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tv   Chasing News  FOX  February 15, 2018 3:00am-3:25am EST

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bill: controversy erupts at middle school. >> investigating various acts of bill: a white principal tangled with black students over black history month. >> some r now call though principal to step down or be >> we're not just going to let itbill: and rykers island. you know as it problem. report after reporot only inmato correction officers.o phase it out over ten years. four sites now tipped. where the public is. >> the problem is not everyone wants it in the bacarlan wut a plan.
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ut the flip-flops but notup. so fast. spadea, this isbing. "chasing news." bill: we have a chasing alert tonight. multiple injuries, pelea shooting at high he full story.nt stint man, a do you got for us? active surgery in broward county, florida. numeros fatalities. it is a horrific situation. it is just, is a >> a suspect is now. uncustody. police apprehending the person the school. it is a fluid situation as official a troyce piece together a fatal the high school in florida.
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the person memd lockdown. >> a lot of blood. people are done in the wearing black hat, maroon shirt, black pants. at leastlieved to be injured. some barricaded into the school late in the afternoon. the in the door. i was sitting behind a cabinet and the bullet >> worried parents flocking to the scene. >> videos of her i saw pictures of the people shot in the aisle way andjust felt helpless. nothing i could do. i tried to get here as quick as i just throb whenever they make it out. >> president trump condolences to all affected. fox news. bill: controversy bronx middle school as a white principal tangled with black students o nate rogers has the full story. nate, what do you got for >> bill, the super din
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that he team throughout the dteacher apes of civil rights leaders are calling various acts ofisll stes the school prunes pal and confiscated black from students they were a part of the classroom projec racists systemic racists. continue to ac like black lives or black is absurd. >> the national action het work held a rally here on monday a the principal asked the teacher to stop teaching black historyis is not the first rodeo targeting black students at previous school she. after the investigation those claims werewe're not goint this sitdown another day so we're going to turn u a same, all schools must provide a
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supportive and inclusive no place for discrimination or kind. the school district toll me they returned the rg later in this day but wouldn't say why in the first place. the national akct will be back o the school tomorrow at 3:00 posting another reasons pal to be fired. then been, where natenews." bill: thank you, nate. all right. let's bring in the a prus panel. we're joined b caruso. good see, bill. thanks for being here. and crime. good he sue. peter brown is back with us. councilmap in l wh you. black history month. here's the question. it is ready to determine the principal. however, site em seems to mery month was taught because they had something to take away. need to looking into what is truly happened.
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now the disturbing part we don't have a lotegard to this. a rally being held and the messaging being put out teacherrer her to reasons pal doesn't want to celebrate black history. what is really going on sneer this is what am thinking? my sense, something is going on between this teacher ap this reasons pal. principals have input over curriculum. there is some kind of personal issue. you know that sow the teacher was involved. you knee happened. the principal went crazy afterward. yeah. this was mismanaged by the adult. there is clearly some drama here. heard the teacher speak about this in one of the videos we were talking about. so, i get the sense mismanaged by adults and i don't blame the kids in the. the reasons pal should have handled it better and i think from the standpoint of what is going on in the classroom. that is up to the teacher. are we too sensitive on
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each side of this. it seems like black history month this year is more devicive than ever. you saw what happened in boston. the boston police tweeted out a nice tribute tot a former coach who opened the league up to black players in the nba. no, no. you cannot do that base is white. >> no. i didn't think about that. it is american history. that includes black americans, white americans and all conpub but to black history. whether we talk about post american history. it is about celebrating those cridvilles that also about us coming together and learning. you know, to say cannot celebrate this or cha. >> so you can celebrate a white person in black history month. you can acknowledge. can acronym. they are helped. they are lost in the schools. bill: thanks, guys. got go. the battle over localizing recreational marijuana continues in new jersey. governor phil murphy set out to get it done done in the first 1--days snitches has been
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roadblock after roadblock. outfaces. we're not so sure we want it in our backyard now. here is a guy i want to intros due to. you probably recognized him from public television. he is one of the most prominent and well-known european travel experts in america. rick, welcome to "chasing news" t. how are you? >> i am doing great. nice to be here with you. bill: so you are in a car. i want to ask you. you are not in europe. you are new jersey. where are you headed? >> well, i amle from seattle. ing now i am doing a road trip up and down the east seaboard visiting the state houses. explaining to people that, it makes perfect sense to legalize tax regulate mar mr. bill: can i ask you a they? what does it have to do with the expertise en european travel? >> well, i have been through my adult life hanging out with people for whom is ex exciting as can of ber. they don't arrest a lot of people like we do smoking pot. we have ten times the
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rates here in theness as you do in europe. makes no sense to have a race where arresting a lot of poor people. bill: wait, wait, why did you say racist law? it is not il lel for one race over another. >> well, it is implemented. and wealthy white guys don't get arrested. >> well, that aside, do you think it is going to hp pin new jersey sna it is going tnew jersey. it is a fifth of our country has legalized tax regulated marij tnao grow pot but because it is common responsibility, respect for civil liberties. >> do youre rolled cigarette for your pot or a snipe you know, nothing funny it is a lot of poor people and people of color. taken a back market and turned night a regulated government in washington state this year
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got $300 million in tecause people are smoking pot because we got away from gangs and organized cr market and decided to make it a legal market. us common sense. experience we haden our state. >> ok. thank you. uck. >> happy travel. ja ok. let's bring back the talk about this. you are an advocate for heel legalizedarijuana. do you see this as an unantici facing? here we are. a couple of months in. town after town hasbrouk heights saying not so fast. this is going to turn the legislature. questions about revenues that are going to flow. well, that develops i think you will sook at this. no i, you have good towns throughout. well, they stu a smart move. bill: let me ask you. will tell you something. hold on. will till soff supportive.
