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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 4A  FOX  February 28, 2018 4:00am-4:59am EST

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milder air, still in place. and thank goodness it is, because when we get precipitation, starting tomorrow, it looks like at least to start it will be in the form of rain. we'll give you the latest on the coastal storm we're expecting on friday. coming up in just a moment, bob kelly. >> hey, sue, tick-tock 4:00. good morning, getting up, a lot of construction left over, from the overnight. here is a live look, king of prussia, the westbound schuylkill expressway. working right out here near the king of prussia ramps. down to one lane as you head on out to the mall boulevard, 202 interchange. they're working on the ben franklin bridge, right lane headed into new jersey taken out, not bothering anybody really at the moment. so we're okay working your way through center city. working on the vine street expressway, though. they have the street sweeping crew out here between 95 and the schuylkill expressway. they're also still working up here in northeast philadelphia, along the stretch of i-95, northbound, between bridge and cottman
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avenue. over in new jersey again, left over work crew here along the freeway, right at route 55. otherwise, mass transit off to a good start, thomas, karen, back to you. >> thank you, 4:01, right to the breaking news out of burlington county. first a shooting now we've got gunman hold up in a barricade situation. steve keeley out there on the scene and he's getting the latest information, good morning, steve. >> reporter: well, no official update yet. but it obviously is over or whatever it was, and here's what we do know officially. just before 1:30, a gunshot victim was taken from this dead-end street right under the edgewater park water tower where you can probably make out in the dark a light over a garage, it is a split level house, you see there behind the yellow crime scene tape, and in delanco police officer blocking the street, the police here in edgewater park have gotten help from beverly and all of the surrounding burlington county towns. the staging area where they had us, and the road being blocked is no longer blocked,
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that's where we're able to get this close and tell you with our experience it, doesn't take much as i said to my executive producer, i can tell you this with 35 days let alone 35 years experience it is resolved somehow. the question is was it resolved peacefully. after the gunshot victim was taken to cooper at 1:30, police didn't know if the shooter was still inside and if so was there another victim inside the house with the shooter. so, whatever had them move in, whether they heard gunshots or whether they went in or whether they thought no one was inside after sending a robot in, a whole bunch of possibilities here, either way, they're in the house now investigate being. one tell tail sign when we pull up to this close area on roosevelroosevelt avenue where s happened they had several medivac ambulance crews standing by and they all left. so obviously they weren't needed meaning there was no one needing medical help which i can tell you either no one is in the house or who ever is in the house is no longer alive.
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we'll stand by and wait for the burlington county prosecutor office likely to give us the update officially if the local police do not. >> we look forward to the update, steve, thank you. 4:03, following developing news out of the parkside neighborhood, police searching for the gunman who shot and killed a 26 year old man last night. this happened at 52nd and heston streets around 9:30. when police arrived at the scene, they found a man shot in the chest twice. they say he just parked his suv, two guys came up and just started shooting. >> in west philadelphia investigators are looking into what started a deadly fire. skyfox over the home on the 5300 block of race street. this was shortly before 9:00 yesterday. inside worse fears firefighters did find a body. we don't know who died or how right now. the medical examiners investigating. that was the second fatal fire of the one day. >> the heated school board meeting in camden county intensifies, fight between students and administrators after a teacher is suspended,
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lauren johnson following the latest on this one out of cherry hill, good morning, lawyer glenn good morning, thomas, the words here is progress, this after pretty emotional day yesterday, as high school student stands up for their beloved teacher. let's look at video from last night. >> this was shot as tensions boiled over inside a gym at a cherry hill high school or cherry hill school administration building, at the outset the ad minute straight ores versus, with the younger generation demanding answers of the departure every history teacher timothy lock. earlier in the day students walked out of cherry hill high school to show their solidarity for what many call a favorite. boiles down to school safety, decision seems to have landed him out after job. >> we absolutely won't stop until our voices were heard until mr. lock is back in b147, until we can go to school without worrying if we'll make it home or not.
