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tv   FOX 29 News at 6PM  FOX  February 23, 2018 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 6:00. schoolbuss up in flames in lehigh county. tese charred shells all that's left and the big question tonight, what exactly happened here? it is our top story at 6:00. thanks for joining us. i'm dawn timmeney. so many buses destroyed the school district had to cancel classes for the day. fox 29's jeff cole from south whitehall township. there's no known cause on this fire that lit up the morning sky in south whitehall township. there are no injuries. but the school district took a big hit. firefighters doused hot spots along the front of the blackened she wills of the 16 destroyed school buses. investigators could be seen poking through the rubble. the grim result of a blaze so hot the firefighters played defense. >> it was just shoot water on it
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surround and drown the best you can. >> reporter: some 25 buses were destroyed serving the large parkland school district in lehigh county. >> the garage burped up. >> reporter: the garage burned up. it did. are you sad about it? >> yeah. >> reporter: yeah. >> and made a big boom. >> reporter: stephanie lives just yards away. she and her young daughters woke up to the smell of smoke. >> we heard sounds that sounded like explosions so we wanted to come down here just in case the building would go. >> reporter: her daughter madison a first grader says she loves school but the fire closed the district friday. the state fire march marshall, state police and federal investigators are searching for a cause. the fire is getting special attention because it gutted a school structure. >> we got to pull a lot of metal aluminum from the building to get it off the tops of the fire shall can do it job report roar the building was pole barn says the district. a simple structure of metal and wooden posts to shield the buses
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from the snow. it's a disaster says dustin houcks whose brother got an unexpected day off from school. >> yeah, my step dad woke him up this morning said, hey, you're not going to school. your bus exploded, and that was a pretty big shock for him. >> reporter: the school district says it hopes to reopen classes on monday. it says it is leasing buses and repairing others and tells the public that its fleet is full insured. in south whitehall township, i'm jeff cole, fox 29 news. two men are jailed tonight accused of stealing $52,000 in merchandise in a string of robberies at walmart stores across our area. police say five were at gun point. investigators say 26-year-old marquise foreman and 28-year-old john beverly targeted walmarts in seven different pennsylvania counties beginning in july of 2017. they say the latest occurred on january 7th of this year. police say in that case, foreman put a gun to a store employee's head and demanded 20i phones in
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a display case. pair got away with phones, laptops, speakers, a bed comforter and much more the according to investigators. they are charged with 40 felony counts of robbery with threat of serious bodily injury, retail theft and many other related charges. to your fox 29 weather authority as we take a live look at wilmington, delaware. really a messy end to the work week. so how about the weekend? meteorologist scott williams joining us now with a first check of your forecast. kind of dreary out there, scott. >> yeah, dawn, here we are getting ready for another weekend and it look like more wet weather. so we continue this theme across the delaware valley. the timing unfortunately impac impacting your weekend plans much live look outside of our studios right now. it's damp and dreary and chilly temperatures look at this, only 43 in philadelphia. 40 toward the lehigh valley and look at the poconos, freezing right now at 32 degrees. we have 44 in wilmington along with dover, wildwood 44 degrees. and also atlantic city.
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because of the fog and drizzle wee reduced visibility out there so allow some extra travel time. not a whole lot showing up on the radar but we do have that mist and drizzle. more rain off to the west. that's headed in our direction for the weekend. along with look at this, some milder temperatures as winds will shift. 55 the high tomorrow. 60 on sunday. we'll time out that rain and talk about totals coming up with the seven day. dawn, back over to you. >> all right, scott, thank you. update now on the old city building ravaged by a four a harm fire. the city says it will demolish the structure on the 200 block of chestnut street because simply it's dangerous, but as you can imagine, it is greatly impacting some local businesses. fox 29's shawnette wilson live at the scene in old city with more. shawnette. >> reporter: dawn, the look of the section of chestnut street behind me totally sets the mood for the way the rest of the community and businesses around here are feeling, and it is going to get worse before it gets better for them. and so we are going on day five
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now or it is day five since this fire ripped threw the building on the 200 block of chestnut street and investigators are still trying to find out what caused it. the few businesses directly affected by the blaze remain closed and surrounding business owners are also worried. after the city announced demolition plans for the burn out building and street closures because of the work that needs to be done. business owners like chris young of the little lion restaurant at the corner of third and chestnut say the entire old city community here is wondering what their future looks like. the little lion will be closed for about two months because yuk says he still hasn't been able to get inside to assess the damages. other placesly still allowed to be open worry road closures will keep customers away. >> i've spoken with all of these businesses along here. and, you know, it's affecting -- they're allowed to be open but it's affecting them, too. the street being closed. there's no traffic, you know. the street being closed has dramatically affected cafe square one.
