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tv   Chasing News  FOX  February 17, 2018 3:00am-3:30am EST

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>> tonight on chasing news, awi. snow, rain, and freezing cold. what will it do? >> is going to get messy this weekend. >> the russians data. robert mueller springs charges against 13 russians that tried to swing our election towards trump. plus, the horror in florida reaches our area. one of the victims is mourned in the new jersey hometown. >> alyssa was so friendly to everybody she was a hometown girl. >> also the terror twins, brothers, one a schoolteacher there using a team of students to help them.
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>> christian and his twin brother, tyler face federal bomb making charges. >> the most normal people can be doing crazy things. >> this is chasing news. >> welcome to chasing news with bill spadea. bill is out today. i'm kim. our top stories how is your weekend going to be. dan tell us about it. >> a wild weather forecast for the next 24 - 48 hours. call there is returning it will set the stage for storm system. we will have a good chance for accumulated snow. for the fibers in new york about 3 inches on the ground by sunday morning. interior north jersey, the potential for more. along the coast is less with rain coming into play.
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a tricky forecast with temperatures at the magical freezing mark, 32 degrees. whether you see more than 3 inches or less, it will get messy from saturday evening through sunday morning. we'll talk more timeline a little later on. >> chasing alert as the department of justice announced the indictment of 13 russian nationals and three russian entities accused of meddling in the 2016 election. charges include conspiracy for wire and bank fraud and wire and bank that. support for them candidate donald trump. they had rallies to both support and oppose the president after the election. the russian conspirators want to promote discord in the united states.
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we must not allow them to succeed. president trump has denied his campaign colluded. same they started their anti- campaign in 2014 long before i decided to run. >> now florida. president trump made his way down to visit with the families of the victims to talk to them about the tragedy. in new jersey, the shooting was a former resident and the family moved down a couple of years ago. more on the four story is lauren blanchard. >> the head of the fbi after it miss potential warning sides leading up to this week school shooting. >> were looking into a social media post. >> the fbi warned that in january nicholas crews had guns, was having erratic behavior wanted to attack the high
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school. in a revelation they set proper protocol was not followed. just over a month later he returned to his former school, opening fire, killing 17. he left families shattered. >> of the victims hospitalized, one is in critical condition. >> as expected, there will be a number of vigils throughout the country. there will be discussion about who these people were, and also there will be a huge discussion about gun control. >> that's right, friends gathered in woodcliff they can new jersey thursday evening to remember a 14-year-old, alyssa. she's want to 17 shot too death. according to friends, she lived in bergen county for almost four years. a former classmate and friend was at the vigil and talked
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about what to the town is doing. >> a lot of us are tying red ribbon center mailboxes as a remembrance. >> her mom was interviewed on cnn and beg for president trumps help. >> i just met the last two hours making burial arrangements for my daughter's funeral was 14. >> they said thoughts and prayers are not enough. >> they put gunmakers ahead of american lives. it's time those who continuously fight against common sense safety reforms are called out to. >> a source in the administration told reporter that he told them close to him that we have to do something when he wants to know what the options are. some argue that stricter gun laws will not prevent bad people
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from doing bad things. authorities said nicholas crews opened fire with a legally purchased ar 15. he confessed and faces 17 counts of premeditated murder. >> joining us is anna, friend of one of the victims. she used to live in woodcliff, you live there now, right? >> yes. >> and your offensive alyssa? >> yes, we are very close. >> can you tell us about what she was like? >> she was passionate and friendly to everybody, no matter what circumstance. she was on my soccer team that she was outgoing with every single person. i hurt myself a lot and she is the first person to come and help me. her mother was one of her biggest fans.
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>> i'm sure you are upset as the rest of the town, did you go to the vigil leslie? >> yes, together we lit a candle, shared memories and cry together. >> you went to school today? >> yes. >> what happened today? >> everybody at school was extremely upset. guidance counselors help us we had a moment of silence yesterday. >> are you doing anything in town for the family of alyssa? >> all of us are trying to do a charity to help the family. we are trying to support them. >> thank you. now we'll bring in our panel. peter brown, let's talk about gun control and assembly woman.