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>> a lot of information that floats around, okay? we cannot discuss anything about that. all right? >> that's what we continue to hear, so now the questions, what's a logical next step, right? in a letter written by principal dennis perry we have learned a committee will be formed to discuss safety protocols, how to improve upon those. student requested regular open dialogue with administrators, they got, that happening every week. and the high school will take part in a lette for the studentn florida one more piece of good news, karen, thomas, remembe students that they would be kept out of the graduation ceremonies, not they're going te able to go on trip to disney? out the principal retracted those threat and he says that he actually applauds baving in y mature way. >> that's an interest anticipated maybe that would happen. thank you for the update, lauren, interesting. >> happening today, law makers in new jersey are going to tackle about five or six
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different bills there aimed at tightening the state's already fairly strict gun laws. the assembly judiciary committee will vote on those bills. one aims to reclaim guns from those considered a threat by mental health professionals, another would require background checks for private gun sales. now, if approved, these measures will then continue over to the assembly. >> more than 3,000 student in florida will be returning to class today. it has been two weeks since the horrific shooting happened there at their high school, stoneman douglas killing 17 people mostly children, students will only go to half day of classes cents today. the actual building where the shooting occurred will stay closed forever. counselors and therapy dogs will be out there on campus for anybody who needs their services, and we are going to have a live report coming from parkland in the next hour. >> jury deliberations expected to begin today in the corruption trial of allentown mayor, accused of trading city contract for campaign cash.
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his lawyers argued in court yesterday prosecutors have no proof of any wrong-doing. but assistant u.s. attorney michelle morgan, outlined nine alleged bribery schemes involving the mayor, saying, he's quota liar who thinks he can talk his way out of anything. he denies the allegations. >> the former radnor township commissioner will remain in jail until his trial on child pornography charges. federal judge issued that order on monday. the defense claims 67 year old phil a h. r. mcmaster excepting responsibility for his actions and has sought treatment. prosecutors say the hundreds of images every sexually abused children allegedly found on his home computer suggest otherwise. a h. r. mcmaster's trial is scheduled to begin in april. >> camden county little girl eight years old who survives a hit-and-run right now police are looking for the driver who did and left her. there is joesetta she say her and her daughter alizza were hit by a car there it is as it happened, it never even stopped.
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they do the surveillance video just moments before the crash over in ferry avenue and philip street. police say lizza crossing the street when all the sudden that speeding car hit her, she is on crutches, we saw her walking along after being released from the hospital but her pain continues. >> i never new this was going to happen to me. and i never thought that it was going to happen to me. i didn't plan for it to happen to me. and if this happens to somebody else, i know that -- i can feel their pain, because i'm in pain right now. >> i'm trying to be strong for her, not letting heracy me cry, she knows it hurt me just as much as it hurt her. >> she certainly did cry a whole lot, that poor mom, so terrified when she got the call. police say the side mirror fell off during the suspect's car, during the crash, they do have that as evidence, but they're asking any witnesses to come forward. let's get to burlington county where police have released a sketch after man want in the connection with a road rage incident. the person in that sketch reportedly tailgated and taunt add woman from mt. laurel to lumberton and then into
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medford township where she lost control of her car, along arc road crashing into a tree, she was ejected from the vehicle. she admit there was an exchange of the words that got out of hands. >> upper darby police just arrest add man, again, for drunk driving, not his first or even second time. it is his eighth arrest for dui. there he is. police arrested 48 year old timothy fries late last week after they found him drunk and passed out at the wheel at the intersection of state road and fairfax avenue n addition to his eighth dui this is his third charge at driving with a suspended license. the upper darby police superintendent explains how it all went down. >> he's passed out behind the wheel of the car, the car in drive, the officer had to open the door and put the car in park. so he's lucky he didn't cause a catostrophic event or kill somebody. and i think that we have to continue. i think he needs to go to jail. i think he needs to be given
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rehab, but how many times can you go to the well? >> eight times a preliminary hearing scheduled for next tuesday, he remains in jail on $25,000 bail. >> take a look at this right here. two philadelphia police officers saving a man from a house fire. the newly-released video from march 29 of last year. this is at a home on the 1900 block of north 17th street. you see heavy smoke pouring in, the officers, officers donahue and harper, they went in, found that man right there in a wheelchair on the second floor, and they carried him outside. doctors treated both officers and the man for smoke inhalation. investigators, though, believe the man started the fire in his home. prosecutors charged him with arson. >> all right, good news, if you have got s ticket. there is cents now an amnesty. some every them will go away you enroll in a new program. this ticket amnesty program will ticket from before 2013. here is the catch. you just got to sign up for thertg
