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tv   Fox News Sunday With Chris Wallace  FOX  February 25, 2018 9:00am-9:58am EST

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>> chris: i'm chris wallace. house democrats release a memo countering g.o.p. claims theheir surveilling a drum campaign advisor. and grievingool safety to the top of the nation's agenda ♪ shot? many schools, how many >> we have nothing to lose, the- >> chris: in the wake of the florida school massa, students confront lawmakers, walkout in protest and take ita. >> i want to listen. >> chris: we will discussth thea governor rick scott who just announced his plan to improve school safety. >> have broken my action plan down into three tractions. the
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"fox news sunday" exclusive. then, we will talk members of the parkland community whose lives are changed forever by the mass >> i'm pissed because my daughter areee again! >> chris: andrew pollack, meado. the debate over the eltrease of a democratic rebuttal. withill sit down number two democrat on the house intelligence committee.power plf the week," a dinosaur hunter makes "fox news sunday" ." and hello again from fox news washington. it lawmakers here in thend in statehouses across the country
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are grapplin w keep students safe after the deadly mass shooting at marjory ju a week and a half ago. in a few minutes we will speak with wndho lost his daughter meadow and delaney tarr, a student will survive shooting, about how they are coping and what they are asking of the nation's leaders.t firsth florida's governor rick scott to prevent gun violence. c to "fox news sunday." >> governor scott: it's great to be her. thanks for what you do. let's start with an outline of to plan you have just 21, banned theal bump stocks, passed a red flag law to let families or authorities go to cour violent people. $450 million to schools including putting law
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what is the thinking behind what you decided to do and what decided not to do? >> governor scott: what i did was i listen to a lot of people. law enforcement, educators, mental health. he students, parents, and said what is going to fix this problem? one, we have to make sure our schoolslaw enforcement. pardon the deal with the fact that there are people out there who have mental gun. if you threaten people or yourlf access to a gun. so everything i'm doing is how he will solve problem on a business person, you go in and solve the problem and that's why i'm doing it. >> chris: how confident are you that the florida legislature will pass this package? you've only got two weeks left in the session. >> governor scott: my last two weeks in session. i've been talking to the house and the senate. i actually spoke to them this morning. i'm going to work every day
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between now and the end of session on one purpose, get this passed. make sure we get the $500 million funding. make sure we have the law enforcement, mental health issues. make sure people are not going to have access to a gun. i'm going to make sure parents feel comfortable sending their child to school. >> chris: during your eight years as governor you have gotten an a+ rating from the nra, but in this package you have broken with them on a few things, raising the age to buy rifles from 18 to 21. at the red law. why? >> governor scott: i'm an nra member. i believe in the second amendment, i believe in the first amendment, all the amendments. this is logical. i'm sure there will be some that disagree, but i'm a dad. i'm a granddad and i'm a governor. i want my state to be safe. i want every child to be in a safe environment when they're
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trying to be educated. >> chris: you've been a hard-liner for the nra and gun rights. there's a reason they gave you an a+. back in 2011 you signed something called the docks versus glock's law which prohibited doctors asking any of their patients whether or not they had guns. in 2016 after the terrible mass shooting at the orlando pulse nightclub you said the second amendment doesn't kill people, evil kills people. and just this last april, here's you talking to the nra, here you are. >> we need a majority that has the capacity to comprehend that these three words in the constitution, shall not infring infringe. >> chris: could we agree that you not want to limit some gun rights? some would say that you want to infringe. were you wrong back then? >> governor scott: no. here's what you have to do in this job.
