worse which is good i guess, thank you for your help especially up at this top with the tree. you made it easier. >> you are welcome. yeah. >> thank you so much. >> you are welcome. >> since we shot this story, jordan climbed the highest money in ant arc car, it's call mounts vinson massif and it's more than 16,000 feet tall. >> don't touch that remote. we have just shown one teen breaking barriers and another teen giving back. >> coming up. how these two teens teens builty successful business from the ground up. >> closed captioning provided yeah, you've gotta live life
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and win ♪ ♪
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♪ live your live you can live your life you can ♪ welcome back to "live life and win!", the series celebrating teen success stories. >> madisen, i have a one of a kind success story. two friends took a simple idea,
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hair ties and made a fortunate doing it. they were an overnight success. how did they do it? check it out. ♪ ♪ >> you can see the focus on determination in their eyes. can they are two girls in high remember. and they have created something wn wildly successful business. >> emi-jay is a company that in eighth grade. accidentally when we noticed a growin hair accessories. >> they couldn't ask for anything more. what they love to do together. >> i think it's good. i love it. it's just like you always have >> uh-huh. >> we absolutely did not expect emi-jay to get to where it is bonded julianne and i is our passion for fashion and we both always lovedking thh magazines together to get inspiration and we decided somer own. ybe we wouldey they say the rest
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give them to them for our family and friends had in mind and not anticipate where we would be four years very sucl company. emi-jay has been featured in dozens of fashion magazines and they will be the first to admit they had help along the way. >> we got luck any their our hair ties were given to jennifer aniston to wear on the red carpet for a movie premier and a week later we got a magazine request from marie claire, then we had to build a website and company name and we want from there and we have been growing for the past four years. >> take a close look a hair tie something girls and women put in their hair to add flare and style. >> hello. >> i am julianne nays to me you. >> emily. nice to meet you. >> this is your headquarters. >> yes. >> and this is where it all goes down, this is where you put together your hair ties. >> exactly. we do everything from making the hair ties here to sending them out, invoicing the whole process takes place here. >> wow. >> yes. this is where we have
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cut over four millionaire ties in the past couple of years. >> how did you get started? >> we noticed this huge growing trends of air accessories in the mark that you are on friend were wearing that we saw on touching v shows but everything was too expense and i have not really accessible for our age group so our moms took us downtown to the garment district, we bout a bunch of materials and within back to julianne's house and put together hair accessories . >> can you show me around. >> of course. follow us. >> awesome. >> so here are some of our hair ties and head bands we have over 70 colors and varieties, everything from patterns like our hounds tooth, animal prints. we have glitters, we have our americana collection, which is red, why and, blue primes . >> wow. >> we have polka dots soiled colors, seasonal things. >> five packs for seasons. >> holidays . >> chocolate, pearl, butterscotch, chestnut, there are so many. there are so many colors here, what inspired to you make so many? >> we actually were inspired by the upcoming looks based on fashion shows. and all the runway shows.
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we do new colors no every season. like the it colors for spring, fall, windser and all of those, for instance this past winter the color was bordeaux, so we did like a bordeaux type color. >> was it difficult getting started? >> yeah, because we really didn't have any of the proper tools for how to really create a business. so we got a lot of help from our moms and eventually got to the point where we had to move to an office space. >> what is your favorite? >> i really like some of our more basic solid colors. like the pearl selection, gorgeous gun metal gray i wear it every day goes with everything. i like the brights. >> i like the neutrals and pearl colors but i love our splendid pink, this is our fulfillment station, this is where orders are packed, and shipped to a store home, online order or wholesale order to go to a retail store. >> this can take anywhere from five joins an hour, depending on how many hair ties or accessories . >> what's the largest order you
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have received? >> last year we signed a deal with a huge department store, we had our whole team here which consist 25 people. >> 25 of you put towing the entire order? >> yes. >> that's amazing. >> so what room is this? >> this is our inventory room where we keep all of our five packs, our tin collections and our holiday ornaments. >> it's important for us to keep a back stock because we never wa to run out of our products. >> and the company is continuing to grow. >> this past year emi-jay partnered up with step up women's network and we are sponsoring their young luminaries program which helps sponsor 15 girls paid i want earn attorney ships and we help them become college bound and career red. >> i they help to inspire as they were inspired. >> my inspiration is just being a curious person i thi. i have always loved to learn and discover and i have always just been a naturally creative person and i loved to explore, whether it's going to museums, or
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anything fashion or art related. >> my inspiration is definitely detail and creativity. >> my favorite part about paying attention to detail that it sets it apart from everything else. >> the other thing they want to up spire is determination. >> so many people told us no. people -- even today people develop believe that like the success that we have gained from making hair ties. we were not going to let one person determine what we want to do. >> i don't think it was necessarily easy, it was hard going in and trying to pitch the products. but i think in terms of where we envisions our line going, it was kind of that came naturally to us. >> the ultimate goal for emi-jay right now is to continue to perfect the hair tie we have been making for four years and also maybe to expand and nb to more partnerships some licensing perhaps, evening products such as hair care, more accessories, we have already been brainstorming. great new ideas such as bows and more elaborate head bands that we hope to incorporate in to our line. >> the idea was so simple and yet they we if he canned it. ♪ yeah, you've gotta live life
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and win ♪ ♪ promotional considesh un lus
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geboge wini pinhe promitional considesh un lus suhyn.hy n theseare heading back home.y oil thanks to dawn, rescue workers only trust dawn, because it's tough on grease yet gentle. i am home, i am home, i am home ♪ whether pursuing their dreams or serving their communities. >> with perseverance and commitment extraordinary teens can make a difference. >> i am madisen hill, thanks for joining us on another great life adventure. >> and i am eric keyes, see you next time and remember to live, life and win. ♪ live life and win