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tomorrow and all current ticket from 2013 to 2018, they have to be paid in full, or you can set up a payment plan. you got two year payment plan there. so a lot of people say it is time the ppa cut them a break. >> and then you can lose your car if you don't have enough money to get it, so they make money off. that will so that's good. >> it makes me sad that i paid all my tickets. because i could have made out on that deal. >> the new rule applies to old towing and storage fees, as well, so that can be thousands of dollars for people, good news. >> de is her after break there, 4:11, as officials continue to investigate the fire in old city philadelphia, people whole lot of them rallying around the employees of the restaurant damaged by the flames. the four alarm fire over president's day weekend also gutted the apartment building above that restaurant. luckily no one was hurt. fire officials are determined to find a cause before the entire build somethingral locale joining forces cents to help get employees of theit in fact, there is a fundraiser
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planned. it will be held at mad rick's restaurant march 4, 1:00 p.m., ticket start at $35,tw drinks, o mad rex virtual reality to helpi out those employees. >> so nice to see people coming together toel is 4:12. we always have these stories where they're just the dumbest criminal now. >> not too breitbart. still ahead on good day philadelphia, two shoplifting suspect run fro boy did they make the wrong turn. >> also, how the nba champs spent their day in washington dc. since that white house invitation got revoked. >> let's hit the road this morning, bob kelly? >> good morning, everybody, 4:12, live look at the roosevelt boulevard. no problems at all, at least on this one roadway. a lot of construction underway, as we go outside, take a live look at the flags getting whipped around on the ben franklin parkway. nice pretty shot downtown. somebody's watching the radar.
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sue has got a storm on the way. and we'll have it for you right after the
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>> talk about a wrong move here. two suspect run straight into police custody. this is in peoria, the police department there, just 13 miles northwest of phoenix. all right, so they release this surveillance video, you see the two suspect running. they had ay do we go? guess what? they ran straight to the
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pori to hide in the side lot area. but there were whole lot of officers obviously in the them . two are accused of shoplifting, drug trafficking, drccused of not being too breitbart. >> can i just say something? she is very aractive girl. she is going to go for one of those prison babes. >> did you a bad pretty good. >> our producer just said she looks a little built like one of the like courtney kardashian's.& >> she took a moment top. >> little lip gloss cents. >> modeling career, get a contract and everything? >> that guy real diillionaire now. >> all right, never know how it will happen. 4:16 is the time. this world, you just -- >> can't e >> smh. shaking my head. we have high pressure that still will be in control f toda. we got kind after mess coming our way, with complicated weather it get off shore it, will become a coastal storm. that will affect specially on f.
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so today will be your last day. but until the weekends, and should dry out for the weekends, at least thahts now. let's check some temperatures first walking out the door. not quite as cold as the 20's, n fact, none in the 20's, we've got 34 up in albright ville, coat ville at 38, 39 in newtown square and bala cynwood. checking delaware temperatures, lewes, delaware at 42, and hokessing also at 42. in south jersey, vineland, at 38 degrees, woodstown, also, at 38 and sea isle city 416789 that's where we are right now. so we've got the cloud cover that's going to be on the increase today, the messy system that's headed our way for tomorrow and friday. now, before we show you the future cast, remember, it is attributing i forecast. as we get into friday, we've got mild, or milder than average temperatures in place, so of course we'll get rain, and the rain heavy at times, late in the day tomorrow. we get little break in the action, and we see how far
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that storm is off shore. and how much it is going to affect us, but as temperatures drop, in the wake of that storm, as you can see, little& bit of chance of couple of snowflakes, at the very end of the storm, very late in the day on friday. so, we can just finish off with a couple of flurries by the time that storm is finished. but it looks like for most of us it is cents a rain event, unless you're in the mountains. 56 degrees was yesterday's high in philadelphia. it was cents a lovely day with all of the sunshine. we'll have less sunshine, but we'll still get to around 60 degrees today. fifty-five tomorrow. as the rain arrives, 45 on friday. as we get rain and wind, and possibly some coastal flooding. saturday and sunday we should dry out, sun returns in full force by sunday, still kind of lingering clouds on saturday, and we'll have seasonable temperatures in the 40's. so, enjoy today, bob kelly, get little messy tomorrow and friday. >> there you go. good morning, everybody, make sure you order up a good forecast for the saint patrick's day parade, next