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you have to weigh individual rights, which i clearly believe in. i believe in the second amendment. but you also have to make sure you protect your citizens and your kids. what i did here is i'm going to do what i can to make sure guns are not in the hands of the wrong people. if you have mental illness, you shouldn't have a gun. if you threaten others, or you threaten yourself, you shouldn't have a gun. i'm going to do everything i can to do that. at the same time, harden the schools, significant law enforcement presence and also make sure we share information. that's one of the issues that we deal with. we have to share information when we know somebody has mental problems. all agencies have to share information. >> chris: one of the things you are not doing that many parkland students want is you are not banning assault weapons. why not? >> governor scott: i'm not into banning, you know, specific
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weapons. i think what you need to do is ban specific people from having weapons. focus on the problem. we've got to focus on solutions that work, banning the people that potentially cause the problems. it's all these things together but i am against people that are going to potentially cause the harm. look at what's common. these people are talking about what they're doing. they are threatening others. look at all theand it wasn't st. >> chris: i'm going to pick up on the lapses, certainly part of the problem at least in this particular case. i want to focus on the guns just one more time. look at these mass shootings in just a little over the last two years. december 2015, san bernardino. 14 dead. june 2016, orlando, 49 dead. october 2017, las vegas, 58 dead. november 2017, southern texas,
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26 dead. and now parkland, 17 dead. i understand is the person who fires the weapon, as you say it's evil, but don't these assault weapons allow an evil person to kill more people more quickly? >> governor scott: when you are thinking about any of these things, i went through pulse. we had the airport shooting a little over a year ago and now we have this -- your heart goes out to everybody that is impacted. you've got to weigh our constitutional rights, which i believe in, against public safety. that's what i'm trying to do. it's not just one thing, it's everything. i listened. i listen to law enforcement, i brought them up. i listen to educators, i listen to mental health people. i listen to students. i talked to parents and i believe what we are doing, i believe it will stop this from happening. that's my goal. i want to do everything i can in my job right now to make sure
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this doesn't happen again. >> chris: president trump wants to train and pay teachers to patrol the schools if there's a shooter to take them on. >> and the teacher would have shot the hell out of him before he knew what happened. >> chris: talking about that a lot. you oppose arming teachers. >> governor scott: i disagree with him. i believe we have to focus on people that are well-trained, law enforcement that are trained to do this. i want to make sure we have significant law enforcement presence on top of hardening the schools, metal detectors and bulletproof glass. better perimeter fencing, all of these things. the other thing is i want to give our sheriff department in each county the ability to do and create the program on a per school basis. so the parents can feel comfortable that their child is going to a safe school. >> chris: why not if there's a teacher -- notch e, only teachers that have trained, only teachers that volunteer. if there's a
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classroom and issued student doesn't know that teacher is, teachers to teach and i want our law enforcement officers toprot. i went down with each group to focus on mentioned, there were a number of security laps case. last month someone called the fbi to fly in and this. i know, the shooter, is going te home shooter was stayingty sheriff's department, the 911 mb >> he put the gun -- he did that to his mom. >> chris: and repte but severale broward county sheriff's deputi school while the attack was going on. what are you going to do about that?
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e ing a parent that lost a loved one and know that all of these failures -- with got to have a the fbi, what happened? who was called? what was process? how is it broken? give us the facts. hold people's department, they've got to be completely transparent. we got to do a thorough investigation and whoever didn't do their job has to be held i talked to law enforcement around the state. there's none i talked to that is not disgusted that t was thee did not go in and kill that in the florida legislature passes your entire package, ift trump is tag about, what can you say studento are watching you right now?
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will they be saved? rything that i can. remember, the father, appened, i called each of my daughters and i said unfortunately in your to teach our children how to deal with an active shooter. that's unfortunate we arewe aree can, but each one of us is going to have t prepared. >> chris: governor scott, thank you. thanks for coming in and we will obviously package goes in the florida legislature. >> governor scott: thanks. >> chris: coming up we will speak with parkland community who lived through the schoolas calling ono make sure a tragedy like this
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♪ >> chris: at one of the big differences between previous mass shootings and the tragedy in parkland, florida, has been the active response and eloquence of the survivors and the victims' families. students like senior delaney >> the only reason that was gotten so far is that we are not afraid of losing not afraid of getting reelected or not getting reelected. we have nothing to lose. to gain at this point is our safety. >> chris: and parents ke pollacs shooting and we should have fixed it.
