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tv   FOX 29 News at 5  FOX  February 23, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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let's get right out to jeff cole who's life in south whitehall township with the latest. jeff? >> reporter: dawn, there is no known cause for this big fire that lit up the morning sky here in south whitehall township. there were no injuries luckily but this school district has taken a big hit. midday and fire crews were blasting away at hot spots in front of the scorched school buses. the early morning fire claimed 16 in the school district garage in blaze so hot fire crews were forced to back up and drop wat water. >> it was just shooting water on it surround and drown the best you can. >> reporter: total of 25 buses are believed destroyed. serving the sprawling parkland school district of lehigh coun county. >> the garage burned up. >> reporter: the garage burned up. did it. are you sad about it? >> yeah. and make big boom. >> reporter: stephanie and her two young daughter as woke to the smoke at 3:00 this morning.
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she lives just yards away. >> we heard sounds that sounded like explosions we wanted to come down here just in case the building would go. >> reporter: her first grader madison was home friday the fire forced parkland to close schoo schools. state police the pa fire marshal and federal alcohol, tobacco and firearms could be seen digging through the rubble looking for a cause. >> we going to pull the metal aluminum from the building to get it off the top so the fire marshal can do his job report rot the structure was lump nim with wood ten poles used to shield buses from the region's snow and heavy weather says the district. drivers say block heaters were sometimes placed to warm engin engines. it's a disaster says dustin houcks whose brother got unexpected day off from school. >> yeah, my step dad woke him up this morning. said hey, you're not going to school your bus exploded and that was a pretty big shock for him. >> reporter: the school district hopes to reopen classes on monday. it says it's leasing buses and
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repairing others until and tells the public its fleet is fully insured. live in whitehall -- south whitehall township, jeff cole, fox 29 news. dawn. >> jeff, thank you. breaking news out of washington, d.c. the white house is on lock down after a vehicle hit a security barrier. the secret service says the vehicle did not breach the barrier and that no shots were fired during the incident. the female driver was immediately taken in to custody. president donald trump is hosting australian prime hipster malcolm turnbull at the white house. turnbull remaining as the incident is being investigated. two men are jailed tonight accused of stealing $52,000 in merchandise in a string of robberies at walmart stores all across our area. police say five were at gun point. investigators say 26-year-old marquise foreman and 28-year-old john beverly targeted walmarts in seven different pennsylvania counties beginning in july of 2017. police say the latest occurring
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on january 7th of this year. investigators say in that particular case, foreman put gun to a store employees head and demanded 20i phones in a display case. the pair got away with phones, laptops, speakers, a bed comforter and much more according investigators. they are charged with 40 felony counts of robbery with threat of serious bodily injury. retail theft and many other related charges. now to your fox 29 weather authority as we take live look at the ben franklin parkway. wow, a damp and dreary night across the region i looks likes more wet weather in store for the weekend. meteorologist scott williams joining us nouse with a first check of your forecast. is the weekend a washout, scott? >> not a complete washout, dawn. but really more of the same. we'll have periods of rain. not raining the entire time and temperatures will moderate a bit. but right now, stepping outdoors, it's damp, it is chilly. look at the current feels like temperatures. lancaster feels like 38 degrees. it feels like 40 in pottstown.