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úphilly., the 11th here in 4:18. morning, everybody, live look at the schuylkill expressway, down to one lane, westbound, leaving south philly, heading into center city. everybody's behaving, no big deal here, at least at the moment. but, a lot of the construction crews are in the process of either picking up their cones or still out there, until about that 5:00 hour. ninety-five, no problems here at cottman avenue. there is cents a work crew working right near bridge, between bridge and cottman, hello to the shaders. checking in, maple shade, new jersey, route 73, and fellowship, kind of quiet over there. they're working out in pottstown along the westbound side of 422 near the stowe interchange. and keep in mind, 422 eastbound ramp, to route 23, remains closed, and that's caused havoc in and out of king of prussia here. folks have to go to the first avenue ramp to gain access into the mall and those new apartment complexes cents there in king of prussia. otherwise, masses transit looking good. karen, thomas, back over to you. >> love to hear that, bob, thank you. just about 4:20. three people are in the
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hospital this morning after opening what's being described as a suspicious piece of mail at a military base in virginia. vegas say the letter had some sort of powder inside, nearly dozen marines at joint base meyer henderson hall felt sick after opening the letter complaining of sore throats and burning hands. hazmat came in and this morning the envelope is being and lysed at f.b.i. headquarters. >> jarrod kushner who longer have access to classified information. president trump's son-in-law security clearance downgrade from the top secret to secret. white house chief of staff john kelly ordered anyone who had not received permanent security clearance by last friday would lose access to the nation's deepest secret. a lawyer for kushner says the move will not affect his work. >> reverend billy gram's casket is arriving in washington dc this morning, where it will lie in honor at the us capitol rotunda. now he is the first private citizen to receive this distinction of lying in honor at the rotunda since rosa
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park's in 2005. his family will attends a private ceremony with members of congress this morning, then the whole public is invited to the rotunda to pay their respects cents from 1:00 until 8:00 p.m. the funeral service is planned for friday, at gram's library in charlotte. >> time 4:21, golden state warriors are making headlines this morning, but certainly not for their performance on the court. the defending nba champs are headed to the nation's capitol for their game tonight against the wizards, but they will not be visiting the white house, instead, the team has decided to spends part of its dc trip with local children at the national museum of african-american history and culture. so it is tradition, who ever is crowned the nba champions, was it they visit the white house when they travel to face the washington wizards, the following season. president trump, though, withdrew an invitation to the team last september after steph curry said he did not want to visit the white house. >> interested in dog cloning? >> we love them so much. just never want them to be gone from your life. guess what? barbara streisand loved her
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pooch so far she cloned her barbara streisand loved her pooch so far she cloned her - [narrator] look around. if our world isn't stuck in the past, why is higher education? we say if there's a better path, you should take it. and when there isn't, well, you know where i'm going with that. don't do things by the book if the book can't keep up. take your page from one that hasn't been written. we took two renowned universities, including a premier medical school, and created a single university that defies convention. at jefferson, we're making modern look old and making old look new and making sure new is not enough. we're adding more weight to your degrees and more meaning to your careers, going where others wouldn't dare, making connections few think to make and setting tomorrow's standards by breaking today's. because we believe the lines that are drawn
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are meant to converge. that's where the future is born. and once you realize you're not limited to what's possible, guess what? you redefine all that will be.
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>> in is fox 29 sports in one minute. >> good morning, i'm kristen rodgers, sixers wing streak ended at seven on sunday, last night, it was time to start again on the road against miami. sixers heat, 6ers up one, 232nd left to play, dwyane wade, knocks down the step back jumper, he takes the one point lead. clock winding down now, jj
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reddick gets the ball wide open. it doesn't fall. sixers, fall in miami, 102-101. >> st. joe's taking on number 17 rhode island, hawks up in the first. james against the steel, takes it coast-to-coast for the lay up and the and one. st. joe's gets the win, 78-48. >> phillies tigers first inning, detroit up one-nothing, victor martinez, at the plate, hits it right, jp crawford overthrows first. another score comes in for the tigers, phillies fall 11 to six. >> eagles punter donnie jones, won a super bowl, now he's retiring after 14 years, until the nfl. jones is hanging up the cleat. waist cents a key part of the eagles special teams since 2013. >> that's sport in a minute. i'm kristen rodgers. >> two philly legends are being honored, on august 4th, roy halladay will be inducted into the wall of fame. million holiday died last year after his plane crashed in the gulf of mexico. also, pat gillick will be named the first executive
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inductee into the wall of fame. he spent 13 years with the phillies. >> absolutely well deserved. there are three guys, they thought they had this brilliant plan to get some easy money, you know, no easy money out there. will go into the pizza hut and rob it at gunpoint. >> turns out, they had no idea how bad of an idea that was, or, what was about to happen.