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♪ live your life you can your life ♪ ♪ live life and win, yeah ♪
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(upbeat music)
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- you're watching teen kids news. i'm veronique. here's this week's top story. (intense music) there are two words that strike icy fear into the hearts of just about any of us who are applying to college. the essay. that's probably not as bad as the two words you're rejected, assuming a contraction counts as one word. anyway, we're not talking about rejection right now, but application. we get some advice from an expert. - it's such a simple word, essay. defines it as a short literary composition on a particular theme or subject, usually in prose and generally analytic, speculative, or interpretive. no wonder the word essay easily evokes emotions of unease, but it doesn't have to. back with us again is rob franek, from the princeton review.
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welcome. - good to be here. thanks for inviting me. - rob, you used to be a college admissions officer. guess you read a lot of college essays. i have without question read many an essay, and some of them stick in my head even though i did that quite a few years ago. how important is the essay in the college application? well, just to set the pecking order, there are two things that are certainly more important than your college essay or your personal statement, and those two terms are used interchangeably. first two things are always gonna be your high school gpa and sat and act scores. those are the days of standardized tests. but after those, then things like interviews and certainly your college essay, that personal statement, comes into real impact in your college application. - okay, so if we want to make a real impact, we want to avoid mistakes, what are the most common mistakes students make in writing the essay? - two things stick out in my mind as the biggest problems that students when creating a college essay submitting it to a school. one, poor punctuation, and two, poor grammar.
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there's no room for error when we start to think about punctuation and grammar. when i talk to students and i counsel students at the princeton review, i say, "use your community." that's your friends, your teachers, your counselors, not to correct your essay or rewrite your essay, but to give you feedback to avoid some of those easily avoided mistakes. - how about topics? do people make mistakes in the topic they choose? - i think that lots of students assume that there is a perfect college essay topic, but the truth is that be as unique as you are.persond that means that anything is fair game. it could be an academic experience, an experience outside the classroom, whatever it is that you feel would give that admission counselor and that admission committee much more information on you as a candidate, you being a best fit for their school, that's going to be the magic bullet. - you mentioned it's okay to show your essay to someone for grammar corrections, but how much help from friends, teachers, or parents is acceptable? - i do think it's an important question to bring up.
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the idea of punctuation and grammar, absolutely use your community and the editorial prowess of that community, but where not to venture is for somebody else to rewrite your essay because it won't sound like you. so remember, your essay should be as personal as you are, as unique as you are, so that is the line. giving feedback and constructive criticism, absolutely, but it should be your topic and not somebody else's. - in addition to proofreading your work and picking a good topic, what are some other tips for writing a killer essay? - one thing is that remember, your college essay is just one part of your college admission application, so if you're like most students that are nervous about it, just remember the pecking order, that there's many to her things to be considered. and remember also, number two, is that your college essay is a manageable essay. generally speaking, it's 500 to 750 words on average. you've done those types of writing before, so just to keep that in mind. and number three, leave plenty of time to create your essay. lots of folks in their early junior year
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or late sophomore year in high school will be going through a college essay writing class as part of your english class, and that's a great thing to just have the experience under your belt so that when you're starting to write those college admission applications in the next six months or a year, that you've already created at least one essay before that. - great advice. again, rob, thanks for being with us. - oh, pleasure, thank you. - if you focus on something you feel passionate about and carefully proofread your work, what you write probably won't be wrong. for teen kids news, i'm alexandra. - even if you don't love opera, you'll be fascinated by paris's amazing opera house. it also may be the home of the real phantom of the opera. that story is coming up next on teen kids news. - [narrator] closed captioning is brought to you by
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(upbeat music) taly music) (opera music) - [narrator] the stunning paris opera house owes its creation to an assassination attempt. in 1858, bomb throwing radicals tried to kill napoleon the third as his carriage arrived for a night at the opera. although hundreds were hurt, the emperor escaped unharmed. to avoid future attacks, he wanted a new opera house,
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one that would have a private and enclosed entrance, so a competition was held, and more than 170 architects submitted plans. surprisingly, a young and unknown architect, charlies garnier, won, and his design would be the wonder of the opera world. affectionately called the palais garnier in honor of its architect, it took 14 years to build. (ballet music) the outside is intricately decorated with columns and sculptures of famous figures in music and mythology, but if you think this is over the top, wait until you see what's inside. the grand stairway will take your breath away, especially if you try to run up and down its marble steps a few times. climbing these stairs, you'll notice how low
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each step is. that was to protect a lady's modesty. even though women wore long gowns, regular height steps might have exposed an ankle, a definite no-no back in those very straight-laced days. surrounding the grand stairway are small balconies for people watching. it seems that seeing who else was attending was as important as seeing the actual opera. to the left of the stairway is one of the jewels of palais garnier, a baroque style grand foyer, all aglitter and aglow in gold. (opera music) as cogsworth would say, "if it's not baroque, "don't fix it." the lush 2,000-seat auditorium boasts one of the largest stages in the world. in 1964, the ceiling was repainted by french artist marc chagall.