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it feels like the 20s right now in the poconos and it feels like a chilly 40 degrees as you move toward wildwood. but with the fog, the drizzle we have reduced visibility outdoors so just keep that in mind some airport delays as well. use those low beams as we look at ultimate doppler, not detec detecting a whole lot but we have patches of drizzle some steadier showers moving away from the poconos. but watch what happens as we expand the view. more rainfall will head in our direction for the upcoming weekend. so temperatures for saturday into the mid 50s. 60 on sunday and it looks like the instead yesterday of the rain for the weekend will occur saturday night into sunday morning. coming up we'll time out that forecast hour by hour and talk about how much rainfall to expect. dawn, back over to you. >> thank you scott. tonight five people charged with filing false applications and collecting tens of thousands of dollars in relief money in
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connection with super storm sandy. they're accused of receiving money from fema and other grant -- on the state grants that that did not belong them. 64 year david silva is from our area egg harbor township. prosecutors say the number of people charged in these kinds of cases since march of 2014 now stands at 109. developing to night tracking down who opened fire on a van with children inside killing the woman behind the wheel. tonight fox 29 is obtained new video of seconds after that crash on broad street wednesday night. let's get out to dave schratwieser outside philadelphia police headquarters. dave? >> reporter: dawn, homicide detectives tell us tonight they are narrowing they're focus as they try to track down the killers of 23-year-old tyesha timmons. we do have new surveillance video tonight and some new details on the investigation. as the memorial to 23-year-old murder victi tyesha timmons gren
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broad street investigators were hot outtravel her killers while trying to find out exactly why this happened. >> case of mistaken identity or road rage. we're not which sure yet. it's very difficult to say the investigation still early. >> reporter: fox 29 obtained surveillance video recorded in the seconds after her van was hit by a barrage of gunfire. you can see the van careening across a median just missing another car and crashing into a building. >> the only thing we do know the occupants of the car didn't bring this upon themselves. >> reporter: her picture, candles and balloons mark the the spot where the van came to rest at a building near broad and old york road. police say one or two gunmen opened fire striking tyesha as she drove three family members and three children through the neighborhood wednesday night. >> just three young kids every kids all under the age of four. by the grace every god no one else was hurt. >> reporter: police have been work nothing recover video of the shooting and subsequent crash along with videos of the suspects. they do not believe anyone in
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the van was targeted by the gunmen. >> our hearts go out to the victim's family. it's terrible what happened to this young lady. it shouldn't happen to anybody. um, it's a miracle no else in the car was hit and more seriously injured. now, captain ryan says police are still trying to determine if this shooting might be connected to another shooting a few minutes earlier at 16th and nedro short distance away. she will casings were found at both crime scenes. police will not say if they are a match. dawn? >> all right, dave, thank you. police in mullica hill, new jersey, say this guy robbed a ups store and struggled with an officer trying to arrest him. it happened last night on bridgeton road. police say 30-year-old elias morris threatened an employee with scissors and got away with more than $500 when an officer tried to take him into custody police say morris resisted arrest. the officer pepper sprayed and handcuffed him. police say morris was also in possession of packets of suspended heroin. he's facing numerous charges to
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tonight including robbery and assaulting a police officer. now to our continuing coverage of the parkland, florida, high school shooting. teachers at stoneman douglas high school returning to work today. lawmakers try to figure out how to keep our children safe. fox's phil keating has more from parkland, florida. >> reporter: teachers are getting back to work at stoneman douglas high school. nine days after a gunman killed 17 people in a mass school shooting. school officials say they're taking their time with the reopening providing counseling and other resources to faculty and staff making sure this transition goes as smooth as can be. >> folks coming together, reconnecting, and going through the healing process, um, as we open school and work to get back to some level of normalcy. >> reporter: a top priority for teachers and lawmakers keeping the students safe. florida governor rick scott announcing a may your new initiative. $450 million to add mandatory
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law enforcement officers in every school and another $50 million for mental health initiatives. the governor also proposing a number of measures that would make it more difficult for people with mental health issues to get a gun. >> the goal of this plan of action is to make massive changes and in protecting our schools. provide significantly more resources for hem health and to do everything we can to keep guns out of the hands of those dealing with mental problems. >> reporter: new gun control measures also being discussed on the federal level with the president said to meet witness nation's governors on monday to discuss their options. >> there's a movement on to get something done. we want to be very powerful on background checks. when we're dealing with mentally ill. >> reporter: as for the more than 3,000 stoneman douglas high school students they officially return on wednesday next week. in parkland, florida, phil keating, fox news. and back here in our area, group of local students making
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their voices heard when it comes to begun control. students at the west town school in west chester rallying this afternoon with a moment of silence for all the shooting victims in florida. you can see many of them carrying signs with powerful messages for stricter gun control measures. after the tal rally students gathering inside for an action workshop. companies across the country are cutting ties with the national rifle association in the wake every the mass shooting in florida. first national bang of omaha largest privately owned bank in the country will no longer issue nra branded visa cards. metlife insurance company says it will no longer give discounts to nra members. other companies on the list include the car rental chain enterprise and the insurance company chubb ltd. fox 29 getting results. a woman claims a funeral home lost her sister's ashes. bruce gordon went searching for answers in hopes of getting the woman some closure. and a new twist to smokin sg in the bathroom.