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he put in place. but but that is where the support stops. and i think, th we need. that is what talk about. the medical marijuana clearly this is something that a lot of people are into when we need fo for the the program, mack it more open out of the people. you areeational issue. pointing to the ex ac reason why it is so essential we separat of marijuana and i think that being cautious and township or getting some good dat really seeing what is going to do is choose to go ahead, legalize recreational use. gr getting into. bill: your town voted to study more. given the advocacy of being one of the tops that may say >> you look v to look at the social and econompealct of this. and i think more and more towns are looking at.
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whwhat? stop. bill: the racial aspect it to. >> some are say iting it caucus coming out to saying like senator rice sanity. well, think what is going to right it not sure and t it. well, and i have as well.he is conduct hearings now. he leads the black members that have few views. think what you are looking at now is ope we do. there is medicinal effort going to gol happen thena legislative process. listen. we ae. mayors will have the last day in what happens. i want to end with. senator rice,ng s at it from a decriminalization aspect. that is what phink people are gg to be decriminalization either way. it doesn't ap opinion in the first 1--days. >> gre.: don't go anywhere.
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a lot more "chasing newsre"ekers island set to close. the inmates got go somewhere they four site. new jersey's transit. just a a new chief sworn in today. will it make a df reps. weather goes war up. break up the flip-flops not so fast. snow is coming. henry: hi, bill. wait until thursday. near record highs on the way. along with some rain and clouds we have the potential for some snow moving in for the president's day weekend. i will break it dowal weather fore
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bill: welcome back to "chasing news." he am bill spadea. the jail that is said to be phase out o. i was announcement they have four locations for what do you got for us? >> bill, the plan to forward today. the may area and the new city council spacker cory johnsounced four locations where new smaller jails will be created to replace t complex. the plan is to phase out over the next ten ythe idea is r sites in the bauer rows will be easier to, will mack the in mates and correction officers. it w closer to the courts that will save time and
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money transforringthem closer te family then off sites programs. one of the location nypd and concord avenue in the mott haven section of the been ex. street from a row of homes and residents will have their say on this when hearings steam later this year. the other sites excise renovated and expand. there is a detention brook listen and queens by the way nothing is planned for staten island. this the price tag is estimated to be close in didn't support this idea when it was floated now says closing reekers ise. >> for this plan to work in addition to the new facilities wvi h down the jail population. new york state holds the key here. responsible. >> now, they will be asking no from the same day commission scathing report on rykers that conclude
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reekers island continued to be plagued bys significant structure problems, regulatory complianceidentified definishsis that remain address and unabated harm to both some of that harm was in flicked this past weekend when correald was brutally attacked by several i suffered a fractured spine, bleeding on the brain.on the ground. all four of the suspects dispile being caught the president of the union that rep accepts correction officers sag problem. bill: all right, thank. appreciate it a. ok. bill caruso is here and laura nans no and peter brown. wel to me that you got a not in my backyard pushbackny b studies that show neighborhoods were a prisons or jailsore or less dangerous than
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any anywhere else. about that. and, and, i will say this. the plan to spread the people in rukers o rows, there is something good about that. when i was prosecutor, i di travel from rookers island the outer crroughs, really did ourt and it was not great for the people who are ready to stand trial, but that asitde when i see, you know, a jail that has major compliancemajor managerial problems simply splitting it up. >> a great pont.ue income you no know, correction officers are right to stand up to say, l lives into our hands going to work every day. these are heros. and it is, itsgraceful how theye treated. >> and i totally agree. >> and i think, i gru upave a ten-year plan. it looks like in the long run. it is going to save money whether i fabbers of this. the management issues is something they should be addressing and which isthey have
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not talked about it. you cannot do one without the other. >> plotcally speaking, what do you think happened? i mean, this looks like -- does any i walk loose look nor. they don't have a handle on where the public is so doesn't seem to be any clear plan to across point. >> this seems like a plan without a plan. to thate work to do to sell this. i am not sold. the cart before the hours.ah. i am with you w with you on that. all right. there it. thanks, guys.w jersey transit. the question is can he solve the problem? recent lit was reported that they are close to hitting their deadline on basic safety upgrades like positive control which could save leaves. of ashley johnson has system of ashley? what do you got?