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- honey, look what we got! - [narrator] going big (yelling) isn't always best. unless it's a aaa plus membership. get 100 towing miles and free emergency gas delivery. aaa. go ahead.
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>> breaking news right naught out of burlington county live there on the scene, you can see a heavy police presence there at a home, there was a barricade situation that appears to have come to an end. we've got a live report. >> also ahead this morning, taking action, parent and students in cherry hill want their teacher back and they're willing to fight for him. also: >> takes over, wade, still with it, now it is simmons on wade. it is for two. >> there you go. duane, talking about him yesterday, it is so much bigger than basketball. that's what he was writing there. he hit the game winner, while paying tribute to one of those
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victims from that high school down in florida. >> special moment. it is 4:29. clicking over to 4:30 on this wednesday. halfway to the weekend. great to have you with us, thomas, karen, bob and sue, good morning, everyone. >> good morning. >> good morning, everybody. >> got a check of the roads in a minute? >> yes, today is the day we say bye bye to february. so, well, march will probably be a little lion-ish tomorrow, so enjoy the lambi shall of today. whatever that means. anyway, nine out of ten, we'll have few more clouds than we did yesterday. that's the only reason we're not ten. bus stop buddy has a coat on. it is a chilly start. temperatures in the 30's, four's, not as cold as yesterday. few more clouds around than we saw yesterday. which means, a mix every sunday and clouds to start the day. 39 degrees in philadelphia right now. windchills, 35. keekeep that in mind walking out the door. look at this, high of 60 degrees, for february, not bad at all. we will talk about the rain headed our way, and lot of it,
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coming up in just a few minutes. bob kelly? >> hey, sue, good morning, everybody, 4:30 on this wednesday morning. live look at 202, and malvern, chester county, crews were out there doing some sweeping on the overnightment looks like we've got left over construction truck right there near the route 29 interchange. hello northeast philly. south on 95, not bad at all out of northeast philadelphia, heading in toward center city. the schuylkill expressway, still got the cones down, on the westbound side, leaving south philly headed into center city until about 5:00 or so, there is the merge, right, there hole your breath, as the south street onramp comes in from your left there. over in south jersey looking good along route 73 as you work your way in to the talcony palmyra and 295. busses, trains, trolleys all looking good. >> 4:31, we want to get back it the breaking news we're following now out of burlington county. barricade situation, just getting word; over.
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but still a lot of unanswered questions for that, let's get to steve keeley in edgewater park with more, steve? >> reporter: yes, we reported at 4:00 that it was over, now we can report that authorities realized it was over possibly hearing a gunshot and that a fatal gunshot. so medics called in to pronounce the person dead, and you can see a bunch. investigators taking still pictures at the front door right now of the split level home. as we pull out, you can see despite it being dark and the moonlight behind it, you can make out the word park. that is the edgewater park water tower here in burlington county, right off route 130. this is a deadened street called roosevelt avenue. and what happened was at 1:29 a.m. somebody heard a gunshot, called 911, and they got here and somehow got a victim out of that house and two cooper, i say somehow, because they still believe the person who shot them was still in the house and possibly with
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another victim. that's how it became a barricade situation. we do not have a condition update on the person, that was taken to cooper yet. whether they survived or not, or whether they were able to tell police who shot them and maybe why they thought another person may still be in the house. so, this could be a domestic, it could be break-in, who knows, they obviously the investigators too busy to update the media out here. but, i can tell you that they had us back around the corner initially, and then as we arrived just after 3:00 a.m., we saw a lot of the police that were back where the road had been shutdown further in the neighborhood, coming to the scene here, and we've since seen both the medics and several swat members, and other police agencies that helped out the edgewater park police on this, leave. so, we'll let you know, and if we get any official update but right now one dead, one shot at cooper, condition unknown. >> a lot of this unfolding fast. we appreciate the details, steve, thank you. 4:43, three suspect get more than they bargain for try to
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rob a pizza hut in germantown. one every employees being hailed a hero. deem eat tree us actually off the clock, just stopped by to visit his sister while she was working when three men with guns barge right into the pizza hut. see them there. well, that's when he sprung into action. he knocked one of the robbers backward, while another robber appeared ready to shoot. carnegie then shoved an entire rack of pizza boxes cents into one of the suspect. you see right there, eventually, well, they had enough. they fled the scene empty-handed. carnegie, well, he tells us why he did what he did. >> to my head, you know what, go into security mode, take care of what i had to take care of. obviously didn't know if it was real or not but i had to take my chance, anything could happen. >> demi tree us we answered him would he do it again, he answered absolutely. >> update on story we told you about yesterday. packed house at a heated meeting in cherry hill last night. so many student, hundreds cents, came out with their parent to fight for a teacher to get some answers cents.