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and quick stop and pharmacy ya and national mechanics they're all down dramatically. >> reporter: and again, demolition is expected to start on monday and last about a week. coming up at 10:00 o'clock tonight hear how surrounding restaurants and that community are reaching out to help workers out of work during this process, dawn. >> reporter: shawnette, we'll see at 10:00. tonight police in new castle county are investigating two reports of indecent exposure. this is a sketch of the suspect. police say there were two incidents this month in the north gray land crest and roselle sections of wilmington. in both days cases police say guy driving a green car made contact with girls walking and then exposed himself. police in buck county asking for your help identifying this guy right here wanted for allegedly grabbing a 13-year-old girl inappropriately at a target store while she was shopping with her mother. it happened wednesday night at the location on rockhill drive in bensalem. if you know who this guy is, give police a call. nine days after the shooting
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at a parkland, florida, high school, and teachers are returning to work. this is lawmakers work to figure out how to keep students safe in students all across the country they're trying to get a sense of normalcy. school officials say they're taking their time with reopening providing counseling and on the resources to faculty and staff to make sure that the transition goes smoothly. top priority for teachers and lawmakers, obviously, keeping students safe. while new gun control measures are being discussed, florida governor rick scott announcing a major new initiative. $450 million in new spending to add mandatory law enforcement officers in every school. the goal of this map of action is to make massive changes in protecting our schools. provide significantly more resources for mental health and to do everything we can to keep guns out of the hands of those dealing with mental problems. >> president trump is set to meet way the nation's governors
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on monday to discuss options much students officially returning on wednesday of next week to that florida school. back here in our area a group of local students making their voices heard when it comes to gun control. students at the west town school in west chester rallying this afternoon with a moment of silence for all the shooting victims in florida. you can see many of them carrying signs with powerful messages for stricter gun control measures. a few students taking to the stage demanding action from lawmakers. >> we are fed up and tired of the nra continue to go lobby for less strict gun laws and for more guns on our streets. we know that more guns creates more danger and we are prepared to demand that all politicians refuse this money which halts progress to reform gun control and allow for more mass tragedies to occur. [ applause ] >> after the rally students gathered inside for an action workshop. happening now, philadelphia police say the shooting that killed a woman driving down
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broad street may be a case of mistaken identity or road rage and tonight fox 29 has new video of what happened seconds after that deadly crash. our dave schratwieser reports from philadelphia police heaquarters. we're making every effort to bring these people that did this to justice. >> reporter: as the memorial to 23-year-old murder victim tyesha timmons grew on broad street where she crashed after being shot in the head, investigators were hot on the trail of her killers. >> either a case of mistaken identity or road rage. we're in the sure which yet. it's very difficult to say the investigation is still early. >> reporter: fox 29 obtained new surveillance video recorded in the seconds after tyesha's van was hit by a barrage of gunfire. you can see the van careening i was a median just missing another car and crashing into a building. the only thing we do know the occupants of the car didn't bring this upon themselves. her picture, candles and balloons mark the spot where the van came to rest at at a
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building near broad and old york road. police say one or two gunmen opened fire striking tyesha as she drove three family members and three children through the neighborhood wednesday night. >> three young kids all under the age of four by the grace of god no one else what hurt. >> reporter: police have been working to recover videos of the shooting and subsequent crash along with videos of suspects. they do not believe anyone in the van was targeted by the gunmen. >> it's a miracle no one else in the car was hit and more seriously injured. our hearts go out to the victim' family. it's terrible what happened to this young lady. it shouldn't happen to anybody. >> reporter: captain ryan says investigators are still trying to determine in this shooting my be connected to another shooting just a few minutes before a few blocks away at 16th and nedro. shell casings were recovered at both crime scenes and investigators won't say if they're a match. at police headquarters, dave schratwieser, fox 29 news. ♪
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>> fox 29 getting results a woman claims a funeral home lost her sister's ashes. bruce gordon went searching for answers hope to go get the woman some closure. sled. >> dawn, good evening. college basketball alive and doing very well in west philadelphia. why it's a big weekend for the penn quakers and why drexel's 85-83 win last night was more than just a game. that's coming up in sports.