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the new head and the agency failed to fully plimment crashes and ny transit's board meee executive was to become nj transit executive director. esubmitted his resignation. th appointment of executive dict railroad o. this action item willhe executie director and serve as pleasure of the board ofors effe february 19th at the salary of $280,000. safe. so we have heard today a come mentor and we are focused on that. so we'll continue to whether it is here or dot or's any of the other place corbett hitting the ground running with nj transit heaive train controls. nj ran sits require bid the end of the year to
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installed in more than 400 trains 1. >> momees. as the end of december, only 35 percent trainsogy. >> we ordered le co motives and that number. locomotives. we are in the process of resoresolving that element of the delayed trains. well,the day is governor chris christie has cut transit. would the agency be the predicament it is. santoro declined to comment. p if you wark, ashley johnson for "chasing news." henry: what a lovely break the february chill we enjoyed witnessness with day. season and clouds overhead. highs made it to the lower 50's for most of the area. and believe it or not. it could even warmer on thursday. maybe even time to temporary break out the short sleeve shirt with near record highs on the way.
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that warm air bub black up from the south and the southwest. as we move to thursday, the warmth will come with al bit of cloud cover and it will come with some are in as well. even through the overnight hours we rexing a batch of rain to move through the area. the warm air sticks around until friday then it returns for the weekend we will have a storm system to watch for saturday night and early sunday. it could be the next chance for some wintry weather. no i we are talking about near record warmth much then snow that's the way goes time of year. overnight tonight, lows dip to the lower to mid 40's again compact storm system brings as you batch of rain and few hours of wet weather between nu ap daybreak then as we move to thursday, i think the daytime hours will be mostly dry. postally cloudy skies ann then highs reaching to the lower to mid 60's again record high temperatures for the day will be in jeopardy. we move to friday, and the day we start off wet and warm near 60 degrees west showers in the morning then temperatures fall with a brisk wind through the afternoon. we move to the weekend, saturday's highs in the
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30's then the storm system for saturday night and pretty precarious. at this point, as to where the storm system guess if it take the most northern most rack. a few inches of snow. we keep you posted. i am meteorologist dan zarrow. bill: don't go anywhere. we got a lot more "chasing news" coming up four after the break. we'll be chasing al the headline for you tonight including s.u.v. to ram the national security agency building in maryland. there were shots fired and injury. mrs., the dog show. who is a good dog? wait until you see the winner.
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♪ you need to survive much more than the cold to be a polar bear plunger. it takes courage, bravery and heart. each year these winter warriors jump to frozen glory to raise money for special olympics pennsylvania athletes and with nine locations statewide you're never far from a polar plunge in your area. join us... the many, the brave... the ones who are "freezin' for a reason."
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bill: welcome back. including an suvnal
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security agency building in maryland. shotshere are area in race. plus, the westminster dog show. who is a good dog.amaro at the center of a for ry crash on listening island that ck an oilve people delivery truck between other vehicles. one of the vehicles killing the four occupants am one of them people ejected from the police have been follow camaro along route 25 and say the vehicle wassed. a car crashed into the national security agency compound in battle nerthough ofe not calling it a terrorist attack. we don't believe there is anyha this was isolatedness department. officers reportedly opened fir on the holes whole the driver of the car was being treated for in jury. agents report they are not from the g fbi is continuino investigate. >> and there is a winner annual west minister kennel dog
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show. theat 3,000 other dogs to take home best in show. lens the and the next stop is retirement. good job, little feles we're chasing four tonight. bill: hope you liked the show tonorrd to another show with you tomorrow night. it is valentine's day. hope you had a celebration today with your significant other and i want to thank bet congratulate the girlfriend vanessa on the one year anniversary vanessa is he spent it on "chasing news."h both you. happy val lento a of toon's day. see you tomorrow. happy valentine's day. see you tomorrow. gunman
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opens fire at a florida high school. >> i was sitting right behind the passed my ear. got girl next to me >> students fearing for their lives. parents in panic. a true nightmare>> it's just a r us. investigation into why this happened. ♪ live from centeritew at that florida school still a crime scene right now. you're looking live pictures ask throughout the night where the bodies of victims remain. they still have not identified 17 people killed. many more injured. in what is the nation's school e


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