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what do you think about in a story and what happened in florida? >> it's tragic. our heart goes out to the families and the friends and relatives. to automatically say that trump needs to do something, we do every time a shooting i think it what he can do is hold a meeting with interest groups to address the epidemic. >> to we already have the most stringent control laws in the country in new jersey? >> in new jersey we do. >> in today's new york post has something about this. >> i think he has to show leadership. he has to give congress some direction. it's not necessarily about gun control, it's a greater issue there. there's mental illness involved,
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it's a big issue. >> to think it's too soon to have a conversation? should we just be reading about the families now. >> this is not the first, it's something we have gotten used to. we have to stop and look at how to address the issue. it's not just a matter taken the guns away. social media companies have a responsibility. >> there you have a, both sides of the equation. we have a lot to talk about. we'll hear from both president and the legislators on the federal and state levels. in florida people had some suspicions about the shirt or. unlike in new jersey we been taught if you see something, say something. yesterday and instagram there is something suspicious going on in the school super intended had an overabundance of caution today. what happened when we had the
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brothers who are paying students to collect gunpowder in an attempt to build bombs. let's turn tonight for the most recent. >> much of the day we spoke with neighbors of where the brothers lived. everyone remains blown away by the case. right now 27-year-old christian and his twin brother face federal bomb making charges. they're arrested yesterday after nearly a two month investigati investigation. >> people could've been seriously injured. we don't know what the extent of the plot was. >> agents found 30 pounds about making chemicals according to the fbi. also handwritten letters. once", under the full moon, the small ones will tear.
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>> we just said hello and goodbye and how are you. just readings in the elevator. nothing more than a. >> christian he's a former teacher here he resigned from the school after being charged with raping a 15-year-old student in december. even more skating the they said he paid at least two students $50 per hour to break apart fireworks store the powder from the fireworks and containers. >> you don't know who your children are coming in contact with. >> most normal people can be doing the craziest things and you just never know. >> no word on if the students who knew about the plan will be charged as well.
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>> coming up, governor murphy made strong promises about marijuana during his campaign. a new plan is out there to
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>> welcome back to chasing news. i former lieutenant governor of new jersey. yesterday there is a press conference between a republican and democrat and they agreed to we should criminalize marijuana some people think that's an effort to avoid legalizing marijuana. for more will turn to ashley. >> governor phil murphy has a tough road ahead if he plans on making his campaign promise to legalize recreational marijuana. expect by ron rice a republican bobby singer. it offers a different alternative to the governor's plan by decriminalizing marijuana. >> let's take small amounts and say you're not gonna be arrested for this. therefore, there's no reason to
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set legalize it in the state. >> people call with a small amount when no longer having to worry about having their license suspended or going to jail. people caught with a specific amount would be find much like a speeding lawmakers are still working out the amount of we. there t or less. >> if there's a fine and they can look at thedship factors in second part of the fine stays with the township and part goes to the state for healthsss. people will need to send the bill. in lakewood, i'm reporting for chasing news. >> i will turn it over now to the former head of the new jersey dea. a former chief who has
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experience prosecuting these cases. things are coming in today. >> even if it is legalized what about the federal level. >> marijuana still a schedule one. has no medical use. it's illegal to possess, sell, distribute. proceeds whether legal or illegal is subject to forfeiture and criminal charges. >> you are a detective, how hard is it to prosecute? >> with marijuana it's more difficult than driving under the influence. the be a challenge because you'll have to call and drug experts. it's more subjective initially. it's not like someone coming in for an alcohol test. >> thanks. i don't think people know that it's a federal crime and how
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hard is going to be to prosecute those cases. >> let's turn it over to the mayor whose town is going to legalize accessories of marijuana but not saying whether there for or against recreational marijuana. >> can you tell us about your town do? >> we passed an ordinance to prevent the recreational sale of marijuana. it's allowed and dispense for medical purposes. that would ban the sale for recreational person us. the main thing is whesecondly, o say a clear message that before anybody invests any time, effort, money it's like a support the sale of recreational
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marijuana. >> but if it becomes legal are you just say not my back care? >> we want to be proactive. will abide by the loss of the state. however, having a dispensary would put an additional burden on our law enforcement system. >> i hoping other neighbors will join you. >> we hope so. >> joining us is bill caruso. i will see peter brown again. let's get started with this idea of banning dispensaries in her own backyard. peter, you're at the conference yesterday. what's your position? >> i'm against the sale of recreational marijuana. i'm for medical and for decriminalization.