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and pissed! because my daughter i'm not goingag! she's not here. us now from florida and i want to say right at the start your loss and what you've had to goee white house, at that very raw,r 9/11 we fixed the situation hare to get onto planes when you hear what governor scott just said, when you hear what president trump is problem? >> mr. ard what you said. what you are focusing on. murder of these kids. to you andking about gun governor scott talk about gun control. gun contr is a big issue.
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no one in america is going to gun together on gun you didn't say one about fixing it. if the american people, we could ges event and every other media, we don't care about gun control untry and you are not going to get everyone together on it. but we are goingfing our schools and i just listen to you. i just listen toyou didn't mentn to governor scott about what are we going to do about the security of our children? how are we going to do that? you are jcontrol, which is goint give you more ratings and everyo know our kids are going to school monday, how are those kids safe? how about bringing that up to that up to governor scott? not about guns. s, it'st about guns now. about the safety in our schools.
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and governor scott about and i got to listen to that at my schools weren't safe, that's the main thing. if youhe judge is safe. the stenographer is not worried gun because they can't get in with a gun. the american people, we just want our want to talk about guns right now. >> chris: let me bring in what you have to say, sir. delaney, your thoughts aut are e governor and from thent, which is about a lot more than just guns. guns as part of it, but they also about hardening schools, about arming teachers, your thougg? >> ms. tarr: it's a very multidimensional issue and andrew did say, he said this is about school safpersonally i ths also an issue with the fact that he was able to access this
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weapon, gun. personally i do not believe that here. i know many people, marco rubio, rick scott, they have teachers a solution here. there are many different issues that need to be add you think, delaney? what do you think does need to bedrsed? >> ms. tarr: i absolutely do agree that we need to addres the failures that have created a situation like t all of the things that have failed us, all of the systems that have faileds. do need to fs on improving our school safety a little bit, our officers and i also believe that we need to make h to access guy are not mentally stable, when they arenot in a place where thd be owning a weapon like this. back -- i understand your strong feelings, but isn't issue -- isn't this issue of mental health and trying to make
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sure that sick people don't havt of the big issue when we were protecting issue? i'm not saying it's not an wwerr federal issues, is that a big issue? we have our chi classes. that's the issue that could be wants to come together and make our schools safe for our kids.ur kids going to class and not thinking about se to stop them e hallway. that's what we need to focus on and we could all come together americans instead of other issues and those other issues -- i agree with you there are other issues there, but the main issue is fixing schools. >> chris: let's talk specifically about that. when you say fix the schools -- you've compared it to airports. are you saying school security,
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i.d. checks? you tell me what it is that you would like to see. >> mr. pollack: i'm not an expert in it but i think we need to hire the experts and check every school individually and make sure they are safe for the children. there's a serious problem, like i said. the new norm has to be our kids are safe in school. this can happen again. i can't let it happen to another kid in another state. it right now governor scott, governor scott is doing what he had to do but he also had to go visit the parents of dead kids for two weeks. i'm on right now today because i want to tell every governor in every other state they need to be proactive right now. they need to get a bill in place and we are going to put all america together and work with these governors to protect our schools. we can't have another shooting in this country. i can't live with it and this has to stop with parkland and my daughter's death can't be in
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vain. it has to be the last one. >> chris: andrew, what do you think about the teacher issue -- i know this must be incredibly painful, but now we hear the stories that there were police on the scene and they didn't go in, at least three sheriff's deputies there and didn't go in. >> mr. pollack: it one deputy that worked there, peterson. he worked there and he's a coward. he stood by the door. i know is a fact he could have made it to the third floor and saved all six victims if he wasn't -- words can't even describe the way i think about him, but i'm not trying to think about that stuff because that is just negative and is just going to make me toxic. i just want to get the word out to the governors of every state that they have to do something now, today. get together, they can call me,