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let's get back out to cherry hill right now, and lauren johnson with what happened. lauren? >> reporter: hey, karen, so maybe timothy lock was really onto something when he addressed that ap history class about school safety and security concerns. because now it seems like some change is on the way. as for that meeting you spoke of, let's tell you about what happened last night at the school board meeting. it was packed with concerned students and their parent, as far as this is concerned. they were present to take up two issues. school security, and why that beloved history teacher losses his job for speaking out about it. yesterday evening, the cherry hill mayor, and the township council, called on the board of education to take immediate action to improve security at township schools. one of the board members, quoted as saying, no issue is greater than the safety of our children. and the police chief is suggesting his armed officers be included in whatever plan is implemented, younger student in the district are even speaking out. >> i would really want to see an officer at almost every entry in the building.
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i feel like as a sixth grader, a lot of kids don't understand. some of my classmate do. but it is a conversation that really the teacher should be free to open up to talk to us about. >> so all of this followed a walk-out on tuesday at cherry hill east high school frustrated by the lack of communication from school administrators. student protested their silence, and unanswered questions, and we have learned this morning, karen, the principal here at the school has noris ended his comment where he said that the student would be punished, not able to attend graduation, prom or even a trip down to disney if they protested, he's now applauding them for behaving maturely in light of all of this. >> yes, they've been very peaceful, they've been very mature, thank you, lauren, we appreciate that. 4:36. investigation into massive bus fire continues now. officials say they may never know and be able to figure out the cause of what happened when 16 park land school district busses were destroyed in the fire on friday. another 14 were damaged.
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investigators have not been able to pinpoint the fire's origin due to the extent of the damage. the superintendent says there is no reason to believe the fire was suspicious, but the total losses is expected to be in the millions. >> and black clergy leadership from north philadelphia holding a no new stadium town hall meeting tomorrow, protesting temple's stadium plans. so basically against gender. signs there, protesters from the naacp came together with message for the community down with the stadium, don't want to get moved out of the idea, neighbors worried about parking and higher tax. >> over in lehigh county new parade in the works to celebrate saint patrick's day in bethlehem. first saint patrick's day parade will start 1:00 a.m. at the arts questions steel stacks campus, enjoy sips and smacks, also a ton of crafting activities for the little ones. all right, if we find the time, we love to do it, we love to bing watch, but our bing watching can possibly end
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badly. >> why? oh, a new study, that says you may have to think twice before you watch your favorite shows for hours after hours after hours.
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♪ living well when life gets busy, choose the immune supplement with more. airborne® with 2 times more vitamin c than emergen-c gummies. and specially crafted with vitamins, minerals and herbs. airborne® also with probiotics.
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>> you keep hitting next, next, next. >> or keep rolling 302nd, oh,
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i can't wait. >> we love to do it, but new survey out this morning it, shows that it may not be good for your health. bing watching. here is the reason y patient dot info surveyed 2,000 people found more than half admitted they experienced meant at health issues after complete ago series. >> oh,. >> the survey also found that bing watching, made people ages 18 to 245 times more likely to feel lonely, three times more likely to feel depressed made it more difficult for them to fall asleep. >> lordy. if you're feeling extra lazy today, it is all right. because it is national public sleeping day. i love this one. so feel free to catch a nap in front of other people. some employers have gun to recognize the value after nap. thank you. i don't know who you are but apparently some do. we all know it improves your productivity, decreases our health risks and i am proves moral. >> i had a meeting with the boss today, should i fall asleep in front of him. >> sure, try it. >> going for a permanent nap. >> you know the billboards
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trying to would labron james. guess what he didn't actually see the billboards courting him to philly but certainly heard all about them. >> so what did he have to say? well, we will show it, we'll play it, oh, and you can win a contest, win trip to italy. >> so excited about this one, all week long, giving the ultimate prize here, a trip to ireland. so all do you have do is watch all week. good day philadelphia up until 10:00 a.m. and wait for the word of the day. once you see that word, you can enter right on our website by 10:00 a.m. remember, there is a new word each and every day. coming right
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your crops might your ovebe in 1st grade.a pants. but when your oven roasted turkey breast is crafted with nothing but heart and hard work... you're closer to the farm than you think.