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students sneaking vaping devices into school and it's getting more difficult for teachers
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hello, peco. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. in the state with more ski mountains than any other, family fun reaches a new peak. so whether you're a speed demon or more of a snow angel, your winter chariot awaits. pick the best peak for your family getaway at new york state. it's all here. it's only here.
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♪ a change on penn state's campus. the university is now going to have its campus officers carry the opioid overdose treatment in a locks zen. officers at the university main campus have been trained on how to administer the medicine and also how to recognize an overdose. on campus paramedics also carry it. penn state says it plans to have officers on all its campuses carry in a locks son.
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>> fox 29 getting results in story of cremation chaos. a camden woman says her decision to have her sister's remains cream mated left her angry and confused with more questions than answers and answers she doesn't believe. bruce gordon joining us in stewed eighty seven bruce, this is really a nightmare for a grieving family member. >> reporter: yeah, dawn. just imagine it's one of the most emotional decisions you'll ever make. how to lay a deceased loved one to rest. you're about to meet a woman who decided cremation was the best option. until she says the funeral home claimed to have lost the ashes. >> i'm at a loss for words. >> reporter: when she couldn't even mourn. more than three months after the untimely death of her 44-year-old sister -- >> i don't know where she is. it's not my fault. i entrusted it to these people. >> reporter: shariff when her sister decide she went to the carl miller funeral home to lay her sister to rest. >> i want the a cremation. i want to do you will put her
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urn in my house and give one to my two nephews and that was. >> she received a phone call a short time later. >> they tell me the cremation has been completed, they said that your urns are on back order and basically just to sit and wait. >> reporter: and wait and wait. frustrated over the lack of information, wine net says early this month her daughter called the funeral home for an update on the ashes and the urns. she says their response floored her. >> we actually don't have -- we can't even locate winji john john. >> that's what they said. >> they don't have her ashes? >> they don't have them. >> what was your reaction. >> disbelief. disbelief anger, i was hurt. that's the biggest thing. i was hurt. >> reporter: she and her daughter reactioned angrily. then about a day later, she says, they received a follow up call from the funeral home. >> what did they say. >> we were looking up the wrong name. we found her. >> reporter: now they have the ashes? >> um-hmm. >> reporter: do you believe them. >> no, i do not. i don't, um, at this point i don't trust them.
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i don't know who ashes that could possibly be in that box. >> reporter: i went to carl miller friday afternoon looking for answers. funeral home officials would not talk on camera, but did allow me to see the cream mated remains or cremains of win gee johnson for privacy sake we won't show you the actual ashes. the folks at carl miller could not explain why an employee would have said they were lost but what i saw appeared legitimate. the appropriate remains -- >> that number is 43760. >> linked to johnson's account number. as for those long overdue earns carl miller says the from which they ordered them guarantees delivery tomorrow. funeral home will hand deliver the urns with the cremains inside to why net. dawn final smell closure. >> all right. bruce. update now on the old city building ravaged by a four alarm fire. the city says it will be demolishing the structure on the 200 block of chestnut street because it's dangerous. licenses and inspections will
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salvage the first floor exterior which is made from cast iron. nearby businesses and streets will be forced to shut down for at least a week. the process is expected to start on monday. the cause of last weekend's fire is under investigation. kipp academy which has seven locations in our area fires its co-founder after claims of sexual misconduct. mike feinberg is accused of sexually abusing a student in the late 1990's. kipp one of the nation's largest and best known charter school networks learned of this allegation last spring and began investigating. it says quote credible evidence was found of conduct inn compatible with its mission and values. investigators also found feinberg sexually harassed an another difficult kipp alumina employed in 2004 leading to a settlement. feinberg denies the accusations claiming they were investigated by non-bias third parties and that no one found any wrongdoi wrongdoing. kipp has a total of 209 locations nationwide.