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i have other dead parents here, we all want to help them, and let's make the school safe. >> chris: delaney, when you hear that -- and it's not just the sheriff's or the deputies that didn't come in -- >> mr. pollack: a lot of failures, a lot of incompetence all around. i could write you a book on all the incompetence that happened at that school. but that's not going to fix it or bring any of our dead kids back. i just don't want any more dead kids. and all that stuff is going to come out and i don't want to focus on that. i'm on with you, chris, today to tell the american people that what we need to do is fix it now in every other school, make it the new norm. if you've got to have metal detectors. it's got to be like a courthouse, like a federal building, like an airport. that's how we need our schools now. >> chris: delaney, you go back to school this week, how are you
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feeling about that? >> ms. tarr: it's very daunting to imagine going back to a place that just two weeks prior held such horrors and it's scary because i don't know if i'm going to be safe there, but i know that i have to. i know that now more than ever i am proud of who i am and i feel like i need that sense of normalcy because in all of this it's like i can't even be a high schooler anymore and i just want to be a high school senior again. it's so hard to think about even doing that at this point. >> chris: andrew, when we heard you at the president's listening session, and i speak as a parent and grandparent, my heart broke for you, i'm sure a lot of people fiddle around the country. how are you doing, sir? >> mr. pollack: it's rough. i have my moments. it's like a wave. a wave of emotions but i have this fury, fire inside of me
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that is driving me that i can't explain it. i can walk through flames right now. there's nothing i can't do. and i just want to get the word out to everybody in this country that it could happen to you. i'm a real guy. i grew up in long island. i never thought this could happen, and it happen. there's parents here that came here to support me today. this young lady has to live within. it stops. and it's an easy fix. you just need some competent people to get together and put the right plan in place and make it so the kids are safe. they've got to be safe in schoo school. >> chris: andrew, delaney, thank you both for sharing your stories. our hearts go out to both of you, but more important we are going to stay on the story. i promise you andrew, i understand that it is not just a gun-control issue, and we are going to do everything that we can to make our schools safer
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than you are both welcome back anytime as part of that effort. thank you both. >> mr. pollack: thanks, chris. >> ms. tarr: thank you. >> chris: up next we will bring in our sunday group to discuss the push to respond to another mass murder and whether this time will be any different. ♪
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>> chris: coming up, the democrats released their response to the republican fisa memo. >> that was really just a confirmation of if you call it the republican memo, it's referred to as a lot of things. but that was nothing but a confirmation. >> chris: we will speak with a key democra
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>> chris murphy, nancy pelosi and more cheered on by the national media eager to blame the nra and called for even more government control.
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>> many in legacy media love mass shootings. you guys love it. >> chris: nra officials wayne lapierre and dana loesch going after democrats in the media in the wake of the mass shooting in florida and it's time now for our sunday group. g.o.p. strategist karl rove. it reported for ask eos, jonathan swan. former democratic congresswoman donna edwards. and kimberley strassel of "the wall street journal." you didn't go nearly as far as the nra folks did what you wrote a pretty tough column in "the wall street journal" on friday. i want to put some of it up. if you write and gun restrictions aren't an answer, they are a sideshow. do you agree with what we just heard from andrew pollack with that is not the focus and it has to be on keeping school safe, hardening them like airports? >> i think that we are having progress this time after this because we are finally talking about the things that actually really matter.