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>> welcome back on this wednesday. >> good morning, 4:45, the slow-down, as they pick up the cones, on the schuylkill expressway, this is a live look, westbound, they're wrapping up the construction, so, leaving south philly, coming to a halt here, coming into center city. but that's okay, in another three, four minute or so, once all of the cones are lifted, bamm, traffic will start to roll again. here is a live look at the ben franklin bridge. they're still working in this right lane here as you head into new jersey, so, no problems at loose for the moment. south on 95, looking good out of northeast philadelphia. up here in bucks county, falls township, accident along pennsylvania avenue. right near tyburn road, that one just got called out on the scanners. for the gang up in allentown, no problems on the northeast extension, looking good, if
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you're headed up to or back from the poconos this morning. and an accident, with construction out here along 422, right near the stowe interchange, mass transit looking good. your forecast for your hump day, sue has got it in 15 seconds. >> oh, we've got a police coming our way. but not until tomorrow. soap, enjoy today. when high pressure is in control. and it stays dry throughout the day. i think it will be cloudier than it was yesterday. but, still, pretty pleasant. quakertown starting at 38 degrees. and ambler is also 38. checking dover, delaware, it is 42 degrees. starting the morning in woodstown, with 38 bordentown with 39, and brigantine with 42 degrees. so, it is still coal enough to need a coat. we're keeping an eye on this messy weather system here, and
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the energy that will be transferred to the ocean. and that gives us a coastal storm. g our way thursdy into friday. so the rain arrives any time i would say after lunchtime tomorrow. and it is heavy at times, throughout the rest of the afternoon, and evening, we get little break in the action, as we said the energy kind of transfers, colder air, mixing in, friday is a chillier day than thursday. we get some rain. we could finish off with a kim of snowflakes, especially north and west of the city. not totally sold on that happening around here. but it does look like it will be messy couple of days, very windy on friday, as well. atlantic city yesterday, was 57 degrees. we were at 56 here in philadelphia, 58 was the high in reading, breitbart sunshine, it was beautiful, today few more clouds in the mix and 06 degrees for the high temperature, 55 tomorrow, and then chilly 45 degrees on friday, with the rain and the winds, mostly cloudy skies on saturday, clouds kind of
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linger as we start the weekend but it should dry out, and 46 degrees on sunday. pretty seasonable for the first weekend in march, and it should stay dry at least through monday of next week. thomas and karen? >> all right, thank you so much there, sue. 4:48 is the time. so when you're walking along some of the tree lined street, they look gorgeous no matter where you are, but they can also create some problems, and you may know that, as is a homeowner, on walnut lane in mt. airy they say some of the growing root of the trees in front everyone house has broke answer sewer line, and it is cents a heck after mess out there. the city says, there is cents no proof it was he can actually the tree roots that were responsible for the damage. but, obviously, like the truth for most homeowners out there, they're on the hook for the repairs. >> it started off as 8,800-dollar project. now it is going to turn worse. because my wall has to come down. they have to go deeper ton our property in order to get to the actual pipes. >> if i was cents alum beer
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jack myself i would take it down. >> you know how it is, always responsible from that line that goes from your house out to the sewer. soap, they are he ' responsible under forly for that. >> yesterday we talk about park land shooting victim burried in jersey. at last night's miami heat game, wade paid tribute to him on the court. the guard wore some sneakers, we will show them to you, if you look closely on the heal you can see the name oliver on them. and before the game, he wrote: joaquin oliver's name on his shoes. he told his fans on twitter earlier in the day, how much he was impacted by the news. jersey dedicating the rest of the season to that young man. and boy, it is really gone to his heart and his hands. >> takes over, wade still with him. now it is simmons on wade. it is for two. >> so wade scored 27 points, hit a game winter lead the
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heat to win 102-101. even though they beat us last night we all certainly felt that moment in our heart. it is 4:50. so yesterday, we also told you about a local man's mission to get labron james to philadelphia, used series every billboards. >> it might be working little bit. so we've all seen them over here in philadelphia, kind of fun, encouraging labron to come to our city but the king claims he hasn't actually seen them yet but certainly does know about them. he has heard about them, and he said you know what it is flattering. >> i'm sitting here at 33, my 15th year, in teams, or guys, say teams, because, you know, people in their respective city want me to play for them. that's cool i think. that's dope. >> so as we told you yesterday, the billboards are not far from the cavaliers arena over there. so only matter of time before he will see them himself. we had the guy that put them up thereon good day yesterday. so eagles quarterback jaylen mills tweet in the, tweeted at
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labron philly philly speaking of mills, having fun in our 8:00 hour. >> barbara streisand seeing double? >> yes. >> apparently. >> she cloned her dog. not once but twice. but peanut doesn't really like this trend at all. >> before we go to break, we do want to remember our black history moment. remembering the legacy of michael jackson. the impact he's had on the music world, in fact, in 1987 he dropped the albumn bad, sold an estimated 35 million copies world-wide. coming right back.
