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tv   FOX 29 News at 6PM  FOX  February 21, 2018 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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startling wakeup call for neighbors. fox 29's dawn timmeney is in collingdale tonight with details. >> all you hear was boom. >> reporter: when patricia rushed out of her home just after 6:00 this morning she saw an inferno. her neighbor's home on fire. patricia capturing it all on her cell phone camera. >> oh, i was very scared. >> reporter: colin ball lives right across the street. he also heard a bang and then the home erupted into a ball of fire. >> fire roaring out of every window, every window there was fire just pouring out. >> reporter: ball feared his long time neighbor pictured here with his little granddaughter was still inside. >> i just was thinking maybe i could go in and help but it was too bad. >> reporter: the fire so intense the house collapsing as firefighters arrived on the scene. it took 80 minutes to bring it under control. at 11:40 police the homeowner was found dead in the living room buried in the rubble a
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chaplain on hand to break the news to the family. neighbors hoping for a different outcome. >> he lived here for years, like you would see him pass by sometimes. yeah, it's -- >> reporter: firefighters say this was a challenge. the flames shooting across the street and spreading to ray mcat tea's house next door. this is the second time they've been victims of fire. >> once you go through it, it's like -- it doesn't leave you. and just like the first time, we got nothing but what we got on. >> reporter: ray and his wife obviously thankful to be alive. the victim's family did not want to talk to us on camera. they have an important message. they want people to make sure their smoke alarms are working. that a you not the case here and it could have -- that was not the case here and it could have made a difference between life and death. dawn timmeney, fox 29 news. >> police in montgomery county are looking for whomever stabbed a pregnant woman to death while her two kids were in the apartment. cheltenham township police say they were called to mathers
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way in the linwood gardens apartments in elkins park monday for an argument. when police got to the apartment they found 31-year-old ebony white stabbed several times in her bedroom. white and her unborn son were dead at the scene. investigators say her 12-year-old and seven-year-old children were inside the apartment during the stabbing but were not physically hurt. skyfox over the scene of an accident on the northeast extension in montgomery county that snarled traffic for hours. two tractor-trailers and a couple of box trucks collided in the northbound lanes of the highway just before 11:00 this morning. traffic started to pile up behind the crash. as you can imagine northbound lanes of the turnpike were shut down between the lansdale and quakertown interchanges but they have since reopened. five people were hurt and the cause of that accident is still under investigation. all right, this winter warmup is the talk of our area. here's a live look down the shore at cape may. hope you enjoyed the record breaking warmth because soon it's going to be a fading
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memory. kathy orr is live outside our studios with what we can expect. kathy. >> don't remind me iain. it's beautiful out here. what a day. what an evening. everyone is just walking outside. you can smell almost barbecue, i think the restaurants are pulling everything outside in olde city, philadelphia. take a look at the temperatures today. we reached record warmth in many locations. reading a new record of 82. allentown 80, wilmington 78. philadelphia, trenton 77. new records. atlantic city at the airport 76 degrees shattering the old records by several degrees. right now cooling down the poconos after a high of 70, a record high, it's 55. 72 in philadelphia, 73 in wilmington. but guess what? yeah, as iain alluded to showers are coming in this evening, maybe even a rumble of thunder and it's going to be much cooler tonight. overnight low temperatures in the 40's. and in the poconos in the 30's. can you believe it? and then we get into a very unsettled
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wet pattern through the rest of the week and the weekend. we'll talk more about that coming up a little bit later on in the broadcast with the seven-day. you guys hear that? >> sounds like something is going on out there kathy. people are rocking man. >> reporter: there's a lot going on out here. >> i know. >> reporter: we'll send it back to you. >> all right. springtime in february. right now a major march in the florida state capitol at the same time students and their parents are talking directly to the president about what they want to change. this afternoon president trump shaking hands and greeting students who survived last week's massacre in parkland florida, many getting emotional as they pleaded for action. >> and i was born into a world where i never got to experience safety and peace. there needs to be a significant change in this country because this has to never happen again. >> and i don't understand why i could still go in a store and buy a weapon of war, an