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and they are one, protecting vulnerable communities. it is no accident that the shooters go to places that are gun free zones because they know they will be the only bad person with a weapon and no one there to stop them. and two, mental health. those with severe mental illness and how we have to get treatment for these people overall and make sure they do not have easy access to guns. these are the failings that have been consistent in nearly every one of these events. >> chris: congresswoman edwards, kim writes in her column that raising age limits, banning weapons are empty gestures. do you agree with it? >> i think clearly somebody was 19 or 21 with a diagnosed mental illness that presents a danger is not going to be stopped from buying a gun but what we have to do is the difference in mass shootings is that somebody who shows up who has a weapon that is turned into an automatic weapon changes that place, kills more people so i think we do
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have to reinstate the assault weapons ban. i think that we do have to make sure that people who are prohibited really are prohibited and can't slip through and get a weapon anyway. so these are things that are common measures that most american support and the nra has proven this last week it is completely out of step with the vast majority of the american people. >> no one has used an automatic weapon. >> they have converted semiautomatic weapons to make them effectively automatic. the ar-15 with a bump stock with a clip that fires in a rapid speed and more ammunition turns that into a much more dangerous -- >> chris: i got a stern talking to from andrew pollack and part of what he's saying is, which actually i think is an argument, you can argue whether he's right or wrong, you are going to have that argument. you and kim are going to
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disagree. people in congress are going to disagree and let's be honest, we are not going to ban assault weapons anytime soon and he is saying let's do what we can agree on, which is hard in schools. make them like airports, metal detectors, security guards, all of that. >> we could turn our schools into prisons and it's still not going to keep people who are able to go and get a weapon that they couldn't -- ordinarily get across the counter from turning those weapons into weapons of war in our schools and our shopping malls and our churches. we've seen this over and over again and if the nra wants to use its money -- they can do that but i think these children have demonstrated, these young people of demonstrated this last week that that is no longer acceptable. >> chris: kim, and then i want to bring the gentleman in greater >> we need to be talking about mental -- getting ready of -- what chris just said matter so much. you know and i know, we both know no one is reinstating an
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assault weapons ban anytime soon so we can spend the next two years of fighting about that or we can actually do something proactive in the schools and in other vulnerable communities. again, no accident that these are the places the target is go out and go after. >> chris: we've seen all this way too many times and we almost know the script before it happens. there's a massacre, there is all this demand for change, there's a debate and nothing happens. president trump said this week this time is going to be different, take a look. >> we are talking about common sense, and it's a great thing. in the nra will back it. i'm confident the nra will back it and so will congress and so will the senate. >> chris: is the right? is the president right, is this time different? >> it feels like it because the traditional debate we always had about weapons and guns -- this
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debate as mr. pollock so powerfully put it is focused on keeping our school safe. think about this. we had so many failures of our local law enforcement, 39 times this -- police were called about this kid. 911 warnings about his mental state. social media postings. the system failed. we had an armed guard stationed at the school who stood outside for 4 minutes while shots wearing out inside. we had and joined at least three other deputies who again stood outside while shots rang out. and people were killed. and we had failures -- the fbi received -- >> chris: what's the answer? >> the answer is take a look at every one of those failures of those systems and fix them. find out whatever failures there are. a bipartisan answer to fix the problems in the federal registry. we had an action taken by the secretary of the air force which was far-reaching.
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she was the one charged with after the shooting in sutherland springs, texas, with fixing the problem of the federal government having 7,000 air force personnel i believe the number was who should not have had weapons who were not in the database that would have kept them from getting weapons. but i think mr. pollack has hit it. this is about looking at our schools. i had breakfast yesterday morning with my goddaughter who is in high school in frisco texas and she talked about how it is routine for her teachers to lock the doors in the classroom. i can't remember that when i went to high school. i cannot. but that's the world in which we live and we've got to look at these places and say what can we do to limit the number of access points, to increase the security and to make it far less likely if someone tries this act they can be stopped imported. >> chris: jonathan what are you hearing at the white house? how hard is the president prepared to push the package that we are hearing about, some of which involve guns, some of which doesn't involve guns, and
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is it realistic to think that he's going to be able to bring, as he claims, republican leaders who have killed gun legislation and a lot of these issues before, and the nra along because there are some issues here like the red flag law, like raising the age that will be very tough for the nra to swallow? >> the issues that he's hung up on, raising the age limits, he's passionate about that. he was saying kids can't be allowed to have done, he just kept saying that people try to work out what he meant. and he said if you are under 21 you shouldn't have a gun. i don't see that flying through congress. the right are not happy about that. i've been getting text messages this morning even pointing to his interview last night with jeanine pirro, judge jeanine. he kept pushing that point. i don't see that getting anywhere in congress. the corn and bill people talk about it -- that's even going to be
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not the easiest thing in the world. i think they can get it through but the problem is people will want to turn this into a christmas tree, they want to attach every little thing they've been wanting in terms of gun control, and that's the way you kill these bills. i think if they keep it kind of narrow and focused they can get something done there, but the school safety issue seems to be the one that culturally trump is most passionate about and i think he's probably in the best position to change it. >> chris: one is a state issue, also the idea of the teachers. even governor scott is against that. >> i think you have to put it in the right framework. if you are talking about forcing or requiring teachers to do something -- that's not going to fly. we know that probably the most law-abiding part of the public who have concealed carry permits have had to go through a lot of background checks. they had to go through training. there is surely some teachers out there, quite a few who have concealed carry permits. if they want to be more productive in the classroom, should we tell them no? that's a debate that needs to happen out there.