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president donald trump telling conservatives today that even second amendment supporters can get behind steps to fight gun violence. the president speaking at the annual conservative political action conference or cpac. president trump touting republican accomplishments during his fiss year in office. during his speech the president vowing to take action after 17 students and teachers were killed in the florida school shooting while at the same time vowing to protect the second amendment. >> when we declare our schools to be gun free zones it just puts our students in far more danger. there's nobody that loves the second amendment more than i do and there's nobody that respects the nra, their friends of mine, they backed us all they're great people. they're patriots. >> the president is advocate fog several new policies after last week's deadly floor shooting including expanding background checks and higher age restrictions on gun purchases.
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a montgomery county school district is banning flash drives. the reason, district officials say they look too much like a popular vaping device. fox 29's shawnette wilson with the details. >> i think it's the district trying to do something that's right for the. >> reporter: michelle o'toole experts the upper dublin school district recent ban on flash drives in all of its schools. she has two children that attend the high school. >> kids know about it. probably deep into middle school. >> reporter: she's talking about vaping device called juul that's popular among teens and resembles a flash drive. in some cases students were plugging the juul vaping device into their computers to charge it. upper dublin school superintendent debra wheel her says in a statement, we became aware that some upper dublin students were using chrome books to charge juuling devices while in school because the nature of a chrome book removes the need for external data storage devi devices we are satisfied that for bidding their use will remove the possibility of charging a juuling device in
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school. >> the size, the conceal ability of it, you know, being able to trick the teachers that they have a flash drive right in front of them meanwhile it's their vape. >> reporter: we talk to steve schmitz who owns the shop make it vape per in upper dublin he says he doesn't sell the product but that's in high in demand. >> i get phone calls all the time, and it seems like all of the the phone calls are from teenagers. >> reporter: schmitz says juul is so popular he doesn't think the district banning flash drives to remove confusion for staff is the solution. >> because they're still going to be going to school with their vapes in their pocket. >> reporter: chuck kinsley what the district is doing is a good thing to get a handle on vaping and drugs but he doesn't think vaping is the bigger problem. >> i think that's a much smaller issue than the vaping cigarettes themselves. i think you probably find two or three of these flash drives in the school and 100 vaping cigarettes. >> reporter: superintendent wheeler says only one student has been caught charging a juul device since the ban was put into place. she also says if a student has a
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special need to use a flash drive, they can ask a teacher for permission. in upper dublin, shawnette wilson, fox 29 news. ♪ nasa hasn't had a mission to the moon since 1972. could that be changing? why the space agency is hoping to make a return to the moon and beyond. it's called diss more fee ya. why one surgeon says filters on all those popular social media apps are causing to us lose touch with our looks. ♪
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the trump administration is um poe posing a fresh set of sanctions on north korea. president trump and make the announcement today at the cpac conference outside of washington, d.c. the administration reiterated it will not accept a nuclear north korea and is taking additional steps to convince the regime to back down. tensions between north korea and the u.s. high tendon when vice-president mike pence was uninvited to a north korean me meeting after u.s. signaled the
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sanctions would be coming. imagine being able to hit a bullet with a bullet. that's exactly how one expert describes a system that defends against enemy missile attacks. the caulder miniature hit to kill missile. it's designed to blow enemy targets out of the sky with a direct hit. lockheed martin recently had successful test of the missile at the army's 2 million-acre white sands missile range. while the hit to kill missiles are very advanced lockheed martin says they will not be used on offense. >> so the idea is to provide protection to a large area, um, from a launcher or two launchers that can reach out and defeat the incoming rounds before they get anywhere close to our soldiers. >> lockheed martin hopes to gets the missiles a contract government. >> caught on camera in massachusetts a couple of women stealing clothes and you got to give them credit. they got creative.