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this winter in the state with more ski mountains than any other, family fun reaches a new peak. so whether you're a speed demon or more of a snow angel, your winter chariot awaits. pick the best peak for your family getaway at new york state. it's all here. it's only here.
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fox 29 getting results for grieving family member. a camden woman says her decision to have her sister' reece mains cream mated has left her angry and confused. she says the answer she's getting really just don't add up. bruce gordon joining us in studio. bruce, this is the kind of thing that it's already an emotional process and this just makes it even worse. >> reporter: dawn, look, laying a loved one to rest is a difficult time for any family member, but you're about to meet a woman who says her funeral
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home told her they lost the cream mated remains of her sister. >> i just want my sister. >> reporter: wine net shariff was nearly inconsolable three months after the death of her 44-year-old sister,. >> i feel disrespected. i can't even mourn for my sift. >> reporter: you don know where she is. >> i don't know where she is. >> reporter: shariff says when her sister died she went to the carl miller funeral home in camden to make arrangements to lay her sister to rest. >> we want a cremation. i want to do put her none my house and give one to my two nephews and that was that. >> reporter: wine net received a phone call server feig the procedure. >> they tell me that the cremation has been completed, they said that your urns are on back order. and basically just to sit and wait. >> reporter: and wait and wait. frustrated over the lack of updates wine net says early this month her daughter call the funeral home for information about the ashes and the urns. she says their response left her stunned. >> we actually don't have -- we can't even locate a win gee
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johnson. >> reporter: that's what they told you. >> that's what they said. >> reporter: they don't have her ashes? >> they don't have them. >> reporter: was was your reaction. >> disbelief. disbelief, anger. i was hurt. that's the biggest thing. i was hurt. >> reporter: she admits she and her daughter got yelling did some yelling to receive a follow up call a day or so later. >> what did they say. >> we were looking up the wrong name. we found her. >> now theft ashes? >> um-hmm. >> i don't believe them. um, i need them to prove that that is indeed my sister. as far as i'm concerned, it could be anybody just to stepped me on my way. >> reporter: i went to carl miller friday afternoon looking for answers. funeral home officials would not agree to talk to me camera but allow me to see and photograph the cream mated remains of win gee johnson. privacy sake we won't show you the actual ashes. the folks at carl miller could not explain why an employee would would have said they were lost but what they showed me appeared legitimate. the appropriate remains.
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>> that number is 43760. >> linked to johnson's account number. >> now as for those long overdue urns, carl miller says the company from which they ordered them has now finally promised to delivery tomorrow. the funeral home will then hand deliver the urns with the creamery mains inside to win net. she finally gets that closure. >> that's good news, bruce. back to your fox 29 weather authority now. as we take live look at doylestown, bucks county. another chilly one along with some rain. it is going to warm um for the weekend but the wet weather is going to stick around as well. meteorologist scott williams with the details coming up in 15 seconds. high temperatures today made it into the low 40s milder for
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ththe upcoming weekend. we're dale rainfall. 55 op saturday. 60 degrees on sunday not a complete washout the instead yesterday of the rainfall looks to be late saturday overnight into the first part of the day on sunday. we'll break it down by percentages. tomorrow morning about a 40% chance. 70% chance for saturday into the evening and then look at the 90% chance early on sunday morning with some heavy rainfall but we dry out as we move toward the tail end of the weekend. we have clouds, drizzle, fog out there right now. it's still chilly temperatures will hold pretty steady. but off to the west, around oklahoma, arkansas, missouri, that is the moisture that will tap into and that will head in our direction for the upcoming weekend. so pockets of drizzle mist and fog early on saturday morning. once again about a 40% chance for some scattered showers then a bit of a break until the evening and overnight when some