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ar. how is it that easy to buy this type of weapon? how do we not stop this after columbine, after sandy hook. i'm sitting with a mother that lost her son. it's still happening. >> well, many of the survivors' parents also talking saying this incredibly scary situation should never have to go through any parents' mind. meanwhile at the florida state capitol other survivors from that massacre flooding the capitol building both inside and out demanding lawmakers take action on gun control specifically a future where mass shootings are a thing of the past. local students standing in unity with those in florida walked out of their classrooms today. fox 29's jeff cole is in voorhees, camden county, with those demonstrations. >> reporter: it's a sign of how the parkland massacre has galvanized students across the country, walkouts including here at a voorhees high school, students looking to stop the violence while school administrators rethink
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security. in voorhees, new jersey, students pour out of eastern regional high school, a peaceful protest for the 17 killed in parkland, florida. >> kids and parents, they're coming to school not feeling good, not feeling safe and it should be a safe environment. >> reporter: they mourn and read aloud the names of the dead, their rally protected by town police at school gates. >> it's scary. it's scary from the time i started this career to where we're at now. >> reporter: a cop with a gun sits at the front door here two more patrol school corridors but is it enough asks some including upper darby pennsylvania's police superintendent who thinks select teachers should carry ready to return fire at an attacker. new jersey's top prosecutor urges awareness to combat shootings. >> in the majority of cases there have been red flags warning signs such as social media postings or comments to fellow students. >> reporter: in city schools, violence seeps in from neighborhoods wracked by
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gun violence, says a philadelphia teacher's union spokesperson. they live with it he says but now kids are fighting back. are you fearful? are you scared. >> personally no. like i've had incidents in my life but i'm used to it. >> reporter: but others are. >> others are. like that's what it's all about, others. >> reporter: still unknown tonight, will student activism result in real change and will tighter security stop yet another school shooter? in voorhees, i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. >> u.s. senator pat toomey says that he'll probably reintroduce legislation to expand background checks on gun purchases but it may require some changes to make it happen. the republican senator says he wants to see how many senators support it when the senate returns to session. the bill first emerged after the 2012 slaying of 26 children and adults in connecticut's sandy hook elementary school. it failed then and at least one more time since then.
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with beer and wine sales now becoming the norm in pennsylvania super markets, a document for a delaware county community may put the cork back on those beverages. our bruce gordon has the story from nether providence township. >> reporter: bill levin spent part of this springlike day hosing down his nearly new corvette in the drive way of his surrey road home. the vet packs a whole lot of power but not as much as levin's. you hold an awful lot of sway in this matter don't you. >> well, we could but we hope it can be settled on a friendly basis. nobody wants to have a big brouhaha from us and the acme shopping center. >> reporter: brouhaha, get it. the nearby acme supermarket on baltimore pike at beatty road wants to sell beer and wine to stay competitive with other markets and convenience store in our region. acme itself sells the stuff at 23 of its other locations but this store is different. and here's why. a 1959 deed restriction entered into by the land owner
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and 30 homeowners from the bowling green subdivision next door bans the sale of alcoholic beverages on the site. acme now has a liquor license but nether providence township manager gary cummings says the store needs the unanimous approval of neighbors to put it to use. >> if one holds out, they're up the creek so to speak. >> reporter: cummings says he believes neighbors could be persuaded to allow beer and wine sales but may demand that acme make improvements to a store that has its own people admit seen better days. after all, septa tracks and a privacy fence are all that separate neighbors from the potential nuisance of beer and wine sales. >> i think they're leaning toward lifting the deed restriction but they want -- on the other hand they want all these improvements including security cameras, they want the spic and span store, so i -- >> if they want to give up something they want to get something. >> correct they're holding the cards. >> reporter: bowling green says they've had problems with the strip center in the past
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mainly from restaurants they say stunk up the neighborhood. they'll think long and hard before letting acme sell brew and bordeaux. >> this is our neighborhood. it's a great neighborhood and we want to keep it that way. >> reporter: acme says it's got a clean record of legal and efficient sales of beer and wine at its other locations in the area. a spokesman in a written statement tells fox 29 we look forward to working with more communities so customers in area can have the same level of convenience. final resolution, a yea or nay from neighbors could be weeks, even months away. in nether providence bruce gordon fox 29 news. >> big announcement from one of the biggest names in tv. wendy williams on the recent diagnosis that will keep her off the air for weeks. kristen. >> iain eagles faced a lot of injuries this season and apparently some of those players battled while hurt. find out who is going through the recovery process now ahead in sports. >> hi everybody.