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one of the women strapped what likes like a lawn laundry bag between her legs and wore a long skirt. police outside boston posted the video and poked fun asking for help taking these two off the senior circuit. are we headed back to the moon? well if you look at nasa' news budget plan, get ready. and filters that change your appearance are popular on social media apps. but are those filters blurry the line between what's real and what's not? scott? >> dawn, it's a damp and dreary friday out there. in fact airport delays right now philadelphia international airport over an hour. what about the upcoming weekend we'll time out the rain and talk temperatures next.
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♪ in the russia investigation former trump campaign adviser rick gates pleading guilty to federal conspiracy and false statement charges. this comes as gates was charged yesterday with new crimes and special counsel robert mueller's probe. gates says he will now cooperate in the investigation. fox's rich dennison with more. >> reporter: former trump campaign aid appearing at the federal courthouse in washington. rick gates pleading guilty to conspiracy and making false statements to federal authorities. under the plea agreement, it appears gates has agreed to
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cooperate in special counsel robert mueller's probe into possible collusion between the trump campaign and russia during the 2016 presidential race. the charge do's not involve any conduct connected to the trump campaign. and the white house continues to insist there's no evidence of any wrongdoing by the campaign. >> i just -- i don't know how many times we have to say this. there's no evidence of collusion and as we continue to be cooperative with the special counsel. >> reporter: gates is the fifth person to plead guilty in the special counsel's probe this comes one day after federal grand jury in virginia returned an indictment against gates and former trump campaign chair paul manafort accusing them of tax evasion and bank fraud. >> is he going to give dirt on paul man any fort or does mueller and his team think he has dirt on the trump campaign? my guess it's on man any fort and then they'll try and squeeze man any fort for more information. >> two men were charged last october with conspiring to launder millions they earned while lobbying for a pro russian ukrainian political party.
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man any fort maintains his innocence and says he hoped gates would have continued fighting the charges. gates plea today follows a major development in the mueller investigation last week. federal grand jury indicting 13 russians for allegedly interfering in the 2016 election. rich dennison, fox news. and back to your fox 29 weather authority. as we take live look down at the shore. this is ocean city. chilly and rainy. and yeah, get used to it. meteorologist scott williams has a full check of your forecast in 15 seconds. fog, drizzle stepping outdoors temperatures today only made it into the low 40s. for the upcoming weekend it look like another round of wet weather. so far this month over 5-inches
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of rainfall for philadelphia will likely end up with about sick inches of rain for the month. so for the upcoming weekend, mid 50s for your saturday. so some milder temperatures. 60 degrees by sunday. not a complete washout. but it looks like the instead yesterday of that rain will occur when you're making your dinner plans headed out maybe to check out that new movie saturday night. then sunday morning we'll keep things kind of damp and then drier as we move toward the end of your sunday. so here's the bottom line. you can see about a 40% chance for some rainfall tomorrow morning. but we ramp things up. saturday afternoon. 70% and then 90% chance by sunday morning. but a 20% chance by sunday afternoon late into the evening. so not a complete washout. the instead yesterday will occur saturday night into sunday morning. some pockets of drizzle and fog right now. but off to the west we're looking at more moisture that will head in our direction for
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saturday and into sunday. so as we go hour by hour, drizzle, fog, mist. a few showers early on saturday but once again the bulk of the instead yesterday rain arrives as we move toward saturday night and then sunday morning. some of that rain could be heavy at times. here's 10:00 a.m. on your sunday looking at some of that steadier rainfall pushing through the region. then we dry out in time to salvage the remainder of your sunday and then the sunshine returns for early next week. so additional rainfall about an inch around philadelphia by the end of the weekend. a little over half an inch for atlantic city. about an inch and a half as you move toward the lehigh valley and the poconos. temperatures right now chilly. 40 degrees allentown. freezing mount pocono. 45 in millville. also, for atlantic city temperatures for tonight upper 30s to low 40s and then we moderate back into the upper 50s into early next week to right around 60 degrees.