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otherwise maybe give them a flash bang or something so when someone runs into they have some opportunity to help protect their kids. those of the debates we need to have. >> we don't have enough money to put firearms in schools. what we need to do is make sure that all children are safe by making sure that people who have mental illnesses or otherwise prohibited should not be able to get a weapon and take these weapons of war off the streets. >> chris: we have to break away here. i just want to say as i listen to you, frankly, i'm discouraged because the same divisions that have stopped progress in the past, and more that may be it's going to stop it again. >> be more optimistic. >> young people. >> chris: i have to say, they have been the one silver lining in this whole thing, the students. thank you, panel. see you next sunday. when we come back, the democrats counter memo on alleged government surveillance abuses is not public. we will speak with a key member of the house intelligence committee next.
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♪ >> chris: breaking now, the democratic rebuttal to that republican memo that alleged the fbi and justice department abused their powers to surveilled a former trump campaign official. joining us now from connecticut, congressman jim himes, the number two democrat on the house intelligence committee. congressman, the republican memo said the fbi and the justice department based their application to the court to surveilled carter page based on the so-called steel dossier. in the memo, the democratic memo, you say that's not true. explain. >> congressman himes: thanks for having me on. as the democratic memo now makes plain, the application to the fisa court for a warrant to
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monitor carter page was not based on this information. if we have time we will cover the question of whether the dossier has been in any way discredited because it largely hasn't. but nonetheless, the point is as memo makes clear, carter page was of interest for his connections to the russians for years before 2016. october of 2016. he had had all sorts of contact contacts. there is a long history of which the dossier is just a small part of that application to the republican judges. >> chris: let me pick up on that because in the g.o.p. memo that was put out by the majority, devin nunes and the majority, they make the statement. i'm going to put up the quote from the memo. deputy fbi director mccabe testified before the committee in december 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the foreign intelligence surveillance court
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without the dossier information. congressman, nowhere in your ten page memo to you and the other democrats were about that. >> congressman himes: that is true, but i was in the room. it devin nunes was not in the room when andrew mccabe was interviewed and i will tell you that he did not say that. he did not say that a fisa warrant would not have been requested but for the dossier information. >> chris: wedding you put that in your memo? >> congressman himes: because the transcript of our conversation was classified in the democratic memo -- this is important. the democratic memo on like a republican memo contained no additional classified information that was made public. i was in the room. andrew mccabe did not say that the fisa warrant would not have been sought. what he did say was that the warrant, the application itself, which of course went through all sorts of scrutiny that doj and then was scrutinized by a republican federal judge, that all of its pieces were important, but he absolutely did not say it would not have been filed had it not been for the
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dossier. >> chris: i want to get to this question of classified information in a moment but i just want to follow up on the dossier. one of the republicans main complaints is that the government never informed the court when it sought the warrant to monitor carter page -- never informed them that the dossier had been paid for by the clinton campaign and the democratic national committee. in writing the memo i say you collectively -- from the application for the warrant. the fbi speculates that the identified u.s. person -- you identify him as glen simpson, effusion gps -- was likely looking for information that could have been used to discredit candidate number one's, that's donald trump, campaign. shouldn't the fbi have been a lot clearer to the court that the dossier was bought and paid for by the clinton campaign?