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>> clearly very much in the saint patty day spirit down there in rehoboth beach. >> looks a little green. 4:54. inch ever so closely to the weekends. right before the bake we told but barbara streisand, apparently is seeing double. >> kind of on this one. so, she cloned her dog watch do you think about that? we love our pets so much, can't bear to be without them. she admitted two of her dogs are cloned from her 14 year old dog, samantha, who died last year, that's a picture of her, with i think samantha. let's take a picture of the whole gang together. so, they are the cloned dogs and cousin, meet miss scarlet, miss violet. she dressed the cloned dog, see the collar, the red and the purple, so she could tell them apart.
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>> oh, for the love of our pet. clicking over, let's get a check on the top stories this morning we're following starting with steve keeley. steve? >> well, three hours after one person was shot and taken to cooper, and a second person since, discovered dead in this house, just one door away from the edgewater park burlington county water tower. lauren, you have a less angry story over in er god. >> yes, but emotions cents still flying high, steve keeley. monday. a walk-out tuesday, and last night a very heated meeting, student from cherryool, have a o say. we will tell you what they said and the change is coming we will tell you what they said and the change is coming after the i had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. (coughs) ah! i missed you! then i discovered mucinex. one pill lasts 12 hours, and i'm good. why take 4-hour medicine? one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this.
4:56 am
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4:57 am
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>> happening right now on good day philadelphia, we are following breaking news out of burlington county this morning, looking at images captured just an employment ago, the situation, barricade situation, it has come to an end around the 4:00 hour, but we are getting word at this very moment, one person confirmed dead, steve keeley on the scene to give us the very latest. >> all right, good morning, everybody, it is 4:58. thank you for waking up early and joining us on this day, it is cents a wednesday and it will be a pretty nice day, glad you're here with us this morning. good morning. >> national sleep in public day. taking a nap.
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>> oh,. >> i do that out at the soccer fields, if you ever see me there, pretends like you're paying attention, but the hat is down, i saw every play, and you're napping. >> you're at the soccer field with karen, can you snap a pick and send that to us? i would love to see it. >> as dad would say, just resting my eyelids. >> that's right. >> sure. yes. >> just dozing off. is dozing different than sleeping? >> all the same. feels good, doesn't it? >> don't sleep through this one. it will be a nice day today. temperature that will be around 06 degrees, few more clouds than yesterday, off to chilly start again, need coat like bus stop buddy. temperatures in the three's, 40's, not quite as cold as it was, few clouds around that's why it is not quite as cold here in the city, it is 39 greets to start little windchill, feels like 34, sunrise time 6:36. look at today, 60 degrees breitbart sunshine to start,
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increasing clouds throughout the rest of the day, it will be cloudy overnight, low of 44 . and then comes the rain. starting tomorrow. we will time it all out for you coming right up, bob kelly. >> let's enjoy one more dry one before we get soak on. 5:00, sue, good morning, everybody, here is a live look at the roosevelt billion right near fox street. most of the construction for the overnight crews pretty much gone, picking up the cones. so we're getting ready for the morning rush hour. live look at the freeway, no problems or delays at all, again, you have ' got the traffic pattern shuffle there along the 295-42 interchange over there in bellmawr, good morning to the benny, still working in the right lane. not really a tracking so much of a delay, but, the blinking signs are all over nine, a the schuylkill, and the vine expressway, saying watch out construction on the ben franklin bryn, there you are, only right lane taken out here headed into new jersey, good
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