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then it turns a little unsettled by next thursday into friday of next week. with temperatures back into the 40s. dawn, back over to you. >> all right. thanks, scott. a new pediatric infusion center opening up in camden. the cooper foundation and children's regional hospital at cooper university health care cutting the ribbon to the new $400,000 facility. the center is for children who need iv therapy for a number of chronic illnesses. it will also allow parents and caregivers to stay with their children during any treatmnt. >> this facility will allow kids to have their treatment quickly and return home the same day. less time spent in our facility means more time for them to be kids to get to play, to get to sing, to get to be with their families and friends. >> the money for the center was donated from the john e cos stick memorial foundation. getting man back to the moon and beyond that's the goal of
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nasa the space agency getting an increase in funding but some say it's still won't
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♪ keeping an eye on your health. filters that are used on snap chat and instagram are altering wait young people look at themselves. plastic surgeon in new york city is calling the phenomenon snap chat dysmorphia. dr. matthew schulman says more and more people are using the filtered selfies as a guide for plastic surgeons. the filters can transform the user's facial features by smoothing skin and enlarging eyes and lips. critics say they can make people forget what they actually look like. it look like nasa is one step closer to bringing people back to the moon. it's 2019 budget proposal prioritizes human exploration and deep space so could a human mission to mars also be on the horizon. fox's madeleine rivera with the details. >> one small step foreman, one jeep leap foreman kind. >> nearly 50 years after this iconic moment nasa says it's
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renewing its focus so that missions like this one become a reality once more. >> this 2019 budget sets the stage for an exciting decade of the 2020s where we'll take our next giant leap. >> reporter: nasa says it's aiming toward space exploration such as leading people around the moon in 2023. this would be the first human mission to the moon since 1972 and the agency is looking beyond that. >> we're once again on a path to return to the moon with an eye toward mars. >> reporter: budget would also terminate federal funding for the international space station by 2025 providing support instead for public private initiatives. >> my fear is that we really are going to go down that path. >> reporter: former astronaut leroy chow is disappointed at $19.9 billion the president' budget request is only afore $400 million increase from its current annual funding. >> there's that old saying, no bucks, no buck rogers. that's what it is. >> reporter: he says the agency won't even see savings from privatizing the space station until years down the road. >> it takes money to dispose of harder wear, shut cracks off.
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blend everything back in. >> reporter: critics are worried that the budget would hurt the us. it already doesn't have a space shuttle program and it could be left with no iss and not enough fundinfunding for deep space exploration. rice university george abby says nasa is a crossroads. >> we'll step up and be leaders and lead the way or are we going to let these other nations go on their own. >> reporter: like chow he believes if nasa wants to make leap that administration must first be willing to take a step. in houston, madeleine river remarks fox news. >> first impressions can make or break a job interview. one local community is making sure those in need are dressed to impress. plus this. >> reporter: it's hank. i'm in center city picking up garbage because i'm sick of looking at it but you know fort worth is paying homeless folks ten bucks an hour to do just this. can we solve two problems with one program here in philly?
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hang's take coming up. ♪ >> hang the drexel dragons have their place in ncaa basketball history but created some interesting dilemmas in coach zac spicer's household. we'll explain
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♪ in west philadelphia, advocates and state legislators calling for a change to a rule concerning school sports. the pennsyvania inter scholastic athletic association or piaa has a polsky see that requires students to get approval before covering their heads for medical or religious purposes. that rule became controversial when thompson king from mastery charter was asked asked by a piaa referee to take off her hijab before a basketball game.
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she said she did not take it off for religious reasons and sat on the bench. today the girl's family stood by her side. >> we feel it is unconstitutional and that it is against her first amendment right. >> piaa the hijab does not present any safety issue. it certainly is not woven with any special materia materials ge students special powers. >> thompson king has been playing for awhile and says this is the first time that this has happened. it is a constant battle to keep our city clean. it's also heart wrench to go see how many people on the streets are homeless. well now one solution could help both issues. our hank flynn with something another city is already embraced picking up a little trash to get some cash. >> reporter: you take that kind of gig or not? >> yeah i would definitely take it. >> reporter: if somebody gives you ten dollars an hour to pick up trash -- >> i'll take it. >> reporter: it's hank. i'm in an al until chinatown.