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>> people don't understand the difference. and between decriminalizing marijuana and making it legal in new jersey. >> it basically says were gonna find you four. but there is still only you can end up in that system. and also with the senator put forth that mandated drug treatment as well. >> you still subject to prosecution on the federal level. >> you can be. oddly enough, we never see more activity to change that in wake of jeff sessions recent move which moved it back a little bit. >> what happens if they decriminalizing? is it an effort to slow down the legalization movement? >> there is support for both medicinal and decriminalization. i'm not a proponent of it.
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i think it just moves things for the down the court for black and people up. >> decriminalization, ron rice is goal is for social injustice. legalizing is all about money. decriminalization talks about social aspect and i think that's the right approach we should be looking at. >> i appreciate you, and in. were going to turn it over to dan who will talk to us about the weather. >> a changes in the air. we started out warm and wet with pocket rain. temperatures round 60 degrees for colder air is returning. wintry weather is on the way. during the day on saturday will go from sun until clouds. high temperatures near 40. sunday we're back to sunshine
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back to mild weather, places that don't have snow should tie 50 degrees. 3 inches in new york city, more for part of new jersey unless for the coast. temperatures will be close to the freezing mark at 32 degrees, no matter what happens weather will get messy. this is saturday night into sunday morning. stay safe this weliekes for chasing tonight. >> attends morning at highland college as this to school when into lockdown after reports of gunfire. students heard 6 - 8 shots. please believed they made them fireworks. the school south of there was closed. >> a bahamas resort is looking for a chief of flamingo officer.
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someone to take care of the flamingos that will arrive in the spring. the cfo will care for the flamingos and be in charge of guest services. >> coming up, guess what? if you take nj transit to get into new york, it might not happen come the end of the air. what changes need to be made to keep trains from new jersey rolling into penn
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>> welcome back. i'm the former lieutenant governor of the state of new jersey. i am filling in for bill spadea. say were gonna talk about something near and dear to our hearts. infrastructure. the president proposed a plan that will cost us billions of dollars.
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the senators oppose the plan with a plan of their own. we heard from new jersey transit and amtrak about shutting down the rail line between new jersey and new york have certain things didn't happen. here's mark with more. >> the senator came here new jersey to essentially say president trump proposed infrastructure when? a $200 billion spending plan is a deficit when you inject 240 billion in cuts. >> what does that mean for the people of new jersey? >> present trump has proposed a 25-cent federal gas tax to pay for. >> he said he would make america great again. instead of providing leadership he's decided to make new jersey pagan. >> we are ready have a gas tax which could lead to pain for new tolls on i 80, i-95, already adding to the total burden which we feel directly every day.
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>> tell us more about what's going on with new jersey transit. >> amtrak has warned nj transit that a positive train control plans are [inaudible] the trains, the trains may not be allowed into new york station to to lack of safety. >> the answer joining us. i'm kim in for bill spadea. he'll be back on monday. have a great weekend. >> people start to see higher paycheck. >> a lot of folks are homeless because of bad choices. you make bad choices. >> when it comes to covering the controversial topics have to hit it from both sides.
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♪ live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 11:00. mother nature shaking up your weekend spring like weather today, but now snow is on the way. temperatures today in the 60s. tomorrow in the 20s and you'll need your winter boots and that snow shovel could get a workout as well. thanks for joining us at 11:00 i'm dawn timmeney this time tomorrow it will be messy out there depending upon where you live. so scott just how much snow are we expecting? >> we're talking several inches along the i-95 corridor. heavier amounts dawn far north and west. as we take look at ultimate doppler right now. you can see winter storm watches posted north and west of philadelphia montgomery county, bucks county. toward the lehigh valley also for the poconos. wee looking at the timing around four, 5:00 o'clock with that snowfall moving


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