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amodern style clashed with the crichly opulent auditorium. guess this could be a case of some people saying, "if it's not baroque, do fix it." apparently, the supporters of chagaln.l wo his painted ceiling remained. garnier not only designed the building. the architect also designed its massive seven-ton chandelier. if you say the play or movie phanto opera, you'll remember the chandelier played a key role. (violin music) in fact, in real life, part of the massive chandelier did indeed fall and killed a worker. long before it was a play, the phantom of the opera was a book, published in 1911 by gaston leroux. interestingly, leroux would make one of paris's most beautiful locations the home of one of paris's ugliest literary characters. the story of the phantom is kept very much alive at the opera house.
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box number five is permanently reserved for him. so was there ever a real phantom? leroux claims there was. rejected by the woman he loved, the phantom supposedly starved himself to death in his underground hideaway. eerily, a skeleton was reportedly found in the cellar years ago. gives you the chills, doesn't it? for teen kids news, i'm emily. (light-hearted music) (high pitch scream) (foot steps) - andy warhol wasn't just a pop artist who painted things like soup cans and celebs. he also applied his artistic talent to making movies. the first movie he made ran almost six hours. it was titled "sleep." all it showed was a man sleeping with no pajamas on. only nine people attended the premiere. some of them left before the first hour was over.
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it's safe to say that warhol's film was a snooze. with art smart, i'm katy. - it's time for another important message from the national road safety foundation. (jazzy music) (text alert noise) (dog whining) - hey buddy, what's wrong? (dog panting) (text message notification) (dog barks) okay, you're right. i'll wait. it's too dangerous to text and drive. come here, come here. good boy, good boy. (barking) (jazzy music) (upbeat music) can be life-saving. that's why knowing first aid is so important. here's a tip from the american red cross. (upbeat music)
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- little miss muffet had it right. when that spider sat down beside her, she ran away, and while many of us would do exactly what little miss muffet did, for the most part, spiders are harmless, right? - in the u.s., the vast majority of spiders are not dangerous to humans. - so if we're bitten by a harmless spider, do we need to apply first aid? - yes, wash that spider bite with soap and water two or three times a day until it heals. also, you can apply a cold compress, which is basically just an ice pack. just make sure that there's a piece of cloth between your skin and the ice. - [emily] what spiders are dangerous? - there's two of main concern. first is the black widow. it's identified by this red hourglass, but it's on the underside of its body. the second is the brown recluse, which also has a marking on its back in the shape of a violin. if you think you've been stung by either of these spiders,
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call 911. - you know, the more i learn about spiders, the more i'm convinced that they're just little, ugly, disgusting creatures. ugh. for teen kids news, i'm emily. - you can find more first aid tips by following the link on our website, - we've all heard the story about how sir isaac newton discovered gravity. (formal music) (falling sound effect) when he saw a banana fall from a tree. or when eve ate a forbidden banana in the garden of eden. okay, so they weren't bananas, but this long yellow fruit deserves an important place, if not in histy, at least in our diet. first of all, they're great fuel for sports and exercise. your body absorbs the energy from bananas pretty quickly. plus, they pack lots of potassium, which can help you to stay hydrated. bananas also help prevent muscle cramps. they boost serotonin. that's a hormone in the brain that makes you feel good and sleep better. not to mention that bananas are low in fat.
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- they only have 4% of their calories coming from fat, but it has a special kind of fat that is structurally similar to cholesterol, so they can actually inhibit the absorption of cholesterol. - which helps to fight fat and keep your arteries healthy. as you can see, there's a bunch of reasons to find bananas appealing. for teen kids news, i'm daniella. (upbeat music) ♪ strummed guitar you can't experience the canadian rockies through a screen. you have to be here, with us. ♪ upbeat music travel through this natural wonder and get a glimpse of amazing,


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