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>> a surprising revelation at the start of fox tv's wendy williams show. the hot topic today was about the disease that's going to keep wendy off the air for awhile. our joyce evans is here now to break down grave's disease and what that could mean for wendy's future. >> well, iain as you know all sorts of rumors were flying even before wendy williams fainted on tv during her halloween show. but what she announced today sent a lot of people running straight to google to see what it is . in fact, thyroid diseases are a lot more common than you might think. >> what the hell is going on with wendy? >> it's how the talk show queen wendy williams began her big announcement. >> my thyroid, my hyperthyroid is attached also to grave's disease. >> an autoimmune disease affecting one in 200 people. women more than men. asians and african-americans
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more than caucasians. >> so, that's the reason for -- >> all of your metabolic processes start getting rev owed up. >> i feel like there are birds swimming around in my head, you know like a cartoon. [laughter] >> constantly high. but not high. >> your heart rate, your metabolism, you start to lose weight, jury jittery anxious, all of those things are a result of too much of that thyroid hormone. >> but what causes the thyroid to start overproducing hormones. >> we don't really know for sure. it probably has something to do with a genetic. >> dr. mike cirigliano at penn medicine says some medication can be linked to thyroid disease as well as smoking but there are signs before the worst can happen. dr. mike says he suspected it when we all saw wendy's warning live on tv. >> it was scare -- it -- it
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was scary. >> the first line of treatment are medications. then a more definitive treatment is radio iodine therapy and that's where the thyroid gland is actually radiated and then there's also surgery is available. >> as of today, three weeks of vacation. >> well, wendy sort of makes light of it all all day in true wendy fashion but doctors tell us she should be fine and even if it takes more than three weeks, there is no reason that wendy williams won't be back with more hot topics and her signature how you doing. iain. >> all right, joyce. [laughter] >> thanks. seems every new building comes with its flaws. the conversion of the old spring garden school into some affordable rental units opened wth fanfare and pride last fall. it set in north philadelphia and houses seniors and vets, many of whom have disabilities like carolyn sample but the
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buzz in security door hasn't really ever worked so residents have to wait at the door to let in caregivers and make it nearly impossible to get package deliveries including their medicine. sample found one of her packages left on a table opened and the contents weren't there. >> it is very frustrating 'cause all i want do is get my mail and i do have medication that comes through the mail and so i was told this -- a suggestion would be to send my mail somewhere else. >> well, the landlord and help u.s.a. is apologizing saying some software problems have been preventing the door from working but they say even when that door works, tenants will still have to figure out how to coordinate package deliveries to a time when they or management staff can personally receive them. let's get back to your fox 29 weather authority now as we take a look at reading in berks county. all that record warmth, well, it's on its way out of here. kathy's forecast in just 15 seconds.
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>> this is rehoboth beach delaware and it's busy on this wednesday night and why not? we had some all time february high record breakers today in reading, allentown, wilmington trenton and the poconos. it's never been this warm in the month of february. reading at 82, allentown 81. unheard of. and they were shattering records today pretty much everywhere. philadelphia it's 72, williamsport at 60. there's a cold front to the west. pittsburgh's only 46. toronto 34 and cold enough for snow in cleveland at 35 degrees. and that cold air is going to be moving our way. it's not going to stick around long and it's not going to be frigid but it will be a dramatic change. consider this. temperatures are about 32 degrees above normal today. so, we have to kind of get back to a balance here.