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fort worth, tech text is paying homeless folks ten bucks an hour to clean up city garbage. i know fort worth is not philadelphia but could it work here? my take is maybe it's worth try. philly has got about 5700 homeless people according to the last homeless services pitt count. we also have a massive trash problem. i was picking it up today. it's all over everywhere. independence mall, race street, vine street expressway, what if you combined the two and pay homeless people ten dollars an hour to pick up trash. would they do it? kenneth krav ton said why not. >> it would be a start. it would be a start for me to do something bet for my self because nothing for nothing leaves nothing if i don't have anything how can i get something. >> reporter: charles jones said he'd be more than happy to make some money. >> it would be you helping you out, wouldn't it. >> yes, would it. yes, it would. i would take it. it would help me out. >> reporter: the idea isn't mine but it might be a good one for our city. fort worth started it a year and a half ago with a program called
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clean slate by which homeless people collected nearly 4,000 tons of trash all of it on the clock. >> when you work, you begin to have a little more self-dignity and a little more, um, sel self-worth and look at yourself a little better and that's what's happened with this for our homeless guests. they begin to view themselves as someone that's worth more than what they think they're worth and it then helps them to have more self-confidence to re-enter main stream society. >> reporter: owen adds albuquerque new york and chicago began sessions of that same problem. i thought about it as i pick up garbage. city hall often says there's no money what if there's value. what if the cost is justified by clean streets and fewer people sleeping under the convention center? city homeless services boss lose hirsh apparently feels the same way she sent me a statement today saying her office is actively pursuing a model like this for philadelphia that they hope to inter tow dues in the near future. cool. i hope it works.
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i'm hank and that's my take. ♪ high school seniors putting their automotive skills to the test for $1 million in scholarships. eric harlin and dominique car bone from bucks county's institute of technology taking first place in the competition. 24 seniors from local high schools competed in the hands on challenge in warminster. the teenagers battling for more than a million dollars in scholarships, tools, and prizes. annual automotive technology competition produced by the auto dealers caring for kids foundation to encourage them to continue automotive education. they will now head to new york for the national automotive technology competition. one big brother giving the ultimate gift to his younger twin siblings. he's saving the twin boys lives both in need of a dire bone marrow transplant. we told you about the twins santino and geo annie born with a rare immune disorder that can
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be dread deadly. be dreadheir older brother four-year-old michael found out that he was a match for needed bone marrow transplants and now as you can imagine he's their hero. he is set for transplant in just two weeks. his mother says she is extremely proud. >> he could have said no, mommy, i'm too scared. i don't want to. but he is just ready to go and he's our real life super hero. he goes to the doctor when he gets the labs for the pre testing and he says look how strong i i am and he gives them willingly his arm to give blood work and the nurses are a amaz amazed. >> he is courageous. both parents sad vol to quit their jobs in order to take care of the children now. they have a gofundme page for anyone who wants to donate to help them with medical expenses and bills. the family came on good day this morning to help get the word o out. >> what are you doing for money? >> right now we're not.