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of that steadier heavier rainfall starts to move in with the yellows and always also the orange and then look a line of potential downpours as we move toward, say, 7:00 a.m. and 11am on your sunday before we fondlely start to dry out and temperatures will warm close to 60 degrees by your sunday. so additional rainfall amounts as we head hour by hour through the end of the weekend. a little over an inch far north and west toward sections of the lehigh valley. almost an inch we'll add to over 5-inches of rainfall so far for the month in philadelphia and maybe just less than half an inch additional to what we've already been getting down the shore for atlantic city. look at the temperatures it's. 32 degrees freezing mount pock know. 40 degrees in pottstown. throw mid fours elsewhere. these temperatures will hold pretty steady if you're stepping out for your friday evening plans. temperatures for tonight bottom out upper 30's north and we
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have. low 40s for philadelphia. and also for sections of delaware. that weather authority seven day forecast showing you temperatures rebound into the upper 50s near 60 degrees but a little wet for the weekend. we dry early next week and then more rainfall toward the end of next week. dawn? >> all right, scott, thank you. tom srendenschek joins us now and march madness right around the corner,. >> cannot wait for it dawn. a big weekend of college basketball straight ahead right here on fox. villanova and creighton and penn closing in on a regular season ivy see league title could happen tonight the life lessons and family drama from drexel record breaking win over delaware last night. why a newspaper clipping might have saved the day and
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♪ yes virginia there is pretty good college basketball in philadelphia besides that third ranked villanova team. side note villanova is creighton at 2:30 tomorrow right here on fox. last night the drexel dragons made division one basketball history. overcame a 34-point deficit to beat their biggest rival the delaware blue hens 32 back in 1950. for drexel coach zac spike kerr it wasn't your 85-83 win. >> my wife and i made a decision to bring our kids to the game. our five-year-old, seven year old, nine-year-old saw big lesson to never give up through the game of basketball that's what it's about. >> you can understand why zac
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didn't get much sleep last night but those kids still had to be on the bus at 8:00 o'clock this morning. >> it's all part of it most of them. evening one of our guys, um, he was late. so he wanted to go show and tell he wanted news article to say this is why i was late today. >> life lesson don't miss show and tell, guys. just a few blocks away at west philadelphia penn preparing for a very big week. quakers and harvard on top of the ivy league standings each with only a loss. penn will play harvard at the palestra tomorrow night maybe with a shot to wrap up the regular season title. for the quakers it will not mean anything unless they beat dartmouth tonight. >> their smart kids but their human. you got to coach this. you got to understand what's at stake and we've been pretty good with sense of we'll work really hard today to get better. we talked about dartmouth. these guys know because they got punched in the mouth and up there how good dartmouth is. but we got to coach them. don't assume. >> phillies playing their
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grapefruit league taking on the toronto blue jays. phillies and other teams all wearing stow man douglas caps to remember the victims in that school shooting last week. >> we feel for those families out there, and the kids who were all loft, and, you know, we want to do something about it and this is the least we can do is wear these hats, um, today. >> moment of silence before the game for those students. the victims and also for royal halladay who pitched for both the phillies and the blue jays. didn't work out so well for the phils they took the -- they played just didn't look like offensively curtis grander son leads off the game for toronto. solo shot. toronto wins it two-one. can we just stay with those the rest of the shots. warm weather. baseball. scott has been good to us. scott help us. >> that will do it for us tonight at 6:00. up next page six. we'll see you at 10:00. ♪ somethin' i've noticed
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right now on "page six tv," mariah carey to james cam raj who are the worst celebrity bosses on the planet? the original bachelor et, the surprising confession about this season's bachelor. sightings of chris evans and andrew gar field. why do so many olympians have time to hookup on tinder? all the answers on tv." [ cheers and applause ] >> welcome to "page six tv." i'm john fugelsang. good to see you. here are today's top stories. oscar winner natalie portman is taking on aliens in her new movie annihilation which opens today. we have an exclusive on an unfinished project you may never see and i'm not talking about those deleted scenes from attack of the clones. carlos? >> well, so, natalie portman, she's doing the junket for annihilation and vanity fair was one of the stops. she was doing their


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