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>> congressman himes: remember when christopher steele is doing this work, he doesn't know that fact. he has been hired by effusion gps, which has been hired by a law firm which has been hired by the dnc and the clinton campaign. but to answer your question directly, you can read and the american public and read what was actually shown to the judge. it says that the individual who did this work was acting in a way that was designed to find dirt, not the exact word, but defined to find dirt on donald trump was being paid, so why didn't the fbi in the fisa application name clinton and fusion gps? it's a great question because it has always been policy if it doj and fbi when you're doing these things if there is an individual an american individual who is not under scrutiny, to refer to them as u.s. person one, u.s. person to and i remind you that the last fall scandal that devin nunes generated was around whether there had been improper unmasking of u.s. person information by susan rice, by sam power. we went through a whole
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investigation around that and so now the republicans are saying they didn't specifically name clinton and dnc. that of course is the policy the fbi and doj have observed forever on these applications. not to name u.s. citizens. >> chris: here is the reaction yesterday from the republican share of the house intelligence committee, devin nunes. >> they are advocating that it's okay for the fbi and doj to use political dirt paid for by one campaign and use it against the other campaign. and i don't care who you are, republican, democrat or an independent, in the united states of america that is unacceptable. >> chris: doesn't nunes have a point sir? >> congressman himes: no he doesn't. furthermore, he has no credibility. we know that of the midnight run where he goes to the white house to get information to suggest there have been wiretapping of donald trump. we know that that's not true. i referred to the unmasking
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scandal which turns out to not be true. now it turns out that the fbi used as part of a much larger fisa application, some information that it received from christopher steele, a highly trusted source with a long history. >> chris: at a certain point james comey testified i think it was to your committee that the dossier was unverified and salacious. was it reliable or was it unverified and salacious? >> congressman himes: remember, unverified does not mean unreliable. unverified means that the fbi has not been able to do all of their work to determine what is true and what is not true. that's the nature of raw intelligence. i'm glad you bring up james comey because the whole premise of nunes' campaign here is that the fbi and the doj were biased against donald trump. let's take a big step back your. in the campaign itself -- now we know because you can read about it in the democratic memo, and fbi investigation of the trump campaign and multiple individuals in the trump
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campaign, you do not hear a word from the fbi about that very serious investigation about the possibility of russian collusion with the campaign, but you hear jim call me time and again out there saying we are investigating hillary clinton, we are not investigating hillary clinton, now we are back to investigating hillary clinton. a lot of people believe that jim comey's actions may have prevented hillary clinton from becoming president of the united states. but nunes' contention is the fbi in the doj are actually biased against donald trump. i have to tell you if there was any bias within the fbi and the doj they had a very, very weird way of showing it during the campaign itself. >> chris: here you are getting to the bottom line because for all the talk about dueling memos, which i think are confusing a lot of people in the surveillance of carter page. most people want to know one thing, is there hard evidence that donald trump and/or his campaign colluded with the russians to interfere with the 2016 election? as you sit here today as the number two democrat on the house
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until committee do you have any evidence of that or not? >> congressman himes: what we know -- i'm not going to sort of review what any of the investigations are going to do -- what we know is that two of the trump campaign's foreign policy advisors have now either pled guilty or been indicted and the national security advisor for donald trump has pled guilty to lying about contacts with russia. we know that those contacts exist and we know that george prop it up was had conversations with russia. carter page. >> chris: there's no evidence in any of that, at least so far, that there was collusion. >> congressman himes: depends on how you define collusion. when george papadopoulos hears from somebody associated with the russians that they are about to release a whole bunch of information and then they do, when donald trump jr. invites russians into his office in order to get dirt on the clinton campaign. chris, you tell me if that crosses your threshold for collusion. but that is hardly -- >> chris: as long as you asked, no it doesn't.