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you can see some showers out ahead of the front entering the western part of chester county, northern parts of montco and already into places likely high county and berks county. a few rumbles of thunder possible with this so don't be surprised if there's a flash right before lancaster county and that's going to be moving through this evening. it's part of a wider system. this is actually the front. you see all the rain associated with it and behind it much cooler air. the problem is the front is going to stall and as it does, areas of low pressure will ride along that front like a train and that means thursday periods of rain, about a half an inch of rain expected. friday periods of rain will add on another quarter of an inch and then even during the day on saturday a rain. i think that's going to be the driest of the stretch and then we'll see some heavy rain moving in. again on sunday and we're talking about 2-inches when all is said and done. we don't dry it out really until next monday so this is a little bit of a weather rut. overnight tonight low temperatures will be in the 40's so it's all liquid. in the poconos a wintry mix
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possible with that. the temperature bottoming out at 32 degrees. now, during the day tomorrow, periods of rain of course, the high only 49. winds out of the northeast about 10 to 15. so it's going to be much& cooler. it's going to get rid of the summer wardrobe and get back to the early spring wardrobe perhaps. on your seven-day forecast in the weather authority friday staying unsettled, 48. we're up to 60 degrees or close to it saturday. sunday 64. next week looks nice. high temperatures in the 50's and sunshine is back. that's better weather, kristen, what do you think? >> that looks really good. it's starting to feel a little bit like spring, you know, i'm liking it kathy. the eagles super bowl season was impressive a guy who battled all year while hurt even more impressive. find out who is back in surgery. the sixers back on the court after the all-star break. how they plan to keep their win streak alive next.
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>> ♪ >> alshon jeffery had a standout season with the eagles this year. more impressive he did all while playing with a torn rotator cuff. jeffrey took to instagram to confirm reports he had surgery to repair his rotator cuff he allegedly tore back in training camp yet still managed to play through it. his caption there, "i'll be back soon for another ring. fly eagles fly ." the all-star break is over. the sixers back in action in chicago tomorrow. it's the start of the last third of their season. really before the playoffs. the sixers look good right now. sitting in seventh in the eastern conference and on a five game win streak but they know they have to continue to gear up now for the post season ahead.
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>> everything to me has to be done with -- with that type of disposition, that greater sense of importance because things are different in another, you know, whatever -- however many weeks, six weeks. >> villanova has dropped two of their last four games now. they're dealing with some adversity. so as they take to the court tonight, against depaul, head coach jay wright is encouraging his guys to learn and use those struggles to their advantage. >> nothing wrong with a bumpy road. you can learn a lot from it and, you know, we never lost any confidence playing in a tough environment at providence and we were just not clicking. we we know we still have a lot of work to do and we did learn a lot from those games. >> phillies new manager gabe kapler urging his team to be bold, nothing says bold like hitting kapler's car with a home run didn't batting practice. that's what nick williams did yesterday. today he apparently came pretty darn close once again. >> the breeze coming in from
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right field did not stop nick williams from destroying the baseball and almost hitting my car for a second day straight. [laughter] and i told him the same thing i told you guys yesterday. if he is destroying cars and it happens to be mine, no problem. >> yeah, kapler went on to say he was going to put a big bull's eye on his car so like go at it. it's a rental car. >> exactly who cares. >> but they're going to be home runs. >> that's right. take it. >> join us tonight for the fox 29 news at 10:00 just in time a car drives down a highway when out of nowhere a giant boulder rolls onto the road. thankfully no one was hurt so join us for more details on this tonight on the fox 29 news at 10:00 that will do it for us here at 6:00 thanks for watching. up next, page six followed by dish nation at 7:00 and tmz at 7:30. we'll see you right back here at 10:00 have a great night. >> ♪
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right now on "page six tv" where did rihanna have a star studded 30th birthday bash in new york? we have exclusive details. who says the real housewives of new york city are so tram advertised they may be suing. what is happening between adam rippon and sally field's son? now on "page six tv." [cheering and applauding] >> welcome to "page six tv." i'm john fugelsang. here are today's top stories. happy birthday, rihanna. we have exclusive details -- [cheering and applauding] >> from the icon's 30th right here in new york city. mr. carlos greer? >> we absolutely do. rihanna turned 30 years old yesterday and she celebrated at the grill room. she had a four course champagne dinner catered


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