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we've been trying to file for like public assistance and stuff just to get some help right now we're kind of just struggling trying to -- we're getting a little help from family but not much. >> did you set up a gofundme page? >> we did. my sister set it up for us? good for her. >> we'll put it up again so we can help out. >> thank you everyone. >> so this morning the family was just over 25 you had hundred dollars of their $50,000 goal. well now thanks to your help, they're at over 20,000. if you would like to donate you can go to our website one local community is proving a little caring goes a long way. it's giving way clothes to people who can't afford them but still need to look their best for jobs or job interviews. our bill anderson went out to see how this simple act is helping many get back on their feet. for goodness sake. >> reporter: i often talk about homelessness. unemployment or under employment and most of the time these are pretty complicated issues to solve. dealing with education and incarceration or community
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development but sometimes there are smaller concerns that we can resolve fairly easily. >> we're here to provide business clothing and business casual clothing for individuals that are going back to work. >> reporter: new man university has an on-going commitment to helping support people but in this case, they decided to address this one small aspect of entering the work force. so they took over a space on campus and set up a to with one catch the clothes cost nothing. >> it's one less financial challenge that they may have to deal with. >> reporter: there were people in and out throughout the morning and spending time with them is what convinced me of just how impact full this idea could really be. >> i'm trying to get a job so i can reintegrate back into a normal society. >> reporter: matt was one of the people there with a community activist james who helps people overcome various challenges he didn't want to discuss his specific issue, but was clear that not being able to avenue for the clothes he needs is a major obstacle. >> not having the clothes it's
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been hard because you can go to the interviews. then they won't hire you. so it's been hard for me. >> reporter: something that james sees often but unless you've experienced it, you may not understand the challenge getting back on your feet even when you desperately want to. >> one shelter in upper darby you're allowed one suitcase and that's everything you own. so it's kind of hard to get back into main stream if you don't have clothing. basic controlling. >> reporter: james had an amazing appreciation for the free clothes. >> help them because if not, they're going to end up back hurting society instead of being a part, arc member of society. >> reporter: not everyone's story was as serious some were students who just needed help after struggling to pay for books and basics. >> shirt with new tie. brand new tie. >> okay. i mean all it took was a little bit of time. >> reporter: little time for the shoppers but a lot of compassion fromly organizers who once again saw that little things to us can have major impact on others for goodness
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sake. i'm bill anderson. ♪ making your love life great again. the new dating website that's putting your politics first. and turning a big metal box into a home? it's happening right here and
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a new community of homes is booming and we're not talking about your average red brick
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houses. this right here made from a shipping container. our bill rohrer in chester county with the building blocks of the future. >> william and carlos are in the business of building houses but not in the way you may be used to. >> this is the main living area. >> reporter: on the inside this house looks like any normal house. but the outside it looks completely different. you see, this house is made out of a recycled shipping contain container. for the last four months standard 20-foot container has been park at the great valley shopping center in malvern. carlo an arc presented the container home idea to william a few years ago. >> i had just retired. i thought hit potential. the concept of tiny houses was coming up, and was becoming a trend. so we said i think it's probably the right timed to it. >> reporter: this home is about 160 square feet. but if that's too small these containers can be placed side by side or stacked up to as high as nine.
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these steal structures make it all possible. >> you can use it as a backyard retreat, um, i mean, guest hou house, in law house if your kid is coming back from college unwant to give him some independence. >> reporter: homes are assembled inside a factory. then moved and set up anywhere you can imagine. plans on the company's website show these containers could be used as shelters in emergency areas. >> we are exploring the possibility of having a combination of solar panel and water collection system on the roof. we would like to have something that's completely off the grid. >> reporter: this model starts at $36,000. so for less than a luxury car, this could be yours. >> you compare prices, maybe we are on the same level as a mobile home but i mean that's like comparing apples and oranges. >> reporter: difference is living in steal container in a sanu idea. >> people are slow to adopt th them. i mean it's not that common. and people are not used to them
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and i think that has to grow on people. >> reporter: in malvern, bill rohrer fox 29 news. a new website is setting out to make dating great again. trump dating once to help the president supporters find love saying on its home page that when political foundation is the same, the sky is the limb. politics has been a contentious issue since the 2016 presidential election. with 71% of online daters saying in a tinder survey that differing politics is a deal breaker. fox 29 nouse at 6:00 starts right now. ♪ what you see is what you get. the rain coming and going as the work week comes to an end. things aren't going to change much as we head into the weekend n in lehigh county dozens of school buses destroyed. gone up in flames in an early morning fire. school canceled for the day. so what happened? ♪
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live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. schoolbuss up in flames in lehigh county. tese charred shells all that's left and the big question tonight, what exactly happened here? it is our top story at 6:00. thanks for joining us. i'm dawn timmeney. so many buses destroyed the school district had to cancel classes for the day. fox 29's jeff cole from south whitehall township. there's no known cause on this fire that lit up the morning sky in south whitehall township. there are no injuries. but the school district took a big hit. firefighters doused hot spots along the front of the blackened she wills of the 16 destroyed school buses. investigators could be seen poking through the rubble. the grim result of a blaze so hot the firefighters played defense. >> it was just shootat


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