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you can say that they work conversations, but that certainly doesn't indicate there was a conspiracy by the trump campaign and the kremlin to interfere. that indicates there were contacts, but are you basing it on that? >> congressman himes: i'm not jumping to conclusions as to what the investigations that are not finished yet have to show. i'm going to tell you if nothing else if the president in the united states someone says i want to get dirt on hillary clinton and i can't wait to release it during the summer when it will do the maximum damage and he knows that the individuals concerned -- by the way, this is not the investigation, this is donald trump jr. admitting to this meeting when you have 20 indictments, some of which -- most of which are russian related, let's just say -- you can't say that there is absolutely no they are there. there were multiple -- there's more work you have to be done here. >> chris: congressman, thank you. thanks for your time.
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let's continue this conversation. we will stay on top of where your committee goes from here. >> congressman himes: thanks very much. and >> chris: up next hour "power player of the week," how one man's hobby led to a discovery 100 million years in the making. ♪
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♪ we're here when you're ready.
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>> chris: dinosaurs, space flight, a time machine. this story has it all. is it the summer's blockbuster movie? no. it's our "power player of the week" ." >> it was almost unbelievable. i couldn't sleep for two nights. it was like walking through the twilight zone and you can't believe what you've seen. >> chris: stanford is a 79-year-old amateur paleontologist. he's talking about what he saw in the summer of 2012 after having lunch with his wife sheila who worked at the daughters space flight center. >> for my car about 90 feet away by spotted a smooth brown block sticking out. >> chris: when he says tracks, stanford is talking about dinosaur tracks. >> the largest track i've seen anywhere i think.
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they're making out years ago -- 110 million years ago and i thought this is a wonderful paradox. >> chris: stanford's excitement is understandable because he has been hunting dinosaur fossils and tracks for the last quarter century. and he's made hundreds of lines. >> 110, 112 million years ago. >> chris: one of them is in the smithsonian. >> the first hatchling that had never been found in the whole world. >> chris: but there was a problem with his latest discovery. the gotthard center was putting up a new building there so the excavated the 4 tons stone and made a fiberglass cast of it which stanford got to study in his basement. that's when the excitement really started. >> the first find with the baby walking right across it. this is a baby dinosaur and this is the baby. that the baby of the same species. >> chris: what appears to have
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been a prehistoric floodplain, there were more than 70 tracks of eight different species. >> tracks here, some scratching around over there. you had them walking across here. they are here tracking the memos. it certainly would appear because they are working so slowly. >> chris: how do you know they are walking slowly? >> because they are so close together, they are creeping. we've done the calculation. moving less than a half-mile-per-hour. >> chris: that's what stanford said was so exciting. fossils show how these animals died, but tracks showed how they lived. >> i was looking into a time machine and could see this landing and the little theravada's sneaking around. maybe that wouldn't affect those people that way but it should. >> chris: his find was announced in january. he calls it a snapshot created before more animals had a chance to cover the tracks. >> i suspect that a flood came after this has had a chance to
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flip dry out a little bit and came and covered and preserved it. >> chris: so washington really was a swamp? >> indeed. it's been a swamp for over 110 million years. >> chris: stanford will keep looking for signs of dinosaurs. but he knows where this discovery ranks. >> if anybody tells me i will find anything more interesting and important is this -- it's absolutely like hitting the jackpot. not monetary wise but in the wonderful satisfaction of contributing something in the world as a scientist and paleontology has never seen before. that makes my 80 80 years worth living. >> chris: he refuses to sell and if his pines, instead he donates them to be studied by scientists and shared with the public. and that's it for today, have a great week and we will see you next "fox news sunday." ♪
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>> dr. michael youssef: in that new city of god, we will have an uninterrupted fellowship with jesus. there will be no television news to depress us. there'll be no tabloid newspapers to catch our attention. there will be no terrorism to frighten us. there will be no power to harass us. but in the new city, in the new jerusalem that abraham looked forward to, jesus will always be there and his name will always be lifted high. >> male announcer: the clock is ticking for christians in america and the western world, and time is running out. dr. youssef reveals this unholy alliance between aggressive secularists and radical islamists, unveiling their sinister plan to literally wipe christians from the earth
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as they attack with full f


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